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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. INFERNO !

    Things have been steadily continuing and getting worse , the fire mentioned in OP on Sept 11 Is still going ( burtn out 114,000 ha. so far ) . Yesterday the fire service sent out warning texts saying a fire near you is out of control and you need to consider emergency plans . Then you are supposed to go to the fire site and see where it is . The 'fire' near me was listed as multiple sites on the mid coast ??? Not even 'mid north coast' which is the official regional name , The fire site lists 77 active fires ; 6 red and 10 yellow alerts - 'out of control' - News ; As of 8.30pm, there are still 82 fires around the state of NSW 16 of these are rated as emergency level fires So far, there have been zero fatalities Residents in parts of Taree, Port Macquarie and other north coast areas have been evacuated The Pacific Highway is closed between Taree and Bulahdelah, and at Port Macquarie between the Oxley Highway and Hastings River Drive Last night the news reported Port Macquarie seemed surrounded by fire and an evacuation of the coast from Foster to Taree , There are so many fires that on the fire map you cant actually see any map in some areas ... just fire symbols on top of each other Of course, there is no way we have that many fire crews or trucks and services , an announcement last night said that in certain areas they will not be able to help you, evacuate or take shelter .
  2. What is your favourite exercise?

    Seriously though, they are ; Pinan 1-5 , Niharchin 1 - 3 , Passai 1 & 2 , Rohai, Chinto, Gojushiho, Hakatsuru, Matsamurua no Gata, Suechi no Kon 1 & 2 , Chichen no Kon, Soken sai 1 - 3 , Soken Gama 1 - 3 , Ecu no Gata, Owakawa no Gata, Jo 20, No Budi no gata , Oshimi Passai . But mostly Randori (although nowadays I rarely get to do that ) .
  3. What is your favourite exercise?

    Its good for the lower back . I have a very bad lower back . During the exercises .... I totally forgot about my bad back ! It was like it wasnt even there ! This morning though ........
  4. What is your favourite exercise?

    The one I was doing last night
  5. Anyway , back to the White Brotherhood
  7. So .... dinner at your place at some stage ? " Sumerian city dwellers usually lacked the space or facilities to cook in their own homes, and so relied on food stalls which lined the city's street for their daily meals. Here is my attempt to recreate a Sumerian take-out dinner."
  8. Ohhh, now I get it ! Its like when you read Crowley and you think it means XXX but to a whole lot of others it means XYX and when they inform you , you 'mix definitions' and change your opinion. Just like you did here . Or when they display a 7 pointed star as their symbol? One would expect that represented a certain amount of knowledge about that ? depends on the Book, was it a source book that actually knew a lot about the symbol or was it some cheap crappy Fairy book that ripped off the symbol and said it meant something else ? And to confuse matters more ; you called the symbol the fairy star , connecting it to a whole lot of 'meaning' in that tradition, but ever since have attempted to present yourself in light of your understanding of Thelemic philosophy . I just think they have appropriated a symbol that they didnt understand and are trying to look cool . The 'new tradition' ' May you be granted the accomplishment of your Will ." ......... < bing ! >
  9. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I think he is better in this scene
  10. < ... and puts in earplugs so he cant hear the atrocious badly rhymed poetry > I swear ... if he keeps that up, I am gonna post more of my own ! It'll be a poetry shoot out at 20 paces !
  11. Do you also make those little baked cheesy scroll things . I luv them . I used to go to the Country Women's Association bake off competitions . They are really good because after the judging there are all these old tarts and fruit cakes ..... ... that will let you eat some of their baked products . " Git ! Git on along, move over , make room ! " < nudges Liminal Luke over with his elbow to make more room behind the couch >
  12. He poo-pooed anything Theosophical and his group was at war with them (sorta) ... but I dont think he would have liked to be left out of the rush . It was the underlying concept that first stimulated him to 'go searching' though. He too got bitten by the bug ; " The idea of a secret organization of enlightened mystics, guiding the spiritual development of the human race, was pioneered in the late eighteenth century by Karl von Eckartshausen (1752-1803) in his book The Cloud upon the Sanctuary; " He became dedicated to finding them and thats how he got in contact with the Golden Dawn . The 'official take on it' (which seems to have been condoned by Crowley, was in an early OTO document... see my post above the section ; 2 . " " LET IT BE KNOWN that there exists, unknown to the great crowd, a very ancient Order of sages,........ "
  13. When the first Euros came to Tasmania they found a vast expanse of pasture in the middle of the forest . They thought it 'natural' (for some bizarre reason ) and named it 'The New Hampshire Hills ' as it reminded them of Hampshire back home. It was created by Aboriginals though and had existed for thousands of years as kangaroo pasture and hunting ground . So they put sheep on it ... and in 20 years it was so ruined it couldnt even support sheep any more ( source Josephine Flood, 'Archaeology of the Dreamtime ' ) A lot of Australia that people think is desert is just trashed over dead ex sheep farming land . The real desert is something different and the Australian central desert (ie a large part of the interior ) used to be the 'native grain belt' ! (source Tindale ) Macropods nibble the tips of vegetation, sheep eat down to the ground and will also pull the roots out . It went something like ; a whole lot of sheep are let out, they go for the best food available first and will hunt it down and eat all of it , forcing the other animals into secondary feeding zones . The sheep follow on there when the best is gone. Then to the third source, and then the fourth source and to, eventually, those special reserves and emergency zones preserved by Aboriginal law ; increase sites, from where species generate and where people are not allowed to get food or drink except in times of dire emergency and last resort . The impact of those sheep made an emergency, they bought conditions like a 'flash drought' , virtually overnight . And when people and animals did seek refuges at these special places, often the sheep had got there first, trashing that , or they came soon after. And of course, if you speared any to keep the numbers down, you where taken away from your country and put in detention somewhere, or shot in the field, or had your last water supply poisoned. Then cattle came fast after the sheep . A healthy waterhole, even in severe drought can still survive, kangaroo and other animals perch on the waters edge, bend down and drink .... like the people did , often side by side ( like you see sometimes in Africa in drought where a leopard or lion might be drinking out of a water hole next to an antelope ). But not sheep and cattle .... they destroyed these last refuges and waterholes , they walk down the bank, eroding it, go out into the water, stirring up the bottom and churning up the base water holding layers and then shit in the water . Of course, the sheep eventually start dying off too , then the blighted landscape is littered with sheep carcasses .
  14. Its 'do what thou wilt SHALL BE the whole of the Law . The shall be is when you are an advanced initiate . In the higher initiations it is 'Do what thou wilt IS the whole of the Law . This isnt my opinion it is Crowleys . he wrote the stuff, actually .
  15. Ooooo much worse that that ... we gonna set Annie and Aretha on ya !
  16. the Ladies of the Mystery School are introduced to a new role – their role as the Great White Sisterhood. They are also tasked with a new challenge, that is, channelling and bringing forth the teachings of Andromeda from their outer time bodies in the future, located in the Andromeda Galaxy Cosmic Sai Baba: “It is I, Cosmic Sai Baba and Andromeda Val and we both want you to present the messages from Andromeda under the banner of the three of you. And we are pleased to hear that you would be prepared to be public and you have already said so. Cosmic Sai Baba ??? Oh , Good Lord !
  17. Shabuki Br Luke Shabookie Used as a greating or ending of a conversation, similar to Aloha. 'slava' too apparently ; slava honor, glory, courage slava usually used as a greating but does not mean hello
  18. Yes, I was going to mention this at some stage . We seem to have two types of white brotherhoods 1. The idea of a secret organization of enlightened mystics, guiding the spiritual development of the human race, was pioneered in the late eighteenth century by Karl von Eckartshausen (1752-1803) in his book The Cloud upon the Sanctuary; Eckartshausen called this body of mystics, who remained active after their physical deaths on earth, the Council of Light .... Eckartshausen's idea was expanded in the teachings of Helena P. Blavatsky as developed by Charles W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, attributed her teachings to just such a body of adepts; in her 1877 book Isis Unveiled, she called the revealers of her teachings the "Masters of the Hidden Brotherhood" or the "Mahatmas". .... Ideas about this secret council of sages, under several names, were a widely shared feature of late nineteenth century and early twentieth century esotericism. ... The actual phrase "Great White Brotherhood" was used extensively in Leadbeater's 1925 book The Masters and the Path.[10]Alice A. Bailey also claimed to have received numerous revelations from the Great White Brotherhood between 1920 and 1949 The term Great White Brotherhood was further developed and popularized in 1934 with the publication of "Unveiled Mysteries"[17] by Guy Ballard's "I AM" Activity.[18] This Brotherhood of "Immortal Saints and Sages"[19] who have gone through the Initiations of the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and the Ascension[20] was further popularized by Ascended Master Teachings developed by The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse and the Church Universal and Triumphant, and The Temple of The Presence. 2 . Since the introduction of the phrase, the term "Great White Brotherhood" is in some circles used generically to refer to any concept of an enlightened community of adepts, on earth or in the hereafter, with benevolent aims toward the spiritual development of the human race, and without strict regard to the names used within the tradition. Which I have cited before : " LET IT BE KNOWN that there exists, unknown to the great crowd, a very ancient Order of sages, whose object is the amelioration and spiritual evolution of mankind by means of conquering error and aiding men and women in their efforts of attaining the power of recognising the truth. This Order has existed already in the most remote times and it has manifested its activity secretly and openly in the world under different names and in various forms: it has caused social and political revolutions and proved to be the rock of salvation in times of danger and misfortune. It has always upheld the banner of freedom against tyranny in whatever shape this appeared, whether as clerical or political or social despotism or oppression of any kind. " To this “secret order” every wise and spiritually enlightened person belongs by right of his or her nature: because they all, even if they are personally unknown to each other, are one in their purpose and object and they all work under the guidance of the one light of truth. "
  19. Although I agree with the sentiment ... not ALL people did that. Way down at the bottom of the world, on an isolated island , they did (eventually ) leave magnificent forests behind . They left them behind the 'meadows' they made as those meadows expanded in the other direction into the forests 'ahead' . If you could see it in speeded up time, these areas of 'agriculture' or 'pasture' or at least 'meadows' would creep slowly across the land gradually going into the forests ahead of them and letting forest regenerate behind them . But if you stay in one spot for a too long and do not allow regeneration , due to dependence on a river or something ... you end up living in your own shit hole and making an ulcer on the earth .
  20. DOnt you mean ; where are 'the Greatings ' ? Maybe I will take over this thread . Greetings Liminal Luke . ( See ! They all be white ) ... just to be fair ; Greetings Liminal Luke