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And what you wrote below has many associations in other spiritual paths . As I read through your post, a few different concepts from different traditions / understandings arose . In many cases they are complex, but 'vague' in other areas , perhaps due to their 'subtle' nature and action . As you wrote, they have been ; " mentioned in the mythologies of many cultures." Here I am thinking of the bright shining spirits of the Amesha Spenta Mainyu . " A brilliant, positive, constructive, and beneficent spirit that seeks wisdom is called a spenta mainyu. Mainyu is beyond our senses, though perhaps not beyond our feelings and intuition. Amesha The Amesha Spentas (amesha meaning eternal or ageless & spenta meaning brilliance, enlightenment and beneficence) are also ideals to which humans can aspire 1. Vohu Mano in human beings is the good mind. Asha is principled, honest, beneficent, ordered, lawful living - for some, righteousness and piety. Khshathra is having dominion and sovereignty over one's life. Armaiti is serenity. Haurvatat is being holistic and healthy. It is also seeking excellence in all we do. Ameretat is transcending mortal limitations through good health, by handing down the spiritual flame or mainyu athra, and by building an enduring, undying spirit 2., the united fravashi. Amesha Spenta a brilliant, positive, constructive, and beneficent spirit - allows a person to perceive their higher calling. " - ZHI (Zoroastrian Heritage Institute ) I think that, by our previous actions and aspirations we may be able to 'help them decide ' . In a totally different contest, this description reminded me of what is called 'the Diving Thought-Adjuster ' in the Urantia Book. We can be encouraged but not actually 'led along' we need to make certain decisions ourselves . One thing about them 'being just out of reach' and 'receding' , it drives us onwards , in our aspirations . See note 1 above . In Zoroastrian terms , to continue from the above source material , here I am reminded of Khvarenah; " The khvarenah is the archetype of the person one can grow to if allowed to grow to the limit of her or his capacity in grace, that is, in keeping with the fravashi and thereby in keeping with Divine purpose. The khvarenah is also a person's higher calling - their meaning in life , i.e. the higher calling. The khvarenah is specific to a person and is different for each person See note 2 above . Going on from a 'United Fraveshi ' : " A person's spiritual components, that is, the person's urvan (soul), mainyu (spirit), fravashi and khvarenah can unite and the spirits of the departed are generally referred to collectively as that person's (united) fravashi " There is a teaching in the western initiation tradition that is unlike the common understanding in the west's main religion, that is, that not 'the whole person' survives death, only that art that is immortal and the idea is to imprint that aspect with one's life's important and relevant lessons and wisdom, otherwise these aspects of our learning may be lost at death . But I detect a difference in your explanations ; from reading, especially the above passage , it seems there is a sort of 'separation' of us and Shen Ming. Its not as if we join together and 'go on' but we offer them our learnt wisdom and nourish them to maturity by our association with them in our life ; " Once grown to maturity our Shen Ming can leave the womb of our body and exist independently in the realm where other Shen Ming live. I suspect this happens at the time of bodily death . " .... if I understood right ? This aspect interests me in that it might describe something which makes the Shen MIng something other or more than I cited above . I won;t get too into it , but briefly it is an evocative process where 'legions of spirits' under a leader are attached to oneself, 'bought along' in one's life , developed and 'raised up ' / ascended with one after death ..... 'lifted up on thy sepulchre '. I had considered it was also beneficial and compassionate action, but for some reason, assumed a continuation . What I liked about your explained concept is this " exist independently in the realm where other Shen Ming live. " . Which gives me cause to meditate on and consider that after 'lifting up' something , of course, it needs to be released. ... thanks for that ! ..... even if it had become part of 'me'
I forgot about covid (not that hard here as it has virtually disappeared ) the other day, I went to get a coffee and since I had not had breakfast I decided to have some fruit toast as well . 'Take away or have here .' I decided to eat in . 'Name ?" I tell her . "Phone number ? " Why does this woman want my phone number ??? " You want my phone number ? " "Yes." ...... " Why do you want my phone number ?" ... " For covid records . " " Ohhhhhhhh .... "
Errrmmmm .... the door with the king's picture on it has a chair below it ? ? ? here ya go ; VERY prudent people ! (You have heard about the nightgown with the hole in it ... the sheet with a hole in it ? This is just a step further .
Wilson also said ; Animals defend their territories by throwing their excretions at others . - Humans defend their territories by throwing canisters of explosives and toxic chemicals at each other
Have you read 'Man Friday' ? You would love it ! Its the Robinson Crusoe story, but this time, written from Friday's perspective . chapter called ' In which I learn the meaning of 'yours' and 'mine', an hilarious , poignant, enlightening, sad and revealing chapter , like many others in the book . Friday spends some time in meditation on the issue; its a real riddle for him ; " What could it be , what could be for only one person and no one one else ? .... A man's death ? No, that is for the whole tribe ..... Crusoe tries to help ; " That hat you are wearing is MY hat , it is NOT Friday's hat , it 'belongs' to Master . " " Oh , but Master , the hat does not know that , it sits on Fridays head very well, and it shades his face from the Sun, just like it does to Master . Why should not Friday use the hat as well ? " " Because its MINE ! Its special to ME not you ! I OWN it ! " " Does it have some type of Master magic in it ... " " I told you before,, that native superstitious stuff .... wait ... yes, thats it .... its FULL of Master magic , it will make you like Master ! " Friday takes off the hat and flings it on the ground . Crusoe : " And the coat " ... he flings that off ... "And my goatskin umbrella . " ... he throws it away . (next chapter 'How I learnt to wear trousers and become a Christian ' ) )
Nah. I think thats just a picture of the King on the door . The perverted dragon could not get it up without the thrill of the risk of being caught . or maybe he is a 'hopeful voyeraphyle ' ? I mean .... who on earth would put in a doggie door , that high up ?
And psychologically ; 3 basic drives ( that the complexes relate to ) . In Hermetics, these 'knots' are on 7 levels that relate to each planets energy . Ahh .... 7 levels . I think that the more these levels are worked through the more 'emotional stability' one has .
Lets see now .... what flavour could it be ?
I forgot to add , the reason I find this interesting ; is that in my 'Greater Area' a 'base myth' is about battle between giant goanna (lizard) and snake . nearby a high waterfall bears some scars from the battle , in an area where two 'regional areas ' (two separate inland watershed's nearly meet ) / tribes meet . Goanna claw marks down the top part a big sweep of the tail . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirawong
Before enlightenment : chop wood and carry water . After enlightenment : become master , get students to chop your wood and carry your water .
We got a whole lot of 'spooky' 'mythology' / 'fairy tales about them and other native plants in a rather wonderful home grown 'pantheism' in May Gibbs < a slight diversion > Gumnut babies . In spring they get fuzzy wattle Sea dragon races Bad Banksia men Ooooh ! I gotta look into this one more closely ; I think, in the above , snake was the nasty one , Mr Goanna helped the Gumnuts .... Hmmmmmm ??? He seems friendly; ' Mr Lizard tells a story ' ; a new bud They got their news and writing from the Scribbly Gumtree Australian Scribbly Gum ;
I am thinking there is more to this immortal foetus than 'Daoist Immortality ' ? - I mean ; why a foetus rather than 'spirit', essence ' etc . In western magic it has been referred to as 'The Immortal Osiris' . regarding the use of term foetus , I am reminded of two things The Minerval Degree - 0 Degree , 'preliminary to the 1st ( and first 3 ) Degrees ( Birth , Life and Death ) . The Minerval degree represents a 9 month gestation period triggered by the Minerval ceremony ( a first dedication and declaration of 'stepping onto the path' ) . A great space to be in , nurtured , protected from ..... ' what is to come ' safe warm and fuzzy .... with a feeling of something immanent And this Egyptian ' God' After the 'Great Journey' on the 'Great Wheel' , one comes back to the starting position (although changed by the experience / 'circulations' . . . in the alchemical sense ) . I have found this personally ... the fruit of my shamanic practice and experience... the support of 'country' ( 'Mum' , 'Mother Nature ' ) , a relaxing 'passive' acceptance .
and down here .... fire too . ' pyrophile plants ' Proteaceae Banksia ..... Say hello to Mr Banksia nasty little fellahs !
Probably. Maybe he got it from 'The Secret Wisdom' or from looking at stele Nah, you have to overlay my astrological scheme on MY Tree of Life . Mine shows ' The Fall of Man ( Mars ) ' . In the (cosmic) Tree of Life , Mars is 'up there' as a directional and focusing force . And of course , I am using extra planets (and Pluto) From the bottom going up ; At the bottom ; ' Personna ' ( all the above forces are expressed through this but are 'flavourde' changed and adapted by one's interaction with environment (any thing or external to the self ) Then an upright triangle Mars Venus with Mercury at apex, Moon in centre Then a point down (Sun ) triangle with Jupiter Saturn above Then an upright triangle Uranus Neptune Pluto (and again, above this in a kind of 'Tzim-trum ' arrangement another upright triangle ; Nuit Hadit RHK (or one's chosen and preferred ) (The details are starting to get foggy ... its all in my records ..... in my magical chest , along with the bats ) Here is two ; "balance each thought with the opposite ' ' Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. Act passionately; think rationally; be Thyself ' The two heads of the Eagle of the Senate (masonic badge ^, , my senate badge does not have 'St George ' and is all red as it doubles as an alchemical symbol ) (Saturn sorta replaces Mars here ) And now, this Jupiter Saturn gateway 'narrows ' https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/great-jupiter-saturn-conjunction-dec-21-2020 Ahhh ... its starting to sound familiar . How I make it handy is look at the relationships of the positions in my model ( the overal map of human psychology ) and then overlay my natal chart on it and observe what types of aspects are in my chart and how that realtes to their positions on my map . But its been a while since I worked on that .
Or to be a daoist ; " burning" or using the minimal amount of energy required for task at hand
I have been thinking about bringing up 'The Wound ' . Not a wound but THE wound . https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/moral-landscapes/201711/how-heal-the-primal-wound A life long friend of mine has harassed me about this most of my life . 'Not owning my wound ' ... apparently . She has been on about, all her life , her 'wound' . It appears it relates to this ; her father (who I only met in latter life ) was a Norwedgian immigrant, a healthy robust outdoors type, he would take her camping, bush walking , a nature lover and educator, she adored him. Then he somehow picked up an encephalic infection that gradually destroyed his brain. he appeared to have become an imbecile, would run off and cause havoc in the neighbourhood and embarrassment to the family. She witnessed the degeneration . She has told me for years and years that I have not faced my wound and my emotional state is a cover up , I trued explaining things but nope . Now, only about 2 weeks ago she drops this bombshell casually in a conversation about her 'wound ' " ... so I felt this and that .... but its different for you as you dont have a Wound . " But it is also something deeper , the way we respond or react to it, or something ? I mean, I described how I feel that grief has never left me over the passing of Sumer , but I dont feel that has changed my behaviour or outlook on life . My friend however feels her Wound constantly impacts her , her moods, feelings , decisions, etc . It seems to be an underlying base or singular trauma that effects us throughout life . So I wanted to look into that . I suppose the closest thing would have been the death of my own father . It happened when I was late teen , so I was already 'drifting away' and becoming independent . I imagine if it happened when younger (as in the case of my friend ) I would have been effected immensely . Because back then he was great dad ... did all the things a father was supposed to be doing . I sorta got a reverse wound . My father had a high conditioning of 'Christian work ethic' . he had a bad hear attack early in life but had a 'miraculous recovery' . The Doc told him ; " Retire early , have fun, relax, you can still go out fishing , but put a motor on the boat, dont row it, you can still go out in the surf, but no more marathon swims , dont go way out or out in big seas ... etc " Now, I thought , after all that work, he gets to finally chill and have more fun. Nope . he just mopped around feeling sorry for himself . I remember asking him why he said he was useless now and a waste of space . That really shocked me , I didnt understand it , he went back to wrok and was dead in 2 months . I think I made an unconscious resolve NEVER to do that and moved the enjoyment and fulfilment of life up to number one priority, fuck working for the man, fuck the system ... I'm having fun while I can . Some might see that as a problem and the reason I didnt 'get on ' in life ( no permanent career, no firm base , no 'own family', no security no debts and no mortgage .... - a social failure ) . Well, if that IS what happened , what a priceless gift ! The earlier damage is done to a child, the more likely it is to 'stick' well into and maybe throughout adult life . I have been involved with helping some very young children through the vulnerable years ... just seemed to happen, some sort of karmic thing . They where at risk. I would think, if I can get them through to 3 or 4 without them having a major trauma /s then they might have a chance . I was able to do that in ( thinks ) 6 circumstances . And for some reason, just after that 'danger period' has passed, they are removed from my influence ... one way or another (sometimes to be put back in danger again ... but they all seem to have survived well and be moving forward now ). That used to, be a source of sadness for me , but I now realise that those little guys dont last long anyway ..... they grow up very fast and that period of their life is gone soon, even if you stay together .
(not relevant now )
Here is a little story ; We dont live on 'The Earth' we live on Venus. Venus was the partner of Vulcan, the God of blacksmithing , fire , smoke, (and pollution and toxic chemicals) and 'technology' - its products and byproducts . She ran off and had it off with Mars .... and got 'caught up between them' . Now, Venus the planet is hot, humid , toxic , acidic 'fire and smoke ' . It should have been called Vulcan (but we previously only saw its exterior from a distance ) . Mars, as we know is the planet and God of war . We can see how 'The Earth' is the planet of life nature oceans , etc all symbols of Venus, so Earth should have been called Venus . In this system we now have 'Venus' ( the Earth ) between the 'orbits' of Vulcan ( formally Venus ) and Mars ... we ( Venus / Earth continually become involved with war on the one hand and technology and its effects on the other .... like Venus, the Goddess does , seeking love . While all the time , love was right here , in the self .... in the heart .... and on this planet ( before all the war and technology stuffed it up) Oh dear ..... the Venus that we lost ...
Its key in LOTS of stuff and I have seen it as a working solution. Especially in personal relationships . People tend to fall into the male female / Mars Venus archetypes .... there is NO WAY in heaven and hell that anyone is going to resolve a relationship problem when coming form or standing in either one of those perspectives . And the insistence on doing this and thinking one is right over the other just perpetuates this 'ancient battle ' . The only solution is the mediation of Mercury . Mars and Venus are emotional reactions while Mercury is intelligent response . I should add that being 'in Mercury' will not 'save' you from trouble though To be in the midst of a Mars Venus battle and shift to Mercury may cause a huge reaction in the other party ; you might seem distant and removed , uninvolved , not emotional , I have even be asked " Why aren't you getting angry ? " So it may not heal the relationship ( although you have a much better chance of healing it via Mercury ) but at least you will not be caught up in the negative dynamics of it .
Yes. This point has led to some confusion with modern occultists . The Mothers of 'Invention' yes. the model contains 3 triangles .... of course Jupiter and Saturn (which in my model is below the 'abyss' ) are the valve or gateway to the 3 outer planets and the transpersonal forces . They represent the forces of 'mercy and severity ' . Could you explain that more for me ?
As the article says , Mars is 'bright' . They aren't kidding , I woke up some time before first light and Mars was HUGE and bright ... a disc virtually ! Shining up there through my window onto my bed . The wheels turn , cosmic forces come into alignment , and now ...............
No, its the opposite for men . When the belt is done up .... ' hairy cleavage' above that , hairy ....... cleavage