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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What are you listening to?

    From my CD collection
  2. What are you listening to?

    Poo poo on that stuff ! I still go CD. They are trying to suppress my CD freedom and always trying to get me to convert, but HELL no ! My young German Eurobeat ' Let's make a party', neighbour is often fiddling with his phone and remote speaker thingo . He ogten cant get the music he wants or find a request or cant look up something unfamiliar, or etc . Fiddling around , no music or bad music .... way to kill the party dude ! I did get a remote speaker for the lap top but cant get it to connect . I might do what I did before ; a small CD player, connected to a huge car boot amplifier rigged up to my 12v system and two huge old school speakers either end of the verandah / party room . ... have to turn it down a bit, people complained they could hear it down at the river swimming hole But I know they will try to suppress all that and make CDs defunct , and try to force people into their system ......
  3. Do What Thou Wilt

    The 'machinery' of wu wei ?
  4. INFERNO !

    UPDATE Gavin James Gardiner, the 51-year-old Ebor resident accused of deliberately torching bushland last week to protect a hidden cannabis crop, will remain behind bars until at least next month, after fronting court again. Gavin James Gardiner appeared via video link in Armidale Local Court on Monday morning, but made no application for bail. It was formally refused by magistrate Michael Holmes. Gardiner did not enter pleas to charges of 'intentionally causing fire and being reckless as to its spread' nor for 'dishonestly for gain damaging property by fire'. Mr Holmes adjourned the case to early December, where it will be referred to the DPP to prosecute, ordering Gardiner be remanded in custody until then. Australian Community Media has been told firefighters worked to save Gardiner's house from the fire, which had engulfed more than 10,000 hectares by Sunday afternoon and continued to spread. Kitty saved from Ebor fire ;
  5. What are you listening to?

    Me ? ... an over thinker ????. . . . . NAAAAH ! I do like Tool though . Have you noticed that in their song Schism the use of uncommon time signatures and the frequency of its meter changes. The song alters meter 47 times. The song begins with two bars of 54 followed by one bar of 44, followed by bars of alternating 58 and 78, until the first interlude, which consists of alternating bars of 68 and 78. The following verse exhibits a similar pattern to the first, alternating bars of 58 and 78. The next section is four bars of 64 followed by one bar of 118. This takes the song back into alternating 58 and 78. Another 68 and 78 section follows, and after this the song goes into repeating bars of 58 and 98. The section ends with the music hanging suspended over a bar of 98.. The middle section is subsequently introduced at 3:29, maintaining a group of three bars of 68 then one of 98 until 5:02. Then a series of 84, 104, 84, 84, then 98 heading into "Between supposed lovers..." which is a three bar group of 98, 108 and 98, played twice. It breaks down with a measure of 138 then 98. 58 then 98 repeats 3 times then 58 and 68 once. The signature riff takes over again, 58 then 78. The final riff is 88. ( Although the band has referred to the time signature as 6 1⁄28. ) .
  6. What are you listening to?

    Disco ! ? Oh well, why not . Here is my fav disco (ya gotta have the right visuals to it thought ) ;
  7. l Urrgggh ! I got depressed reading that bit ... and thankful that that is an alien world to me . You have however fortified me ( I was flagging and nearly giving in ) ; NO everyone .... I am NOT going to buy an iphone ! I have been battling this one for years .... no no no ! ( Even that wonderful beautiful woman I have been conversing with lately and sending photos of my place and area to goes " You really need to get a proper phone ! I nearly gave in ! Now, I have bought one of those wireless blue tooth speakers . I wasnt going to, but I like music It wont as I cant connect it to my lappie * . of course, the solution is " Connect it to you iphone stupid ! " ) *
  8. Do What Thou Wilt

    One aspect of True Will that Crowley focused on a lot could be put in other terms like ' life calling' / 'career. By this I dont mean the usual definition, although it applies for some ' . Have you even met someone (or experienced it yourself ) that has had a job , or involved in an activity that they absolutely love doing and are attracted to, maybe they are a 'natural' at it and can do it very well and effortlessly, it might even generate a feeling of happiness fulfilment and satisfaction in them, It might have also been indicated, in all sorts of ways magical and mundane in their past . It can be seen as one's life mission or calling, sometimes it seems that we 'came here with it' / had it before ? Crowley makes the point that what it actually is does not matter . It might be being a prince or a pauper or a mother or a helicopter engineer , the deets aren't that important . What is important ( for a healthy and happy psyche ) is the fulfilling of that True Will . Conversely if one is in a situation where their 'work is not their will' (True Will) then the opposite may manifest ; de energised, unhappy, feeling unfulfilled and their work is a rather pointless drudge only done to bring in money . Its tied in with creative expression, imagination and fulfilment of 'soul desires ' ( under my definition of soul , that is ) . To go out an a limb, I tie it in with my anthropological observations about society culture development and initiation . When a culture degrades an / or people become estranged from their True Wills .... a 'malaise' sets in, soon followed by degradation, then all sorts of problems arise usually centred on the problems polarised between depression and selfishness . .
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    Not sure I understand your last part , but if I do ; I wouldnt recommend attempting to understanding anything 'as it is set forth in the Book of the Law' without supplementary reading, commentary and explaining by the author that developed the system and wrote about it . The Book of the Law , taken by itself is notoriously cryptic, troublesome, all over the place , seemingly clear in some parts and quite surreal in others . Aside from that, the key issue seems to be understand what Crowley meant by use of the term 'True Will' . The explanations and supplementary material being in other sources aside from The Book of the Law.
  10. I'm going with this bit ^ .
  11. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    I'm expecting VYY to jump out from behind that curtain . Taa - Daaaa !
  12. Do What Thou Wilt

    So .... Have you learned your lesson NOW ?
  13. Do What Thou Wilt

    'Initiation into a book' . Whatever that means ? This type of person nearly always make up their own quotes about what was said and never seems to be able to use the quote function to accurately show the others comments . Well, now that Mskied is gone, we could use this thread for that . And keep Welkin on as occasional entertainment .
  14. Do What Thou Wilt

    Its not the lesson.
  15. Do What Thou Wilt

    School vacation ?
  16. Do What Thou Wilt

    I think it was more 'eliminate the rivals ' . The Nazis had plenty of their own sources for occult 'knowledge ' . See
  17. Do What Thou Wilt

    ... and if you thought the lesson I was referring to had anything to do with this thread's dynamics - you certainly have not paid attention to the lesson I WAS referring to.
  18. Do What Thou Wilt

    Run along boy, I heard it all before . Come back when you got some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE under your belt .
  19. Do What Thou Wilt

    I did find its location, I actually made extensive posts here about it . As far as them seeing everything, thats Mythology. What, you think they are like some guilt trip 'ever watchful' God or something ? Is this a common turn of phrase for you, to try and get people to accept your projected guilt trip ? You have not paid attention to your lessons , have you ? Ah ... little Welkin .....
  20. Do What Thou Wilt

    No , becasue all my pets are feral 'pets' I dont 'own' anyone .
  21. INFERNO !

    Some idiot did a private and totally illegal 'back burn' to try and protect his marijuana crop at Ebor , near the site of the start of the massive fire there that has burnt out over 150,000 acres. Now its gone the other way, where the first fire did not ; heading towards the township of Ebor, burning out the facilities and picnic grounds at Ebor falls and making its way to Waterfall Way, which is or about to be closed, the only route in the area from the highlands/inland to the coast, and near the head of the valley I live in. Unfavourable winds (in relation to this new fire) and temps predicted soon . They caught the guy. He goes to court tomorrow . New laws have been made to discourage this as spates of arson have been occurring, some, serial arsonists , 20 years gaol max.