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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Downvote Feature!

    Good , I need a new one
  2. Christianity

    Well thats great ! makes the crusades sound like a justified police action Now look at some other crusader history .... you know the first crusade was not even knights , right ? Do you know what happened as soon as they crossed over to 'Asia' ? You know the other crusades where NOT mostly Knights right ? Yes, thank goodness for history : " This call was met with an enthusiastic popular response across all social classes in western Europe. Mobs of predominantly poor Christians numbering in the thousands, led by Peter the Hermit, a French priest, were the first to respond. What has become known as the People's Crusade passed through Germany and indulged in wide-ranging anti-Jewish activities, including the Rhineland massacres. So they didnt even get to the Holy Land and they killed people that had nothing to do with the invasion of Jerusalem , who where Sljuk Turks ! Then various swarms of them went across the countryside , ravaging the land like locust .... I will skip the details as they are historical , except for one delightful part where they ate their enemies ;'arra .... all to rescue the oppressed in Jerusalem .... and not for an 'eternal lifetime' 'get out of hell free' card
  3. Christianity

    Well then .... I cant remember if I shared this with you before or not , so .... Hymn to Proserpine (After the Proclamation in Rome of the Christian Faith) By Algernon Charles Swinburne ..... " O Gods dethroned and deceased, cast forth, wiped out in a day! From your wrath is the world released, redeemed from your chains, men say. New Gods are crowned in the city; their flowers have broken your rods; They are merciful, clothed with pity, the young compassionate Gods. But for me their new device is barren, the days are bare; Things long past over suffice, and men forgotten that were. Time and the Gods are at strife; ye dwell in the midst thereof, Draining a little life from the barren breasts of love. I say to you, cease, take rest; yea, I say to you all, be at peace, Till the bitter milk of her breast and the barren bosom shall cease. Wilt thou yet take all, Galilean? but these thou shalt not take, The laurel, the palms and the pæan, the breasts of the nymphs in the brake; ..... whole poem :
  4. Wild cats

    I miss my tail I have worn various tails at times ; a little 'buck' tail in a 'pantomime ' ... the best kind is one casually drooping out the back out a hole in my pants , and walking around the local market ( I look fine from the front ) .... other times I wore a tail was .... ummmm , better not mention that .
  5. Fellow westerners, we are very good at seing foreign propaganda

    Multiple one's ! More recently ; Australia's 'push' to get nuclear energy . Experts galore ... even appointed ones for 'the party' and saying no no no ... look what happens elsewhere . We get bombarded (in some areas ) with facts and details about cost and time blowouts and the high cost of it from overseas installations . We get told time and time again how the only real viable and 'cheaper' way is to continue to expand on 'green ' sources ... YET 'that' aspect of government continues to ignore that and continue trying to convince people .... politician direct to public (ie without qualified opinion ) that we need to do it .... that we WILL BE doing it (if they get voted in ) . alternatively ... just switch to SKYnews here ... ( I watch a bit of it sometimes - entertainment purposes only ) These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources. Overall, we rate Sky News Australia Right-Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that mostly favor the right. We also rate them borderline Questionable and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks, unproven claims, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and misinformation.
  6. How liberty dies

    Its a big club and you ARE in it ! At the base level of the pyramid . If you ain't in it ... you are against it ; Light .... Life ..... Love ...... Liberty ! Use it or loose it ! " LET IT BE KNOWN that there exists, unknown to the great crowd, a very ancient Order of sages, whose object is the amelioration and spiritual evolution of mankind by means of conquering error and aiding men and women in their efforts of attaining the power of recognising the truth. This Order has existed already in the most remote times and it has manifested its activity secretly and openly in the world under different names and in various forms: it has caused social and political revolutions and proved to be the rock of salvation in times of danger and misfortune. It has always upheld the banner of freedom against tyranny in whatever shape this appeared, whether as clerical or political or social despotism or oppression of any kind. "To this “secret order” every wise and spiritually enlightened person belongs by right of his or her nature: because they all, even if they are personally unknown to each other, are one in their purpose and object and they all work under the guidance of the one light of truth. Into this Sacred Society no one can be admitted by another unless he has the power to enter it himself by virtue of his own interior illumination, neither can anyone after he has once entered be expelled unless he should expel himself by becoming unfaithful to his principles and forget again the truths which he has learned by his own experience. "
  7. Wild cats

    What happened to the lynx's tail ?
  8. The Downvote Feature!

    Ummmm .... your idealism of Taoism ? - Idealism ... good choice of words there !
  9. The Downvote Feature!

    Errrmmm between members and a member ?
  10. The Downvote Feature!

    " The meek shall inherit the earth " (after they are dead )
  11. The Downvote Feature!

    What a pleasant way of giving someone's opinion a downvote
  12. The Downvote Feature!

    More wise mothering : the twins where being atrocious ... fighting, bitterness, anger , yelling .... "That's enough ! " Mum declares and issues two buckets of soapy water , two sponges and two squeegies " YOU ! Clean the outside of the windows , while YOU Clean the inside of the same window." Now the fight continues either side of the glass , but they are right in each others face , but can not access each other . So they start doing rude signs and pulling faces at each other ... the faces get more grotesque and rude trying to outdo each other , they are pressing their faces against the glass and making all sorts of distortions ... that eventually cause amusement , then laughing ... now they are trying to outdo each other by making the other laugh more ..... I have done it with adults .... got their negative energy up so much, in myself , supported it , added to it ... to the extent they started laughing and seeing how silly it was in the first place .
  13. The Downvote Feature!

    and now the downvote has become an expression of anger ? Are you sure that is not a receptive feeling ?
  14. The Downvote Feature!

    "Heaven and earth are not Good They treat the thousands of things like straw dogs. The Wise Person is not Good He treats the hundred clans like straw dogs.
  15. The Downvote Feature!

    "Heaven and earth are not Good They treat the thousands of things like straw dogs. The Wise Person is not Good He treats the hundred clans like straw dogs.
  16. The Downvote Feature!

    It does . Its so much easier to click on an icon than to write a 'down vote ' post .
  17. Christianity

    Majesty of the Godhead, Wisdom-crowned Thoth, Lord of the Gates of the Universe: Thee, Thee we invoke! O Thou of the Ibis head: Thee, Thee we invoke! Thou who wieldest the Wand of Double Power: Thee, Thee we invoke! Thou who bearest in Thy left hand the Rose and Cross of Light and Life: Thee, Thee we invoke! O Thou whose head is as an Emerald, and Thy Nemyss as the night sky-blue! Thou whose skin is of flaming orange, as though it burned in a furnace: Thee, Thee we invoke! Behold, I am yesterday, to-day, and the brother of The Morrow! I am born again and again. Mine is the unseen force from which the Gods are sprung; that giveth life unto the dwellers in the watch-towers of the Universe. I am the charioteer of the East, Lord of the Past and the Future. I see by mine own inward light; Lord of Resurrection, who cometh forth from the dusk, and whose birth is from the House of Death. O ye two divine hawks upon your pinnacles, who keep watch over the Universe! Ye who company the bier unto the House of Rest. Ye who pilot the Ship of Ra, ever advancing onwards unto the heights of Heaven! Lord of the Shrine which standeth in the centre of the Earth! Behold He is in me and I in Him! Mine is the radiance in which Ptah floateth over his firmament. I travel upon high. I tread upon the firmament of Nu. I raise a flashing flame with the lightning of mine eye, ever rushing forward in the splendour of the daily glorified Ra, giving my life to the dwellers of Earth. If I say “come up upon the mountains,” The Celestial waters shall flow at my word; For I am Ra incarnate, Khephra created in the flesh! I am the image of my Father Tmu, Lord of the City of the Sun! The God who commands is in my mouth; The God of Wisdom is in my heart: My tongue is the sanctuary of Truth: And a God sitteth upon my lips! My word is accomplished each day, and the desire of my heart realises itself, like that of Ptah when he creates his works. I am Eternal; therefore everything acts according to my designs, and everything obeys my words. Therefore I say unto Thee: come forth unto me from thine abode in the Silence, unutterable Wisdom, All-light, All-power! Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Odin, by whatever name I call Thee, Thou art still un-named and nameless to Eternity! Come thou forth, I say, and aid and guard me in this Work of Art. Thou, Star of the East that didst conduct the Magi! Thou art the same, all present in Heaven and in Hell. Thou that vibratest betwixt the Light and the Darkness. Rising, descending; changing ever, yet ever the same! The Sun is Thy Father! Thy Mother the Moon! The Wind hath borne Thee in its bosom! And Earth hath nourished the changeless Godhead of Thy Youth.
  18. Christianity

    Yet in many cases the 'soul' is considered 'feminine' This is our 'soul' trying to have relationship with our body : ( someone is always going to try to interfere , aren't they . )
  19. Christianity

    Yes, going with and beyond that .... what makes me special ? I am a dedicated hetro guy . I have looked into this and discovering more about my make up I have strong 'female' internal side ... and I associate that with 'receptive' . My astrological makeup is strongly Cancerian and Neptunian , symbols of the feminine and the mystical , also associated with Luna ; the occult, mystical, unconscious, etc . That can easily go out of balance but fortunately I have a well placed Mercurial regulator ( again 'androgynous' energy with Mercury but from the male 'form' . Actually, in that painting I see the flames and rays as strongly Mercurial energy . Some have no reception whatsoever for the energy , some get 'fried' by it , some seem entirely insulated , and some let it pass through them, but accept the change its 'flow' brings .
  20. Christianity

    Where does the 'knowledge' to 'drum like a demon' come from .... while you are doing it, yet at the same time realizing you actually arent doing it ... 'it' is 'coming through' you . Thats the big one . Ego wants to own everything . I would say it is both ... it is from without ... a 'non local' awareness / consciousness . and it is a type of 'unconscious opening ' from within - by that I mean its caused and regulated (timed ) by some internal clock that knows when you have developed enough to deal with it ... like puberty ... we dont consciously create that change . But I go more towards the outer source ... I had no idea it was coming ... hit me 'outa the blue ' ... grabbed me , shook me , got it forever now, and there was nothing I could do about it . regarding the other view , its just as valid . If I never open my eyes , I never see the wonder of creation .... I open them (consciously or by genetic program after birth ) , yet it has always exited 'out there ' .
  21. Christianity

    When something has a cross cultural existence I think its safe to assume it has archetypal significance ; that is , it is something everyone associates with a similar meaning . I just call them 'angel wings ' . Psychologically, its a symbol of 'lifting up' , consciousness or spirit . And 'transmigration' . On the caduceus it represents the 'higher world' or empyrean The Divine Comedy's Empyrean, illustrated by Gustave Doré ( Its a staff of Mercury , but Mercury had winged feet ... the only God IMM { in my Menory } that has 'shoullder wings' is Psyche ... the Goddess of our soul . ) yet here it seems apt as mercury is also God of communication - DNA code is a good example of stored knowledge - communication . We all know what birds are , so the image and symbol 'transfixes' all . Another explanation is given in the Urantia Book * - whose mission seems to be presenting the western religious stream in the context of explainable 'science' . It talks about the 'transportation' of ' postmortem identity ' ( soul, spirit - I cant remember the term they prefer ) in one of the host of spiritual beings it describes ... a sort of 'transporting angel ' / 'pod' ... the wings are the open 'shielding' of the 'pod' . Personally, I prefer the wings over 'science fiction ' . The Daena , who meets us after death and helps us 'cross' is sometimes depicted in billowing robes . These fold about us and protect us , as she does during our transition and 'rebirth' into another world . She can be seen as a type of 'midwife and nurse' that helps us into and to grow in the next world ( and to help process and learn from past trauma ) Think of 'womb' and after that ' swaddling' " The swaddling clothes of medieval Madonna and Child paintings are now replaced with cotton receiving blankets, cotton muslin wraps, or specialised "winged" baby swaddles." Daena : 'spirit reception' - in a more abstract mode ; 'Spirit ' descends , 'Man' rises , they 'interlock' ..... and off we go ... *
  22. but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. They shall carry bag after bag of concrete they shall lug buckets of tools although the stairs seem to piece the very empyrean itself they shall climb them and not tire . -Isaiah 40:31
  23. Why bother with morality and ethics?

    Thats what 'treat others as yourself is about ' - I consider it fraught with negative possibilities : lets say I am a born again Christian ... what is the most important thing to me now ? Going to heaven ! Its great news, I have been saved ! I am glad I am not like I was before .... non- born again ... because I was not going to get eternal life . Now if i treat you how I would like to be treated I will try to convert you to save you ... at any cost ( we are talking about your future spiritual eternal existence here ! ) Mate , I would get you in a headlock and FORCE you underwater ! Unfortunately I might even have to torture or kill you to GET YOU to confess your bad past .... but its for your own good ! How about instead , I treat you how YOU want to be treated ? Morals and ethics are dependent on where and when we live ... they are part of our social contacts and vary from place to place ... so aside from that and ultimately ; "ESSENTIALS OF METHOD I. Theology is immaterial; for both Buddha and St. Ignatius were Christs. II. Morality is immaterial; for both Socrates and Mohammed were Christs. III. Super-consciousness is a natural phenomenon; its conditions are therefore to be sought rather in the acts than the words of those who attain it. The essential acts are retirement and concentration — as taught by Yoga and Ceremonial Magic. "