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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. yes, and thats why I responded back there with two simple words
  2. Not really becasue I dont believe caviar exists . I think its a conspiracy . But really, it works, as far as caviar is concerned ( except for the part where you said ; I didn't turn down caviar for breakfast today ... I didn't have any for breakfast. ? You did accept the caviar for breakfast but didnt have it for breakfast ? ) .
  3. Indeed . And we find in ancient Zoroastrianism that certain modes of behaviour add to the corruption of the human mind and spirit, in the individual, the society and in the leaders or kings and good mind , thoughts and deeds are the base . Even some things that do not seem too bad (on the surface) can gradually erode the whole 'moral structure ' ( eg, the treatment of animals and livestock ) . In all the 'primitive' societies I have studied , that maintain some originality and a still preserve or record their 'way' (f they are uncorrupted ) have some type of 'initiation' progression 'task' . - a person is said to be an animal - a type of 'wild' animal . It isnt until first initiation that they begin to become a 'real person' - a human member of a society culture or clan with regulated behaviour. In some cultures they have groups of men that didnt , for whatever reason, achieve or have an initiation. Some of them exhibit the worst behaviour . And of course , if the whole culture looses its 'rights of humanity' then it declines into a mess of substance abuse , disrespect ( particularity of young and elders and also traditions ) , crime, not looking after sacred sites / vandalism of public amenities, pointless violence, breakdown of family units , sense of worthlessness / pointlessness, self harm and high suicide rate and eventually extinction . Yes, in some cases - like ours (our society that is ) but some times , these mythos can be an explanation of the above process I outlined .
  4. Yes, so lets own it , then maybe we can try to change it ... at least in ourselves OR 'the devil made me do it ' - so not really my fault
  5. 'Old school' hospitals where designed with an outdoor part to each room
  6. I worked many years in a public hospital . Sometimes patients developed nasty infections that where meds resistant . The first time this happened, I was gobsmacked - a nurse asked me to help her move a patient in a bed , with such an infection, out onto the verandah in the sunlight . After, when I asked why , she told me that when this happens, they treat them with fresh air , sunlight and bath the wound in sterile salty water .
  7. Heartbreak .... I think you should remain 'pure' . Try not to think about big titty Asian women all the time . Just try to relax and have a nice cup of tea
  8. The more starjumper posts - the more he exposes his real self . Now a whole nation of people does not have one single enlightened woman he's gettin worse ! Now, a whole nation of women
  9. Me ME ! I am jealous of him . I wish I was JUST like him .... and finally get to become " A real Man "
  10. I love reading this Starjumper wisdom ... I might even buy his book to get more of it he has a 'way with words ' ... like 'moron breath' seems like a 7 year old's insult .
  11. even your red dot is 2D if you drew it on a page it would really be 3D only in your mind it is 1D 1 1 was a racehorse 2 2 was 1 2 1 1 1 a race 1 day and 2 2 1 1 2 .
  12. What ? 'Flat' or surface is 2 dimensions Limi . Solid or spherical is 3 dimensions . one dimension is 'The Point' - an 'ideal ' concept You want to know about flat and 2D ... read
  13. Well, you wouldnt admit it would you ? You wouldnt answer him with ' Yes, yes I am a dark government agent using mo pai to detract from your thread about semen retention. " would you ? In fact Heratbreak 'they' tried using mopai to detract numerous threads here from their topic . Actually the whole mopai movement might be a dark government agency .
  14. Thats why there are so many conspiracy theories about . They are started by people that cant handle their crappy belief systems being exposed . So instea of realising they have been dumbly fooled .... must be conspiracy . Its a conspiracy to cover up flat earth ..... alien reptile invaders and a conspiracy to deny that I am Jesus .
  15. The perfect weapon

    I never have had flu vaccination ... but you got vaccinated and then got hep c ... so whose nuts are numb now ?
  16. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    sex after fights is better