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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Emotions are the path

    You gave me a 'realisation clarity gong ' in my head Distinct advantage in treating a lot of things 'as real ' ( not 'as if real ' ) . Even if I deny the existence of chi or ki (due to personal experience, testing myself, examining anecdotes, etc . I can not deny that if I adopt and practice the 'ki principles' I have a distinct advantage and result (in M.A.) if I practice them anyway. This plays a major part in my whole 'magical theory' in that ' certain practices lead to certain results ' - any attempts at establishing some type of modern 'reality' to them is immaterial . That is not the purpose . here we approach the essence of 'Daimonic Reality ' ( my old friend, again ) Also the bit I high lighted in your quote above opens up a whole other dimension about belief . What if we objectively USE our belief system / wiring ( instead of just letting the system run , without realising its running ) .... use the system instead of it 'guiding' us ... in concert with the above . I know thats confusing for some .... I remember here a while back some poster was freakin out because I said I believed that the world was created by a giant snake that is asleep under Uluru I wasnt asserting 'thats how it is or was ' , I wasnt trying to nullify anyone else's belief about the creation of the world . I even IB ed the belief part . Anyway, we all know our beliefs have little to do with reality .... wait .... we all know some other people's beliefs have little to do with reality I can understand that for some ..... they seemed to have horrible societies . I might be a cultural anthropologist , but certainly not a cultural apologist , and just cant get my head around mass baby sacrifice but ... All of them ? I am thinking of a culture , led by shamanic knowledge that has survived from pre 60.000 ya through all sorts of climate change and environmental 'disasters' without wrecking their own environment that they where dependant on . But Euros thought their 'existence' was fruitless and mundane . Yet for the Aboriginal , pre invasion , their earthly mundane existence and enjoyment of simple primal pleasures was not separated from any concept they had of 'heaven' or 'spirit' or even 'soul' . Yes, I am sure it gave rise to it , but with a new purpose and a totally different view about life . ..... thanks for the 'head gong ' .
  2. Hello G'Day

    I dont know much about this but is this something like it goes ; you get a prep , put it on the 'receptor' plate , the machine records and stores its frequency, then you put a 'card' on the 'broadcast ' plate , zap it with the frequency and then dissolve that in water ... with a continuation of normal BD process ? Does dowsing times , eliminate the need for astrological observation ? Even with the Moon .... I suppose, at least with the Moon, you work within the obvious cycles ? Sounds like large scale mono cropping ? I got a nice little patch of broad beans swelling up at he moment .... they will go into my Sth American empanada filling .... for local new cafe . The view from cafe is out the back, spectacular . Even got a free camping area next door ( by the river , toilets, BBQ and wood supplied ) ..... if you ever come out this way . ...... 'value added ' , as they say .
  3. Locking threads, discuss it here

    But during this last fiasco Welkin was insulting people left right and centre . I even pointed it out and you said " sigh ... I know " . I know more then two members that are confused by the standard . Okay , I will slow down on both innuendo and 'plain speakin ' .
  4. Locking threads, discuss it here

    I just wanted a definition of a particular action that is against the rules and that one can be suspended for . It appears I have to read EG's content and with MY discernment figure that out myself ? 'ceptin its hidden ! But now maybe unhidden for educational purposes ...... oh dear . That was my complaint about sweepin stuff under the carpet in the first place ! Looks like we have departed from 'plain ol speakin' again ... or maybe not ?
  5. Locking threads, discuss it here

    I had to edit that . ? Why , dont get it . are the young being bumped off in a daobums reverse coronavirus situation ? I seem to recall a few kerfuffles where new people that are young complain about some members opinions and info becasue they are 'old' and feel a hierarchy does not support them due to their young age (instead of the immaturity present in their claims , thinking and / or presentation ) . And it seems a lot of older members have left . Maybe I missed the sarcasm though .... and are just old and confused
  6. Locking threads, discuss it here

    ... posted this before I read the thread post above
  7. Locking threads, discuss it here

    How is 'personal take down' defined here ? Seriously, I dont know , I even looked the term up , there are deconstructive definitions , a wrestling definition .... I thought 'urban lingo', looked that up but its about picking up people for sex . I am supposing it has specific meaning here . I suppose that topic IS closed to further replies but not announcements . That is not uncommon; the other site I am on has a suspension log that gives notification of suspensions, periods and reasons . I feel this is important . But they dont allow 'replies' ... it just gets too messy and undermines their authority ... but its a very different site than this one . Some people here seem to think its different here and should be done a different way . Its assumed people and mods are coming from a 'different perspective' ..... but perhaps they are not ?
  8. It is known

    What a stupid disagreement to kill and persecute over ! Ya know what I got to say to that ! I would 'bless ' them all with one finger !
  9. It is known

    They are increasing in number ;
  10. It is known

    The people tougher though . I saw a doco on Sibera , in some small mostly abandoned village . Mostly old people left. An old lady was being interviewed outside her home, they where talking about the season when some freezing dreaded wind was approaching called ' The ...... ' (something , cant remember ) and she goes " The ..... comes , I am not afraid , nearly everyone else has run away, I have done it over 50 times ! It cant beat me ," Then as they are walking along they pass her large veggie garden, it has a frame over it and is encased in plastic and built up on a platform of stones, she stops, opens a door in the bottom of the stones and throws some firewood in to the fire under there ! And this is summer time ! Needing a fire to be able to grow veggies ! And she lived alone .
  11. Hello G'Day

    Hi . I used to be a preparations maker for BAA - Biodynamic Agriculture Australia . I've had a little bit to do with farming . ... and a lot to do with observing . Also, I was friends with a guy that bought the first radionics machine to Australia (according to him ) , he passed away years back , he was in an interesting occult group from the UK . Saw some of his stuff . Tell me about your farm ; geological surrounds , regolith , soil types, crops ..... I'm all ears
  12. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    During this crucial moment of 'pivot ' I feel that ........ wait ! .... shit ! .... did I leave the stove on ? "
  13. It is known

    I remember when we had three cows . Also we have a small tofu plant that was in full operation back then. One of the pieces of equipment was a large steel cauldron with a gas burner under it . Every so often I would get some fresh creamy cows milk, straight from the milking and put it in the cauldron to make a massive batch of burfi . Burfi made from fresh cows mmmmmmmmmilk Saffron Burfi
  14. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Yes there is and your following post was the way . The reasons are not that obvious as you ARE responding to me . But that was probably just another failed attempt at insult . Thank you for your answer . It explains a lot . But the other person may not feel the same way about it as you do at all . In all good faith, you may have made a mistake about this . Like I said , and you may have noticed it yourself ; different people respond totally different to the same stimulus you give them as others . We are all different in that regard . Yet, apparently this was .... " For my entire life, i felt like there was no truth, no justice, no one that could defend me. " If you had let it go , why are you considering any justice about it ? Likewise , I wish you could feel how i feel about your attempts to insult me, I mean you tried to insult my intelligence , my family, my ethnic and cultural background , even my fav internet discussion site , u ... and I dont care , its rather amusing ... you could have done a much better job . I wish you could feel that way . At the moment , you are more 'bouncing' of me , but remember , others , with other totally different approaches , here in this thread have tried to point some things out to you . Maybe re read that later , after you have calmed down . ... thinking on it , you did just trigger me with this 'justice' idea (well done ! ) . Is it justice or more a type of 'retribution' ? ... a 'getting even' ; " I want them to feel the pain they 'gave ' me . " Personally I threw out 'justice' long ago , it seems an old fashioned concept . I really like what the 'Judgement ' old school Tarot card morphed into ------------------------- Dont seek 'justice' make 'adjustments ' I believe you spirit is powerful too . That is not what any mocking is aimed at . What is being aimed at is ... well, go back and read the posts that are NOT mine . That might help . But then you went on about protection and justice , and dare me to mock you further .... there are some clear overtones there . I could mock you further , but not to make you feel bad and need you to feel protected by your powerful spirit, (which might break out and seek retributive 'justice' on me .... somehow ) , BUT RATHER I would mock you to help you make an ADJUSTMENT in yourself so you no longer suffer from this affliction . Not sure about my chances of that though . Nice trigger though - daring me to mock you ..... what a delightful double temptation .... it nearly worked . Look man , I do not believe you are a nobody ! I mean , thats one good reason for me NOT to take up your dare , becasue if I do and nothing happens you would feel helpless and nobody . I do not think that and if I did I would mocking your arse off right now and dancing around going "Oh yeah ... oh yeah .... in your face ! .... See nothing happening ! "
  15. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Hmmmm .... imagine Welkin awaking in a hospital ward with a smiling nurse next to his bed ... " Hi, Nurse Nungali here , to take care of you . "
  16. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Well,I tried , but now you went back and edited the post . All I can add is ..... if you feel mocked , and your position really is secure , why worry ? If you DO feel triggered , why is that ? I can say the exact same to some people and they laugh WITH me , while someone else is outraged . I tend not to 'pack' my communications with 'niceties' and bs social etiquette . maybe its an Aussie thing , I noticed that it particularly urks some Americans (not all, of course , just as some Aussies are NOTHING like me , ( I mean , look at Yeuya ... we are WORLDS apart ... in that way ) and some Yanks (and others ) here just laugh at my ways and seem to understand. But we are known , in some cases, to be more direct and 'rough' . An American at work was shocked by me and others and finally stammered out " You Au-sies ... you just come right out and say what's in you mind don't you ? " My response was "Yes, but if YOU are not saying what is in your mind ... where is what you saying coming from ." He stopped dead ... thought a bit and said " I never looked at like that before . " Now , since I responded to your questions about this . perhaps you will be decent enough to respond to my question ; Can you please do the same for me , that is explain why YOU gave me all the insults ? Why did you enjoy so much arising emotions out of other people? (sorry to disappoint you on that ) What do you gain from it? Is it just your personality,?
  17. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    I did move on ... but more questions , okay . Perhaps 'enjoy' is the wrong word . of course, some emotions I DO enjoy people expressing , thats pretty normal isnt it ? Maybe it has less to do with what I get out of it has to what others get out if it . I do have interactions here with people that are VERY different to the one I am having with you . They are nearly all flavoured by some type of emotion, to some degree . What you see here is certainly an expression of my personality ... but not just my personality . There is a type of 'dhama' involved . A friend once told me ; " You where not here to make people's lives easier ." And I thought he was probably right and knew what he meant . But then I thought more about that .... hmmm , I did work in a hospital for years on end , with sick, old and infirm .... washing their old bodies, cleaning up their piss and shit , and occasional getting it on me .ir I used to like taking them out for a walk in a wheel cha ir , in the garden , to the hospital fete , to see people they knew when they patients in other parts of the hospital . I dont think I was there to make their life uneasy . Same with my work in refugee relocation , Even I am getting bored with the stories of me putting up people, homeless mums with babies etc etc ... you must have seen those comments ? Maybe you think I am BS though . anyway, etc and all of that . Then I thought about that guy that said that (because I was hassling him ; he was coming here, as many did back then, availing himself of teaching ad facilities , eating a LOT of the shared food without contributing , being cheeky and dancing around shit stirring people , so I gave him some back . So yes. I was not put here to make life easy .... for 'some people' ... yet for others , it seems I was put here to make their life easier . Maybe you mean my seeming ability to 'trigger' people ? of course , I know about that ... I got enough friends to remind me about it . Bit do I 'enjoy' triggering people ? I dont think that is the right word either . perhaps its just some sort of 'dhama' . If its NOT my personality or dhama .... what else could it be ? I mean, even I was some vindictive bastard hunting you down and persecuting you for whatever it was you where supposed to have done before (that you felt the need to apologise for ) , even if I was out to destroy you , or daobums ..... or get you to visualise e as large breasted blonde ... would ot that e my personality as well ? PS . I am NOT a vampire either ... although, I suppose its hard to tell nowadays with everyone wearing masks over their teeth . Oh yeah ... I got a 'weird' sense of humour too (they tell me ) .
  18. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Well, since you keep asking me questions , I'll respond ; No . Because YOU where the one saying 'calm down' all the time , when I was calm . Why would I 'get your point ' about you asking me about my wife .... when we had a calm relationship with her never having to tell me to calm down ? Whereas my question was sensible in that , a person that continually tells someone to calm down , as you have , considering your outbursts , right here , ( see Skunka's post above ) probably tells his wife that more than someone that is NOT continually saying 'calm down ' . Get it ?
  19. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Are YOU married ? If you are I am wondering how often you say that to your wife . I imagine she has good reason to NOT be calm
  20. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    I just had a thought ..... maybe you scratched your own chin in your sleep with your own claws .
  21. It is known

    I heard some scientist say once that virus cause mutation in DNA and are the agent of evolution . I was wondering if others think that . Maybe we are in for an evolutionary jump ? For some that is ... I think the way it works is , there are all sorts of nasty mutations but the more favourable mutations (according to new circumstances ) are the ones that thrive . The rest ..... its a dead and street .
  22. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    no just 'sharpen you claws' If no one notices , thats his own tag !
  23. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    I never worked in Hollywood , nor would I . I worked in the Australian Film Industry .... a totally different kettle of fish - we where the guys that thought up all the new and amazing techniques of how to actually film stuff that Hollywood producers and DOPs demanded to be done (that they couldnt figure out themselves ) and then took the credit for it .
  24. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    So ... its the Mods fault again is it ? YOU insulted people and they are at fault for not moderating the people you insulted ? WOW .
  25. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    I give opinion and relay information and my personal experience no where have I claimed advancement or being 'so developed' in 'spiritualism ' I asked for a citation of it - if i did say it . You dont deliver ... just deliver insults . Its like you cant help yourself . Or even know how a discussion or debate works .