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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Tried that ... it just got you in a flap . Thing is you are NOT qualified to TEACH anyting about this . I know you (and a zillion other new age wannabes out there ) WANT to be 'teachers' but It isn't teaching , it is just uninformed opinion .
  2. This is soooo common that people do not even know they are doing it . The 2ic at work did it habitually and I , in turn, would habitually correct him , but he could never understand what I meant . Until one day he says to a group if us at lunch . " ... and then this gay asked me for a date ... well, you dont want that do you ? " and I " That depends if you are gay ... or a straight woman . " He stopped, looked at me and ; "Ohhh ! NOW I get what you mean . Some people claim that using 'you' ( you want this, you should do that you need to . etc . ) is actually part of meaning a 'collective I ' ???? I think it is an unconscious word arrangement to garner a collective to justify ones own opinions and experiences as something we all do and think . .... ya dont want your opinions unjustified by lack of projection ! Oh! excuse me .... I dont want my opinions unjustified by lack of projection .
  3. Fun, isnt it ? here you go ... here is some source material about the idea of True Will that Crowley proposed , the subject that Mskied seems to be having great trouble trying to navigate . I think Crowley picked it up ( and complicated and obscured it ) from his and the GD studies in 'Chaldean Magic' . Its pretty simple - one just has to see his idea of 'The True Will' as the Zoroastrian ' khvarenah ' ;
  4. Yes, it is possible to destroy the things that can disrupt us, but not without complexity on our side. Suffering is born in the gap where presence has been excluded. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a maturing of our hopes if we are going to survive. Selfishness is the antithesis of rejuvenation. Where there is suffering, guidance cannot thrive. We can no longer afford to live with selfishness. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Although you may not realize it, you are ancient. Have you found your quest? We are at a crossroads of purpose and dogma. We are in the midst of an amazing unfolding of science that will amplify our connection to the totality itself. Humankind has nothing to lose. Who are we? Where on the great journey will we be awakened?
  5. It gets better ; I was responding to his blather with some Seb Pierce random blather selector eg ; If you have never experienced this rekindling of the creative act, it can be difficult to live. Although you may not realize it, you are advanced. The universe is calling to you via electromagnetic forces. Can you hear it? How should you navigate this life-affirming cosmos? We must learn how to lead life-affirming lives in the face of selfishness. It is in redefining that we are awakened. Imagine a blossoming of what could be. and they guy actually took it serious and commented on it saying he thought someone (it might have been me ) said the EXACT same thing to him before I mean ... why bother writing all tat garbage out when you can just 'reorganise some electrons and copy and paste ! (Thank you Seb )
  6. Go for it ... the more the merrier .
  7. All his posts are the same regardless of who he quotes . They are FULL of 'yous' .... you this, you that, you did this and that and Everything has judged it not good, now you need to do this that and the other thing - just like he does ! Then Everything will say that this IS good , What a preachy arsehole ! Preachy New Age empty BS 'philosophical' arsehole, intruding on everything and judging and advising it . Its all reaffirming himself through lecturing to others how they should be, HE wants to be able to have a simple childlike existence like he outlines, thats his philosophy, that BS new age 'if I declare it so in modern 'spiritual' new age language ... it IS so, and it IS wisdom... and it DOES apply to you, becasue if I dont preach it to you, there might be a space arising in my mind where i doubt myself and my own BS philosophy . Ho hum ... some members have started reporting him for it , Being preachy ..... how utterly boring .
  8. Either you lie or you have a bad memory . I have a good memory . Cant you remember me saying anything about its relationship to the planets ? Anyway, lets get back on topic and test your claim about you being able to answer questions . I am going to ask you a few simple questions , now, no asking a question back as the answer , we all know thats a cheap trick , no diverting, no starting to complain and be a drama queen, just a simple straight answer . You ready ? In the title of this thread 'Greatings from the White Brotherhood' ; 1. What does Greatings mean, is it a typo and did you mean Greetings ? 2. If so, are you claiming to be a 'Brother' in the 'White Brotherhood ' and how did you get to be one . 3. You claim to be able to teach Magick in Theory and Practice from the book which you claim to have read - which one , the old one Edited by Kenneth Grant or the new one with all the extra stuff and appendices - Liber Aba Edited by Hymanaeus Beta - (with extra materials and understandings collated from numerous sources in years long efforts ... including the contribution of lost documents from Australia ) ?
  9. " I suppose the song was worse for the man who complained because he heard his own complaints sung back to him" ________________________- Sounds jolly fun ! Weeks on end, sitting in the dark under an upturned lifeboat, -20 to -30 deg , with a blubber stove, everything covered in blubber grease and soot, eating penguins and 'hoosh' , no polar clothing and no one had a wash in a few months .
  10. Everything

    Yes, and it is a perspective that is all about you telling other people how they are stuffed up and what they need to do about it , according to you - which are all really, ;hollow words' anyway eg ; " your perspective is resistant and thus not capable of integrating and flowing with your own true nature/life force which is the energy which creates worlds, if it is allowed to flow through you, without resistance. So you have a difficult and uncomfortable life, unless you let go of that perspective which is not capable of integrating the greater knowing that is constantly flowing your way. Hence you need to let go and allow "
  11. There once was a man that was a lettuce head who wrote such bad rhymes it was like a sled rushing downhill without course or knowledge of source ..... . I have been reading about early Antarctic explorers that where stranded there for weeks on end awaiting rescue . One of them managed to salvage a banjo. 80 % of the time they where under two upturned boats and some canvass. On Saturday nights they had a cabaret consisting of the banjo accompanying a song about particular members of the group in turn , one a week, that is unless the man complained , then it was his turn again next week and the song much worse . I know .... I know , here, we are not in Antarctica ..... you do however appear to be attempting to traverse a desert though .
  12. Enochian ? .... did someone say Enochian ! ?
  13. Here is a little doco about earl Grey being punished by the Gods ..... I mean God .
  14. Well, you try and have a sensible discussion with him then ! That is, if you know the subject well enough to converse about it . As is the case in many of these cases .... its not just about the content but the way they carry on ; like now he is asserting (for any new late comers ) that he will and wants to answer questions . So Ralis asks a question and its answered with a question that leads to other stuff .... and bingo ! We have diverted off the tricky topic . Our first question put to Mskied was about his star symbol .... what a carry on that led to ! And resulted in his 'answer' of ' you either know or you dont know ' . You seem like a bright chap , have you read all the posts in this thread ? If so, didnt you notice .... 'anything' ?
  15. I meant , if ascended Masters ... and they are here on Earth , where did they ascend from ? If they ascended, they shouldn't be here . . Hmmm ... either my act is lame today or I need a better audience In either case , here , have some gratings from the White Brotherhood ;
  16. C.G.Jung’s “The Red Book”

    Oh well, that cuts me out ! .... I dont do facebook
  17. I supposed he meant to write 'Greetings from the Great White Brotherhood ' .... you know, that mob that says they are 'Ascended Masters' . Since they are all here on earth , and all seem rather stupid , unlearned , illogical and irrational , I am wondering where they ascended from ?
  18. Restaurant Customer ; " Waiter ! Waiter ! My lettuce is wilted ! Waiter; " Well, we all do what we wilt, Sir . "
  19. C.G.Jung’s “The Red Book”

    Interesting . ( I too am busy now but will return here later ) Philamon is an interesting phenomena ... a few others have experienced similar. I have been reading 'South', the epic story of Shackleton's last Antarctic trip ... what an epic and what a magnificent and arduous 'rescue mission he went on to save his men . I just finished the part where he made it , with two others to the whaling station on South Georgia Island , while crossing the island - an Antarctic wilderness , he comments on the 'the other' , a presence that he and the others noted . He was a pretty straight up guy and said it was an unusual claim but so strong and real and noticed by them that he thought to inclide the record of it in his diary . he called it 'providence' . At times it seemed impossible that they would survive , yet time and time again, they did .
  20. Masterful use of language as well ... apparently you have the powers of a lettuce
  21. ...... just disable the comments part
  22. You can and that is exactly what a PPJ is for ! This part of the forum is about discussion, and that means answering questions and giving feedback on what you write and what others ask you about . Or go make a youtube, and say whatever you want .
  23. Told ya have dominance and then force them to conquer your dominance . Maybe its an SM session ?