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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Evidnece for the super natural

    yeah, but for me its an invalid baseline to start from . As I see it as a minor ' uprising ' (if one can remove ones viewpoint from ones own times and social situation ) .
  2. Evidnece for the super natural

    Really ? Please soften up my mindset by supplying me with rituals that will allow me myself to be able to change the weather . You mean , supply them with a ritual that doesnt work Yeah, arguing is pointless . So I await your ritual which will allow ME to change the weather . But I guess the ritual I am going to get depends on whether YOU think I am overtly materialistic or overtly 'fantastic believer ' .
  3. Evidnece for the super natural

    Thats the baseline ? Not for a cultural anthropologist it isnt . Thats just the current western materialist view of 'reality' . It is trying to become a dominant world paradigm though . But that CANT change the immensity of all human experience that has gone on before this view developed . Even if it is the 'brains ability to abstract ' , what is it abstracting ?
  4. Dao Bums gender divide

    Much to my shame I will admit the reverse ; I fancied one of the nurses at work that wanted to take me to her evangelical curch ... what a strange experience ! And even more to my shame ...... I went with her to a Leo Sayer concert .
  5. 'crossed the line' New Address
  6. Dao Bums gender divide

    Clearly I said I risked generalisation . I agree with the above comments on martial arts . It was SOOOO much easier to teach women aikido than men .
  7. Dao Bums gender divide

    Although you would no doubt be aware of the dynamic , there is a great section in 'Masks of the Illuminati ' ( By Robert Anton Wilson ); Midwife Vs Doctor - in a post Victorian setting . The nervous would be father lets both attend but in the end opts for the midwife . I remember the scene where birth is imminent Midwife : " I can see a bit of the head . " Man " OH My GOD ! A BIT of the head ... what has happened ? ! " Midwife ; " Some one get that man out of here ! "
  8. Dao Bums gender divide

    Yes. A learned female friend of mine left here after being wrongfully accused and attacked . Back then there where more female contributors . Maybe they noticed what happened to her ?
  9. Dao Bums gender divide

    At the risk of generalisations ; male, structure , organised religion, teachers , texts , established practice female, free for , nature and paganism , 'created' modern adaption ( 'le ' - although started and developed by 2 males sourcing another male { Gerald Gardiner > Alex Sanders , based on Crowley } ) , self 'intuition' , experience and spontaneous ceremony . In my early 'career' an aim was to join both . I felt there was too much derision and conflict between ' Magic' and 'paganism' - male female . So I got into both and encouraged interaction . Got attacked by both sides then , of course But had some success , and that success was pretty amazing , when the right people got together .
  10. Masks like motorcycle helmets?

    I would often ride helmet less down our country road to the main road, to the shop. One day, GF wanted to come, I insisted if she going on the back we wear helmets . She didnt want to and tried a stand off . I can be rather stubborn at times . Blew a ring, pressurised crankcase, forced oil out breather ( which is located under guard on top of tyre ! ), slid out on a corner and we both went down . Later I showed her the huge scrape and gouge on her full face , right where her temple was . We are all effected by accidents / medical , one way or another . We even have the helmet law on bicycles as well. Dont see why that should not apply to masks in a pandemic . Masks and lock downs . (And that's from an Aussie , we notoriously dont like being told what to do ..... but we are not notoriously known for being stupid ) .
  11. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Hi Lois . I clicked on that link .... Whoa ! I am not even gonna ask where this 'magic genie ' goes !
  12. "No. 1 Lowest Common Denominator" I wanna see your number 1 lowest common denominator You're so hot! What choo got? On the outside I'm a good boy Let me inside 'cause I'm full of joy I don't want to shock you but I'm an electric eel How's that make your denominator feel? Think I'll surprise her I can always depend on my great equalizer I wanna grind, lose your mind I kissed you once, but will I kiss you again? Be certain with sex and you'll always have friends Your glands wanna freak, your hands wanna speak And your mind slips away at the peak Recitation (A Poem of Love) Time stops - the light goes on A thundering head and no body Washed up and woke up on the beach, Seaside breakfast A tender egg on white sand Legs long and tan without a break, even to the neck Suddenly, simultaneously, an eclipse and a snowfall Flakes melt instantly on the shoulders like wet silver Burning little holes all the way to the marrow Puckered flesh like avocado sags into a green pool All the birds leave turquoise ruts Across the Velveeta sky It's time to scream I wanna be your number 1 lowest common denominator
  13. News, breaking news

    Except adverts during the news is illegal here . So they pretend its 'news ' These guys keep busting them .
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Episode 2 'The Diving Tower' was a good laugh . Stories From Norway: The Musical! S1 Ep 2 - The Diving Tower In 2008, the small town Hamar decided to build a diving tower, with a 1.5 million kroner budget. Once completed, seven years later, the price had escalated to a staggering 30 million. We follow the deputy mayor of Hamar, who had the idea, through the surreal story of how a simple idea can spiral totally out of control. And how can public officials build a diving board that exceeds the original budget with 2000% without losing their jobs? This is the investigative musical about the world's most expensive diving tower. " Investigative musical "
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Well, he did run away from his handlers (until one carried him back to his jet ) , no one was there to hold the bottle for him . Wait ! Maybe that's how the 'water' got on stage ? @ O : 40 "There is water on the stage ... thats it , I'm not doing the show . "
  16. News, breaking news

    I have noticed a trend here lately , in the middle of the news on tv, on some stations, NOT during an 'ad break' but presented along with the other news stories things like ; 'Coles have announced that due to unseasonal rain and warm temperatures ( footage of farmland , smiling farmers etc ) they have managed to secure large amounts of cheap good quality vegetables enabling them to pass on savings to customers . (Then back to the 'news' reader, who sits there with a dead straight serious face) ; " For example, mangoes $1.20 , Broccoli $4.99 a kilo , etc " REALLY ?
  17. Oh Narrator, Where art thou?

    For that you need a 'map of the psyche ' . Or for a more risky approach just choose an eidolon ;
  18. Oh Narrator, Where art thou?

    Its a HUGE subject ! But essential I would say . Going on further from this basic and old ( not that being old is bad thing but we live in different times now ) concept of Hierarchy of Beings ; Swedenborg - set in a Christian context, but a cool guy ... and a creative genius and inventor ( so he produced things from his genius * ) , his most valuable teaching IMO , in condensed form ; ' Man is at the cross roads . ' ** But to take a short cut through all his works , we can get a summary and at the same time a brief introduction to Dr Wilson van Dusen 's work and discoveries ; I think that people get too hung up on 'tags' .... 'cultural clothing ' etc . I dont care if one tries to understand these processes by using magick or psychology , nor if we see it as 'beings', entities angels demons , or 'hallucinations ' / 'split personalities' , what is important is that it is an undeniable human process and dynamic (as evidences by its presence in one form or another across time, locations and cultures - in short it is part of human reality ..... collectively , but perhaps not part of modern western material / scientific 'reality ' - so hats off to Dr Van Dusen in taking his 'professional leap' . ) Its about process and technique and MOST importantly , what works . * also see ' Genius ' ; also ** Man is at the cross roads ; I am reminded of the classic voodoo rite where the cross roads are first set up ; one line 'male,'the other ' female ' - the God and Goddess of Voodoo , sort of . Then all the other lines come out from that point making sections of the circle devoted to certain loa via a veve drawing . In the centre is a circular altar with a section for each corresponding veve and loa where their specific fav offerings are set - on top of this cross road . The people then partake of whatever offering appropriate to the loa they want to communicate with ...... and dance and drum a lot In all various operations like this , 'Man' has a special role in them , and there is a basic 'contractual understanding' between 'hierarchies' . Modern man has forgotten a lot of this , or been forced away from it . There are all sorts of themes about crossroads in mythology, but apparently that is where we 'stand '
  19. Story of Atlantis Part 2 - Conquest of America

    ... and it is in cave art ? There is an idea ! Pre-neolithic surrealism ? Some say it emulates psychedelic experience . Cave of forgotten dreams is a MUST for those interested in such explorations ; " It is as if the modern human soul had awakened " .
  20. No 1 at being naughty , like you (which I NEVER chastise you for ) but not No 1 at cutting and pasting to make up a fake response . ... find your inner dog ? Well Limi that seems to be the heart of my 'problem' , I found my inner dog , and gave him free reign . Dog barks and growls when he detects ........ ( also might explain the 'play' I have with all the cat people here )
  21. Exactly . I think the 'crowd' missed the Lama's point Background; The gathering / talk was held in our riverside meditation sanctuary . At the beginning lama commented on; " This is a beautiful spot, what use is this building for ? " Some woman visitor, not from our place and not from the Buddhist group pipes up "Its a mediation sanctuary ! " Lama ; "Oh ? You do mediation ? " Woman ; " Oh yes ! " Lama ; "Good , we meditate then ." And all ( well nearly all ) 'asumed the position' and sat there with eyes closed . Not me, I was watching , so was Lama an he noticed me and mimed to me to close my eyes , so I did ... then opened them again , thats when I saw him taking in a huge breath for his .... " PEH ! " Not sure they got his point though . he then asked , "What else building used for ?" She pre-empted others answers again " Healing ." Lama; " Oh, you do healing ?" "Yes I do ?" "Where do get healing power from ? " " From God ." Lama ; " Whoa ... stop there ! ....... < sincere > there is no 'God' ? " Shock horror through the crowd ... who is this imposter ! Lama ; " yes, difficult isnt it ? " But now the woman, getting defensive ( with a lama ) ; "Well, then, before YOU said you where a healer . if you dont believe in God , where do YOU get your healing powers from ?" Lama " Why .... from my mother of course ! " (That shut her up ) I really liked that guy . I have had similarinteractions with them , but all from Kargu karma tradition ; BBQ in backyard of temple ( that had stray dog with 3 legs, one cat and some homeless people camped out there in the back yard - Buddhism in action ! ) ... we ran out of milk for coffee one elected to go to shop and asked me if I wanted to come for the drive . he was in full robes, driving a hotted up car like a maniac ... I held on for dear life ... f wheelies , ishtails, hanging it out on corners . All interspaced with chanting visualisations of Chod rite ... in Tibetan ... just follow the easy pronunciation guide folks (just as well they had no idea of the translation .
  22. Oh Narrator, Where art thou?

    Yes, this is a valid first response - identify , classify ( good or bad order ) ... all basic rules (or should be or you in the wrong boat ) of magic, especially evocative magic , and basic rules of magical psychology (see Dr Wilson Van Dusen and Israel Regardie ) The solution, too long to write about here ... but it lies in a few writings I have posted around DBs. Also see 'Hierarchy of Spirits ' . What a shame such basic human experience is so misunderstood and so many that are even slightly aware of it, wander in confusion and despair