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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Get ready for the whole gambit of bs and tricks and tactics this guy uses . We seen it before , maybe the 'real Drew' will emerge ; the ranting , the colors, the huge type face, the illogical 'rationalism' , the pure self directed 'spiritually inflated ' ego ....
  2. What would be your superpower?

    This is the day which down the void abysm At the Earth-born's spell yawns for Heaven's despotism, And Conquest is dragged captive through the deep; Love, from its awful throne of patient power In the wise heart, from the last giddy hour Of dead endurance, from the slippery steep, And narrow verge of crag-like agony, springs And folds over the world its healing wings. Gentleness, Virtue, Wisdom, and Endurance --- These are the seals of that most firm assurance Which bars the pit over Destructions's strength; And if, with infirm hand, Eternity, Mother of many acts and hours, should free The serpent that would clasp her with his length, These are the spells by which to reassume An empire o'er the disentangled doom. To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite; To forgive wrongs darker than death or night; To defy Power, which seems omnipotent; To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates From its own wreck the thing it contemplates; Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free; This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory!
  3. But that has nothing to do with your hypocrisy, which is the subject of this thread .
  4. " It wasnt me ... it was Tantric Mongoose ! he is the one, go after him .... Tantric Mongoose , he lives at 742 Elm drive Westbank Ohio, his phone number os 0437826735 ad his email is ....... "
  5. No ... we are not 'more interested' in that . You may not have noticed but what some here have pointed out is your blatant hypocrisy . Your attempts to divert from that and 'put us on to' a tantric Mongoose as 'the one responsible' is rather pathetic
  6. What an interesting 'flight behaviour ' that post ^ is !
  7. What would be your superpower?

    Ahhh so thats it ! I could not figure out (before I read this thread) why you chose the name you did . Now, all you have to do is design the appropriate 'super hero' costume Problem ? Call 1800pooman .
  8. Yes, this is one side of it . These teachings usually come with a warning . And the warning is also explicit in Magick where 'acts (rituals) of devotion (even) are said to be the most dangerous (for the Magician ) . But there is another side to it and that is our social conditioning and upbringing that is STILL riddled with sexual inequalities and strange ideas and beliefs about women . Its extent in the very near past is rather gob-smacking and we are still being influenced by that . As a male I am often still shocked by what other males 'confide' to me about women and relationships , somehow thinking that just because I am male I will agree or support their views and actions . So the dynamics you point out above are going to be magnified by this dynamic .
  9. Everything

    ....... I mean , surely Sean will support the will of the people in a revolutionary action ?
  10. Everything

    Its pretty easy . " Hey you guys , lets stop this BS . If Everything posts in this thread again can you all please report him for being off topic, a nuisance, continually doing it after polite requests not to, replying, no and he will carry on, being egotistical would be guru ranting /advice and being a cock-head . "
  11. Thats interesting ! The value in an agricultural society is stored goods and yes , it may need a 'force to keep it safe'. Where as the value for a hunter gatherer society is 'stored' out in the environment and what is needed is to keep that environment safe and supplying through a system of law and allowance depending on environmental factors . Not just 'Zen Buddhists ' ; Under the Tokugawa shogunate of the Edo period (1603–1868) of Japanese history, each feudal domain had an assessment of its potential income known as kokudaka which in part determined its order of precedence at the Shogunal court. The smallest kokudaka to qualify the fief-holder for the title of daimyō was 10,000 koku (worth ¥705,528,600 in 2016[30]) and Kaga han, the largest (other than that of the shōgun), was called the "million-koku domain". Its holdings totaled around 1,025,000 koku (worth ¥72.3 billion in 2016). Many samurai, including hatamoto, received stipends in koku, while a few received salaries instead.
  12. Everything

    And if all members ignore it that means whoever else reads it ( visitors, new people, etc ) are reading a load of crap and no one else is challenging it . But in this case , its so long and full of self righteous ego new age would be guru advice that it gets ignored anyway ... who is gonna read through THAT lengthy crap ? But then again , I suppose visitors and new people will react the same way . Giving the OP a censorship right means these types can then continue just by becoming an OP and censoring any response to their rants . Perhaps a report of continual off topic and diversion IS the best approach ?
  13. Hmmmmm ... that's a good question , maybe this sort of pity :
  14. Yes. Actually, the hypocrisy was the first thing that struck me . I dont get involved in most discussions here in the field of 'sexual energies' / 'tantra' due to the " delusions regarding the female gender which accompanied it' . Some 'practices' show the influence of .....'the past' . ie. sexism . Actually , now that I think about that, I have never learnt anything about those things from a male ( excepting myself) , its always been women that have been my teachers . I have tried to 'reverse it ', that is, pass on some of what I have learnt to other males , not so called 'tantrists' or 'energy workers' , but the fairly average male who was having a problem or difficulty in that area , but they dont seem to know what the hell I am talking about . And in conversations with women, I am often astounded eg ; a friend once told me that she had never been gently caressed and I said ; " But you have been married over 10 years and have 2 kids ! " Her response was , " I know ! " Thats why I often remind people about Ida Craddock .
  15. Whats it called again ..... when the 'main framework' changes and says certain things will no longer be tolerated , and then crimes from the past that 'slipped through' are bought to light ? Ah yes ..... 'historical sex crimes / abuse'
  16. Perhaps his complaint about this particular sham 'awareness expert' is more about the issue of his fame and renown . No one gives poor old Voidisyinyang the acclaim he thinks he deserves .
  17. Everything

    I see Taomeow's question has been answered ; " What they were really up to, is what they were really up to." Brilliant ! Genius ! ... so illuminating, actually, I felt no need whatsoever to read the rest of ........ 'that ' ^ .
  18. Road Trip 2

    Okay ... here is some more interesting history on that . There is special magic stuff in that area . Some indigenous elders where VERY upset about that area being logged due to certain 'mythological stories ' An 'energy' there got out of control so a 'clever man' came to dispel it but it was fiercer than realised. A terrific battle ensued and the bad force was cut into pieces and buried separately in special places and 'sealed' in . The concern was that the 'sealing in; might be disturbed and the pieces join and the 'force' come back . Sound familiar ? So, our magical group which was active then, decided to support the action. Some of us, and others associated with us also decided on some 'personal' action . One of them volunteered himself for the most radical of actions . A deep hole was dug and concrete poured in, steel reo at the bottom with a chain coming up and then more concrete. Guy gets in the hole and locks on to chain around his ankle and crouches down. Then they towed someone's old donated car over the hole (so the car made a road block - various tricks like this had been done before, without a person but they just bulldozed the obstacle away ), removed the wheels and ran chains and cable locks around the cars axles and around the guys neck . That stopped them from pushing it out the way with a bulldozer ! It took a very long time for police rescue to clear the road block . Meanwhile others where setting up the next line of defence further in. They had flogged some large stored under road water drainage pipes and had dug them in standing up . This is the part I have written about here elsewhere ; so we painted magical sigils on them, signs of repelling and other stuff . I did the main one in the middle of the road with others did ghoul faces, rearing snakes spitting fire, all sorts of shit. Apparently when the bulldozer driver turned up he freaked out and said he put up with all sorts of crap, sabotage, piss bombs, but he wasnt going to put up with this crap ! And left ! Fuck ! I thought he would have just trashed it ! . Then the action moved to another front that they where trying to get in on . So a a very fast barricade was made after a trail of obstacles and a bunch of us stood on and blocked the road . A bit disconcerting to see the long line of logging jiggers and vehicles heading towards us from the distance. But then I looked the other way and a few curves away, I saw a police van coming with blue light flashing ... then another... and another ... and different types of vehicles, including big prisoner transport vans ... 38 I think I counted . There was a bit of a stand off, catcalling and stuff, they usual silly songs ' We shall not be moved' that made the police smirk and nudge each other . The loggers and police started removing the barricades. After a bit of to and fro it was "Off the road or we arrest you ! " Mumble mumble everyone moves off the road, but this huge guy says 'Fuck this' and walks forward ( I had talked to him early, he was a Vietnam veteran and he told me he was 'going to put himself on the line' ) and lays down in front of the first logging truck spread eagled. The boss cop gives the orders to arrest him and about 6 cops rush out and grab him. he is complaint and walks with them to the van , two on each side holding his arms . We cheered him and instinctively he half turned grinned and waved his arm at us , lifting two surprised police officers into the air they quickly got control and he apologetically complied . Locked him in the big van . Then they signalled , the logging trucks to move forward a few more ran out and lay on the road . Hmmmm ... that gives me an idea so I said to some near me " Dont all go out on to the road at once, take turns , it takes longer to arrest and lock up individuals and small groups than it does everyone at once ." So thats what happened ... it took ages and really frustrated the opposing team . But we started running out of people. So I zoomed back to camp and put ut the alarm but only 1 guy came back with me . The trucks where just moving off and everyone had been arrested so other guy lay on the road ..... delayed . Put him in the van. A cop looked at me and goes 'Do I have to arrest you too ! " I moved further back off the road . "Oh no Officer, I am not going to do anything that stupid . " The tell the trucks to move forward, they start up their engines ., well, every single other person had been arrested and in the 2 huge moving vans (one for men one for women ) , what was I gonnna do stay there in the bush by myself with loggers ? So I slipped around the cop between me and the road and went and lay under the front truck while it was moving forwards . Stopped again , cop furious, drag me away to the van ... amongst much cheering and laughing and catcalls from the van grill windows . THats when they took us (just the men's van ) to their secret police camp in the bush for their secret and illegal attempted nastiness ( I saw attempted as it was silly and juvenile and had little effect on most of us , me and the guy next to me used the time sit there in lotus meditating with peacefull happy looks on our faces - that really annoyed them ... but, by then they where pretty drunk anyway . I know that as they parked the metal van in the full sun in summer and refused to give us water and sat around it drinking beer and saying how nice and cold it was .... then did drunken do-nut burnouts in their police cars around the van to kick up the dust and choke us inside . - that took up most of the day, so they' called it a day' and went home ready to start in the morning now we where all out of the way , but it was that afternoon that the legislation stopping the operation was passed in parliament. So they where officially stopped the next day . Just in time ! That was followed by the Wild Cattle Creek action ..... that time, there was no police intervention between us (the protestors) and the loggers , they let us fight for a bit . .... and some of those chaps got the silly idea into their head that they where going to beat up on me . Oh dear ! ... the silly fellows
  19. Road Trip 2

    Last time, down the east coast. This time up the west coast ( a bit - its HUGE! ) . I hopped a plane to Perth and rented a campervan , drove north through suburbia along the coast ... all new shiny clean and very affluent ! Its been over 30 years since I was here, grown heaps ! The freeway was magnificent, along the road side a HUGE collection of all different wildflowers blooming together . And then, it stops , a few Km of what is to be developed, then isolation - 'desolation' ( for a rainforest dweller ) . But then you get out to where there are more wildflowers Its an unusual combination ..... desolate scrub sprinkled with flowers. Then , heaps of grass trees ... never seen so many Stopped at Cervantes .... they have a hge sculpture of Don Juan and sidekick, all the streets are named after Spanish towns . ? Lovely girl at caravan park with lovely Spanish accent takes my fee and I ask ' Cervantes" ? She explained an American ship called Cervantes was wrecked nearby and town named after it . Me : But your accent ?" " I am from Barcelona ... but thats just a coincidence . " Cervantes ; Weird nearby salt water lake ( I think its an ancient crater ) "Stromies' : And a bit more inland , amazing sand hills , pure white sand and a bit further Time to sort out the mess I made in this camper last night ... still working out how to manage it all .... and continue north . This place didnt exist before 1960 something .... now its a small crayfish port . I notice the outer reef here is just starting to develop, further north ( my next stop ) the 'Coral Coast begins . Gtta look up a guy there I got a contact with that has a cray boat .
  20. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    ... wait ! Whats that on the back of his head ! Dude , I never knew you had that ! Obviously its ( the new ) Daobums approved ;
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I guess I should pass on my blessings to Apech
  22. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    No regrets here ... the top of my head has been 'anointed '
  23. Road Trip 2

    Yeah , I checked the fire alerts too and couldnt find anything about that fire . 15 km away is a little close . Let's hope the wind is in a good direction for you . I have spent a bit of time in Chaelundi , years back, doing a bit of hard core forestry protests, camping out, being arrested and dragged off to Grafton Jail (after some mild 'torture' out in the middle of the forest at a police camp ) . Unfortunately , there is no rain predicted , even in the long term.