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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. It's all getting too much

    Bye bye then dickhead ! (The amount of times I have tried to engage this guy ^ reasonably , even when he started a topic and asked questions and I responded on topic relevantly , he just goes on to talk crap . So I gave up being nice . he even ran off to the 'original ' Dao bums ( a recent split off of people left and kicked out by Sean ) forum, did the same thing there, got no audience ( due to similar behaviour) and then came back here and started again. Now he is pissed off because a few posters here told him straight . yep ..... ride forever mate ...... thataway
  2. It's all getting too much

    Tell Holly someone from the other side of the world heard her story and sends their thanks and appreciation . Its people like her that make the planet a better place . Also let her know , here someone made the smart to move to get nurses and medical people , instead of politicians and administrators , to give advise and warnings on tv announcements . A smart move as we appreciate and trust these front liners a lot more than some rich comfortable politicians , so much so, that in the last few days the pollies and administrators have thanked the public, for what they estimate is , an 80% compliance (ie. 80% less people about and congregating . )
  3. May be have a chat with them about denial too ?
  4. Have you been " generally acting like a nice guy ' ..... again ! ( probably helping women in trouble too ! Pffft ! )
  5. Baby Heartbreak ; " Whaaaat ? ! You mean my penis will ever only get this big ? "
  6. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    porn warning !

  8. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    Used to be 'food porn' . Now we have 'illegal gathering porn'

    Have you checked the its full of talk about that subject ... and somewhere contains pics of my temple and set up . Anyway , for this post : yes, I have been familiar with it . Yes I did invoke spirits for material (and other ) purposes . It went well ... no great disasters or insanities resulted .... the material results took some time to manifest though . Dont assume I have control over my HGA ..... it might just be the other way around (also in those writings in esoteric and occult I examine an historical origin for HGA concept in ancient Zoroastrianism . )
  10. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Okay then , we all live in different worlds I suppose . I have spent over 30 years here helping people either visiting, setting up camp, staying longer or even settling here ; from negotiating the local community mammalian politics through to sticking poles in holes and bolting the wood together , helping with kids , etc . It often gets spat back in my face ..... meh , learnt to live with that . What I find more frustrating is this scenario ; " I got set up here (and them being present can see what a great place it is ) with virtually nothing . my community share which gives me the right to have a house site to build and live on cost $10 ... I bought the previously personally owned cabin and infrastructure on a site for $8000 . I have lived here in paradise 'living the dream' for over 30 years . I dont see why YOU should not have that experience to if you ant to have it . Here is how you need to negotiate through things to get that . " But 95% of people do not want to listen ... they want to do it their own way .... and it fails . I have noticed 2 divisions in peoples make up in this area ; 1. those that need the long path (that often leads to failure ) of 'learning by their own mistakes' (and often never getting the thing they wanted because all their time is used up repeating various failures ) . 2. Those that often learn from observation of others mistakes and methods (including what might have gone wrong with others methods and adapting them and changing ) and saving a HEAP of their own time and , sometimes, irreversible 'damage' .
  11. Listen up Mr Jackie Jack-off , what is this alert about ? Now I am nervous .... looking about for a gunman or a fire or a new pandemic ! What am I supposed to be alerted for ... is danger coming ... oh dear ... now my adrenaline is way UP !
  12. No gay is not offensive . But I am wondering why you need to yell out "Alert! " when a gay person posts ? ? ? ? ? ? (I hope you never have to try to explain your way out of things in a courtroom ! )
  13. Well ..... how low would you go ?
  14. Errrmmmm ... you have already proved you ARE ! So its too late to retract or try to wiggle out .
  15. Well, of course . If 'leaking semen' causes brain fog stupidity , that must mean he has a direct Chanel between his wang and his brain . Block that channel up and you sure to cause some explosive back pressure .
  16. No, you have it around the wrong way ! If you turn the tap on ... that is NOT leakage ! neither is ejaculation from sex or masturbation . and wet dreams certainly count as leakage . rest assured grasspopper that every time you wake up in shame in your sticky sheets - here goes another 5 years of your life ! ( and if the wet dream has inspired by a night visiting white western dream demon woman ... make that 10 years each time ! )
  17. At least the woman had some sensible and compassionate advice !
  18. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    So ... sort of compress the cocaine into a ..... chip or a cracker shape , blend a head of lettuce into a green slush ... and dip away ? Ummmmm .....
  19. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    I had been trying to help a young naive homeless couple; they where camping (he is a travelling musician with all his gigs cancelled ) and looking for work so I gave them some at my place and they where camped up the back yard - which i told them would not be suitable ... but they liked it < shrug > but then torrential rain came and flooded their camp and they had to move on . No income - running out of food, so I slipped them an extra couple of hundred ... he was overjoyed and went to the car and came back ; " Thanks so much , I only have 6 I have been saving but .... " and handed me 2 high grade surgical filter masks . YESSSS ! - score !
  20. Thats the plan here . 'Flatten the curve' . The problem here though is that even before this started we never had enough hospital beds available to those that needed them in the first place ! So now all those people that couldnt get a bed and where on a waiting list have been kicked off in preparation .
  21. Yes, that must be right as I remember every year past when Italy had convoys of army trucks going down the street to remove the dead bodies to store them in an ice rink . One thing that makes me look down on people is when they try to cover up their own deep stinking fear from surfacing by pretending things are a big fuss about nothing and everything is actually okay .
  22. What ! ? 'They' are constantly preoccupied with cool gadgets and sex parties !