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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Balance test in Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    and from now on , no one is allowed to post here UNTIL they have tried it . OR ELSE .... I invoke my new moderating powers !
  2. Balance test in Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    He still hasnt tried standing on one leg with both arms out and rolling his head around
  3. Weather Magick

    Yes , regarding the internet and how people found him . Regarding the rest of your above post ( and I am taking the bolded bits as the most significant ) there are ways (at least in western tradition ) of ' I.D.' , testing , classifying after examination , etc . I wrote here about that recently regarding the question 'how does one know ' and also a few times in the past I have mentioned testing , seeking validity ( which should be part of the ceremony or process ) when encountering any 'entity' , spirit , apparition , God, 'Master' , etc . We (including you ) also looked at material I supplied from a clinical psychological source re the 'possessed / insane ' treatment in an asylum in comparison with Swedenborg's theories and writings , and identifying good or harmful ( and tricky deceiving ) 'spirits' / 'hallucinations' / 'possessing entities . So there are ways of doing this . Thing is , not many people here seem aware of it and just go on face value or 'trust' . I've mentioned it a few times .... no one has really followed it up , after its been mentioned . People here have got in trouble with things like this , again I have mentioned this process ..... nothing . Have I missed it , or is it something people dont pay much attention to ? .... Surely Daoism must have this process in Daoist Magic ? The above story highlights mistakes of stupidity ( I mean he even said who he was from the beginning ) but I cant detect any 'spirit' testing anywhere in it . . Anyway , you are probably one of the few that knows what I mean from a western magical perspective and would know the answer if such 'testing' exists (or should exist ) in Daoist magic . Or others with a deep knowledge on this might want to answer as well .
  4. Heirbert and others show a development from Kopet Dag or , if elsewhere ; Jiroft - in artefacts and style that was refined in BMAC . Also archaeology shows a movement out of 'dry farming' in Kopet Dag foothills to the nearby eastern Oasis and a transition to irrigation . IVC influence / outpost / 'trading post' went as far as Shortugai near the lapis lazuli mines . Some say a 'Proto-Elamite' Influence , but that is hard to track down . Also remember that BMAC went through various stages of development , and being on a trade cross roads had a lot of various cultural and technological influences that they developed int their own 'style' . .
  5. Balance test in Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    That team needs some stunt man lessons that way their falling and rolling and jumping back might look a little more realistic . I prefer the chi master that can woman do line dancing ( NO not lion dancing ... line dancing )
  6. Weather Magick

    To take the 'Devil's Advocate' position for a moment : Such phenomena ( a 'spreading of contact' with ' numerous people reporting same ) have been going on before the internet . Occasionally I have documented such phenomena here when I have written about ' Daimonic Reality ' and its propensity to exponentially spread , at times , ' unusual phenomena' . Of course the internet age offers an ' exponential 2 ' .
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    We had a Christian couple with a few little kids staying here . dad was a pastor in some unmainstream church . They had been doing river baptisms down river near town . We are down the river beach at our place , hot day, all swimming , but not their little fellah ; Come in , come in ! Nope , no way , just would not . Then finally Dad " Why dont you want to come in ? " " Jesus will get me . "
  8. U7 in Rostov Scythians I found it quite interesting that in terms of mtDNA, the Rostov Scythians studied by der Sarkissian resembled closely the Shugnans of Tajikistan, who speak an eastern Iranian language. The author finds links between the Scythians and the "Central Asian Corridor", in particular with respect to mtDNA haplogroup U7. This "Central Asian Corridor" sensu der Sarkissian (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India) seems to touch Frachetti's Inner Asian Mountain Corridor (shown below) in the region of the Pamirs. Interestingly, the Sughnans belong, anthropologically to the Pamir-Ferghana type, which was also called Central Asian interfluvial type, the rivers in question being the Oxus and Jaxartes (Amu Darya and Syr Darya). And, of course, between these two rivers was the heartland of the Bactria Margiana Archaeological Complex, which I have previously linked with the Indo-Iranians.
  9. Weather Magick

    Yeah . I wrote that in relation to my often repeated comment on these pages ; as soon as you start charging money for it ( martial arts , 'magical teachings' , 'sitting in lotus' ) ..... its all downhill from there . Worse if you are trying to do it to 'make a living ' or have a book out on it . Its all about ' buying my book' , I'm better ... etc etc . Ho hum Our teacher had no 'HQ' , no sign , no related 'business' , we dont even have a name to call it . Yet well known and expensive 'experts' from all over the world would come to learn from him . A lot of the time he was 'too busy' for them . But others .... teach teach teach , and then take them out and immerse them in all sorts of things related to his native culture . . . . and make you help in his catering business . But , if you where " not here to roll Sushi ! " - bye bye . But yes, it would cost a lot to fly there .
  10. Weather Magick

    Only if you showed it off to strangers on the internet
  11. Weather Magick

    I will have a go at this one . What is wrong with cars, clothes, thrones, fur coats, diamond-encrusted jackets, zebra trousers, pimp hats, tailcoats, snakeskin boots, brocade blazers, velvet trousers, Hanfu robes, feather fans, imperial hats is that .... with all that going on, one is likely to forget what the point of it all is .
  12. Weather Magick

    Geeze .... I hope people dont want to know where my money comes from
  13. Weather Magick

    I was reading some history ; a battle with Saracens ( Saladin's mob) a heavily armoured huge knight was cleaing up the Euros in a battle , they eventually downed him and killed him, they where amazed at the heaviness of his armour and said he was a giant . he had a huge iron lance that they said took two of them to even lift it .
  14. Weather Magick

    When our teacher died , people from all over the world came to the funeral and wake . His neighbours where astounded " Why are all these people here , who are they ?" They where told they where people who had learnt or studied under him and who admired and acknowledged his skill . The neighbours didnt even know about that .... they though he ran a catering business - which he did ... as he didnt charge money for teachings .
  15. < smears cat food on wires > ¡Ya estás advertido, inglés!
  16. Yes . There is also the 'passport seal' as they call it - IVC seal on one side and BMAC seal on the other . Found near Shortugai, I think
  17. Weather Magick

    I keep these in my training bag for such demos Motocross gloves
  18. Weather Magick

    Hey guys, sorry for being so off topic here , but at least we are not fighting or being violent
  19. Weather Magick

    (oh well, I'll keep going , I just got driven back inside off the ride on mower by a thunderstorm .... thats my weather magic ... go to mow lawn - it rains . ) Well, first off , I didnt mention it but I thought it obvious ... I wait for a sword attack first , if it was a ' cross-fiber slice at the supporting forearms big muscles' or something else 'similar' ( ie. 'opportunistic') THEN I hit / 'block' not the blade but the hand or wrist of the swords man . ( I developed my own '20 jo' form ... this time with a jo, against sword that we now practice , several of these types of move are in it ) .... its like 'intercepting fist' - same with the machete or even a small knife against a machete offered me the perfect demo opportunity : Before training , I put one of my wooden machete down my pants at the back . A few of the guys are standing around talking, one is playing with a small wooden knife - about the size of tanto . I say ' Oh good knife practice .' He grins and " Okay then. " and advances on me with the knife . I draw the machete and he ' Whoa ! " and backs off amidst others comments like " Thats not a knife THIS is a knife . " and I " What , this ? You are worried about this ? " I offer the machete to the other and put my hand out to take his little knife , we swap . He slashes at me with a ' number 2' ... ummm a 'cross slash ' at 45 deg, aiming for neck or anything . I move off line to his inside entering while 'crossing wings ' (our system comes from white crane ) and getting inside the attacking arc of the blade , right knife hand under, left empty hand over , intercepting his blade with mine, at his wrist , instantly cut down on the wrist ... to finish , 'open wings ' ; as you do the knife travels under his arm and up it , the left hand slides down his arm to the cut wrist , twists and takes control of that arm , the knife continues and cuts up under the arm through the join of pectoral and deltoid , then down across the jugular and a thrust to finish ... all nice and fluid and 'floppy' like ( ie . 'relaxed' ) As far as a sword counter counter goes ..... hmmmm , I would have to attack first . I dont like that We do have a few techniques where a staff thrust meets an incoming attack thrust or cut , 'bounces off' it and straight into a target , deflecting the others weapon off line . In fact the very first move of the first ( beginner ) bo form does that ' Matsamura no gata' , straight on into the throat - its quick and dangerous to practice , so we do it off target to the side of the head in the air . Bust most people that practice a corrupted form of this first do a down strike ... then a thrust . It should be all one like the bottom trough a a wave surging in to meet the others staff, thrusting or descending - the version against the down strike attack ( a number 1 ) is near impossible to 'counter counter ' even when you know its coming . - the same goes for sai . In one form you are supposing to be locking a staff, then push down and catch it between shaft and prong , twist your body and the staff attacker is disarmed . Nope . of course 'instructor' insisted thats what it was ... but it didnt work ! (If one was such a disrespectful student as not 'allow ' him to do it ) . Then ,applying principles learnt 'across the board' I showed him this ; step in to meet the attack and take the blow against the sai shafts where his hands are , ie into the fingers , then squat down (as in the form) the prongs then go into the hands ... owwie ! , then its easy to rip the staff away as you turn , as ..... well, by now his grip , is 'chi' and his balance are all 'disrupted ' ( and I gotta do it all without hurting no one , no guards or pads either .... focus ! - thats why its good to go ballistic with 'rubberies' every so often )
  20. Weather Magick

    It seems that the 're enactor' in that vid didnt know how to do it . And what you said is why I changed the hand grip on the first move of our bo staff 3 from ( something like Suishi no con dai ? ) , much to my 'instructors' annoyance ... again I had to give him my 'thoughtful gift ' I would like to expereimnet with countering that
  21. Weather Magick

    A lot of it is 'cultural' ; Japanese imposition (and later Okinawan also ) , the banning of weapons etc . One could not justify carrying a spear but a staff is acceptable , or if a fisherman , an oar or a farmer a sickle . (or for me at home - considering legislation that seems to favour the invader - a sturdy 'broom' with broom head that keeps 'falling off' ) So it would be staff, sickle oar etc ( ie. whatever you had ) , against whatever else anyone is using on you . In later times when all Okinawan weaponry banned , guards / body guards (for royalty ) where allowed the 'tessen ' a type of miniature 'ornamental ' folded up fan . or just 'empty hand ' techniques . . . . . guarding the king against others with weapons and even guns ! tricky stuff . Matsamura Soken - King's right hand man/bodyguard . ( There is a better drawing that I cant find at the moment , it shows Commander Perry an armed hot heads (and a bunch of armed American hot heads) meeting the King , his boys are either side looking 'anxious' others are scattered around at seemingly random positions ... ready to swarm the Americans , stand in front of the king in case of gunfire and others ready to shoot him out the door behind him if shit erupts . In such a situation strategy and tactics are of great importance .) Ahh ... many an 'expert' nunchaku 'twirler' comes unstuck when going against a weapon ..... swing - CRACK ! - bounce - Owwwwwww ! Learn to use a 'shaft' before you stick a weapon on the end ... same goes for 'two sticks' . .... I recently got some rubbery bladed gama ( small rice harvestingsickles ) so I can expoler the techniques against other weapons better than with dangerous metal ones . Man, I am 'slicing' those guys up ! The when I hand them to them to try ... they are " Oh Yeah ! " Hmmm , next I will try to best them using a staff against sickle and see what I can learn . How come ? For those attacks I use the 'unpointy' end of the spear . usually . What's worse for the leading edge foot and toe attacks (or anywhere on the foot ) is the 'hiwa ' (or kuwa) ... urrrrgh! You dont want that coming down across the toes ! 0:30 , or for a 'demo' .... or 'riving back' once there is a 'clash' 'hands firm on weapons ' . I am a bit of the fan of the twin machete , I do 6 forms with them all adapted from Hohan Soken sai 1-3 and gama 1-3 . " The machete officer ? Oh , I have just been camping . . . . what's that ? Why two matching ones ? Errrmmmmm ...... "
  22. Weather Magick

    Thanks . regarding the depicted victorious move in the vid ( who knows what the defeating move really was ..... the Mod on my history forum is an abso Japanese battle nut historian , maybe he knows if there is a historical record of it ? ) We practice a similar move against sword with bo . I am NOT a fan of that 'block; with the staff ; when instructor did it, I quickly cut sideways along the bo and took his fingers off ( well, not off of course but with a wooden practice sword , enough of a knock across the knuckles to 'disrupt his chi ' and then cut him down .... and enough to make him swear at me and go " OWWWWW ! Shit ! " Now, we move as if to block as depicted in vid, but 'melt away' the staff ( moving off line at same time ) and strike at the swordsman's head. That is , the sword never actually touches the staff .
  23. Weather Magick

    HA! Yes ! On that note , I have given my style, I would say , near 30% of previously 'unknown' or unclear interpretations from simply practising 'staff' forms with rubber spear head attached to one end .... all of a sudden i am slicing tendons at the back of the others knee , doing ' twirlies ' that slice the fingers or hand of the other where they grip their staff for certain attacks . And it opens a whole new range of understanding applications with 'eku' ( fighting oar ) and its paddle/blade , which is sorta like a big broad spearhead .