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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Well, I guess we just have to track 'him' more and see if this is a monthly occurrence ? But I will admit, although you guys are right , I like Limi ...... Limi is a bit like a naughty meerkat But Everything ........ I feel a little different about ... he sorta bough out my 'Saturnian nature ;
  2. Ummm Sean said Mskied was banned in a post he made .... in a round a bout TGs way ... then put up a picture of 'himself' having outrage at Mskied horrible neo nazi judgemental stuff on the oppressed , . And what, Everything is not banned ... he just post to never post again , all by himself . But then again, I am visual communicating type of guy , I get stuff like that
  3. Yeah ? I didnt know that about Mesopotamia ? " Husbandry has a long history, starting with the Neolithic revolution when animals were first domesticated, from around 13,000 BC onwards, antedating farming of the first crops. By the time of early civilisations such as ancient Egypt, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs were being raised on farms" [ antedate - precede in time; come before (something) in date. ]
  4. What I see here are 3 kittys, they haveall been locked out of the ' Garden of Eden' . The one on the left is willing to accept civilisation and a small amount of oppression to get back in, but s/he will work against that and subtly undermine things to get hir own way, but still living in an artificial environment ' s/he got that "lets make a 'deal " look . The one on the right is just distraught and will do anything to get back in out of hir banishment - not really aware of hir situation at all ; " Pats, dinner and a warm bed ? Sure, I will dig an irrigation trench ! " Third kitty has already left ... hooray, I'm out and away , s/he has gone to live free with the other feral cats, out in the wilderness . " Get out ! and take that foul mouthed parrot with you ! I am keeping the dog, by the way ."
  5. and perhaps that developed , as I said before, after animal husbandry ? " Hmmmm .... if I can coerce and subjugate animals to do my work ... why not .......... "
  6. Yeah . The 'advanced' tag , in this case, was the old 'Empire expansionist theory' , what the 'advancement' was supposed to be was 'Pharaonic culture or system ' ... a system of regulation, or rule . . A 'cross cultural influence' nowadays might be a better term . Or something borrowed from one culture into another that caused changes in it Ah yes . Aside from it being a basic stable shape based on a square room / base . ...... ( here is another one ... why did all these people, all over the world , start building square room shelters , usually, after round shelters became 'unfashionable ' ? Here is a hint , go and do some building yourself, hands on, through the whole project . I have , both round and square and in (hint) different materials . End of the Ice Age ?
  7. I also wanted to read more about Elam / Proto-Elamite , this site looks interesting , I will put it here as part of our 'library' ; Elam, Indus Valley Civilisation, BMAC, "White tribes of ancient China " , Tarim Basin, etc . Lioness-woman sculpture - Elamite figure c. 3000 BC
  8. It seems an 'earlier version' of ... Toby Wilkinson's 'Genesis of the Pharaohs ' where he looks at eastern desert cave art and , again, that oldest sea port in the world , conected to Wadi Hammamat . Earliest discoverers postulated an incoming advanced peoples , later discredited as 'Empire based interpretation' ' but Rice seems to be following this up . With a route across Arabia , linking it to western and (surprise ! ) ... Central Asia . ... but I dont recall Wilkinson linking that art with the other side of the Red Sea , as Rice does .
  9. Bored ..... with Egypt ? Havent scrapped the surface really , after over 20 years of interest and reading .
  10. Lets keep that subject to the 'Inferno' thread, thanks . nah . A summary is sufficient for me ... if I had a penny for every wacko theory that people suggested I read the book about ...... Anyway, I have just started a new book that cost me $2 at this little beach town's 'op shop' ; ' Egypt's Making' by Michael Rice . yes he is a pro and an academic and comes from ....... ' the establishment ' .... Ooooooo . Its about thee arliest times and formation of pre-dynastic Egypt , up to the end of the Old Kingdom ( I think ) Anyway, he talks about his early time as an archaeologist in Egypt in the 50s (he has passed on now) and how 'free' it was to explore and find things, yet have a modern 'ease' . Then he goes on to a detailed history of the whys and wherefores and methods of dating . He also says how this dating came about and how its an ancient world standard now , ie, other cultures and societies dating are based on the Egyptian understanding. Its worth reading if one want to know HOW these things got their dates . Of course, not all are in agreement . And he explains why. Then he goes on to say how in his latter life, after collating a lot of ms interest turned to the other side of the Red Sea and Arabia and the ancient finds there , which he says few know little about . Then he goes on to outline the book saying a lot is about this research, how all early civilisations seem connected to this area . His frst focus will be Pre dynastic Egypt, and connections with Arabia , and proto Sumerian and Elamite . Should be a good read . I am wondering if Apech has read it ? I will get back to the thread with any interesting or relevant info that arises from it .
  11. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    here is me in a past life ' Benjamin Péret in the act of insulting a priest'. - La Révolution surréaliste (1926)
  12. Especially since we all know .. everything came Out Of India
  13. INFERNO !

    Good being home in cool weather for a few days . I went for a drive up the valley , fire came very close to some houses that are surrounded by double width bulldozer fire breaks , one right up to 30 m from back door . Further up it got dangerous, where the valley is steep and has cliffs, the burnt vegetation has caused rockfalls . Then more spot fires started . I could see a huge tower of smoke up the valley. Now a heat wave is predicted for a few days so I decided to go back to the coast , stayed in town last night and this morning I awoke to a horrible thick acrid smoke. New fire . now east of town ! Evacuate ! Thick smoke and 40 deg temps for several days - no thanks About 70 km south down the coast, the smoke started to clear . Its nice down here . Go to that little beach later . Light rain predicted for Monday .... Christmas looks bleak for holiday makers , heaps have cancelled , according to the resorts and holiday parks .
  14. No, but I will have a quick look now ..... ... Yet again we have a modern rehash of an old racist Empire based would- be -dominate- the -world and everything came from our pure and wonderful race and culture . Really guys ? Really ? A thin veneer of 'spiritualism' plastered over old school racial superiority ; "The historical facts recorded in the Takenouchi Documents are extraordinary. Among them are the Sumera-Mikoto came to Earth from a higher world on Ameno-ukifune, the world government was located in Japan and the Sumera-Mikoto unified the world. The great holy masters of the world, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Shakyamuni Buddha, Confucius and Lao-Tsu were born from the five-colored races which branched off from the Japanese race and all went to Japan for study and training. These facts may seem absurd and contrary to our prevailing understanding of world history. However, the archeological research of recent years has gradually revealed the true existence of ultra ancient civilizations which are all mentioned in the Takenouchi Documents. "The children of the Sun God started the High Ancient Dynasty and after 8 billion years," ... ( ! Whaaaat ! ) ... " their sons and daughters were sent all over the world to start their own nations. In the Takenouchi documents, the account of human creation does not follow the path of evolution. Rather, it was the Gods that created humans, and the sons of Gods created five types of coloured people (white, red, blue, yellow and black) and scattered them all over the Earth. Japan became the centre of the world, from where the Gods created races and dispersed them outwards. .. and so on.
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    An old president joke (for Bush ) but probably relevant to .... you know who ; President : Anything in the news today ? Aid ; Three Brazilian soldiers where killed 'peacekeeping' in Iraq. Pres; ' What ! Thats sooooo bad , why the hell didnt any one tell me this before , we are going to have to mobilize ! Aid ; Ummmm .... its just three Brazilian soldiers , whats the big deal ? Pres. Huh ? Oh ? Ummmm , remind me again, how many million are in a brazillion
  16. Dao Bums Christmas Toast and Roast 2019

    Some big rough Maori boys threatened to eat me once .... in New Zealand . Yikes ! Managed to buy them a beer then escape instead .
  17. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Damn ! Why did I just do that ! OH double damn ! ..... now I am in for $60 !
  18. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Sorry Drew ...... what was that again ? You will do what ?
  19. What is Jing ... really?

    'Down here' Ninni , we call that 'giving someone a top spin' . ( It is often accompanied by placing the person in a 'friendly headlock' and and scuffing your palm repeatedly across their forehead, as if trying to get a top to rotate rapidly ...... since I am not there , you will have to do this part yourself )
  20. What is Jing ... really?

    She means the Khu is in the Khabs NOT the Khabs is in the Khu . There ! Glad I could clear things up for you .
  21. What is Jing ... really?

    What a wonderful post . Why ? Because it resonates cross culturally and temporally (and for a 'spiritual anthropologist ' , that's essential ) . The most recent and the most ancient relevant cultures know, revere and teach this at their heart, regardless of whatever names and dressings they put upon it . And also ... becasue it works ! To this I can attest in my life . All one has to do is the reverse of paragraph ; " Some people treat Shakti badly. They neglect her and abuse her by not letting her be free and empowered, but instead subject her to indulgent behavior and psychological outbursts as if she was a mere slave maid. These people then go thinking what they have done wrong to feel so drained and sick. " And 'wonderful things' will open up for you . Or as my teacher said to me ; " If you follow these teachings and DO it , then , just ask MUM for whatever you need ..... and she will give it to you . " Like I said , this I can attest to in my life - its R E A L ...... manifested ! Oh, and regarding 'jing' , its art of the above , if you get into the 'natural state' , life is a charge ... you will be buzzing just becasue you are alive ... even if you might die at any moment .... even if you dont have strong after life 'beliefs' . Ziiiing ! " Energised enthusiasm" .... just for life ! .... and everything . (yeah, yeah; good exercise and diet , yatter yatter)