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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Volcanoooooo

    Okay . Our bushfire crisis seems to have settled down now , so ..... over to you E.G.
  2. Heck ! I dont even give out one friend's phone number to another without checking if its okay first .
  3. He is the latest stupid new white boy to the gang . Everyone be smiling because they can now party on his $500 entrance fee to the school of mystical powers . Later tonight - they be parting with some hot MoPai moves on the dance floor
  4. Enlightened movies

    O .... M ...... G ! has anyone seen ' Swiss Army Man ' . I dont think I have seen a weirder film . Its made to be deliberately weird and they probably had a LOT of fun making it that way . I nearly turned it off after 15 mins .... but watched a bit more and .... then it got so strange I thought "Where can it go from here ?" But it did ..... VERY strange and a sick sense of humour . I began to get suspicious at the beginning when you realise it has two main actors and right at the beginning, you realise one of them is dead , so he must be a main actor as there are only two in the film ??? But no , one of them plays a dead person all the way through . Thing is , there is some deep, insightful and penetrating philosophy and observations about the BS way most of us carry on in 'life' ... made by the dead guy of course .
  5. WW3 2020?

    Did you swim back ? Its not the cool aid ... its those damn doggie treats !
  6. WW3 2020?

    Okay ... ya owe me then .
  7. WW3 2020?

    I gotta joke for ya ! Oh wait , its bad one .... maybe people CANT take a joke any more .... I better PM it to you .... you send me $20 - I will PM you the joke
  8. WW3 2020?

    I dont go to Trump discussion threads . I saw some of it ... I didnt know it went THAT far . if that DID happen Sean seems very liberal in allowing THAT particular membership to continue . I mean ... thats MUTINY !
  9. WW3 2020?

    Errrmmmm .... ummmmm ..... probably stoned man ....
  10. WW3 2020?

    Anywayz .... I thought WWIII started a while back . What ? No one noticed ?
  11. WW3 2020?

    What ? dawei 'edited' a post by Sean ? Am I reading that right ?
  12. WW3 2020?

    Indeed ! A duel, when 'managed' can sort out all sorts of difficulties , but when executed under different motivations can lead to a chain of disasters . here is a whole film about that .... all starts from a 'duel' (and not the BS type where you stand still and take turns at each other ) ; A better way to have a duel ;
  13. Would a sage find babies cute?

    Dude ! Thats just plain weird !
  14. Bonsai

    Maybe 'odd' for your society . Traditional Aboriginal people give trees gender related to their perceived form . Male Female some are more obvious ;
  15. Would a sage find babies cute?

    Not much ... the syntax is often confusing , eg the italicised bit. If English isnt your first language and /or you have difficulty with it and reading the links provided , its good to let us know, then we can understand the communication issues .
  16. Would a sage find babies cute?

    Nope . Two totally different things IMO . I ask why does a sage have to be immortal ? A simple question without semantic juggling So ? Does this exclude my type of accrued wisdom ? What you told me about ? .. and here I was thinking I was going to help you by offering some answers to your questions ! I guess you just skimmed my response . I WAS talking about it generally . See the links I made for you . I dont have my own children .But what does 'pure' mean ? Its just a word that palms off the explanation , again, see the links I made ... or maybe I should not have even bothered ? Are these real questions this time ? Or maybe they are rhetorical and you already know the answers ?
  17. Oh yes ! They represent stages and tests, of course and each is SUPPOSED to achieve or advance something . Unfortunately Hercules myth is about how NOT to go about things ... and also about why the world is in such a mess and about how force violence and ego lead to their own ends and transformation is thus failed . Oh .. but he is a 'hero' .... 'we' like those type of 'heroes' . Unfortunately it is a record of failed shamanic trials . One only has to look at his outcomes . Actually, he made such a blunder of passing through his imitation series ... and failed it ! ... that the 'authorities' of the time had to create a whole new category of 'lesser' mysteries just so they could pass the 'bosses son' as an initiate . This is rather pathetic ! Look at any other set of trails , the shaman does not resist , even though it might seem a threat to their welfare , all sorts of things are encountered ; being devoured by animals , having the bones replaced with iron, having crystal rods inserted into the body, etc . The Shaman does not fight it , if anything he is in a trance like acceptance or 'allowance ' of it . He doesnt grab a huge club and bash the devouring monster on the head . Hercules response is something different and weird . A shaman never responds like that - take the modern experience for example where people have felt they where abducted by aliens , do we EVER hear one recount that " As the alien approached me with the probe , I jumped off the table, kicked the probe out of his hand and punched him out ! " Thats the stuff of 'heroes' ; No, they are usually in a trance, helpless and even fearful . But the successful outcome is transformation . The way , IMO , to deal with these adventures and trials is best represented by Odysseus , he comes up with brilliant responses to EXPERIENCE the events he is thrown into , he isnt destroyed by them , nor does he destroy, punish or vanquish their agents .. he uses intelligence, cunning, wit and guile to navigate through his trials . Brilliant ! Hercules is all abut a certain way of humans doing things ... and that way has not worked out very well for us . I mean ... the guy is NUTS! because he kept doing stupid wrong reactive emotive forceful stuff - like murder and other stuff - he is tainted so the oracle at Delphi refuse to advise him . What does Herc do ? he stole the sacred tripod of Apollo in an attempt to set up his own oracle at Pheneos. As another punishment for 'criminally loosing it ' he was made Omphale's slave and had to endure her 'sissy boy' fantasises . Maybe look at some alternatives to the 12 labours ' solutions' . One could even do it with the self, astrologically - the 12 tasks are defined by the 12 astrological signs 'your Sun' (self) passes thorough , each with its trials successes or failures. But with astrology you get more hints about how to deal with thing, due to the planetary (helpers ) relationships to each other throughout those signs . This process might have been behind the 12 labours in the first place ? Mhe .... I am probably pushing it uphill with this one - peeps be abso LOVING these guys ;
  18. Would a sage find babies cute?

    Regarding the title ; yes we do . Regarding the post ; Does a sage have to be immortal ? Regardless, why would an immortal NOT find young children to be cute ? Lets examine what 'cute' is - I find that more interesting . Some are . Also, some children are not 'cute ' (for some) .... and some are declared cute by certain others .. and they are not cute at all . What's going on here ? (Hint : 'certain others' in one case - their grandfather ; he was showing his grandkids photo to a woman working in a bakery, I entered and waited to be served . next thirng he turns , stares at me jams the photo towards my face and 'asks' me , aggressively, " Tell me they aren't gorgeous ! " .... ) Here is another hint .... what is 'cute' is actually what made us , as HUMANS , give us the modern looks we have . Its all about a 'fascination' for 'the undeveloped juvenile ' Here is a word to look up ; paedomorphosis or neotony . .... and to cut through one of my 'ranting theories' - of course if people are attracted to others looks and have children with them, their children will likely will have those features too , after a while 'natural selection' steps in and we end up looking the weird way we do now I'll let wiki fill in the rave I left out ; Now ... we be lookin' like babies ! We all so cute ! You might have read me before on some of my anthropological rants about how the Australian Aboriginal was when Euros first them . An ancient people ... the 'old people' , like we all used to be . The Euros often commented on a quality the Aboriginal had that seemed hard to define . They admired their looks, poise, posture, construction , pride .... one European even commented that they had the shape and form of Man ' before he was ever made a slave, bent to pull a plow or carry a load all day like a beast of burden , or hunched over a desk all day reading and writing ' . here we find ; " Aboriginal Australians Frederick S. Hulse wrote in 1962 that aboriginal Australians have retained "similar" "skeletal characteristics" to those "which most men possessed in earlier times" (gerontomorphic characteristics) that are "contrary" to the "pedomorphic qualities"
  19. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    If you click on the above .... see below the main article to man 'sits' on fish tank to make a phone call
  20. Bonsai

    BOO ! scary ? Strangler fig begins its life as a parasite as its seed lodges in the cracks and crevices of the bark of a host. . The seed germinates and sends out air roots. These air roots take in nutrients and water from the air and host tree. Eventually the air roots grow to reach the ground and develop their own underground root system, independent of the host tree. They love growing in my environment - part of 'Gondwanaland' ; one of its companions here is the Giant Stinging Tree - now THAT is kinda scary !
  21. WW3 2020?

    Anti Semitism is about prejudice against Jews . It isnt prejudice if criticisms are true Criticism of the Israeli government has repeatedly involved the charge that Israel has practised a system akin to apartheid against Arabs and Palestinians in its occupation of the West Bank.[1] Israel has been described as an "apartheid" state by some scholars, United Nations investigators,[2] human rights groups critical of Israeli policy[3][4] and supporters of the Boycott,
  22. WW3 2020?

    One could demand to see the quote that usually settles it . How are you with a hand gun ?
  23. WW3 2020?

    Not phased as we see it as is - not WWIII at all . And certainly not a suicide attempt. Maybe posting on TDBs and being on the phone with cops at the same time isnt a great idea ? But I will leave the 'multi tasking' up to others . . . . . being a man , and all that .