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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    'Shaman' chant
  2. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    Its simple to work out ; if you have a usual night of sex , say doing it 5 or 6 times , or 'until dawn' then of course you will be energetically depleted , so just have sex 2 or 3 times instead . - I mean, that doesnt take a genius to work out . Or just eat some oysters in the morning . ( hint , not all oysters work - the other night I had a dozen oysters and only half of them worked . )
  3. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    all hail King Wiggly Worm ! the King is dead - Long live the (new) king ! ie, He wont last long ; he shall be dissolved into the ecstasy of Nu ! .
  4. The Most Powerful "Talisman"

    I find this interesting : " the wand authority and the Sword his threat of force for noncompliance. " as ; My indigenous teacher has a few roles , one is the equivalent of 'tribal policeman ' . When he has to go and 'discipline' someone he has a bundi (short club ) decorated to signify 'police action' (as opposed to 'war action' or 'hunting ' etc ) but also a machete . He said the club is traditional and they should respect that , its a mark of his authority and permission to act and give out punishment . The machete is a stand by in case they decide to break the law further by not respecting the club and receiving its punishment . To me this seems similar to what you describe . Anyway , in an attempt to get back on track ; if the wand (or club * ) signifies authority in martial and magic and the sword signifies threat of force for noncompliance in martial and magic , on the same level of association what does the fan signify ? (obviously it relates to air, and I did read what Josh wrote about his fan , this is more in seeking for a general answer like wand = authority , fan = ? ] And now this thread has inspired me to get ( yeah, I should make it ) a fighting fan to use in my practice - seeings as it comes from white crane, and many of our movements for defence and attack are based on opening and closing (crossing ) 'wings' (arms and hands ) - the fan could be an extension of that . So, thanks for that Josh ] * club as symbol of authority Now ... if only they would use that on politicians that behaved badly !
  5. Weather Magick

    I can become a lady for only 50 bucks ! ? Hmmmm ......
  6. ... wont be long now ....... 'we' will delete this thread soon ... like it never happened Mwa ha ha haaarrr !
  7. The Most Powerful "Talisman"

    ... I meant to ask . Did you make your own fan Josh ? I have found a great advantage in making one's own magical weapons .... from 'scratch' . But not all of my magical tools have been made by me , some I have bought ; ( I prefer the ones made of iron )
  8. The Most Powerful "Talisman"

    My school has a history with the fan , the founder was the body guard to the last 3 Okinawan kings. When Japanese influence started taking over, they banned people, even the kings body guards, from carrying weapons . However, they where allowed to keep their fans as part of their 'formal attire' . I like this above demo as it includes what I call ' impolite attacks' , that is, when people break etiquette and use 'treachery' to attack you ( eg @ 2:44 ) - sorry for any diversions here Josh into martial aspects, but I do see a close correlation between magical weapons and martial weapons and a cross over - which I have taught in the past . " Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword; these he shall learn and teach. " The Book of the Law - 1 : 37
  9. The Most Powerful "Talisman"

    This guy performed at our local hall years back with many instruments , some home made ( Great Island mouth bow * ) and the below .
  10. The where just pictures to explain things to your new Mate Limihong It appears YOU liked the 'pants down ' and 'sausages' ones the most
  11. The perfect weapon

    Yes, wonderful idea. I live on 200 acres like you describe . If any (possibly infected ) people come here from the city and want to 'rent my shed' , sure , why not ? Actually, we got room here for 100s of them ! Come on down . - idiot !
  12. Church of the Flat Earth

    It cant be flat . If the earth was flat , cats would have knocked everything off the edge by now .
  13. I note Starjumper is gloating and laughing about this thread removal . Dont worry folks , you can go to the Starjumper thread on Coronavirus now .... where he treats the pandemic like a race and calls scores and winners and loosers and makes fun and jokes about it . Its all really hilarious .... for him ...... until HE catches it , that is .
  14. The perfect weapon

    'Flat earther gets flattened by earth ' .
  15. The perfect weapon

    All I can respond with is ; ' Earth only be so flat , cause yo Momma been sittin on it ! '
  16. How to make offerings to Dragons?

    He does have a shrine . Its called a window . I used to do it myself - throw offerings out the window . They are always accepted ;
  17. INFERNO !

    I am planning a trip south soon . I was talking to my friend who I am going to visit and I said I will have to come there in the thin corridor between fire and flood . Well, I missed that and got flooded in. So I gotta scoot now between the next imminent flood and any craziER development of the NEXT thing - Coronovirus panic ! ARRRRGGGG ! rI was thinking of a title foe another thread to follow Inferno , Deluge, I thought 'Pestilence' .... no ... ' Contagion ! ' Thats it ! - And my friend said I will have to try and make it back before the plague of locusts . THAT is the Pestilence . So they will go ; Inferno, Deluge, Contagion, Pestilence ......
  18. Well, the idea for the film was ; they shrink down Raquel Welch and shoot her up your ..... Wait ! ...... Remember Raquel Welch ? She used to star in 'historical documentaries' And was the first Homo Sapiens to introduce ' hair styling ' ; ... and did other 'naughty stuff'
  19. Weather Magick

    ...... < 24 hrs later > ...... Gurdjief ; " Yes ... Yes I will have that cup of tea. " " Okay then . Milk ? " " Ummmmmmmmm ...... "
  20. INFERNO !

    Yesterday I went for a drive into some of the fire damaged areas . Ebor falls ; the fire was so intense it caused a landslide under the lookout , which isnt there any more . Further along 'Waterfall Way' towards Armidale, fire was on both sides of the road. I was surprised at the amount of rocky ground , I suppose a lot of the ground cover and even soil was burnt off, and we have had a lot f rain since . Most trees have started regrowth, yet look strange ; tall black poles with no crowns and green vegetation sprouting out the trunks . The tree shapes over 1000s of hectres have changed - for many generations to come, people will be seeing the impact of the fires in the trees . It was very eerie driving through the bare ground, blackened sprouting trunks in the drizzle and grey mist . Returning back, I came to the other side of the Armidale Rd where I was stopped by fire when returning from Yueya's place about 3 months ago and they had a sign up 'Road closed to Armidale ' . I am supposing its still closed from this fire months ago ? Its open to local traffic though, so I am wondering why its closed ? - Yueya ? Happier news is , after the last lot of heavy rain and a few days rest, the river here cleared enough for a swim . Its great to see the river up, racing and flowing fresh and bubbling and relatively clear - and wonderful to be in again . Then the rain came back, and hasnt stopped - I might even be flooded in again .