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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Astrology and astral impermanence

    I dont know The reason people USED TO think they affected us was due to the earlier schema I and SirPalomedes referenced . Since the paradigm schema paradigm has changed , either people are at a loss to explain it ( hence 'rays' , vibration and other general and obscure answers prevail ) or deny it . I dont know about good and bad deeds but 'traits' (both material and 'non material' ) certainly seem to be genetically passed on genetically,. A lot is passed on genetically that we have just come to discover or are yet undiscovered . Also, only certain of them , they can 'sleep' for x generations then surface again. This is all under question, personally, at the moment though - it might apply to 'karma' and 'personality' and 'deeds' (and things learnt ) as well . Thing is I am learning this from a local magpie so ...... wtf ? It might be tooooo wacky . Then again, magpies do some wacky stuff It depends on where they are together as well . Yes, early astrology, mostly was based on the angular relationship of the planets to each other and the houses . The first house (on your local horizon ) was deemed important and this passed on to the modern fascination and import with the rising 'sign' . Later the constellations gained more importance and later still in modern times, the fixation on the Sun and which sign ( note; not ' which constellation) it was in - made popular by a well published astrologer that happened to be a Leo . To use that a system would have to know about the axis of the Universe first . Angular relationship between the Sun and Moon and the Moon's position in relation to the earth , not just the amount of sunlight reflected . The real mystery here is , how does nature detect it for its response to it ? Eg check a solunar calender - fishermen use them to catch fish; fish prefer to feed when the Moon is on horizon, overhead and most favourite 'underfoot' ( the 'midnight of the Moon ) and when the Sun is also on one of those Quarters . This will always happen when the Moon and Sun are in a specific relationship . Thing is, the fish in my fish tank inside react to it ; in the middle of the day or night . Pet crayfish offered the prime example ; wave food in his face and he would flee from it, if Moon was underfoot (and especially at Dawn and sunset ) he would tear it apart and gobble it, try to escape, go walkabout . . . . . I suppose 'life' is a word one could use . I prefer 'vibration' . ' God' is emanated vibration . The Speech in the Silence. The Words against the Son of Night. The Voice of Mercury in the Universe in the Presence of the Eternal Gods. The Formulas of Knowledge. The Wisdom of Breath. The Radix of Vibration. The Shaking of the Invisible. The Rolling Asunder of the Darkness. The Becoming Visible of Matter. The Piercing of the Coils of the Stooping Dragon. The Breaking Forth of the Light. < shrug> some shapes fit into other shapes .... and 'get used to it' , before you know it they fit together into little machines being constructed inside the cells - a DNA molecular machine factory ..... literally ! ; Its interesting to read the rest of that quote and what it refers to, although I do realise its hip nowadays to just quote the isolated fragment and give it all sorts of meanings .
  2. Astrology and astral impermanence

    Astrology, regarding the 'construction of basic self' seems ' local ' ( excepting modern astrology with its focus on constellations ) . The Stella Yoga I mentioned goes beyond, as do other systems but they are still in the celestial Sphere , not 'beyond the Universe . Certainly , astrology changing over time. Not just theory and application, but also mechanics in observation with equinoctial , planetary and lunisolar precession. ? The reason seems more related to usage and definition and the advent of 'scientific method' . The separation seems to have come about by some thinking that the movement of the stars does not effect the destiny of Man . Eg . Australian Aboriginal 'astrology' is now termed 'astronomy', because they used the movement of the stars ( any celestial body actually, planets sun and moon included ) to regulate and indicate food sources, movements, breeding and flowering and fruiting times etc . That can be understood by science . If it cant be understood by science , it is 'astrology' . I think it was more due to the old schema - we are actually 'inside' all of these 'spheres ' (see post #3 para 2 ) I've never heard that before , that the life in some matter is considered 'spiritual' . Matter with life is considered 'life' and matter without life is considered matter . The tracking of the changes in these concepts over time, IMO is best done by observing considerations of what people considered 'real ' . In the past,yes, some people (and some still today) consider all FORMS of matter ( mineral veg animal ) 'alive ' but things we consider today as 'spiritual' and/or 'imagination' (not 'real') where considered 'real' in the past - the Gods, spirits, pixies and whatever formed part of reality. Then there was a division between 'hard tangible ' reality and the 'ideal' ( spiritual / imagination / intangible ) , for example , fear is a real thing, yet is not made of matter nor is it tangible . So we developed a 'bipolar' view of reality , which also has bad consequences . Which is why I opt for a 3rd view of reality . Hard to be 'free' of something one is immersed in. I think the idea is more one of being able to exert more control or understanding of the forces that effect us rather than be free of them . .
  3. Astrology and astral impermanence

    Okay thanks, I know little about such practices and ritual in Daoism . I am familiar with the general concept of 'eternal stars' and considered it relative. Most of my systems have had to do with the mechanics , forces and energies of these systems - ie, if Mars is trine Pluto or the Moon is crossing the equator, it has great relevance for now and the future ..... but not for 'eternity' . The concept of Daoism and change and 'eternity' seem at odds to me .
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I get exasperated watching people do stuff like that ... why dont they figure it out after the first 3 hits on their head ???? Why ? ..... WHY ? I need some good wholesome common sense humour !
  5. Astrology and astral impermanence

    I think you need to clarify what these 'viewpoints' actually are . I had trouble understanding your post . I dont understand why you say Sun , Moon, Planets and constellations tend to be treated as 'eternal entities '. Who does this and why do they do this ? I have made use of astrology in lots of systems , anything from biodynamic agriculture, through to ritual magic, self exploration and 'stellar yoga' , so I find the subject of " spiritual systems incorporate some astrology in their practice " interesting. Yet, I have never encountered this concept of them needing to be 'eternal' and yet not being eternal and that needing reconciling .
  6. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    IMO dignity, respect, honour etc are things EARNED not given automatically . Attack, derision and the like are also earned .
  7. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Yeah well, thats 'The Learner' for you ! 'Drew is is only trying to help people ' ( D ude makes a thread saying he is being flooded by PMs (he isnt ) from people that want his help (they dont) and he offers to sit in Lotus 'for them' IF they pay him . yes, let's start feeling sorry for him and write a post chastising all of us . The perception is low in this one
  8. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Thats a blunt admission . But anyway , I suppose if you aren't getting it, you dont need the psychic Viagra in the first place .
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    Its a difficult process . Best tried on a new deck anyway ; One value of this with the Thoth deck is they fit together better ( that is, 'themes' in some card's design, line work {'projective synthetic geometry'}, colour, symbols , etc , fit next to above or below other cards , like a jigsaw puzzle ) - have fun hint ; overlap some cards to see the design carry from one card to another .
  10. Do What Thou Wilt

    Excellent ! This is the process Crowley was trying to describe and the correct terms ( he used 'Immortal Osiris', astral body, 'that which perishes, 'astral death', etc . (in .... hmmmm <thinks> Liber Aleph ? Magick Without Tears ? ) Would have been a lot easier if he just wrote what you did !
  11. INFERNO !

    Things are cool and quiet . 'Sentinel hot spots' sat map shows no fire front developing . But using this tool , we can see the extent of recent fires ; up the east coast of Australia , across New Guinea and up into Indonesia !
  12. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    $5 ! ?? Cheap skate ! ( Have you ever looked into the etymology of the word cheap skate ? It has its origin in a stingy fish that would not pay an octopus for a hand job
  13. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Sadly, that was years ago .... he cant get it psychically 'up' any more . HOWEVER .... and entirely co-incidentally , I just happen to have 'on hand' a fresh supply of 'psychic Viagra ' Drew ! Call me (only $1 per minute ) ( extra charges sneaked on to your credit card might apply - triple rate for Sunday and pubic holidays , no refunds, no guarantees and no results )
  14. Do What Thou Wilt

    * * some people cut off the borders of their Thoth deck for new look ... looks pretyy good imo.
  15. Do What Thou Wilt

    I thought physical body was the Khat ... the dead smelly fishy thing ? Anyways, I might have got ka ba around the wrong way, yes. And the resultant was , I thought 'Sahu' (running of memory here ) . Point was, I was thinking that the similarities are that a ' form of the soul' ( that is, that function that transcends death - Crowley baulked at using the term 'soul' here , too general a term, this aspect he refereed to as 'The Immortal Osiris' ) needs to be developed between a relationship of forces - it is 'developmental' as opposed to other traditions where it seems their concept of the 'soul' or parts of us that 'transcend ' we 'inherit' . A lot of this is 'Thelmic neo-Egyptian' though, as you pointed out ( that is it is 'Thelemic Philosophy' using ancient Egyptian metaphors . The triangular image I use to use for this, I cant find on the internet any more ( damn internet ! ) , it wasnt 'Thelemic' , it might have been 'Theosophical' ex De Lubics , or someone like that . I thought it showed , ka, ba , and sahu (?) as the hypotenuse ? I should check ......... hang on ....... 'Immortal soul' Physical body Khat is corruptible body in some sourcs but some seem to be saying its; khat > kha > ka ??? Its also a type of simple headwear / cloth ? and also " CAIRO – 7 April 2019: Two days after thwarting an attempt of smuggling more than 2 tons of drugs, worth LE 2 billion [$115,5 million] on board a ship in the Red Sea, security forces arrested two people trying to smuggle 295 kilograms of Khat, according to a Saturday statement. ...... I found it ! while looking up a hiero for 'khat ' ... woop woop ! I was remembering it wrong , of course. " Thanks to the Ka, the Ba of Unas, or Unas himself, transforms to become omnipotent ("truly efficient"), unfailing. The Ka of king Unas is fed by millions of recurrent offerings, and his magic is sustained by the everlasting efficiency of the sacred spells. Even if the offerings in the temple above stop, and the Ka cannot derive power from these rituals, the "heka" of the hieroglyphs is unfailing and lasts as long as they exist. By itself, the Ka is a field of power, an accumulation of efficient magical (unstoppable) energy. On its own, this Sa-field of power is quite useless, but to feed the deities and to interact with their Bas, it allows the latter to become very efficient. During life, the Ka (or vital principle) is linked with the Khat or physical body. Death releases the Ka and initiates the journey of the Ba in the Duat. The energy of the Ka derived from the spirit world, held by the ancestors. The Ba is gratified by the offerings made to the Ka, and these offerings temporarily substitute the body and allow the Ka to remain near the mummy. Then, encountering the Ka in the afterlife, the transformation of the Ba happens. Not 3 principles but 4 ! ... and I should have known from my own ' interaction of 3 always gives a 4th' principle (3/4)'
  16. Do What Thou Wilt

    .... you could even loose it twice !
  17. Do What Thou Wilt

    The hexagram card is this 'ghost card' ? - I never heard that one before . from now on I am going to call it 'the dead cat card' . I used to have this old guy, years back, that would come to my market stall, look at stuff, flick through books, lecture me about evil Crowley, and the Thoth deck ...... and then sit down for his reading . he had a bad opinion of Crowley as he had met him - and it didnt go well - for him. - now there is a story ! He was also in a 'set' with Symonds ( one time Corwley's editor ) and picked up some of Symonds latter disdaim for AC . or whatever you want . Arrrrgh ! PLEASE no more teen magi ! Might be good if the card you lost was Atu I
  18. Do What Thou Wilt

    * Ka Ba Srh ** ** " If all the rites, ceremonies, and preservation rituals for the ẖt were observed correctly, and the deceased was found worthy (by Osiris and the gods of the underworld) of passing through into the afterlife, the sꜥḥ (or spiritual representation of the physical body) forms ." (if Apec is around might he want to re-arrange or correct this , I cant find the diagram I used before to show this )
  19. Do What Thou Wilt

    You might have read some of my posts comparing the concept of the 'True Will' from Crowley with the concept of ' Khavanah ' in Zoroastrianism . The concept of the HGA (Crowley) seems to relate to the concept of the ' Frahovar - the 'United Fraveshi ' in Zoroastrianism . In the Zoroastrian view (possibly similar to the ancient Egyptian * ) it seems to be a developmental process (ie, the HGA is 'developed' ) . A few concept underlie this ; Fraveshi ; There is another spiritual component that resides in all of creation, living and not living, called the fravashi (later farvard or farohar in Middle Persian). An aspect of the fravashi, sometimes called the divine spark, gives every part and particle of creation the laws of asha - the laws that govern the spiritual and material universe. This aspect of the fravashi maintains, sustains and helps creation progressively move or evolve towards frasho-kereti (Middle Persian frashegird, frashigird or frashogard), an ultimate and ideal future existence (also see reference in Khvarenah below). The fravashi can be thought of as the hand of God in all of creation, or perhaps, the means by which God's plan resides in all of creation. Since God's law and plan are in every part and particle of creation from the very beginning, there is no need for God to intervene in the evolution of creation from time to time. While the soul is personal, the fravashi is universal. The fravashi gives a person intuitive access to the moral and ethical laws of Asha, and allows a person to gain insights into the nature of creation through introspection. United Fraveshi; A person's spiritual components, that is, the person's urvan (soul), mainyu (spirit), fravashi and khvarenah can unite and... are generally referred to collectively as that person's (united) fravashi: If the spirit, soul and khvarenah are in harmony with asha, they come together to form a united fravashi. The united fravashi of the righteous have the ability to become guardian angels. In the Farvardin Yasht (at 13.70): Tao he jasaonti avanghe yezi-she bavainti anazaretao khshnutao ainitao atbishtao ughrao ashaunam fravashayo, tao dim ava nifravayente manayen ahe yatha na merekho hupareno. Free rendering: They, the asha-abiding fravashis, come to assist those who are beneficent and not hurtful or offensive. To them, the fravashis will assuredly come flying like birds well-winged. The symbol of the fravahar or farohar therefore has three meanings nowadays: As a general symbol of the Zoroastrian faith: a symbol of belonging to the Zoroastrian community and of being a Zoroastrian (a symbol in a manner similar to the Christian cross). As a fravahar or farohar: a general symbol of the united fravashi or a guardian angel. As a symbol used by a Persian Achaemenian king: a personal symbol of the king's khvarenah or farr, his kingship in grace, or his fravashi. ref ;
  20. Do What Thou Wilt

    Not to be picky about it ... but ; The Herald of the Sun is Hermes Usually attributed to Mercury and 'Air' . I guess you have read my raves about Mercury ( 'higher' Air ) being the regulator between the polarities of Fire and Water ? " The Sun in Thy Father! Thy Mother the Moon! The Wind hath borne Thee in its bosom! " ... and perhaps even 'bisexual ' ? hermaphrodite (n.) late 14c. (harmofroditus), from Latin hermaphroditus, from Greek hermaphroditos "person partaking of the attributes of both sexes," as a proper name, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who, in Ovid, was loved by the nymph Salmacis so ardently that she prayed for complete union with him and as a result they were united bodily, combining male and female characteristics. .
  21. INFERNO !

    When its hot they lay on their back with their legs sprawled in funny angles and their tails hanging over their hammock - I had to make a shadecloth hammock in there as the edge isnt wide enough and they kept falling out of bed . On the really hot day they looked beat ... so I put an ice bottle out the fridge in there - possum air con .