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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Hi Welkie . Did you consider it might be a reflection of the city in the water ? But perhaps not . Maybe this tree has another tree growing next to it underwater upside down . And on this strange world, they have two Suns ! And one is under water ! Regarding the other secret symbols the painter put in 100s of years ago , this might help with the interpretation : Thanks for the Atlantitis .
  2. Happy Thanksgiving

    I just realized now yesterday was Thanksgiving . I wanted to make a nice Vietnamese cold beef salad for lunch the day before , but no chili . Thought to have it the next day . So marinated a porterhouse steak overnight , in a complex and delicious marinade I concocted . Every few hours I would go to the fridge and turn it over in the marinade . I went and got chilli the next morning. I collected fragrant wood made a fire and let it burn to coals. I put the steak on a grill above it and went inside to make the salad and the dressing . I went back outside to get the steak .... and a turkey was eating it . The unique Aussie island that celebrates Thanksgiving ;
  3. Go do some work in the veggie garden . Tile the bath house. Go and get wood to make decking out from the back door , prepare lunch, do some laundry , chop wood , carry water . Thats the answer to your title . ' "what is the purpose of developing a rainbow body?" - it seems to be about fun and enjoyment
  4. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    So maybe not then . I am standing on solid rock Then your heart is gladdened . Its sad to think so many are like that . But you might be right . I have and have had a great life and found a deep satisfaction, joy and gratitude (sometimes at just being alive ) - even amidst the physical pain .. I live in a great place, pristine nature, forest and beaches ... covid free ! and all sorts of goodies - yet the local chemist distributes anti-depressants at one of the highest rates in the state ( per population) . . Not if my acts stopped the effects I wanted to see how long it would take you to cast it in a positive light . Guess again . No need to assume that . All you have to do is read my past posts to see where I am coming from . Thats funny . I find that a rather weak definition of the art . It seems geared towards making the point you are affirming . I am not suffering ( I dont count the physical pain ) . I realize people find this hard to believe .
  5. It is known

    ... and then he reports you . And you get a moderator warning . so you decide the best course of action is to
  6. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    My thoughts turned to ; 1) . Why did monks 'develop' Martial Arts ? 2) I was reminded of this incident at the Murwullumbah Hare Krishna Commune n NSW . Its a happy place, kids seemed content , nice surrounds, they grow food and raise some dairy cows . But some local yobs 'red necks' didnt like like the 'varient culture' in their area ( to put it nicely ! ) and decided to form a mob and go to their property and 'bash the hippies ' . They pulled up near the gate and started threatening them with violence . They where met by a howling mob of devotees , wielding staffs, farm tools and nunchucks . The red necks bolted . They have not had much bother like that since . I guess the red necks never read about Ajurna and Krishna .
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    "I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union '
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    or one of these
  9. 'Outside the scope of science ' ? But not outside the scope of ' Neo-hermetics ' .
  10. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    yes ... okay . See ! Even THAT urks me ! Head down .... keep working .... dont complain ! I dont think I will ever go bald ! I keep getting a no. 3 and it just grows with a vengance . My hair even broke someone's clippers ! Wait ! ....... maybe that has to do with my non acceptance of acceptance ! RAAAAAGH !
  11. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    yeah, I should have said, IME(xperience) not IMO He was man that refused to accept domination, even though it might be forced upon him . What I am talking about is a whole lot of people I have seen have a lame attitude of acceptance ... see below . Agreed . What I was describing is someone who accepts the problem . Its a like using acceptance as a cover up . Yes it is . And that attitude has its origin in some ideas about 'kama' - they probably did wrong in a past life ... perhaps we should not interfere in their fate ? To me this concept has generated from being disempowered . Basically I can agree ... sit here in my comfortable position , read and nod philosophically . But 'out in the field' its different . If someone is having a REALLY hard time, they might not need or want any philosophy about acceptance or kama , they might need something a bit more practical . Other people might need just that . I am more geared towards helping the first type . Perhaps its because I have seen some people sprout philosophical about OTHERS suffering, and more annoying , sprout philosophically TO THEM while they are suffering , yet I have seen those same people fall apart when they have their own suffering and their crutch had become useless .
  12. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    Okay, where are you ? Well, since I dont spend my days and nights suffering and being upset all the time I suppose all of this is addressed to 'most people' . I meant the effect of things . I dont care to much about events but effects last , can go on, be changed or stopped . Because the RESULTS are effects and they continue from what has already happened . Maybe YIU are stuck in the past a bit , with all this focus on events in the past . I am more interested in the now and the future where effects from past events play out, may still be playing out and may continue to do so in the future . Yeah, sure , and if I am good when I die I will go to heaven . . . my reward eventually awaits me , in some distant alternate reality . You have led a nice sheltered life haven't you . Or not , and you had to come up with some way of being able to handle the bad bits . Here is a story for you . It goes back to the 80s . I used to work in refugee relocation in Australia . Back then a lot where Bahai's from Iran , persecuted after the Islamic revolution there . I got to know a few of them fairly well . Some of them showed me the permanent scars and disfigurations from their torture . But they where religious , some had developed attitudes like yours . Thats valid, considering what they had been through . That was fine for them . I went to one of there info nights on Baha'i There where some visitors including an elderly Euro couple . They asked why if there was a God so much evil existed in the world . They went around giving the usual opinions , again, valid considering what they had been through . Some of it I didnt agree with one bit though . neither did this couple . They seemed to be getting more and more upset but holding it in . I felt to put a stop to it and said ; " Look, its fine to philosophize about our own suffering but really , do we know what others have had to deal with ? " The man thanked me for that so I continued " I have a feeling you have been through great suffering , may I ask if I am correct ?" He looked at his wife and she hesitated but then she nodded and they rolled their sleeves up and showed us old serial numbers tattooed on the inside of their wrists . Well, that shut up the philosophy . I asked if they wanted to talk about it and she shook her head no . So then I asked "Would you like a cup of tea ?" and she said " Yes, that would be lovely ." So we had tea and cake , and I found out some interests they had and we talked about that instead . It might change the EFFECTS of the murder that linger on . Who are the apologising to , the victims mother , a judge ? Is it sincere , did the mother want an apology ? I have seen some people REALLY appreciate a murderers apology , and it can change the loved ones death , for them . Of course it wo'lt change the death and no we cant time travel back and change it . I mean DURRRR ! We should not even be discussing that aspect of things . I'll deal with this part ^ tomorrow . Goody and bad are conceptual frameworks that hold cultures together . They are only 'illusory' when taken out of context . What, the insight that "Things just are . " Indeed. I agree , but then again I am a magician . So I am agreeing because you used the 'Your ability' option instead of the ' One's ability ..." Thanks, I will quote that to people that are suffering . I am sure it will help . Oh, thats okay ..... its been nice chatting with you .
  13. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    I am NOT going to spill this cup of coffee < tips it on shirt > ..... I better be careful crossing this busy road < Nah ! > Ahhhhhhh .... Supernal enlightenment !
  14. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    IMO many people with this acceptance of everything attitude has to do with people becoming 'dis empowered' .
  15. Acceptance... of what exactly?

    Bullshit ! That isnt ' reality ' - things are going on right now that we can help change . And should that cancel out the tings that we do not accept that are happening NOW ! That are in process now ? If you question was phrased without that rather silly 'travel in time ' clause , I could supply you with a list of personal achievements and accomplishments ..... and also a list of the people who where helped , assisted , comforted. changed . Even things that have results of what happened in the past can be changed now . I should not even HAVE to give examples for that , you should be able to detect and observe them . Now you seem at odds about what you said above . Which wasnt about liking or accepting things but saying there was inability to effect change ; " ... cannot be changed. Accepting this is accepting reality as it is. "
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Even worse ; .
  17. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Possibly . Assuming there will be enough people left to run the system, including IT in the way to which we have been accustomed .
  18. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Pfft ! No other real basis beyond control ..... of a pandemic virus that is . Its worked fine here . Look at our numbers ! And we are re opening already . ( and that will mean a 3rd wave after Xmas , but we will just have to lock down again for a while ) When it pops its head up we over react ... but its effective . WA had a bigger lock down than all the states and their economy went well . And I have saved up more than 5G in Corona virus supplements and savings from lock downs . One friend likewise, she is unemployed and just put in a new garden, heaps of bought plants , a fish pond , new kitchen appliances her flatmate is juggling three jobs now and he couldnt get one before the first lockdown . Things adapt and change , but you have to jump out the old to do that . But that isnt going to work in USA , USA is playing out a much bigger inevitable western world karma trip at the moment . But I already ranted about that before . But go ahead with whatever ; faith healing , conspiracy, doesnt even exist , whatever ..... that's part of the 'virus' too .
  19. Blue aura people

    He already said it wasnt proof ! It seems you cant acknowledge what people recorded in paintings as seeing , a LOOOONG time ago . Insane ? Maybe ? But you are probably just more opinionated than educated . I shall demonstrate that right now for you . You posted a 'debunking' link to auracam . Auracam is NOTHING like Kirlian photography ! Even that link says it doesnt know what Kirlian is photographing . It meantions kirlian as a precursor to the IDEA OF auracam Auracam Kirlian photography Now it seems SOMEONE here " cannot use google and you cannot read." and might be insane , but I dont think it is old3bob . I could explain how the high voltage during Kirlian creates those lights .... which are not an 'aura' . But I cant explain why they are appearing in that specific pattern ..... as if they are following some type of radiation that already existed .
  20. Blue aura people

    halos been around a LOOOOONG time . Indigo children ARE a New Age development though ..... it means 'spoilt brat that I never bought up right '
  21. Help me interpert yijing divination results

    It certainly has for me ! And glad I took the advice !
  22. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Nah . Its one of those nasty cats thats goes around doing break ins on unfortunate flood victims . He got the window screen off, but surprise , someone was home . Unfortunately, now, he has ruined any future prospects .... ( ... and wearing the disguise of 'white Caucasian male ' didn't fool anyone ) .