
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    We know that . Its just that all the ' low frequency energy' people on this site are STILL not low frequency ENOUGH to send you $20 Oh, well done fellow Bums ! Keep up the good work . Let's totally FLOOD his PM box ! You never did in the first place ! You just tried to annoy us by making that same silly post over and over and over again . '''looks like its backfiring on you , hmmmmm Oh ? Okay then, I will PM you again and ask for a freebie . .... again .
  2. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Errrrmmmm ... no sure . I am usually ignored, seen as insignificant, not cool or noteworthy (looking like a 'dag' helps ) But if I 'display a skill' all sorts of kooks flock in to scavenge and pick up the crumbs . Eg. We used to hold a great alternative festival on our property most years. They had various themes . One was a spring equinx festival . Central to that was a spring equinox ritual that I was to get together and focus . Some people warned me before hand ( not knowing who I was or my experience or 'track record ' ) : " Yu are playing with dangerous forces you do not understand ! .... lots of people here are out of it , that energy will warp things and it will get out of control .... etc etc blah blah " It went off fantastically ; magically and in organisation , over 300 people turned up to participate ( I thought, about 50 max ) - okay, we have a HUGE outdoor ritual circle . IMO , the 'more magical ' event was how those 300 ' flowed together' beautifully . Afterwards people where beaming and some came up to me and thanked me , told me the effect it had on them and some said the best ritual they had ever been to. But then this guy cam up to me , I had already sussed him out before and was avoiding him ... he was a 'new age / spiritual / magical self appointed teacher who was full of BS . Not only did he DEMAND of me , aggressively , to know how I 'pulled all this off', he said he had tried to organise similar rituals with much smaller numbers and they ended up chaotic and unfocused ... AND all the time he was ranting this, his arms where flailing about and his arms and hands where making movements towards me , hands clutching and dragging back to himself , as if his unconscious body la'language was trying to drag the 'power' out of me into him. Much to his surprise and total confusion, I insulted him and walked off . Later , over the next 2 days , 2 others asked me similar questions, nicely and reasonably , so I explained it all to them . Much as I would here on DBs, if anyone asked me nicely and reasonably . But carefull Zork ! Or you end up like .....
  3. Levitation and possibly flight?

    This guy ^ is cheating . He is using the repulsive power of pink socks !
  4. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Dont take on the 'Masked Avenger ' ! .
  5. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    One can not even 'play' properly with him . He misses all the subtle and hidden things in the more 'advanced posts', misinterpreting them in his own 'understanding' and then criticising them with invalid points or non answers and then he thinks he scored or won . Even when such such things are all explained out to him, he still doesnt get it , and assumes he was smarter . Its a syndrome ''' or, I should say , its a ' cognitive bias ' ;
  6. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Yes. When 'mastery' is achieved , gravity is a secondary consideration ;
  7. Levitation and possibly flight?

    I can levitate down from the ceiling .
  8. .... I didnt know that about lead and hard water . So lead can be okay in ( some ) water pipes ?
  9. Oh yeah , much better faucets than the Minoans . Minoan faucet ( upper right ) also known as 'mechanism for flushing' ;
  10. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Of course he is . He thought ' train wrecking' a thread wasnt enough ..... hang on . we need to post memes of that so he understands; .. he needs to starship wreck the thread ;
  11. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    You be the MR T of cultivators !
  12. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    VYY sitting in his lotus for four hours ... ... that he bought with all those $20 'donations' .
  13. What a beautiful Metal Rat!

    Mmmmm ... a super advancement in this technology ? ... then, next phase .... mid year ; then around Xmas ; then some genius will engineer and grow a real rat body and get the grown rat brain and stick it in the real rat and ...... ..... meanwhile ; " Harry, just what the fuck are those crazy " Dunno .... but it scares the shit out of me. " ! big headed monkeys up to now ?" "
  14. Minoan water supply pipes (terracotta pipe sections): (a) overview, and (b) with real dimensions (From reference 5). Water supply in the Palace was provided through a network of terracotta piping located beneath the Palace floors. The pipes were constructed in sections of about 60 to 75 cm each.
  15. Way before Romans ; " The scope of this study is the presentation of the most characteristic examples of extant hydraulic works and related hydro-technologies in Minoan Crete. "
  16. Very impressive ! But ummmmm .... what they made out of ? But lead also was known to be dangerous and, for that reason, pipes made of clay were preferred—as Vitruvius, who wrote during the time of Augustus, explains. "Water conducted through earthen pipes is more wholesome than that through lead; indeed that conveyed in lead must be injurious, because from it white lead [PbCO3, lead carbonate] is obtained, and this is said to be injurious to the human system. Hence, if what is generated from it is pernicious, there can be no doubt that itself cannot be a wholesome body. This may be verified by observing the workers in lead, who are of a pallid colour; for in casting lead, the fumes from it fixing on the different members, and daily burning them, destroy the vigour of the blood; water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes if we are desirous that it should be wholesome. That the flavour of that conveyed in earthen pipes is better, is shewn at our daily meals, for all those whose tables are furnished with silver vessels, nevertheless use those made of earth, from the purity of the flavour being preserved in them" (VIII.6.10-11).
  17. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Hey ! I do that too ! And use phone at same time !
  18. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    If you dont like that, put me on ignore . Thats what you tell others .
  19. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Maybe you need another thread to talk about removing the thread that talked abut removing Gendao ?
  20. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    I liked this one I saw better ; "Ladies , got a lot of shopping to do , need 'husband care' while you do it ? leave him here with us, we will look after him and make him happy. You can call in and pick him up when we your shopping is finished ."
  21. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Mhe ... I got two harems '