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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Very impressive ! But ummmmm .... what they made out of ? But lead also was known to be dangerous and, for that reason, pipes made of clay were preferred—as Vitruvius, who wrote during the time of Augustus, explains. "Water conducted through earthen pipes is more wholesome than that through lead; indeed that conveyed in lead must be injurious, because from it white lead [PbCO3, lead carbonate] is obtained, and this is said to be injurious to the human system. Hence, if what is generated from it is pernicious, there can be no doubt that itself cannot be a wholesome body. This may be verified by observing the workers in lead, who are of a pallid colour; for in casting lead, the fumes from it fixing on the different members, and daily burning them, destroy the vigour of the blood; water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes if we are desirous that it should be wholesome. That the flavour of that conveyed in earthen pipes is better, is shewn at our daily meals, for all those whose tables are furnished with silver vessels, nevertheless use those made of earth, from the purity of the flavour being preserved in them" (VIII.6.10-11).
  2. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Hey ! I do that too ! And use phone at same time !
  3. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    If you dont like that, put me on ignore . Thats what you tell others .
  4. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Maybe you need another thread to talk about removing the thread that talked abut removing Gendao ?
  5. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    I liked this one I saw better ; "Ladies , got a lot of shopping to do , need 'husband care' while you do it ? leave him here with us, we will look after him and make him happy. You can call in and pick him up when we your shopping is finished ."
  6. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Mhe ... I got two harems '
  7. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    He actually grew on me the MORE posts he made . But that is becasue he isnt a turd like you . I dint think you would show your face here again after the last mess you made here and the breakdown you had . As usual, you are back for another repeat cycle of the same ; attack, repent, breakdown, disappear , ... return, attack .... and so on . And interesting on this thread too , a thread that started because Earl Grey was taunted while he is having a volcano disater .... and you tried to taunt me while I was having a bush fire disaster . You a sick puppy Welkin I see , now it is .... about his wife ? if he has one . Ooooo she must hate him . wtf thats about dude ?
  8. Thanks for your response and citations. Let's look at your OP and the relevant question here ; " How in the heck did people who apparently had a very rudimentary culture in terms of buildings etc.. have things that sound like war planes/some kind of flight craft ... For a start , I would like to see the citation from Ramayana so I dont have to read the whole epic, do you have a page or passage numbers . I am only familiar with the one below from Rig Veda * , but not this one above . Then I would check the translation that appears above and its source. I am also wondering about the missing bits ( the bits where it shows ...... ) and whether you edited it or someone else or what . * The Rig Veda (1.164.47-48) says: "Kṛṣṇaṃ niyânaṃ hárayaḥ suparṇâ, Apó vásānā dívam út patanti tá âvavṛtran sádanād ṛtásyâd, Id ghṛténa pṛthivî vy ùdyate Dvâdaśa pradháyaś cakrám ékaṃ, Trîṇi nábhyāni ká u tác ciketa Tásmin sākáṃ triśatâ ná śaṅkávo 'Rpitâḥ ṣaṣṭír ná calācalâsaḥ meaning, "Dark the descent. The birds are golden-coloured; up to heaven they fly, robed in the waters. They again descend from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened with their heaviness. Twelve are the fellies, and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? Therein are set together 360 spokes, which in no way can be loosened." But going on what is above, to me, it doesnt wound like 'war planes . No weapons described . Putting the next citation next to it does make it sound more like one . But are they not two different sources colluded together to give an impression that the 'plane' contains the weapon ? Anyway , moving on, I dont see much unusual in this passage that is not in other mythologies ; Helios and the Sun chariot for example (remember these are IE people {and so where Greek ancestors} - they virtually invented the chariot ) here he is 'pulling the Sun' In the old Egyptian beliefs (who got chariots much later - they where invaded by them ) this journey was represented by the then pop mode of transport - a boat on the NIle What I do find interesting , and outside of this general mythology that some cultures share, is the variation of; the king got in it and went up . Thats unusual ! Or I might be wrong about that , maybe some others have 'gone for a ride' ? " at the command of the Raghira " - what is 'Raghira' ? All I got was ' Rajghira' (again, sic ? in citation ) and this interesting entry; "Amaranth or rajgira means “immortal” or “everlasting” in Greek because it contains more than three times the average amount of calcium and is also high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and it is the only grain which contains Vitamin C " So I am guessing he is 'an immortal' . I havent mentioned this as its so obvious ( I thought) , but maybe not . This is myth , a religious story from scripture ... it might not be fact Yes, both " DO sound ridiculously out of place for the era" ... so what does that indicate to you . ? A literal unusual out of place and time magical occurance . or myth and scriptural hype ? Multiple firings of arrows of flames dont seem unusual to me . The next part does seem unusual 'elephants bursting into flame' and so on . I think we have two choices here ; the first is that it is exaggeration about a war and one sides 'terrible weapons' ( think of things like Thor's hammer, Zeuss thunderbolt even a special boomerang that can go through the enemy on its own snaking path , cutting them all in two, in one throw ! But even before Pushpak Vimana, there is mention of flying chariots being used by various other gods: Surya, the Sun God, had his chariot, with Aruna as the charioteer; Indra, the wind god, had his own flying-cum-wheeled chariot. .... heroes can do stuff like that and victors and their stories of magnificent weapons abound in mythology . This is my view . The other view is that it is literal and terms like 'arrows of flame' where used as they didnt have other words to describe a new and unusual sight . I still want to check the translations though , eg terms like 'on all points of the compass ' ... the word 'compass' was actually used back then ???? The reason I am on about translation is, in dealings with Indians and 'experts' in Sanskrit ( which I am NOT in any way ) even amongst themselves they are n dispute and interpretations can differ wildly ; look at this from the wiki article : ( from Rig Veda 164 : 47 - 48 ) 47. kṛṣṇáṃ niyânaṃ hárayaḥ suparṇâ / apó vásānā dívam út patanti tá âvavṛtran sádanād ṛtásyâd / íd ghṛténa pṛthivî vy ùdyate 48. dvâdaśa pradháyaś cakrám ékaṃ / trîṇi nábhyāni ká u tác ciketa tásmin sākáṃ triśatâ ná śaṅkávo / 'rpitâḥ ṣaṣṭír ná calācalâsaḥ "Dark the descent: the birds are golden-coloured; up to the heaven they fly robed in the waters. Again descend they from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened with their fatness." "Twelve are the fellies, and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty, which in nowise can be loosened." ("trans." Griffith) Dayananda Saraswati interpreted these verses to mean: "jumping into space speedily with a craft using fire and water ... containing twelve stamghas (pillars), one wheel, three machines, 300 pivots, and 60 instruments. 'Imaginative ' More likely , Wiki ; " although more likely the 12 fellies are the 12 months in a year, and the 360 spokes are the days (actually 365) in a year. " Is that the only mention you know of ? Its fairly scant. What I was referring to earlier was this ( which is where the modern day woo woo and 'ancient Indian 'UFO tech came from ) :ānika_Shāstra " It makes the claim that the vimānas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles. " Okay, if they where NOT, what where they ? They where mythological unaerodynamic flying vehicles . I mean, people LUV to imagine stuff like that as real ; Anyway, thats enough from me . Lets hear from an Indian ; " Behind all mythologies, there is usually some history. So, most probably, there was a great king called Rama in the ancient times, who did good deeds. " It may be mentioned that in the Sanskrit Ramayana of Valmiki, Rama was a great king, but not a god. He became a god later; in Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas. So, Rama evolved from a man to a god in the course of two or three thousand years. Pushpak Viman is just a poet's imagination. Please remember that the Ramayana is a mahakavya (epic poem). A poet has, what is called, poetic licence. In other words, he can exaggerate. So, please don't take things like Pushpak Viman literally — there were no aeroplanes in ancient India. The first aircraft was invented by the Wright Brothers in America in 1903. We make ourselves a laughing stock before the whole world by claiming that in ancient India, there were aeroplanes, atom bombs and guided missiles. " We must understand what the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are. They are epic poems and as I mentioned earlier, a poet has the right to exaggerate as he has ‘poetic licence’. So, one must not take all things literally. Many things are imaginative. " Similarly, the claim that there were guided missiles and atom bombs in the ancient India (because there is a mention of brahmastra, agnyastra, narayanastra, etc., in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana) is also nonsense. These were only poetic imaginations. " Such people who talk such nonsense do not know the really great scientific discoveries of our ancestors, for example, the decimal system in mathematics, plastic surgery in medicine, etc. I have mentioned some of them in my articles, while we had undoubtedly made great achievements in science in the past, by mixing up what was true with what was untrue, we dilute the former. It is true that we were ahead of the whole world in science in ancient India. Lets not taint a great people and a great civilisation who did discover great scientific things and help advance the world . And also lets not disgrace a great scriptural tradition like the Vedas through inappropriate understandings . Otherwise we are still looking for the magical sound weapon trumpets that collapsed the walls of Jericho or the magic boomerang that cuts a group of men in half with one throw .
  9. No ... nothing. But I did find a Peruvian reed cat boat - for Taomeow . The only other boat I found underwater in Peru ; Submarine captured in Peru with tonne of coke was Mexico-bound
  10. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    I bet you CAN train a monkey to cut and paste certain pictures . They even have their own computer help line ;
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Number 3 some people say I have bad sense of humour , just the other day I made a joke about a car accident . Others complained : "What's so funny about a car accident ,? ..That's not funny, property is damaged , people are injured or killed .... at least wit until the ambulance leaves ! "
  12. Don't eat street food in China

    But the fish is fine ! G'ahead ... g'ahead eat up ! Adding to this are concerns that freshwater fish farming in the Mekong has slashed wetland habitat for endangered otters, birds and turtles.
  13. Don't eat street food in China

    There are many products my system red lights . Including medicine ; I threw my 'stats' away , before I heard about their expose . The first time I tasted either of the unnatural artificial sweeteners ... red light .... anything with taurine in it ( eg red bull ) . I am not saying its a perfect detection system though . It wasnt predetermined , it was an investigation as to why I spat it out ... THEN the determination came later . We might mean you , but how do you know that means me ? Do you know me yet ? Have you been reading my posts here over the years ? Oh, but you have judged my 'character' . Many old Bums know I live in a pristine environment , have numerous native and exotic sub tropic food trees - organic , organic veggie garden , make my own fertilizer , used to be the Biodynamic soil preparations and soil conditioner maker and supplier for Australia . Made organic tofu tempeh and bean sprouts in our own communal factory , brewed my own beer and grew my own , organic and special cross breed gunga . We also have an excellent supply shop in town for other products . And a local wonderful Swiss woman who makes organic goats cheeses , and slaughters her home grown organic pigs and cows . . . and sells the products locally . The next town has good quality potatoes , cattle pig and sheep meat , local trout farm . All produced locally . The oceans here are pretty clean too . ... yes, I have noticed that . I wonder about their REAL experiences though , 'in the field' so to speak . Why , thank you ! Yes Sir ! The normal way ; The Nungali way ;
  14. polemic /pəˈlɛmɪk/ Learn to pronounce noun plural noun: polemics a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something. the practice of engaging in controversial debate or dispute. Yes, I will write ' an attack ' on 'Indian flying machines' and I will support it with thngs like the information behind it, like the ref. I posted above ... for others education on the subject . The subject matter is controversial , so anyone engaging in the debate is ' engaging in controversial debate' and I will always dispute woo-woo where I see it .
  15. Good . But that is not going to stop me answering others questions from a more reasonable perspective . How about YOU address the ancient Indian flying machine and lasers then ..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ? No response to THAT I see . (and I am the one with the 'closed mind' am I ? )
  16. Yes, we have ancient Egyptian descendent down here that are keen on that nasty stuff .
  17. here is Zawi note the terrible effects of nose damage from cocaine long term snorting .... as depicted on sphinx .
  18. Yeah but .... imagine how cut it would be by then ..... as badly as Aussie coke probably !
  19. Also with the nicotine perhaps . 'Tobacco water' was sometimes used as an insect repellent to stop mummy damage . A mummy would seem a great place to hide your coke (unless Zawi Hawass turns up ... he can sniff it out from 500 meters I have heard ! )
  20. see my 'more information link . Or look up any (non woo woo ) link on the subject . Its well published now .
  21. The Human Spirit, Rowing Across the Atlantic

    did you have the new version with the Hurley photography in it ? I saw an exhibition of his work at Hobart museum , they had just run a fresh print off the glass plate photography he took on that expedition .. amazing clarity focus and detail ! They didnt even have proper gear , maybe TWO jumpers on and scarf, a 'good English overcoat' and hobnail boots .
  22. Don't eat street food in China

    I ate it and without knowing anything about it my body immediately started flashing red light . So I started looking up things about it " 'Eric' (from your link ) says ' pure water from the Himalayas feeds the Mekong .' You eat it if you want .... have you seen how its farmed ? Have you seen the Mekong ? yeah , dont believe everything you read on internet Enjoy your basa after watching the vid