
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Ah, a sign language joke Do you know this one ; A guy asks his deaf friend if he thinks God exists or not . The friend makes a sign by making a ring with his forefinger and thumb and places it around his nose and then moves forward and backward . The guy ; " Sorry, I am not familiar with that signing ." So the deaf guy gets a pen and paper and writes ' Fuck knows ' on it . - I saw Ricky Gervais (ugh! ) doing similar on 'Extras' . An interviewer is asking his confused female friend 'What is he like ?' . He is behind the interviewer signalling the same sign , with forefinger and thumb in a circle , in the air to her, signing ' OK / good ' and nodding and looking eager . She sees it gets confused and says " A wanker '
  2. Evocation

    Certainly ! And you can too . Evocation is a calling up / calling out . Whether your evocation is successful or not is another thing . It might also depend on one's experience and viewpoint on the dynamic involved ; some see evocation as calling up spirits that exist objectively, some see them as subjective . If you see them as subjective, and have worked with them and established a 'familiarity ' and connection then just a name , or not even that , might do it . Perhaps some see a similar familiarity with the objective viewpoint . Its a rather gianormous subject , what specifically do you want to talk about ?
  3. Women and Buddhahood

    Was not there 4 thanks ? Like thank Buddha you where born in a country that allows (or knows of ) Buddhism . I cant remember the 4 , but one used to be ' be thankful I was born a man ' . And later that got changed . Old ideas hang around a bit in some places . But Buddhism appears to have 'updated' on this one . I think the 'thanks I am a man' one got changed a while back . Male exclusiveness in enlightenment and heavenly rewards smacks of primitive savagery to me
  4. Are there evil master?

    .... someone has been tampering with the plumbing of politics and management , and perhaps medicine, and the environment and .....

    I used to have a broad subject book library - with a huge 'mystical' (occult and 'religious', mythology, etc ) . Also the commune had a library room, mostly with alternative books ; gardening, land management and other stuff . Thats gone now , the remains of the books are rotting in the barn . Its the 'way of the world' now . My personal library went into our groups library as a collective resource. But that eventually disbanded, the books dispersed . Some given away, some sold at markets or on line , I had some rare stuff . Only got two tubs left, gathering dust in the shed . Not that long ago I had a book case of the most used ones in the cabin, for reference mostly . Now its a single shelf as I slowly go through only 2 or 3 . They just are not used any more . All that knowledge ! But still, when it was available most people hardly bothered anyway . On the commune for example ; you could research about agriculture and read up on personal accounts in this area , on this land before you started to experiment with 'self sufficiency ' . But people did and still do prefer to make the same mistakes over and over again , tough for them , but it also damages the environment and resources . I sorta gave up . Its all happening again . When the shit really hits the fan, and people seriously need to be self sufficient , the land is degraded, the soil crap and the remedial knowledge will have to be got from elsewhere . A thought ..... a power failure doesnt effect your ability to open a book and read ! BRAVO! In the ancient schools the first principle was 'know thyself' from there knowledge was built up . Now it seems the other way around . I bought this up with some parents years back - your kids are going to be exposed to this in their education. A few had kids at the local Steiner School . I already worked their occasionally ( as sport teacher and taking them swimming down at the river ). A couple petitioned the school board to have me teach a 'main lesson' for a term and it went before the school board . I explained this old principle with an expansion on a modern dynamic . The kids will go through all this complex education and in the future they might come up across various issues or problems , say its of a philosophical nature , or something to do with their make up psychology and programming . Now, the kid that graduated , went to uni, studied philosophy and psychology might be able to navigate through the problem, but others , who went down other paths of education might not be able to . Also, look at this in light of youth's problems today ; we got a big self harm, suicide and substance abuse problem going on . They need education and tools in a wider area at an earlier and general stage of education . So I wrote up a curriculum based on that and hermetic teachings , stripped down and simplified to its basics . The school board accepted it ( under protest , as many of them thought that is exactly what Steiner education was meant to be doing . others realised it wasnt . So it went to a vote ) . Basically the lessons where on 4 levels relating to the elements ; Fire ( which I used as 'spirit' and 'spiritual' in the context of one;s individual spirit - and here the failure , with those kids, of the Steiner system was apparent ; the first time I mentioned the world 'spiritual' a groan went up from the class, amidst protest about all the spiritual stuff the school and the parents had been ramming down their necks - one girl, who lacked confidence and expression said it was because she was a Sagittarius , and she had been led to believing, by her own mother , that Saggaterians are dreamers and useless ! - I certainly had my work cut for me ! ) The course was titled 'Life Skills - know yourself ' . The fire segment was about individuality and the individual spark of genius each has and our own originality and uniqueness and how that interfaces socially. Water was about emotions and their effect on us . (Eg examining the difference between an emotional reaction and an intellectual response . We thought up scenarios and acted them out from either state and looked with different ways of control and modification . Air was intellect , we looked at various things, including ways to use the function better , how to learn and study , examined things like memory , speed reading etc . Earth was physical body with health & nutrition ( I found one over weight girl eating her lunch with a fork out of a huge can of tinned spaghetti . I said " What would your mother say if she knew you where eating that for lunch ?" Her answer was a confused look : " I asked my Mom what I was going to take for lunch this morning and she handed the can and a spoon to me . " ) , cooking lessons , a bit of bush craft. making shelters and simple building skills , with bamboo . And some martial arts / self defence aikido style - they LOVED that , all of them , except the class bully instantly he was disempowered. I taught the boys some middle eastern drumming and my GF at the time was into belly dancing , so she came and taught the girls some dances . After a month the class put on a little performance . The other teachers where amazed at how quickly they learnt it . Actually I had a few other teachers sit in on my classes to observe my 'style'. It worked great with the kids , to the extent that some wanted me to come into their class to address some problems (but I refused , seeing most problems originated in the teachers or the system itself , if they didnt, then there was their own parents to deal with ! We had a heavy session on teen suicide , they really didnt like me then . I fronted them with stats and numbers. Which means x number of that class will be dead before 20 . It caused an unpopular uproar . I let it simmer for a while . Then ; " But that isnt going to happen to US is it ? We are going to look after each other ." Then began teaching about that ( Eg . back then the 4th largest cause of teenage death in rural areas was night swimming . If you swim in fresh water at night after consuming alcohol and dive in, the shock to the body when it hits the cold immersion layer deeper down can cause the breath to be expelled, panic makes a convulsive breath in, of water, and the person can drown . This can simply be avoided by walking in and submersing slowly. And the more aware keeping an eye on others . I would like to think I was somewhat successful , I only , over time , lost 2 of those kids , stats indicated potentially more, so I think we where ahead . I admire you sentiments . We had a bit of an experiment on the commune like that . It did work for a few years . I know why it didnt work as good as it could - subversion of those that could not advance ! And I know why that was allowed to happen . If the others had proper 'hermetic' education they would have realised ; Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. Act passionately; think rationally; be Thyself. They would never discipline anyone , even those that tried to wreck the system we all benefited from. In the one area we did , the problem evaporated and people became happy about the 'harsh' solution . The thing is , these people simply believed they could just do all this , because they wanted to do it . One has to LEARN how to do things . Many seemed to think that if you turned up on the commune , in your kombi with long hair and beard , you where cool , peaceful, understanding and never beat your wife ..... I take it as far as having kids . many seem to think parenting will come naturally AFTER they have kids . For some it does , for others its a disaster for both parties . Tis the way of the world , we have BOTH intelligent and stupid people ( and the definition of that is all important ) ; Ditto
  6. Canna Bums

    What sort of a drug does this ; smoke just about daily for 40 years , takes a one month trip away so doesnt smoke any, at all. One day, normal consumption, the next zero ... for a month . No side effects, no craving , no desire to try and get any . It took longer to get to sleep when in bed , but a late night small single beer fixed that , or just stayed up later than normal. Same when I go any where nowadays (due to modern detection systems put on travellers and drivers ) from a couple of days to a few weeks . Stayed at sisters and she was constantly ; "its okay if you want to go out side on verandah and have a smoke .... there is a freaky cafe around the corner , you can probably get some there . " " Nah ! I couldnt be bothered . . . . smoking so much dope has made me lazy about scoring "
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    That story turned ME into 'WTF man " (but not the superhero version ) Okay ; camels then - Baby Camel : "Mummy , why do I have this big hump on my back ? " Mother Camel ; " Why, my son, it is to hold water, so we may traverse far across the desert sands where there is no water to drink . " BC; "Oh I see . But mummy, why do I have these big flat feet ? " MC ; " Those, my son, are to keep your feet from sinking deep into the soft sand , when we traverse far across the desert ." BC; " Oh .... but Mummy , why do we have these thick long eye lashes " MC; " Those, my son, are to keep the sand out of eyes when the strong desert wind blows . " BC ; ...... " Mummy ? " MC ; "Yes, my son?" BC ; " Why do we live in a zoo then ? "
  8. Strange emotional experiences

    I would say that some events seem to be triggering unconscious reactions that effect the emotions . Unless it is totally without reason and is a 'mechanical' fault . Analysis of the circumstances or hypnotism could bring out the causes .
  9. Its interesting how different some cultures view it . The ancient Egyptians went to incredible lengths to preserve the body, memory , Ren ( one's identity preserved by the name , written or spoken) of (important ) diseased people in order to 'halt the evaporation' of the 'individual spirit' . Yet here , with the Aboriginals - the common people (ie, those who are not Shaman's or Kadaicha , etc ) - they dont even want to say or hear the name of or see a picture of the deceased as it causes them to 'hang around' , they are VERY scared of ghosts or anything remotely 'spooky' . They seem to want the individual spirit to dissolve quickly and the 'surviving spirit' to embed back into the landscape . eg.
  10. I think its the second . Just about everything , in this tradition, is tied to the land , to specific 'country'. Thats the belief with many here ; "Going back to earth' - not just the physical either. And thats where new born spirits come from (well, a waterhole or spring in the earth.)
  11. Here are 3 different stories , the 2nd one has two parts which show an interesting dynamic and perhaps answers some questions about ' nasty and good ' 'ghosts . A few years back I was working in the city for a few months and staying with a friend and his wife in an old style 'flat' ( small apartment block) . They where out, I was home early, it was a lovely sunny afternoon so I went into the front sun room, smoked a joint and put some fav music on. Tripping out on the music I started having a conversation in my head with this old lady ; " Thats nice music . " she said . So I started talking to her about it , then some conversation about the how the room was nice in the afternoon sun , she mentioned she used to live there and loved that sun room , I said it must have been great there back then , etc . we just enjoyed sitting there in each others energy. I was taken by how nice, calm and lovely energy was. It seemed like a natural normal experience and I responded that way to it .... But then I snapped out out of it ; what the hell am I doing , I'm off in la-la land, imagining I am talking to some old lady that used to live there . Then my mate comes back with his wife and he (doesn't do this much but ) asked me if I had anything he could smoke. I gave him some and said "Be careful, its pretty strong, I was off my face before on a tiny bit , I even hallucinated talking to this dear old granny in the front sun room . He stood there looking at me like I had slapped his face . After questioning me , in a strange and near angry way he called his wife in and said tell her . So I did and she goes " Hasn't she got the most dear and lovely energy ? " ... I was a bit dumbfounded. Then she turns to hubby and " See , I told you, I told you so ." and to me "I have talked to her several times in there . He is a total sceptic about it, just won't have it , I think its because he's a bit freaked out . " And he was " F you two! You made this up ! " But I was ' It feels more like YOU TWO have made this up to trick me ! " But then I couldnt explain how she knew about what I was telling him previous , unless she was listening outside the door . But that doesnt make much sense . Mate got the shits and went off to the kitchen convinced we where jerking him around . This experience often evaporates from my consciousness, I remain mostly sceptical myself , but then I remember it and remember it really happened . Even if we both 'imagined' it , why did we imagine the same thing ? So now , whenever i am not sure about ghosts and stuff I ; "Well there was that experience talking to that old lady!" 2 nd one is two experiences with the same 'ghost' (i am assuming ) . A friend had a feral commune type farm with a lot of hippies bumming off him and the place . Its right up the end of the road in the narrow steep part of the valley ; Gondwanaland country, very intense . The land energy and Aboriginal lore abounds . They had a cute 'pixie hut' called the 'Fairy House' built out over a creek. Various hippies stayed there , but not for long, it was supposed to be haunted by this angry Aboriginal woman. I met one woman ( these people .... lets say 'left a lot to be desired ' , basically they where hippy free loaders not respecting the land properly and sucking off my generous friend.) and she said they got woken up by a light in the middle of the cabin and all saw a ferocious old Aboriginal woman screaming ' GET OUT GET OUT " over and over again. They grabbed what they could, left stuff behind immediately bolted to the car and drove out never to return " I will NEVER go back to that place !" she told me . Mate eventually kicked the hippies out and the whole place was virtually abandoned . A few years later I met another woman , a lovely aware and advanced soul. She respected the environment in a good way (not hypocritical and militant about it - there are a lot of them in this area ! ), she had a grace and a presence and was working as a midwife. I asked her where she was staying and she said 'In the Fairy House at Cool Creek ." I raised an eyebrow and said " And how do you get on with the old Aboriginal Lady ? " and she " WHAT ! How do you know about that ! ? " She had not heard the stories and assumed it was wholly a personal experience . Then she started telling me how nice and good this old woman was to her . I found that VERY interesting - the two opposite experiences different types of people had there . the 3rd is more general. Its a type of audio or echo noise not on the physical, you have to tune in to hear it , or, if you have 'that type of hearing' anyway , you have to tune it out . . . . well, I had to , eventually .... occasionally I tune into it , as a reminder and part of my practice . . . some times it comes with 'hallucinations' or 'visions' . Some are horrific so I won't repeat them here It first started when I got my 2nd blast from my shamanic teacher . I noticed it when I came back home to the valley after being with him out 'in camp' . It starts as an uneasy feeling and a sound you cant quite hear, then it gets louder and its like a long moan and then its bad moaning weeping screaming , all sorts of bad shit , mostly like women and children being killed . Its pretty horrible. There have been three very nasty evil massacres in this valley; at the head, the middle and the sea end . It has an echo of pain embedded in the landscape . of course there are other wonderful and amazing things embedded in it as well, but this also. Its just something a white person has to come to terms with if they want to practice Aboriginal shamanism, connect with the land and try to find resolution with the survivors.
  12. Question on astral projection

    It appears so with a lot of magical 'abilities ' and 'realisations ' as well - accrued benefit . Also some ancestor 'experience ' via genetic inheritance . ' Astral Projection ' is problematic due to variant ideas and expectations about it and also some passed on wrong info ( eg . when ' astral travelling ' some believe they are moving about in the physical material world . But its called astral travelling because you are moving about the ASTRAL world . And the same goes for what people think the 'astral world' is
  13. Question on astral projection

    I am assuming your magical practice is the source of the techniques you have been using ? What type or school of magical practice have have you been involved with ? I ask as I am not familiar with ' during the vibrational state. ... I can get the vibrations " Vibrations ? Have you tried this method ? There is a key element in here : SECTION V ( with section 1 as preamble ) I got over the problematic stage ( @ Section V : 3 ) by getting the 'astral form' to do an activity I was very familiar with (in my case a martial arts form) - pick something that you are very familiar with and conditioned by . As you imagine the projection of yourself doing the activity , eventually the 'seat of consciousness' or 'the source of your imagining ' will be centred / originating from the projection. Then you can proceed with points 4 ... 5 .... and so on .
  14. Are there evil master?

    Why are you so rude to everyone ? A while back you where asked to make a post of substance instead of continued complaining ( about people, their posts, their views the moderation here .... etc ) but you dont seem to be able to
  15. Are there evil master?

    Indeed, I said that earlier : extreme temperature ( + or - ) can change physical properties and the 'laws' of (mundane) physics - like gravity and magnetism. But with our new friends here , who dont seem to know about such things , and mock, call troll, and claim secret clubs here are in opposition to them , and cant seem to post anything else of substance , it may not be worth the effort . However , our new friend Daniel seems like a breath of fresh air Welcome to the secret inner order Ooops ! ... I mean Daobums .
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Yep ! Feral pets ; they come and go as they please . You can go on holidays and not have to worry . No vet bills either. You still gets delightful moments ; a curawong that sings on the front steps for his morning rosemary cracker ( he doesnt seem to like the other sort ) , a passel of possums in the trees , occasionally feather tailed gliders in the tree by the back door , I had one inside for a while Paddymelons in the back yard No wombats though I do play with the idea of having a pet wombat .
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Oh come on .... its edited in . A bit like this one , which is done a lit better
  18. Masks Of the Illuminati is not fiction ? Good ! I like the idea of James Joyce, Albert Einstein and Aleister Crowley drinking together in a bar (it sounds like the beginning of a good joke ) .
  19. The Cool Picture Thread

    One of the world's rarest turtle species , only found in the river that borders the north of our property . In 2015 there was a virus outbreak amongst them , they numbered about four and a half thousand , in 3 months 90% of them where gone . I was finding dead or dying turtles along the river bank. A few years before, one could don some goggles and go for a dive and watch them underwater , or see them sunning themselves on rocks and logs . They saved some and bred them at a zoo and released some into back into the river , but I doubt they will ever recover .
  20. The Cool Picture Thread

    Ahhh ... the annual Japanese iced doughnut festival !
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Whenever I click on a post link that looked like this one ... it deletes the post ?????
  22. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Your protests regarding cultural misappropriations are rather ill informed . Having the appropriate university degree , ancestry and experience * in the field, please allow me to inform you that ; *