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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Construction of Judaism

    I dont get them ... apparently due to my thick luxurious hair , You might be confusing that ailment with 'setting the record straight ' ?
  2. The Construction of Judaism

    Aboriginal creation story says similar .
  3. The Construction of Judaism

    Okay Daniel is gonna LUV this one . Hebrew script is based on fire ; a lick of flame ; All the letters are basically rearrangements or different forms of that . Shin is the most obvious and also represents fire I dont worsjip Jahovah or jahovah type Gods , so I am more interested in the suggested formua , as you put it ... the little family unit. There is a lot to learn from that pattern and it goes across the board ; it could be based on the Kabbalisitic concpet of four worlds . Liking tarot, I see it in the four suits that relate to the four elements . In the correspondence charts , mnost things are shown in their four levels . The Golden dawn uses the 'tarot scale ' King Queen Prince Princess ' I prefer the updated more modern one of 'Knight ( the first active wild and volatile part of the energy , it 'goes forth ; to do the rulers will ) , The Queen ( the stable ruling part of the energy ) The Prince - a more subtle form of the energy and the princess - an early formation of the energy that can be influenced by other energies , stabilized . Even a totally unaware of this person (like color theorist Don Pavy ) notices this in nature , he puts colors in these 'scales ' the first is ones that demand attention and scream at us ( the knights ) , like bright, shocking, forceful or modern fluro colors ) . next he talks about the 'commanding colors ' , the 'pure and primal ' colors ) - the Queens . Then mixed and all sorts of colors , the vast range of mixed colors - they 'speak to us' . Last are soft pastels , the princess , who 'whisper' to us . I am sure we can think of 'Gods' in each of those categories
  4. The Construction of Judaism

    My prior assumptions where much like you current ones Daniel . I was bought up to believe in the Old Testament and shared many beliefs with Judaism . I agree though , you should have written something else , and aslo something else aside from your adove attempted didaction
  5. The Construction of Judaism

    I knew we would get to him sooner or later and I was wondering how Daniel would try and eliminate him from the picture I ureg folks to form their own opinion based on other sourcers than Daniel's info ; " a Sephardic rabbi and philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages. .... During his lifetime, most Jews greeted Maimonides' writings on Jewish law and ethics with acclaim and gratitude, even as far away as Iraq and Yemen. Yet, while Maimonides rose to become the revered head of the Jewish community in Egypt ... He was posthumously acknowledged as one of the foremost rabbinic decisors and philosophers in Jewish history, and his copious work comprises a cornerstone of Jewish scholarship. His fourteen-volume Mishneh Torah still carries significant canonical authority as a codification of halakha ... Aside from being revered by Jewish historians, ... Then the article lists his immense tratises and works on all sorts of subjects and then Philosophy Through The Guide for the Perplexed and the philosophical introductions to sections of his commentaries on the Mishna, Maimonides exerted an important influence on the Scholastic philosophers, especially on Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus. He was a Jewish Scholastic. Educated more by reading the works of Arab Muslim philosophers than by personal contact with Arabian teachers, he acquired an intimate acquaintance not only with Arab Muslim philosophy, but with the doctrines of Aristotle. Maimonides strove to reconcile Aristotelianism and science with the teachings of the Torah.[47] In his Guide for the Perplexed, he often explains the function and purpose of the statutory provisions contained in the Torah against the backdrop of the historical conditions. The book was highly controversial in its day, and was banned by French rabbis, who burnt copies of the work in Montpellier.[65] In his commentary on the Mishnah (Tractate Sanhedrin, chapter 10), Maimonides formulates his "13 principles of faith"; and that these principles summarized what he viewed as the required beliefs of Judaism: The existence of God. God's unity and indivisibility into elements. God's spirituality and incorporeality. God's eternity. God alone should be the object of worship. Revelation through God's prophets. The preeminence of Moses among the prophets. That the entire Torah (both the Written and Oral law) are of Divine origin and were dictated to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai. The Torah given by Moses is permanent and will not be replaced or changed. God's awareness of all human actions and thoughts. Reward of righteousness and punishment of evil. The coming of the Jewish Messiah. The resurrection of the dead. Maimonides is said to have compiled the principles from various Talmudic sources. These principles were controversial when first proposed, evoking criticism by Rabbis Hasdai Crescas and Joseph Albo, and were effectively ignored by much of the Jewish community for the next few centuries.[66] However, these principles have become widely held and are considered to be the cardinal principles of faith for Orthodox Jews but Daniel tells us " It's one of the reasons why Maimonides was outcast, his books burned, and he was considered a heretic. "
  6. The Construction of Judaism

    I am sure you can find many interfaith dialouges on the internet . But was it that ... or the Hermetic Wisdom that got you going ?
  7. The Construction of Judaism

    So we are consistent on Constant .
  8. The Construction of Judaism

    There is not a direct connection at all . I 'blame ' Alphonse Louis Constant * . I think some started to notice 22 letters of Hebrew alephbet ( alphabet ) and 22 tarot trumps . Someone ascribed cosmic energies to letters and they got transcribed onto cards ; for example 'The Chariot' relates to a letter but also an astrological sign . But 12 of them and 22 cards ? best to move away from kabbalah now and nut it out via their astrological correspondence ; the 22 was divided up as 12 signs, 7 planets and three elements , with the 4th earth sorta manifesting as the whole deck . The 4 courts in 4 suits where attributed to the the four worlds of the kabbalah and the small cards to the 10 degree segments of the zodiac 'decans ' so you get things like 2 of wands being ' Mars in Aries ' The cards go around the astrological circle in a specific order ... we might have gone too far off topic for the rest . A topic more for 'esoteric' section and tarot threads . *Éliphas_Lévi
  9. The Construction of Judaism

    and Sir Darius , note this from above ; " Perhaps the most crucial idea incorporated by medieval rabbinic Judaism was philosophical monotheism. The encounter with kalam thought and its emphasis on Tawhid led Jews in the 10th century to a more philosophical understanding of God's oneness, an incorporeal and transcendent oneness not subject to any category of change. " This isnt my opinion and me 'ignoring the archaeology' its from Harvard Divinity School - Center for the Study of World Religions , and its author ; " Speaker Adam Afterman. Dr. Adam Afterman is a Professor at the Department of Jewish Philosophy and Talmud at Tel Aviv University, specializing in Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah. He is a senior scholar and director of the John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue and a senior fellow of the Kogod Center for the Renewal of Jewish Thought at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Dr. Afterman addressed the profound impact of Neoplatonism on Kabbalah, the medieval trend of Jewish mysticism. While its impact on the development of a new form of mystical religiosity of communion and unio mystica is relatively known, he focused on another critical development: Afterman argueed that through an interpretation of Neoplatonic emanation in terms of substantive intra-divine emanation, the kabbalist developed for the first time a Jewish godhead. " and I cite this in particular ; " a senior fellow of the Kogod Center for the Renewal of Jewish Thought at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem " since I have been accused of " have been unwilling or unable to assimilate new information about Judaism. " by Daniel .
  10. The Construction of Judaism

    " Neoplatonism is a version of Platonic philosophy that emerged in the 3rd century AD against the background of Hellenistic philosophy and religion. The term does not encapsulate a set of ideas as much as a series of thinkers. Among the common ideas it maintains is monism, the doctrine that all of reality can be derived from a single principle, "the One". " - Wiki .
  11. The Construction of Judaism

    That will be an interesting answer . I am assuming 'first,actual' means written ? By Moses of course , he carved out some stone tablets after he came down out the mountain . They 'lost ' those . Then they appeared again much later in written form 'found in a cave ' ... well, some crucial missing bits, after that they where stuck together . " No one knows for sure when the Torah was first written down, but scholars believe that the final version of the Torah we have today was recorded during the Babylonian exile (c.539 BCE). A few fragments of texts from around this time period have survived, but the oldest complete Torah only dates to the 11th or 12th century. "
  12. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    IMO - thankyou .
  13. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    Dont you mean two OF the types of Qi ?
  14. What are you listening to?

    Musical instruments in ancient Egypt fell into different categories, including string, percussion, and wind. String instruments consisted of lute, lyres, and harps. Percussion had cymbals, drums, and rattles like menats and sistrums. Wind included flutes, oboes, clarinets, and trumpets. Musical notation; " I learnt the incredible melody heard in this video, from an amazing CD, "Music of the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians & Greeks" by "The Ensemble De Organographia". This video features my arrangement for solo lyre, of the academic reconstruction of this ancient Egyptian melody, from c.1400BC!! The scale used, was taken from a three-holed Egyptian vertical flute, still in a playable condition."
  15. The Construction of Judaism

    That is out of context to what my quoted comment was about ; it was about you claiming things in hermeticism and Neo-platonism came from Judaism . Regarding the above in the last few posts of mine , you do realise that in the citations I gave as back up, I chose some from Jewish scholars ?
  16. Allow me , again ? More translation issues perhaps ? 'Four of the kinds of Chi ' - is that better ?
  17. Eh ? What post ? the one above yours that said posting IMO at the beginning of a post makes it clear you are not being 'authoritative ' ? ? ? Oh damn , I just wrote that too ... I suppose I will be reported as well . Or is it another 'translation thingo ' ?
  18. Nah . Still hard to do with a bullet through your head . I believe the phrase you need is; " even though a gun is put to my head " . English is tricky ; German friend complaining about police traffic fine ; " And then the policeman, he pulled me off ! " - everyone listening is .... his GF interrupted, " I think the phrase you mean is ' and then he 'pulled me over ' ."
  19. English is a good language for ..... commerce ? But otherwise mhe . We need CONTEXT , eg 'love' , whereas the Greek terms that translate to English 'love' already had context , eg. eros / agape , they need an English contextual phrase to understand the 'types' of love . Persian is the language of poetry , French of love (supposedly ) , German ... engineering and Dutch ...... ? Cobie ?
  20. Christianity

    Then if Jesus / Issa ? (one assumes you are suggesting they are the same person ? ) thought and taught that, we woud have a 'great miss' ... again , just like the Zoroastrian 'redaction' made . EG . The cosmic battle between good (Ahura Mazda) and evil (Angra Mainyu) is a false comparison ; 'mainyu' is not paired with or against Ahura Mazda , Angra Mainyu is paired against 'Spenta Mainyu' and 'mainyu' is 'mind. We all have the potential for our minds to go good or bad ... thats in us , they are not Gods or deities. Of course, later, they where transformed into all sorts of things ; friends and enemies of the state ( read Shamaneh ) , mythological /socio / cultural appropriations , 'sort of Gods' but not because 'monotheism', etc . Fire 'worship' is often explained , even by modern Zoroastrians ; they dont 'worship' fire . It is a central symbol that represents spirit, light and 'good bright mind ' , amongst other things . " Zoroastrians are not fire-worshippers, as some Westerners wrongly believe. Zoroastrians believe that the elements are pure and that fire represents God's light or wisdom. " The Amesha Spentas also where not worshipped as ' intermediary divine being' they are the qualities of good mind ; The Amesha Spentas (amesha meaning eternal or ageless & spenta meaning brilliance, enlightenment and beneficence) are also ideals to which humans can aspire. Possessing Amesha Spenta qualities does not make humans god-like. Possessing these qualities means being in harmony with God's work. Vohu Mano in human beings is the good mind. Asha is principled, honest, beneficent, ordered, lawful living - for some, righteousness and piety. Khshathra is having dominion and sovereignty over one's life. Armaiti is serenity. Haurvatat is being holistic and healthy. It is also seeking excellence in all we do. Ameretat is transcending mortal limitations through good health, by handing down the spiritual flame or mainyu athra, and by building an enduring, undying spirit, the united fravashi. In a way 'old Zoroastrianism is a 'science of the mind' , a bit like Buddhism can be [ since the 19th century, numerous modern figures have argued that Buddhism is rational and uniquely compatible with science. Some have even argued that Buddhism is "scientific" (a kind of "science of the mind" or an "inner science").[8][9][2][10][11] Those who argue that Buddhism is aligned with science point out certain commonalities between the scientific method and Buddhist thought. The 14th Dalai Lama, for example, in a speech to the Society for Neuroscience,[12] listed a "suspicion of absolutes" and a reliance on causality and empiricism as common philosophical principles shared by Buddhism and science ] But for a variety of reasons , things get changed and some of 'need' deities ; ^ 'gaming characters ' .
  21. The Construction of Judaism

    Yes, as far as cultures go, it was . To that end I often quote a Rabbi ; "So what if it is a made up story ... the 'missing parts' where 'documents found in a cave ' ? < raises eyebrows > Still, its a story that has bought Jewish unity and continuation throughout some of the most thorough attempts at extermination in history .. and we are still here . " Kudos ! - all cultures have a some history of 'construction' ; Christian , Islam , and yes , Zoroastrianism too - by the later Archaeminads ;
  22. Christianity

    So then; why did not those lack of Christian values back in re Christian tribal times where they practised abortion and contraception not cause the same problems ? Would one not have to agree it isnt lack of Christian values but different modern problems ergo ... lack of Christian values are not the problem ... they can not keep up with what is needed as a religious regulator for modern times , ie old and out of date with current social issues and problems .
  23. Christianity

    then we would not need him, we could listen to them ourselves . Your comments seem to be growing in obscurity .