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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Bonsai

    I have two at the moment , one is a strange little tree that has three large roots coming out the base of the trunk, above ground . It sits in some local forest moss I found , a large type that looks like mini pine trees . The other one is a strangler fig that I got as a seedling . Its best to plant them alongside another tree or old bit of wood .They from great patterns and 'strangulations' over the years I have a large old one doing its thing by the back door and when the host tree in the middle dies and rots away ; They are easy to bonsai as they sprout in the fork of a trunk or branch, when a tree drops you can cut that bit out, trim the roots off the little strangler seedling and put it in a ceramic dish with water ... even up on a rock, the roots will cover it and the branches spread around the remaining host piece .
  2. INFERNO !

    Footage released by NASA shows that billows of smoke were blown over covering most of Chile and Argentina, as well as parts of Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. The smoke had travelled from Australia's east coast with the size of the cloud said to have been bigger than the United States.
  3. WW3 2020?

    Thats the 'more correct ' version .
  4. WW3 2020?

    " Luck " ? Gosh , those Iranians are terrible shots, aren't they ?
  5. WW3 2020?

    Everything is made of wiggly little stings , some are just long bits of string but others have their ends joined to their beginnings .
  6. WW3 2020?

    a - e is based on a misunderstanding of the situation . However I will give f a shot . ' You know that big bully down the street America ? Well he threw a rock and it killed little Iran's favourite doggie. They arent going to put up with that ! But if they do something just as bad back , they will get beaten up . So they threw rocks over the fence at that shed America owns in some one else's backyard that some of them hang out in ...... but someone else told them to go out for the day
  7. WW3 2020?

    Well, of course , as that isnt how the saying goes at all . The above suggests if you CAN explain 'your theory ' to a 5 year old - it is right . " Yes Billy , the alien space lizards that run the country will eat you if you are naughty . " ( Hmmm ... sounds like 'Mr Appleton ' * ) The original was - if you really understand something, you should be able to explain it to a child . *
  8. WW3 2020?

    a 5 year old is gonna get that ? " Jesuits ??? ....
  9. WW3 2020?

    " The reckless disregard for the consequences that would surely follow ..... " @ 0: 28
  10. WW3 2020?

    What a coincidence !
  11. WW3 2020?

    I worked in refugee relocation after the 79 revolution - we had a heap of Iranians here . Also, my boss is Iranian . Also I had a bit to do with the Bahai's (mostly Iranians ) . Many a story I heard about pre revolution Iran . And what a history the place has ! Some snippets ; It had a vast ancient empire, of course . But in recent times was bigger than now - problems with Russia A map showing the 19th-century northwestern borders of Iran, comprising modern-day eastern Georgia, Dagestan, Armenia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, before being ceded to the neighboring Russian Empire by the Russo-Iranian wars. and problems with USA ; In 1951, Mohammad Mosaddegh was appointed as the Prime Minister. He became enormously popular in Iran after he nationalized Iran's petroleum industry and oil reserves. He was deposed in the 1953 Iranian coup d'état, an Anglo-American covert operation that marked the first time the United States had participated in the overthrow of a foreign government during the Cold War. After the coup, the Shah became increasingly autocratic and sultanistic, and Iran entered a phase of decades-long controversial close relations with the United States and some other foreign governments.[160] While the Shah increasingly modernized Iran and claimed to retain it as a fully secular state,[30] arbitrary arrests and torture by his secret police, the SAVAK, were used to crush all forms of political opposition - Wiki How many times have seen state terrorism evolve in a country out of a 'liberation' by western forces and an installation of a new state head ?
  12. INFERNO !

    He stood before the jaws of a monster out of hell ..... and lives to tell the tale . This is actually NOT an exaggeration . Things are a lot calmer at the moment. Getting on with life .... until the next hot and windy day . One thing that has arisen is this new subject - I have encountered it before on a small scale, but now it can get massive, and might become a 'massive new thing' (due to its immense size now ) but it might not have much water in it if the vegetation and ground moisture is VERY low (as it is in some of these fires) . As one foreman observed ' The fire is burning up in the air ! ' And then the whole thing can collapse on the ground , which feeds the ground fire more - if fire is all around, there is no 'flow out' from the collapse. Thats when really weird stuff can manifest - like fire tornadoes that lift a large fire truck into the air .
  13. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    I will advise you to like a colour that YOU really like (just whisper it to me first ) for $10 - 1/2 price . That way you won't get stuck with some lame colour you dont like that VYY advised ...... like purple protrudence or something .
  14. Lying down can remind the body of sleeping and ..... zzzzzzzzzzzz . But if one can control that, lying down can enable one to 'release the body' more .... for some . Personally I found walking meditation very effective, for certain ends , and sitting for others . Walking for the more 'active types' of meditation, seeking a specific result - sitting for the more free form, waiting for whatever results . Riding motorcycle meditation I found good to - I would do my morning pentragram meditations while riding to work and also v good for practising 'spherical awareness' . Wot ? Dude ! In itself ? It can be IF you are aware and mindful . Ditto . I am sus on the movie one though ... maybe it could be a mediation on how the movie 'artists' fools the senses and awareness . There are many different types of meditation. With different intentions and different ends. It depends on what you seek - the basic first classification of types of meditation , for me , is neutral, active or passive .
  15. Ah! I knew you would be able to sum up my complaint in netter words than I could .
  16. Some of the Secret Doctrine is okay if you understand all the cross terms and referencing .... otherwise it reads like gobbldegook If I may ..... ( I Like this guy ... and what he reads makes perfect sense .... also it affirms my Law of 3/4 Its interesting that you, as a woman, would start with 'unfortunately' if you wanted to Lord it over someone.. Because, as a man , when I use unfortunately, that is not my intent at all . Mains-plaining ? < looks it up > .. " in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing. " Aha1 I see . No, the answer is not directed at you at all , but at the simplification and interpretation of those Egyptian principles by Theosophists is unfortunate .... Oh no ! I said it again .... wait .... NO ..... Taomeow NOOOOOOOOOOOO ....... arrrgghhh ! Ummmmmm ..... .... pass .
  17. Unfortunately , the left hand side is ...... ( I leave that to Apech ) Its old, outdated, passed by due to HEAPS of more modern research and full of theosophic 'clap trap' . But the premise holds fairly well ; Judeao-Christianity was a blend of old regional religion, a lot from Egypt ( modern comparisons are interesting * ) a lot from 'Babylonian Religions' ( Sumerian, etc ) and a good founding from Zoroastrianism ( due to the 'Captivity' ) * like 'Hymn to the Aten' and Psalm 104 The Eight points of comparison: Psalm 104 and the Hymn to Aten
  18. Money, Money, Money.

    I volunteer to be the bunny in this experiment .... everyone send me heaps of money , then I will tell you how it has effected my spirituality .
  19. INFERNO !

    I got through to my friend this morning , her and her family and associated dogs are safe , they saved her house and town . Firefighters ... bloody champions ! ^ not injured - exhausted .
  20. INFERNO !

    I dont know if they got through yesterday, yet . Last night I was getting messages from my friend down there . She said she evacuated to a bit north into town at Ulladulla and was seeking refuge out on the harbour with her sister, daughter 2 grandchildren and 6 dogs . On the map Ulladulla is one little remaining unburnt pocket on the coast totally surrounded . The north front is threatening Nowra , they main town /city on the south coast . I asked her if it was a precautionary evac if fire was approaching , she said they where 'fleeing fire' . But at the same time, I am watching the tv and the fire chief says that no one has been evacuated in that area ... yet I have people on the phone saying they are crowded onto a harbour dock ! How can he and the news not know this ? Confusing . The rest of the news is too vast and wide spread to repeat .... its only becoming apparent this morning what happened . Victoria is getting absolutely smashed ! and they say it could contiunue like this for 8 weeks there !
  21. INFERNO !

    Yes, I listened to a fire chief talking about aftermath and the people that stayed to defend .... nearly every person he talked to, even the well prepared , when the fire came they where " Oh my God ! Why did I stay here and take on this . " When fire tornadoes lift a truck into the air and whole townships 'go turtle' * , thats NOT what ' disaster bushfires' have caused before - these are 'super disaster bushfires ' ! * Turtle manoeuvrer - in an extreme emergency situation where fire fighters get surrounded and there is no way out they retreat to the safest central position, get in a tight circle , go down on the ground as if bowing to each other in sieza ... heads as close as possible in a circle - of course , you all need proper fire fighting uniform and make sure its on right in this position (especially the hat back flap down the neck over the collar and down the back ), in the middle is a fire hose going straight up to make a fountain over the group ..... and wait for the fire to pass . NO THANKS ! Fortunately , these manoeuvrers here have been done along the coast, usually, or next to a lake so the gathered mass of people only need to be shielded from 2 or 3 sides and not 360o all round . The only other 'option' is when its racing uphill and you are above it .... you might be able to charge (running ) through . ( I actually had to help nurse a group of 4 in Intensive care unit that tried that . I won't give details .... to horrible .. except to say that only 1 of them ended up surviving ) I think most of us have seen the fire truck driving through the flames vid ..... But the vid above shows what heppens when the truck breaks down ! the crew had to kit up with breathing gear and abandon vehicle ... they made it . Anyway , today is half over and it doesnt seem too dramatic (comparability ) down the south coast today ... and tomorrow sees a 10 deg temp drop with possible light rain ... so if they can get through today . . . .
  22. INFERNO !

    The Navy finally started picking people up . The first 56 people have left on the smaller ship, the Sycamore . Two ships, HMAS Choules and MV Sycamore, will pick up about 1,000 people. The military evacuated around 60 people by helicopter last night but due to poor visibility due to smoke, they had to stop. They are being taken to Port Welshpool, 16 hrs away . Tomorrow ;
  23. INFERNO !

    Note the official picture above , a mix of , the zone, a fire , people waiting (at an airport ? - probably unrelated ) , and a helicopter , which is supposed to suggest the government support coming .... Ooooo , now I feel safer .... except that chopper has landed on an a/c and delivered personnel to a ship . What the fuck does that have to do with things ? Where is the picture of fleets of helicopters airlifting people of burning beaches and on to near by aircraft carrier .. as promised ! The only airlift I have seen is one chopper picking up burn victims from the crowds . And this is the first mention I have heard of ANY of those people being burn victims .... they must have forgot to mention that .