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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Nah ... its actually the rotation of the earth that does that . there I go again, using ' fake science ' to try to dispel 'occult knowledge' and 'spiritual science' .
  2. Divine Truths from Master

    This post is a direct paste and copy ... even including this picture ^ from GSMaster exposed again !
  3. Divine Truths from Master

    If you have never experienced this metamorphosis devoid of self, it can be difficult to dream. Have you found your path? Traveller, look within and inspire yourself. We must ground ourselves and ground others. Soon there will be a blossoming of nature the likes of which the solar system has never seen. We must learn how to lead spiritual lives in the face of discontinuity. We are at a crossroads of hope and materialism. Our conversations with other adventurers have led to a refining of pseudo-transformative consciousness. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the biosphere via chaos-driven reactions.
  4. Divine Truths from Master

    Only a being of the cosmos may bring forth this vision of life. Lifeform, look within and recreate yourself. Have you found your path? If you have never experienced this unifying at the quantum level, it can be difficult to exist. How should you navigate this powerful biosphere? It can be difficult to know where to begin. Although you may not realize it, you are holistic.
  5. " and to design machinery kinds of things " ... wow ! Let this be a warning to everyone here folks DO NOT pray to GSMaster , you will end up like a teenage retard Basement Boy ! I am sure Starjumper, in the past , would never have explanied one of the benefits of modern science as ' to design machinery kinds of things' . All his bad traits are now being shared with GSMaster , and visa versa . Any vestige of intelligence he USED to have ... well, that got sucked up by me and added to my store, due to my pre pre reversal of the pre reversal , reversal spell . Its so obvious that even ...... ( wait for it ) .... a Fata Morgana can see it .
  6. AHA! NOW I know what happened to you ! You prayed to his Avvy didnt you ! You thought you would try it, in desperation (probably to get some book sales ) And now look where it got you ! You might need a GSMaster exorcism now !
  7. FINALLY Congratulations ! They usually wizz past your head even after the 3rd explanation (is that why you call yourself a WIZZard ) ... either , you are getting a tiny bit smarter .... or just getting used to me - as an everyday part of your life now . Yes, a good use of language insults and wit . And yes, you certainly missed a LOT . Take this for example ; Why would I think people with copper chisels MOVED the giant stones at the base of the temple ??? Maybe you meant to write 'people with copper chisels CARVED the giant stones ? Even so, no I wouldnt think that either because , well, its rather stupid. Any one that has looked even slightly into this subject knows stones like that are not carved ( or even moved by ) copper chisels . Rock that is quarried for blocks is usually quarried along its fracture lines , at first . Or if its a a large piece like the other picture , the opposite, as you dont want fracture lines through the piece . Stone hammers and percussion crushing and grinding combined with heating and rapid cooling ( fire and cool water ) to fracture and also wooden wedges hammered in and soaked with water so they swell up . Copper chisels would have been used for finer work by using an abrasive sand between the chisel and the rock, for harder rock . A lot of people do not seem to realise that some rock, like limestone , but also other types can be fairly soft for some time after quarrying and then become harder later when fully dried out and exposed to the air . The scale of the people has little to do with it . In more recent times , pieces of stone bigger than that have been moved by people, using very primitive methods . But I guess you have to understand basic physics to be able to comprehend this. I already put up the proofs and all the explanations in the previous threads about these subjects . Here is just one I will repeat note people standing on it for scale , now compare to other picture ^ Well we do know that 'people with ropes' DID move giant things back then ; But in the case of the above block a better technique might have been the track and roller method , and we have evidence of that as well . It doesnt take too many brains to figure out ; what is the easiest and most frictionless way of simply moving heavy / large cargo today ? Rail and boat . Of course track and roller is not as efficient as modern rail but the same principles still applied back then . The moving may not have been the main problem , transfer would be more difficult , eg, from 'drag' or track and roller on to a barge and then off again . Oh , dont get me wrong here . I DO have appreciation for the sophistication embedded in the Taoist internal martial arts , I just dont have it for what you are claiming to do . I see , so where are these hundreds of thousands of credible accounts of aliens. ' And why are you so angry that people dont believe in your alien swarms ? What psychological crutch does your belief in hundreds of thousands of alien accounts supply to you ? I think the above speaks for itself and exposes you just as some bar alcoholic that sits there miserable and abusing everything that is beyond his alcoholised confusion . That is how you are increasingly coming across here Starjumper . Its been a degradation over the last couple of months . And I am not the only one that has observed this . I believe you have a lot of internal anger as 'your way' is not being accepted ... you feel very special, yet no one is really interested - no students , no book sales - Starjumper rage . And as usual , any further silly posts and attempts by you to discredit others will just expose your own ignorance , like this one has done .
  8. You embarrassed yourself again and missed the whole point That is; a Fatana Morgana cant 'see' anything . But I know you still won't get it . But I dont think that . No, I dont think the plan was to use ropes on that one at all . You cant even run an argument so you just make up badly made straw men to knock them down again .
  9. A Message for Heartbreak

    No one else will be confused by that . All shall see and understand . (Well, except .... you-know-who . I predict he will add one more confused face . )
  10. A Message for Heartbreak

    I knew it folks ! Just read that last sentence ... NAGB ! Its SOOOOOOO obvious ; Consciousness consists of electromagnetic forces of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a deepening of the unrestricted. word for word ! ya gotta get up early to catch the old Nungers ! We are at a crossroads of purpose and discontinuity. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the nexus via chaos-driven reactions. We are in the midst of a sacred invocation of non-locality that will remove the barriers to the quantum matrix itself Our conversations with other warriors have led to an ennobling of hyper-amazing consciousness. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the biosphere via electromagnetic resonance. We are in the midst of a spiritual unfolding of coherence that will let us access the totality itself. Finally we get the source of GSMaster supreme wisdom
  11. A Message for Heartbreak

    I dont do, nor need to do, PPJ . I have already stolen your prayers . Too late sucker ! The only thing you got right so far is me being wealthy and living in the best place possible . But you go ahead and keep trying to scrounge those lots of $10 from the retarded ... good luck with that maybe one day you might be able to save up $100 ! ! Except there is a LOT of competition out there in that field . Other ' Masters' would cut your throat for that $100 or 5 of your $10 students . You should sell 5 of your students to Starjumper, because he cant find any of his own . Or even try to make some money renting him out basement space for all his unsold books ?
  12. A Message for Heartbreak

    Ha! Of course I already knew you where going to try that ! So I pre rerouted the rerouter that you just routed , yesterday ! Now I get all the worship and you get all their shit to add to your own . .
  13. A Message for Heartbreak

    You obviously have not checked my worship count here ... its WAY over yours ! But dont you start doing it . I have not given you permission to worship me yet . Also, I have a supreme magical power that diverts worship from others to ME ..... spell on ... now, any one that worships your avatar , I will get the worship !
  14. A Message for Heartbreak

    No, I am pushing in I am first here for all worship Everyone worship Nungers first !
  15. He's got nuthin else folks .... just the same old , over and over again . Cant deliver . As these types usually cannot . Ho hum .
  16. A Message for Heartbreak

    OR you could just pray to the Devil and get the REAL truth about the 'divine' ( PS , its a scam ! ) Its simple ; 1. Look at avatar 2. Pray to the Devil . 3. Gain Blessings
  17. Obviously the accurate descriptive terminology of a chakra master
  18. A Fata Morgana cant see any thing from below, above or at the same level , you idiot ! The bolded bit PROVES how stupid you are , I dont have to prove it , you do it yourself all the time .
  19. sean gone?

    off you go then ... to 'Original' Dao Forum . Bye bye .
  20. sean gone?

    Well, the capitalist machine here is now broken ; extra welfare payments , immediate free health care , unions and government working side by side , government is paying wages , frivolous activities are banned and armed forces are roaming the streets , pollution is down, peasants are growing their own food again , people are learning to co-operate and help each other .... all thanks to that right wing destroying ' Chinese Virus ' .
  21. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    " Nungali lied about me being a basement gamer .... I do not play world of warcraft ... ... I play good games like Witcher 3 " You guys are classic !
  22. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Correction ; It could be a dank basement oops sorry three level penthouse in Brussels. the big city . I know ! His penthouse is actually a Fata Morgana of his basement from an 'underneath perspective ' < snicker > . Sometime Starjumper turns up to visit him but neither of them can figure out how to get in the basement/penthouse from underneath it .