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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Naaah .... they just good at jumping, balancing bouncing off the water, and running over tree tops - like a wendigo.
  2. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Yep . Regaarding your first sentence ( I am leaving my own experience aside here ), the 'scaary' demonic , spirits nd creepy people tht my teaaachers tribe aare scaared of ... he considered them his spirit guaardians and helpers . [ DAAMN this sticking aa key .... I wish this conversaation was aaabout naan breaad aand aardvarks . ] regarding the rest ; " So shalt thou gradually develop the powers of thy soul, and fit thyself to command the Spirits of the elements. For wert thou to summon the Gnomes to pander to thine avarice, thou wouldst no longer command them, but they would command thee. Wouldst thou abuse the pure beings of the woods and mountains to fill thy coffers and satisfy thy hunger of Gold? Wouldst thou debase the Spirits of Living Fire to serve thy wrath and hatred? Wouldst thou violate the purity of the Souls of the Waters to pander to thy lust of debauchery? Wouldst thou force the Spirits of the Evening Breeze to minister to thy folly and caprice? Know that with such desires thou canst but attract the Weak, not the Strong, and in that case the Weak will have power over thee " - Liber Librae
  3. Levitation and possibly flight?

    The 'other side' of the story . Anyone can look him up and see the VERY bad magic sleight of hand magic tricks he fooled the stupid with . And some of his followers openly admit and see no problem with his paedophilia " Well, he is God, so who are we to judge ." Typical cult leader ego/criminal stuff.
  4. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Yes, I misunderstood because grasshopper didnt hop far enough over the semi colon (30 years apparently ) in your one sentence ; " ...Sai Baba, an avatar/immortal, introduced himself, when I was shown his picture, with two very powerful feelings but no words; and once I was walking through my living room, and out of the blue, some asshole told me how I was going to die " The 'Sai Baba issue' remains though. Yet the voice was " arsehole " ? Good luck with the old age . There is very senior citizen in town that I joke with at times in the street. A shop keeper told me recently that that the guy is 101 .... I was gobsmacked .
  5. Eye of the moon: Advanced practice

    I think it is shit 'Light'seeker .
  6. I have done that several times , after we 'explored' other avenues . I even hid some of my stuff ( side issues, pics, etc ) in spoiler boxes, as requested . I thought it was going sort ok ... until .... Isnt this the thread Sean told Gendao to fuck off from .
  7. No thanks . As it wasnt about arguing with you or maps. It was the nonsense gendao wrote - again. A further question is about the name of America .
  8. Levitation and possibly flight?

    How long after you where shown the Sai Baba picture did the arsehole voice tell you that you where going to die ?
  9. Levitation and possibly flight?

    The studies I refer to where on psyche patients in trouble with 'voices' . yes, byt they where not my experiences . Mine where radically different from them , and yours . But communication was 'symbolic', ie. I heard the transmission download, but it was so fast, not consciously understandable , the 'down load ' waas stored in unconscious for later life long conscious 'percolation' . It was accompanied by a very vivid image though , agin symbolic, which over the years I have managed to interpret and affirm in various areas WTF Starjumper . Dont you know who that guy actually was ? Yes, this is 'lower order' . I hope you read the paper I have posted a few times on this. Not only do such voices say things like that, they suggest suicide, they criticise the 'victim' ... and whole lot of other stuff we can test them with to ascertain their level. Cool . at lest your teacher doesnt send you messages in Bungdalung ! ( which I cant interpret ... just a few words and phrases ) Oooooh ..... my jayuhmwen gadja ! ( ache, hurt to, throbbing, in the head )
  10. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Indeed . But that is but one of the potential pitfalls . This is such an important point that it became supplemental knowledge in our group (associated with 2nd degree - 'balance' ) and the groups artists made a wonderful tracing board (visual representation) of the concepts , based on ; 6 methods of magic 1. The Holy Qabalah. 2. The Sacred Magic. 3. The Acts of Worship. 4. The Ordeals. 5. The Invocations. The Acts of Service. [ comparable to the Yogic; 1. Gnana-Yoga. 2. Raja-Yoga. 3. Bhakta-Yoga. 4. Hatha-Yoga. 5. Mantra-Yoga. 6. Karma-Yoga. ] Both these based on; 1. Union by Knowledge. 2. Union by Will. 3. Union by Love. 4. Union by Courage. 5. Union through Speech. 6. Union through Work. Each has its own particular down fall ; 1.insanity, 2. obsession, 3. fanaticism, 4. paralysis and death 5. addiction to gossip 6. incurable idleness . The negative basic result is ignorance and the positive basic result is enlightenment . Also this ; " In this book it is spoken of the Sephiroth and the Paths; of Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes, and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them. 3. The advantages to be gained from them are chiefly these: (a) A widening of the horizon of the mind. (b) An improvement of the control of the mind. 4. The student, if he attains any success in the following practices, will find himself confronted by things (ideas or beings) too glorious or too dreadful to be described. It is essential that he remain the master of all that he beholds, hears or conceives; otherwise he will be the slave of illusion, and the prey of madness. " - Liber O .
  11. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Hmmmm ... maybe if you had apologised for what you accused her of, she would not have left in the first place ?
  12. I would love to watch Gendao walk across all that free land that no one owned and everyone was allowed to go Hope he could keep his scalp on . " Each tribe pushed other tribes off the land it wanted and in turn was frequently forced out by other later more powerful tribes. Individual status in each tribal band was based on bravery in battle, coups and scalps taken, slaves and horses stolen, enemies tortured, “foreign” women raped .... " - I wont finish with some lame meme pic to to show what a nong he is ... here is a paper that does it ; In ancient Australia too , yeah, you could walk all over the place..., where you had RIGHT to .... connections, extended family .... you might be cheered on the other side of the country .But it certainly wasn't free for all how did that turn out ? He got huge stone spear head through his right kidney ..... thunk .... bye bye .
  13. Levitation and possibly flight?

    ..... and they know lots of things 'without shadow of a doubt' as well . - try convincing one otherwise and see what happens.
  14. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Its VERY hard to function without a set of filters . I removed just some of mine for while, it was stressful, exhausting, hard to concentrate and focus on specific things - and I knew what was going on ! I did reinstall for 'functioning' purposes. I have written extensively about this on DBs and put a lot of stuff together about it with very interesting and valid papers supporting it ( I didnt get all my likes by JUST being silly ) lot of it is in the esoteric / magic / evocation threads . Of course they dont always tells them to kill their family , or shit on salad bars . There are two basic types , the 'lower' ones talk and interact a LOT the higher ones dont , they communicate most often in symbols and with felt emotions . person in trouble with the 'lower' can great help by the higher , IF you know how to do this 'stuff' - higher can dispel lower , but not visa versa . I am referring to factual clinical studies in extreme case psych hospital . Not woo-woo. But anyway .... levitation .
  15. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Depends .... got your centre back yet ? Maybe some relaxing music first ?
  16. Oh , you want to join in ? More about the comment than the map .But regarding the strange take over of the term 'America' by the USA .... oh wait , You are not from USA either . It shall remain unanswered I suppose .
  17. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Yeah, thats a bit freaky .... I worked in psyche ward a bit . Even people that are obviously crazy and need to be there have 'psychic moments' .... and sometimes they dump them on you .... its a bit of a shock, when 'crazy every day dude' who you have been helping get it together, physically, for days on end , and seems a total train wreck , and then one day looks sparkly and 'masterful' when you turn up to work, looks at you and tells you exactly what you did last night . Then a few hours later they are a mess again , and dont know where they are .
  18. I was referring to your irrelevant comments you made with the map in your post , not the relevant ones you didnt make in your post Here we go again with gendao ... I'm out .
  19. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Anyway . I remember fantastic realistic 'night flights' as a small child . Its always intrigued me , and there is the 'great sensation' as well. Then there is the 'astral projection stuff' , going back from now, thru New Age and all the way back to .... all the way back . I remember seeing the first very ancient rock/cave art ; a person lying down with a line coming up from him and 'another' (? ) person on the other end flying through the air . Another thing I remember; manning a youth drop in centre , many years ago, a young woman came in one night , she talked about a life of 'craziness' , psychiatry , nasty prescription drugs and suicide attempts . She showed me some nasty scars, and some bad ones where down the wrist, not shallow ones across the wrist - so, a 'professional' . She said it started with a (what we call Out of Body) experience . It startled and confused her a bit, so she told her parents . And it kept happening and she kept describing it to them , so eventually off to the doctor ... the psych , bad psych meds . etc etc . A friend and I had a talk to her and she was 'What ! What's this ! " Told her heaps of people have had that, its not nuts ! She went off happy and excited. A week or so later she returned and said she had been reading some books on it . She had been off meds months earlier anyway .Still damage by her 'treatments' but 'comprehending' a lot better . Nor thinking she was a psycho . Then there is how it seen in the Aboriginal traditions . AND , of course a tradition of this runs through Buddhism . I am wondering how this experience fits in with other Buddhist concepts like their theories of bodies and planes , 'no soul' , or other variations of beliefs. Also, the ability does not seem to rest on cultivation or development at all in some ... they just 'out there ' .
  20. I dont understand this American stuff . If I was wanting to look at a map of 'Native American tribes' , then I would expect it to cover ; The map in the post above looks like ' a map of native tribes that lived in the NOW area of the USA' . I mean, even if we use the 'North America' designation , it left out modern day Canada , a HUGE expanse of Nth American native territory . So why represent the' Natives Tribes of America' on a modern geopolitical map of the USA ? And, especially, why use that map to demonstrate comments like ; " this entire continent was just one giant, free, stateless park where everyone tread lightly as gracious guests on this sacred Airbnb to freely revere all of its wonders...before all those inhabitants were "saved" by our new slumlords of "freedom"... I thought USA was created by 'slum lords of freedom' OVER the Natives and made this USA map ? So why use That map, I dont get it . But what would I know of such things and reasons , as I am NOT from the USA .
  21. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Wait ... another pun , or .. ( I made so many, even I cant tell any more .)
  22. Levitation and possibly flight?

    because in zero G there is no 'up' . or 'down'