
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    yes, thats right . And we are in early stages ... as usual , 'down here' we are often 'behind' . I could not find anything on the news about supermarkets going to 'staple food boxes pick up ' ??? But other stuff ; Rate of increase has dropped over the last 3 days from 25% down to 3% . A $130 Billion wage rescue package - the Gov. pays employers to pay their employees ( I think this is basically 'passing the buck ' as the Gov cant keep up with unemployment claims processing ) . Evictions for people that cant ay rent are illegal and loans are being deferred . Aside from all the Gov hype about how great they are the PM walked off stage without answering the 'where are all our masks and protective equipment ? ' Hardly anyone is masked and the the hospitals are running out , yet some random newsagents and 'dollar cheap ' stores are selling boxes of masks and hand sanitiser . Sanitiser will probably soon be available as some major (and some small 'home style ' ) breweries have switched to making it . Todays total is 4359 with nearly half of those in NSW . I saw a guy on news in hand and leg cuffs being shuffled off to jail with police keeping their distance from him - he broke social distancing laws - they found him walking down the street alone ... BUT after reading more , he did it 3 times, including being found wandering far from home around the city , after being put in ' self isolation' at home because he was a returned traveller and they just kept taking him home after fining him . # times and your 'out' I suppose . Now he has been transferred from jail to hospital , so he is probably infected . Gatherings of more than 2 people are not allowed ! Soon it might be gatherings of 1 person is not allowed . Yes, ... unless you are army or police or medics ... or at the supermarket I suppose since we have VERY limited hospital space ( even at this early stage ) , virtually no testing ( some locals and local medics have got together on their own here and bi passed the Gov and have set up their own a drive in testing clinic) . And no PPG (personal protective gear ) ; handwash, gloves and masks . So isolation is really the only option . Well, its knocked our record out ; 12 years of near constant presence on Saturday mornings training at the river park . Last Saturday , empty ... and probably will be for some months .
  2. The perfect weapon

    Thats just becasue Starjumper cant do it to his face as he is scared of his awesome avenging magical powers . Then again ... Starjumper has the awesome steel garage palm strike ! < snicker >
  3. The perfect weapon

    Well, that explains why you are saying you are so smart Yeah , we kinda noticed that
  4. The perfect weapon

    Oh come on now Sir P ! Dont disrupt the new little love nest ! They only just got together !
  5. The perfect weapon

    Yep . You have tagged him correctly . Its the modern world .... constant gaming and an imagination ruined by constant modern gaming / super hero / internet 'research' . The kids today .... ho - hum .
  6. The perfect weapon

    Welcome to the world of GS Master .
  7. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Sweden is next to Australia in today's numbers ; S - 3,700 ... A - 4,163 , yet we are doing the opposite . We got the Army patrolling to 'help people understand ' . Dont leave home unless its essential ! But what is 'essential' ? Well, last night our PM gave us an example ; " My wife went shopping and bought a HEAP of jigsaw puzzles yesterday . If her and the kids have to saty home for 6 months , they will be essential . " Also problems like domestic violence rise are trying to be countered , authorities acknowledge there may be some 'side effects' . But preliminary stats show this approach MIGHT BE flattening the rate of new infections, they have not increased in two days . Deaths rose yesterday, but that is a time lag effect, I think . However , I expect to see surges and lags in any trends and stats . I went to town today, it seemed like a normal quiet day , then I came out of the supermarket and the street was near empty . Some places have put up good sanitising facilities outside , others haven't bothered, about 1/3 of places closed . I heard a quick news reference that Woolworths isnt going to allow shopping anymore but just pick ups of pre packed 'staples' ??? The local shop is still a good secret . I got heaps of good stuff there . AND they supply washing facilities out front , disposable gloves and clear distance markers . Now they are doing home delivers soon . They might even need to employ some drivers with vehicles . One further method is regional shutdowns . Bring it on, I say . Besides, IF you are supposed to stay home except for essential needs then you should not be inter regionally travelling anyway . If you have an essential reason then you are allowed through . Our 'far spreadedness ' here may be to our advantage ; there is only really 2 large regional centres south of here to Sydney , in 600 kms. Us Aussies gotta stick apart .
  8. Its a Fata Morgana . Now dont get all sexually frustrated about that .
  9. It's all getting too much

    I found Sean ! I gave this guy 10 bucks and I " What happened to you man ?" and he " Well, I had this idea about running an internet forum with little mediation, relying on the maturity of those involved in spiritual sciences .... anyway , long story short , have you read 'Faucault's Pendulum' ? Ended up like that . Anyways , I'm much happier now . " .
  10. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    WTF was that ? !
  11. What are you listening to?

    A lot more birds . Much fewer cars . Much less human noise . I even noticed a lack of the occasional high altitude jets passing over . Here , during 'corona virus shutdown' , the noises of nature are more prominent .
  12. Blessing food and water before consumption

    Formally for feasts and shared meals we used to ; Nowadays , graduating more to shamanic and local practices I simply say 'Bugglebear' - a Bundjalung word which means thank you, good, I am appreciating this and feel good becasue of it . Its also said many times other than eating , as teacher said ; " Always say thanks to 'Mum' ( 'mother nature' ) , bugglebear , because she gives you all you need and looks after you . "
  13. It's all getting too much

    Yep .... thats the spirit ... as usual I mention : " even when he started a topic and asked questions and I responded . " Then he responds to that with : " Where your questions any good ? " EXACTLY what I mean and why I gave up trying reasonable communication . .
  14. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    No mention of it here either in Oz ... but it IS the plan , and its the plan in many places , its just that it is enacted different . The only way to get over it ( for the general population) is ; herd immunity by natural means or inoculation . Here , with a LOW number of hospital beds and equipment we need a high rate of social isolation to flatten the curve early to keep numbers down while we try to tool up . The idea is to match the curve to resources . Isolation will never fix the problem , just slow down its onset . Thats general . Its different for individuals of course ; due to my specific situation ( ie . basically a hermit , a high level of isolation anyway ) I have missed the last 3 years of catching any type of bug that was going around , so never developed any immunity to any of them and never caught any of them . 3 years ago (and the 3 prior to that ) when I had a GF with 3 young kids (and at least 1 then all 3 in school ) I was getting some new bug every few months ! Since then, when a bug goes around, I isolate myself from it , and people .
  15. GOETIA

    Even they can be rebellious .
  16. Say Something Nice About Someone Chain!

    Donald Trump has nice ....... nice ...... ummmmm .... errrmmmm ..... cufflinks !
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Oh ? I didnt notice them Thats what happens with no big red circle around them .
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I love those photos with the big red circle ; no, not the girl .... not the tap .... the mirror , look in the mirror Nooooo ... not that tree down in the corner ... the bigfoot in the middle of the picture ; No, not the trash can ... no no NOT the car ! That alien , right there in the middle of the picture ! Thank goodness for big red circles , otherwise we might not see this 'cryptoid' (due to its disguise and how it blends in with nature )
  19. GOETIA

    Nearly . Now try reading ALL the letters . There was not just one 'task' , it's a bit more complicated than that . Here is a hint ; certain 'Daimones' are categorised under certain traits or subjects and specialise in certain things . The 'tasks' they best 'perform' are those associated with each one . Try this ; realising that the transliteration into modern language, a la Wiki , may give poor results ( eg. " ... making devils gather around graves" - Oh dear ! ). However it does relate the relationship to Isis [ and in my case, a previously 'adopted' * ' agathodaimon' under the legion of Isis (another Goddess - in the aspect of 'Stella Maris' ) , but 'above' the 'Duke' level of Bune .] * adopted, in the sense that I was adopted , not that I adopted her - that is , it was an experience when I was very young WAAAYYYY before I ever heard of such things as Goetia . It wasnt actually until some time AFTER the evocation ceremonies that I put the relationships together . - and to me this signifies that certain 'spirits' are the best one's to work with - the ones tied into ones karma and dharma . These connections where also affirmed via astrology , again in a later practice/ revelation . Also I cant vouch for any efficacy if the subject is approached much as I see it today . My workings took a long time - each tool was consecrated in the appropriate magical way and setting, also it was done in a properly set up temple (and directions, if followed, mean it needs to be fairly large ) , which I had built . Also a certain amount of consecrated regalia and temple furniture was constructed . Of course there is the background knowledge and study as well ( hopefully within a good system) - I did that for decades. Also some insight into psychology , and not just within the modern 'mind set ' , is valuable - one needs to understand the psychology of the source material. I studied that for years as well , as with the related subjects to both in Cultural Anthropology eg . studying various practices across time, location and cultures, comparing similarities and validities behind cultural clothing , that is , not just seeing one's own, or one's one times perceptions as the only valid realities - in short , spend some time nutting it all out . Buying a $4 crystal wand and drawing a sigil in the air with it and then calling oneself an 'Evocation Magician' might not work as good .
  20. GOETIA

    Alright then .... pick up your arse and reattach it . Then try reading around the outside of the sigil.
  21. It's all getting too much

    That particular 'grain of truth' applies only to some strangely enough yet these 'nasty insulting people ' here dont seem to want to 'pick on' me . But once one writes crap and then gets crap back ..... Oooooo , the big bad people picked on me ... DBs is fucked ..... no one here is enlightened ....
  22. It's all getting too much

    Bye bye then dickhead ! (The amount of times I have tried to engage this guy ^ reasonably , even when he started a topic and asked questions and I responded on topic relevantly , he just goes on to talk crap . So I gave up being nice . he even ran off to the 'original ' Dao bums ( a recent split off of people left and kicked out by Sean ) forum, did the same thing there, got no audience ( due to similar behaviour) and then came back here and started again. Now he is pissed off because a few posters here told him straight . yep ..... ride forever mate ...... thataway
  23. It's all getting too much

    Tell Holly someone from the other side of the world heard her story and sends their thanks and appreciation . Its people like her that make the planet a better place . Also let her know , here someone made the smart to move to get nurses and medical people , instead of politicians and administrators , to give advise and warnings on tv announcements . A smart move as we appreciate and trust these front liners a lot more than some rich comfortable politicians , so much so, that in the last few days the pollies and administrators have thanked the public, for what they estimate is , an 80% compliance (ie. 80% less people about and congregating . )
  24. May be have a chat with them about denial too ?