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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. A Dachshund ? ! from dog cemetry at Ninisina (Gula's) temple . Cult Places The Ă©-gal-mah temple in Isin was the heart of Ninisinna's cult. Probably within the complex was Ă©-ur-gi7-ra ("dog house"), built by Enlil-bani (1860-1837 BCE). Ninisinna, like Gula, was associated with dogs, and 33 dog skeletons were excavated in Ă©-gal-mah. Many of the animals were sick or injured, and it is possible that they were cared for by the temple (Avalos 1995). The tradition was passed on or, developed as well, in the Zoroastrian tradition ( see Vendidad chapters 13, 14 and 15 )
  2. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    "Would you like pepper spray with that Sir ?"
  3. Culture has two meanings too ; ' culture ' and ' a culture' . Or as some have settled on 'Culture' and 'culture' Yet the etymology of culture , via Latin (colere - tend or cultivate) , via Medieval Latin (culturare- cultivation of the soil), via French (culturer / culture ; cultivation of the mind, faculties, or manners’) to English (culture - that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society {Tylor 1920 } ) Ah, what the heck , since you never got it before (lets go backwards this time ) Dog (English ) from Dogge (Middle English ) from Dogga / Dogca (old English ) - origin unknown ! But according to Wiki ; The original meaning seems to have been a common dog, as opposed to a well-bred one, or something like 'cur', and perhaps later came to be used for stocky dogs. Possibly a pet-form diminutive with suffix -ga (compare frocga (“frog”), *picga (“pig”)), appended to a base *dog-, *doc- of unclear origin and meaning. One possibility is Old English dox (“dark, swarthy”) (compare frocga from frox).[4] In 14th-century England, hound (from Old English hund) was the general word for all domestic canines, and dog referred to a subtype resembling the modern mastiff and bulldog.[5] By the 16th century, dog had become the general word, and hound had begun to refer only to breeds used for hunting.[6] In the 16th century, the word dog was adopted by several continental European languages as their word for mastiff In German the word for 'dog ' is still 'hund' . And the American for dog is dawg And the Sumerian for dog is ... ?
  4. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Thats nothing ! You should see some of the comments, puns and pictures in my PM box about him ! To reiterate my OP (other post ) - for the people who continue to PM me questions (and porn pics of VYY at Maccas )- you need to first donate $20 via Then I will post them here and answer your question. Thanks for your cooperation. I'll even include a free sample ;
  5. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    I am glad he has that huge handkerchief handy under his shoe !
  6. Since I have noticed this in academia, and then went to look up definitions, I realised 'civilisation' has no form and agreed upon parameters . I noted this on the history forum ( full of pros , authors , etc ) . Someone popped their head up and said I was wrong and gave a definition. That opened the flood gates, all sorts of people came in to the argument - no there is no firm consensus on what it means . Some countries Universities and disciplines have definitions of civilisation different from others . That Egyptian symbol above is a pillow ... one of those innovative ancient designs ..... now its a handbag - pull this strap, turn it inside out and its a pillow ! Piankhy - Pilanky
  7. Look closer is right in your face , use your heart and your intuition ...... but , I didnt watch them . ? WTF
  8. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    No . The visual I got is on post 12
  9. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    But thats only 5 bucks an hour !
  10. Confusing that they do not have clear numbers (episodes on them ) . I would have to watch the first one first ( since this starts off with affirmed assumptions from previous episodes ; Lascaux Cave art shows comet strikes now ? I wont go further with it as this was just a ref to show where the Handbags of the Gods are supposed to be sunrise sunset symbols (and after all that watching I didnt see that bit )
  11. Do What Thou Wilt

    Ah ... tricky , 'do what thou will ' without a t , so I suppose that isnt quoting Crowley's ' Do what thou wilt .... ' In any case its actually ' Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law ' , the future tense implying it WILL apply ( 'Do what thou wilt IS the whole of the Law) when a certain stage of initiation ( or 'sageship' if one prefers ) / practice / development is achieved . But people are just going to see it is 'plain ordinary everyday' 'will' , regardless . Their will or whim ..... Hitler's will .... etc . Some seem to think the rise of Hitler and the times that 'allowed' that to happen is predicted by passages in Crowley's Book of the Law, Ch 3 .
  12. Do What Thou Wilt

    If you cite those words , you are citing Crowley . HIS ideas about 'Do what thou wilt' are very different . Some other info ; lying Thieves ; ' ...human beings fall into four basic categories: the helpless, the intelligent, the bandit and the stupid....' Crowley's idea was if people' are educated, civic minded and care about there neighbors ' AND go through the training and DEVELOPMENT he outlined they will only need one law . OR as manitou put it ; " Doing What Thou Wilt will follow the Dao if the intent and nature of the individual doing so has inner alignment to the degree of the Sage." Like many things, it might be assumed it part of the human 'tool kit' but a lot of things only apply AFTER preliminary work has been done on the self . This applies to a LOT of assumptions, for some it even includes having and raising children (people just assume when it happens they will be able to do it as its part of human nature ) . For some it even applies to the simplest of tasks
  13. But nothing about GT in 1 and 2
  14. Number 3 is yet to come out ?
  15. Knowledge is very simple

    True in the affluent west as well . We have so many choices at the supermarket ... how wonderful ! A whole half row of 'different' types of toilet paper . Yes, they are different, that one has a picture of a puppy on it , mmmmmmm soft. The next one has some green leaves on it ...... most of the packaged food is just different arrangements of a dozen or so ingredients . We could do this with anything ; I have visited a house where a ridiculous amount of channels are available on their tv ,,,, but its 95 % rubbish . You can buy a nice car , a ford, jaguar hyundai or mercedes .... but now they all look the same , like a cross between an aero dynamic sports shoe and a compute mouse . Ho hum . Thats why a lot of rich westerners love to go to Asia Or, one could take the sample offered and then throw it to the ground ! Yes . then it goes from not having a proper choice of drink as you where not offered water, just coke and pepsi to not having a choice of drink as the only thing available is polluted diseased water . I suppose then the only choice is to drink it and maybe die or not drink it and certainly die . See . We all got a choice . .... within the options available .
  16. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Man ... if I had 10 cents for every snide post I .........
  17. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. — Deputies responded to an incident of a male taking his clothes off dancing strangely in a McDonald's. Witnesses believed the man must have been on drugs. The witness also stated that it looked as though the male was trying to have relations with a railing.
  18. Do What Thou Wilt

    Well, trying to interpret this ^ , since Crowley never wrote " the Law of the Universe was "Do What Thou Wilt" ' , and he never recorded Aiwass saying that to him, I am guessing you 'heard' it yourself from Crowley, Aiwass or someone else . Perhaps its unique to you ? And they are the one's I was referring to . I haven't asked you to show a reference or a source for any points that you DIDNT make !
  19. Food for thought

    Did you know that Aleister Crowley actually practised Mo Pai (no, I will not give a reference to this, and if I am asked I will divert . ) Oh no! Now I have used the mAgIc WoRd ! I imagine the alarm has just gone off at Mo Pai HQ right now !
  20. Do What Thou Wilt

    Or named after Earl Grey ... who the tea was named after . dont forget to do your research ! Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister in the 1830s and author of the Reform Bill of 1832. He reputedly received a gift, probably a diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavoured with bergamot oil
  21. Do What Thou Wilt

    I'm putting that on a t shirt and wearing it !
  22. Do What Thou Wilt

    Thats becasue, although you ignore or deny you are doing it , you keep telling us what Crowley meant in the quotes you are making from him, even though you are saying you are not and they are your own ideas . You did it straight away after you where denying that you did it ! Yes, Thats the tack people usually take when they cannot or refuse to cough up a reference to back up their claims . The whole title of this thread is lifted from Crowley . ... just Crowley's eh ? Which , by the way, he does not recommend . He actually sets out a pre study curriculum . Its in Book 4 Liber Aba , which you claimed to have read and even claim to be able to teach people from ! Which brings me to an issue ; you NEVER answered my question about this , when you made that claim. It was a VERY simple and civil question; which version of Book 4 . You refused to answer , as I believe , you where fibbing and then trying to cover up your fib . If not, simply answer the questions ! repeated reactions and refusals from you in this area and MANY others is what started getting you these responses in the first place . And this isnt the first time all this has been laid out and explained to you . But you just carry on diverting, and then complaining about others (multiple others now by the way ) picking you up on this . There is now, only one solution .... you naughty boy !