
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Calisthenical Marvel !

    from 0 : 37
  2. new or various gadgets

    Not exactly a gadget , but new as a 'revamp' with exquisite Art Deco styling ! The R18 motor What a donk !
  3. Evidnece for the super natural

    I have had electricity bills like that
  4. Jing transfer?

    Simple then - just dont have sex at all .
  5. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Are you now , or have you ever bean a spelling Nazi ?
  6. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I cant see it 'simmering down' when some rouge poster insults and taunts in it , then comes here to further insult and taunt .
  7. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Are you claiming the Admin here causes idiocy among the members ( who support someone other then Trump ! ) ... and who are 'hypocritical scum ' ? I wonder how admin would respond to that if they where now present ?
  8. Evidnece for the super natural

    Problem here is that my proof is proof for me . if I told you my proof then it becomes anecdotal or opinion to you .
  9. Thoughts on Magick

    Magick ( , as defined by the author of the recent addition / revival of the 'k' at the end of the word ) ; " "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will ", including "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic." "ANY required change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object " After refining the 'proper' we become closer to a 'Daoistic' process .
  10. I already live on one . Well, that was sort of the original intention when the place was set up . It was supposed to be 'eclectic' , not specifically by definition but due to 'newageyness' which has eclectic sources. Then it got a bit 'culty' and that failed. Then it went through a period of being more eclectic. Its been through lots of periods and changes . There are many answers to your questions. Here it was originally set up by a group getting together from a discussion group that decided to make and live in such a 'center' . They outlined what they wanted and asked for it in a 'prayer of manifestation' , which was fulfilled . The legal set up was done a few times and was wrong and ill informed and a fantasy underlined by human failings and lack of knowledge , we have paid highly for that and it had repercussions into the future . All sorts o/f things happened, including a revolution and take over resulting in a handover to residents IF they could form a company with similar ideals and constitution. That was done, a company limited by grantee with the company holding land title and members of the company having the right to a house site to be able to build on. The land was originally bought by deposit ( donations of main part by a few people and smaller amounts by numerous ) and mortgage ( paid off by subsequent 'donations' / rental / fees of $30 a week - still the same amount and various fundraising, events and festivals ) the mortgage was paid off years back and funds accrued for various running costs and expenses (including tithing each week to the needy ) . The operation has changed over time; pre revolution it was by 'trustees' running a fake trust. Consisting of 'original idea people' that did not actually live there who wanted the people that did live there, and the place to work and operate like some fantasy of their imagination not grounded in the practically of living there . A lot of it was a screwed up dream and impracticable and unworkable . Hence the revolution. After that it operated by the company; the directors gave rights to vote to all the members and decisions where made at weekly community / company meetings , much of it was run on normal business model ; AGM, election of directors, etc . Since the land had been paid off, no shares where sold , we made an early strong decision NOT to be involved in land speculation ( but that does not stop the greedy human spirit that wants to 'own' - even from some of the people that supported the idea in the first place ) so house sites are not sold but given to members on approval. Membership is achieved by doing a trial period and getting a 90% vote of members for a prospective 1 year trial membership, then another 90% vote for full membership which allows one to have a house site there . The rules ? I will send a truck around with some documents Articles of association and by-laws of the company . Its not about the rules as such but how you either get people to keep them or enforce them . We get people coming here occasionally that want to start a ' intentional community ' or 'my own community' or ideas like you propose . 95% of the time, they are on their own trip and have no REAL interest in learning from our own experience ...but then again, most of the people that are here or have been through here have not got a clue about how to learn things like that . Its a nice fantasy .... but just wait until you try to implement it ! If you can get 1/20th through the initial stages , my hat would be off to you. All I see nowadays is ideas and talks and workshops and seminars about it ... no one actually DOING it .... getting in there and starting from scratch with a whole range of skills required and physical hard work .... you might get your hands dirty
  11. The origin of hatha yog

    The Lois Files .
  12. Jing transfer?

    Yes . They absorb " THE jing " . It sounds like you are worried about a woman stealing 'your' jing ? Remaining celibate has noting to do with it . But overindulgence and excess will ruin just about anything . It isnt something you build up and GIVE to a woman or she STEALS it . Both need to build up , both share and create a higher level and both absorb that , it should be and is equal . It will never work unless you (or this system ) gets rid of its 'patriarchal paranoia ' Try to get an understanding of the process by focusing on that part of the alchemical process ; circulation . My 'real experienced knowledge' in the past has been qualified by people, sometimes even strangers stopping me and my partner in the street and being amazed at the energy being present and overflowing , even to the extent of asking for a 3 way hug .... with a stranger ! That has NEVER happened otherwise to me , in a different situation . So my experience was not wholly subjective and imaginative .
  13. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Its actually a triplicity ...... again Something is between those 'twin towers' . Its based on esoteric Judaism and the the two pillars of mercy and severity , in this schema there are 3 pillars (as shown in the link ) the third is equilibrium . Also from that link ; How the Masonic"Triangle" (above the Twin Headed Eagle) symbolizes the Unity or Reconciliation of Opposites—which reveals Freemasonry’s Secret of Three (union or reconciliation of the"pairs of opposites") or, we could call that reconciliation 'self discernment ' . I often cite this passage, from 'The Book of the Balance' which is based on the above 2 pillars, two sephiroth and two principles ; " Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. Act passionately; think rationally; be Thyself " Here the 3rd principle is us , sitting between those two extremes and using our discernment in application . When we just think about 'opposites' we can fall into the good / bad trap , the principle of 2 is like a binary code , its either there, or not there ; 1100110100100111001001010. - a digital signal ; on or off . But triplicity is more like an analogue signal , its modulation or scale intensity is relaying the info + ............x............................................................ -
  14. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Its highly inappropriate to make fun of a Chinese accent , and very old school Benny Hill humor ! Besides ... that bamboo IS yellow ! I prefer lines and rings and bits of strings its just a theory but I think that really gluons and gravitons are just things .
  15. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    But what is a female trait ? careful now .... To be a 'real man' in Samurai tradition you need to be able to make a nice flower arrangement (Ikibana ) , write a good poem , in beautiful handwriting (calligraphy ), make a good cup of tea , and be able to kill people with a sword or barehanded . ) My question would be , which one of those , in samurai tradition are male traits and which are female traits ?
  16. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    It works good with ENGLISH whispers as well ; I ..... (bless her heart ) is susceptible highly to it . recently she was all in a panic and came to me distraught : " There is this woman that used to live here and now she has got really rich and has all this money and she is going to buy all three houses, including your wife's " (which is next door to mine ) " ... its like some type of take over m, she is trying to take ocer the community, this should not be allowed and .... " Me ; " No . I just talked to my wife about it . J is the one that is really rich and she moved out and its her house that is one of the one's for sale. The woman that wants to buy ONE of the houses got a small inheritance, she used to live here with her two girls and is very nice , calm, shy and quiet . She was inquiring about how much the three houses where as she is thinking of choosing one . There is no one rich woman that used to live here and is going to start playing monopoly , now, how about a nice cup of tea ? " English whispers Special " Panther Massage " anyone ?
  17. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Not that I have any 'classical understanding' , I am more of a ' backyard Daoist ' or ' Dao a la Nungali ' , still I have never considered yin / yang as alive / dead or strong / weak .... what appears here (mislabeled IMO ) as dead and weak I would more correctly call active and 'receptive' Eg 'energy' or force in Aikido can be projective or receptive , I dont consider the receptive force 'weaker' . Dead / alive are just opposites " alive " has yin / yang qualities ... I think the problem lies at just looking at , or attempting to look at duality alone, divorced from triplicity ; ie. it isnt life / death but life (in this example ; taking a 'thing' , life - birth death ( with life running between them ) . You dont have a coin / heads . You have a coin with heads / tails . You dont just have life ... are 'in life' / alive then die . You are born .... have life ... then it ends in death . I am not sure what you meant about your mention of 'like in Masonic lore ' ? I do agree this other viewpoint is short changing yourself . Then again ... things are pretty different in my backyard .
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Okay I get rid of it then . But I like dumb, bad jokes . Also ' Dad jokes ' . and really long jokes that dont actually have an ending , politically incorrect ones ... (actually, I have been sparing you ) . or even jokes that dont even have to have a joke attached .
  19. is time real does it exist?

    Of course one can time travel ! I do it every moment , its a one way journey though . I dont agree with cancelling out time as it a human perception, I think it is something that exists even if humans where never extant .
  20. 'Moderate to Strong' La Nina coming

    It drives the big pump which alternates the east and north coast of Australia and the inland between wet and dry years ; droughts and extensive wetlands . When LaNina comes the interior of many places turns into giant wetlands and the birds flock in . Its started its effect here already ; heavy rains , in some parts floods. In some harvest areas its impacted on harvest . Vast areas of the inland have turned into wetlands and attracted huge numbers of birds . This time last year it was all drought , extra dry and started burning . So we probably will not have a fire season , or a dangerous one . We will have a wet season and hot and humid weather . And floods , and stinky mud and leeches and a raging river . Just like the old days I am hoping for a more moderate one than a strong one .
  21. The Cool Picture Thread

    Lots of pictures strung together