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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    " I have had contact with Hollywood stars "
  2. and , genius .... the picture showing the Fata Morgana 'city' is not from an underneath perspective any more than that boat is in your lame diagram . A Fata Morgana appears in the air , so if you are on the ground , of course you 'look up' to see it , just like the top image in your lame 'explanation' . That doesnt mean that the image is from an 'underneath perspective ' . Do you even understand the term ? " the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other. Moron ! This is what an underneath perspective is , it isnt just looking at something up in the sky Now, I suppose if I hold this picture above your head You will say it is from an 'underneath perspective' . Seriously , you types just step in it the more you post your angry at self crap . Then you get more angry when its pointed out and go from thread to unrelated thread that you never posted in before just to lay one of your stupid eggs in it , making more of the same blunders ! I guess that is why some times you feel it safer just to yell out unreated insults to various posters here . becasue you certainly cant engage or challenge any of them intelligently, on their level.
  3. I guess hot air inversion layers are strong in your valley . We all know where all that hot air is coming from though
  4. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    and those that live in basements imagine they live in penthouses
  5. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    YOU posted this thread and title . Are you saying it isnt your fault becasue you where just 'following orders ' ? 'I never said that ! I was just following orders given to me , which I obeyed . " To late to try and wiggle your way out now . YOU posted a thread with a question YOU are saying there is no question ... thats it , thats all there is too it - you effed up and embarrassed yourself and you add to it here with each post you make attempting to deny it .
  6. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Any one can clearly see the thread title , calling me a liar won't change reality ... although that appears part of your magical talents ; Everyone ; " Look! There it is right in front of you , how can you deny that, we can all see it ." GSM ; " LIARS ! You are all liars "
  7. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    More typical attempt at a diversion from the stuipd and obvious mistake you made in posting your thread . What question? There is no question, I never posted a question
  8. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Oh , so the thread title was The Learner's was it , and you just copied your thread title from him . Your pathetic excuses and attempts to wiggle out of your own embarrassing blunders are getting worse , the ore you try to do it . Very amusing
  9. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    yeah right .... which of course has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I was making which I clearly spelled . Its interesting that we all know what each other is refering to here ... except you . But then again , you are a Retard Basement Boy .... so we cant really expect more , eh ?
  10. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Nope . YOU are the one that made your own stupid blunder here Dude posts a thread with a question as a title and now denies there never was a question in the first place While it is sitting there for all to see ! And now you are STILL trying to deny it . Keep going - very amusing
  11. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    I forgot to vote myself ! I am going for 'Basement Boy ' ; (the one on the right )
  12. Dao Bums Trolls akin to a Virus

    " there are 10000 members on this forum. " Looks like YOU just proved YOURSELF clinically stupid . - give 'em enough rope ! ... every time !
  13. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Lets run a poll inside this poll . Answer by the type of 'like' you choose for this post . If you think GSMaster is a Basement Boy and has confused World of Wizard Warcraft Magic with real life and this forum select 'like' . If you think he is just a retard that was dropped on his head as a baby select If you think he is actually Sean in disguise playing a trick on us , select 'thanks' . If you think he deserves some Nungali discipline select 'confused'
  14. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    yeah well, he is such a dumb shit he doesnt even realise what the stuff he is writing is actually saying . Posts a question , asks for a poll , doesnt include the poll's question in the poll itself and then tells everyone they are dumb as no question was involved . Pretty sure he is a retard .
  15. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    ' in the centre of the large city ' eh ? Any one who is delusioned by gaming would write that . if it was reality they would have written 'in a large city ' OOOPPS ! another slip up Nope , I got 300 pristine acres riverfront sub tropic rainforest near the beach . Its obvious you are a Basement Boy , thats the level of your skill . However your imagined self and ego is as high as a penthouse . ..... in the large city
  16. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Well, I wondered about that . In my younger days .... just a few years back I would venture out to see GF - through hell or high water . I wonder how all these young-uns are going controlling their libido with SD (social distancing ) ! Now of course, 'libido' is not such an urgent need nowadays. Yesterday my 'occasional' turned up in a car with her younger house mate and his little girl . They are a separate household from me ; mum had to go and look after very sick father and a mother who just had surgery, so Mum is in that household with her high risk parents and the other 3 in that household and me in my own . Anyway, they dropped of some tinned lentils for me and picked up some milk for them , he jumped out the car and swapped stuff over . I am standing there waving to her through the window Gawd ! 10 metres and a glass shield ... thats worse than a condom !
  17. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Errrrmmm no , that wont work .... thats a picture - on the internet . The thing is Gamer boy ... this isnt your game . Its not something you san weild magic swords in and cast spells and have an effect . No game ... no effect .... just a silly Basement Boy ( who STILL lives at home ! )
  18. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    and now the government has decided to throw away some of the votes . This is another classic GSMaster entertainment thread
  19. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Just like in Russia you make your vote and ,,,,, OH ! They just added an extra rule / condition .
  20. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    This proves you have a screw loose in itself ; 1st , the two options are stupid and are about as loaded as an election in Russia - did you think that would trick people, just annoy them or confirm you are a dolt ? Also there is no option to vote for if you have a screw loose or not , the very subject of and reason for you 'poll ' . 2nd, What if some one felt pissed off by you but didnt want you to leave , or , like me is not pissed of with you but wants you to leave ? 3rd. What the hell does 'keep this place or leave mean' ? 4th. Your last line above 'I will not put a demons on.... ' 5 th . When do you get let out of the basement ? - Oh right ! Lockdown . I forgot . Since your parents gave you a room in their basement , I guess you are stuck there .
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Indeed ! I selected that one out of about a dozen pictures of women ..... what shall we call them ? - Senior Bongers ' . /
  22. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    E w w w w w !
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Lighter ? Did you run out of matches ?
  24. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Its just a bit of 'fun' . Come on .... tell me you are NOT wanting to watch a fight between 'Iron Palm' Starjumper and 'Destroy You Magically GSMaster' ! Anyway , here is what it would look like . Star jumper is the tall skinny dork and GSMaster is the 'handsome well built guy ' ; 'Iron Palm' at 0:51
  25. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Interesting opinions ! " I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that. " I think you have previously read a bit of SF ? Ths scenario sounds familiar ; a world where human contact is virtually non existent , technology has taken off, mechanisation has taken over and human population way down . For some reason, in the story I am partially remembering, a man HAS to take a persona visit , for some reason, and he is terrified . Thing is , to be totally selfish , I mostly live like this anyway , in a comparative isolation . I have already been averse to shaking hands , now i can reasonably do what I used to ; back off, hold up my hand and " Look I have no concealed weapon and am pleased to meet you . " Now, it makes a lot more sense to people . Maybe its my past ; in younger days at the festivals we used to put on, I enjoyed close human contact a lot more . I suppose things like spending an afternoon dancing in a mud pit at the bottom of a water slide in a huge group of naked mud covered people pressed together must have done it for me . Ahhhhh ... the now delights of hermitage ! Yesterday, I had a guy doing some work here ( a stranded traveller ) .... up the 'back' . At the end of the day he came down to the cabin to get his pay , I had some notes rolled and a rubber band around them and tossed it to him from a distance . yeah , crazy , but I actually dont mind that . Like I said , I have not caught a bug in a few years now due to such behaviour . And I smoke like a chimney , while some people around me that look after their health very good and never smoke are always getting every bug that comes around . The modern world , strange things are afoot ; " This week, three Australians under the age of 35 will die from sudden cardiac arrest, where the heart simply stops beating. The young victims typically will have no warning signs and in many instances are otherwise fit and healthy. It occurs unexpectedly, "