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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. An end to the intellect?

    Thanks for that . I havent seem that. I have seen old films that are now unavailable . I used to do a radio show years back at the local mud brick radio station , concocted of odds and ends and old style electronics. They had some amazing indigenous music on LP records that I copied . Thats unavailable too now . The radio station got updated and it all got .... ? and they went to CDs ( which soon disappeared as they are easier to steal than an LP) . By then it was going to shit anyway, so I quit . Have you seen this .... David Gulpilil at his best ... and peeps said his acting career was over ! ('From jail to world renown" was the headline ). Great stuff in it but parts are absolutely heart wrenching .
  2. An end to the intellect?

    Tis a snack! I sleep little, rise early, I also spend the days studying and researching - at the moment my local area indigenous language , and stories, and are comparing the hints in them - as I consider it a decayed tradition - along with my teachings from my teacher, who is in the Mother culture and ' Mother Tongue ' of my local one , with what I learnt about other systems of initiation, including my own 'in field' experiences - the similarities are astounding ! Then, I do some internet , make some time just after dawn to go through my forms ( a little hard as I would not travel interstate with my weapons , especially on a plane ! ) so I combine all long weapons forms to bo and all double weapons to 'two sticks' ( I bought some thick wooden dowel at a hardware and cut it up ) and adapt , so now that is 8 done with bo, and 6 with double sticks , and also my 13 empty hand forms . Breakfast ,dive, lunch, dive, dinner at the cafe and back to study, some internet forum ( I do more than this one ) and maybe a Jacq Tati movie . Just as well I am not travelling with one of my sex mad girl friends
  3. An end to the intellect?

    I missed a few posts before ... so lets dig up the rotting corpse on this one . Errrrmmmmm ..... Utter BS Think about this everyone ; Mskied and his faecebook followers are right wing fascist violent arseholes that screwed each other and gave birth to Donald Trump .
  4. An end to the intellect?

    Yes, let's stick to ducks and not subjects that cause contention, like politics and 'what's-his-doodle' ;
  5. The way you all act in this forum

    Well ...... maybe change the title you chose for this thread then .
  6. Road Trip 2

    60km to a depth of 10 metres ..... thats a lotta shells, all of one type . Further from the shore its compressed into a solid mass. They used to cut blocks out of it and use it for building material in the area .; 'coquina '....
  7. Road Trip 2

    Oh man , I am soooo dived out ! Trust me to start the day going in right where there was a reef shark , but it was fairly little . No Mantas around today. Maybe tomorrow. Saw a HUUUUGE groper . Not as big as the famous 'pet' one that used to be here (he disappeared after the last cyclone ), Merv ,. A dolphin came into the channel between the reef and the beach , right behind two snorkellers standing up putting their masks on , totally oblivious. Me ; " OI ! " they look, I point ..... guy nearly jumped out of his skin , then it surfaced ..... OH Phew! Its a dolphin ! And a huge ray with bright multicoloured circles , I watched him for ages , slowly moving along the sandy bottom involved in a mining and sifting operation. The place is filling up with people and their crying kids . And tough looking fit tattooed Sth American women playing rugby on the beach . Last day tomorrow ... which is good, I head back south and hope to link up with indigenous for a 4WD tour of Francois Peron peninsula and Shell Beach ;
  8. The way you all act in this forum

    WELL ... errrmmmm .... then ... there you go then .
  9. The way you all act in this forum

    Oh ? Maybe you just frequent those types of discussions . Yes, they occur, but it appears your have missed the other type , the ones you wish for and desire ? These interactions can exist between some , even within the the types of threads you described.
  10. An end to the intellect?

    Now Mskied is gone ... we can forget about Crowley , which was HIS fascination . on to other things ...... (unless he comes back and tries to pull the same stunts all over again ... those types often do that )
  11. An end to the intellect?

    They are defined as written down, just as YOU expected us to understand what you meant when you wrote them . You are not actually 'moving on' anywhere . Just 'running off' .
  12. They got angry .... well, one of 'em. " You cant fight ... becasue you used to be a woman ! " In Ovid's description of the tale, a particular centaur, Latreus, mocks Caeneus and denies his skill as a fighter when he realizes that Caeneus is originally female. Caeneus strikes Latreus a blow in the side, and is unharmed by the centaur's last attempts at wounding him. In revenge for this, the centaurs piled pine-tree trunks (some say fir trees) and stones upon him, since he was immune to weapons.
  13. An end to the intellect?

    Keep bowling up them mulligrubbers , bumpers , bumpers and bodyliners boy ..... I enjoy hitting 6's
  14. An end to the intellect?

    Who are yo talking about now ? If it is again Crowley (or maybe Satan ... as adversary or not ) ... its become hard to tell as now you are virtually babbling the same over again , ignoring all that came before in this thread and AGAIN citing no reference or back up for your statement . regarding Crowley , OR the Magician , in this context, both Crowley, in his instruction for the II o ( also titled 'Magician' ) and the candidate, who is becoming a 'magician' , by his oath , invoke want and wish for 'mercy' (Chesed) , but of course, only in its BALANCED form ; Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. -and as far as not wanting to help others, from the same source ; " Do good to others for its own sake, not for reward, not for gratitude from them, not for sympathy. source ;
  15. An end to the intellect?

    Yes . And ' inner adversary' leads us back to the Zoroastrian principle of not "Ahriman' an external force opposed to 'God' but earlier angra mainyu 'bad mind 'opposed to spenta mainyu 'good mind' . But I dont think this is exactly it ... the inner adversary should be , or also, could be, that facility that leads us to question ourselves and our opinions and programmed outlook . It should be constructive ... not destructive But then again, some demolition may be required before construction . The Jewish opinion on it seems to indicate a type of 'public prosecutor' / attorney general ... in the 'court of God ' God has a court ???? Yep. see the link in my above post ; So, after my long experience in the Supreme Court ...... YES , maybe the public prosecutor IS Satan after all ! I won though ... maybe because, in my case 'God' (the judge) wasnt an old patriarch but a woman
  16. An end to the intellect?

    ... and he even said ; I am the enemy of the magician ( those that think they are magicians , that is , the blue bit in above post and also for ... people that think they understand things but do not ... and cant help reverting to that, even as they are just starting to navigate their way out of it .)
  17. An end to the intellect?

    Anyway .... now you have gone, straight away, back to your old misunderstandings and BS I can easily show how you mixed things up wrongly to make the above impression . and give references ! You misquoted The Mass of the Phoenix and transposed lines in a different order and changed some words . You should know by now, you cant fool me . You say Crowley " isn't concerned with outcome except that it benefits the magician" yet can give no reference . Thats cause its plain dead wrong ! ; have you even read his basic intro to Magick Book 4 ? : This book is for ALL: for every man, woman, and child. My former work has been misunderstood, and its scope limited, by my use of technical terms. It has attracted only too many dilettanti and eccentrics, weaklings seeking in "Magic" an escape from reality. I myself was first consciously drawn to the subject in this way. And it has repelled only too many scientific and practical minds, such as I most designed to influence. But MAGICK is for ALL. I have written this book to help the Banker, the Pugilist, the Biologist, the Poet, the Navvy, the Grocer, the Factory Girl, the Mathematician, the Stenographer, the Golfer, the Wife, the Consul --- and all the rest --- to fulfil themselves perfectly, each in his or her own proper function. " (MY colour change for my emphasis but HIS bolding for his emphasis ! ) You claim you are not confused . So you must be deliberately trying to mislead . So what is it ? Confused or attempt to mislead ? And what does this confused phrase even mean ; " True Will is my Will and want made real " ??? You : " and nowhere does he recommend concern for others, in fact, he despises it " ???? Crowley: " I have written this book to help the Banker, the Pugilist, the Biologist, the Poet, the Navvy, the Grocer, the Factory Girl, the Mathematician, the Stenographer, the Golfer, the Wife, the Consul --- and all the rest --- to fulfil themselves perfectly, each in his or her .own proper function. " That is the basic Crowley KIndergarten intro stuff ! And that is NOT why he is anti - Christian . Maybe if you are soooooo fascinated with 'The Beast' you should read up on his ideas about ' Choronzon ' - the demon of the Abyss that brings confusion and misunderstandings . note ; " if he is met with proper preparation .... " and " .... a temporary personification of the raving and inconsistent forces ... " be careful young Mskied .... or thou shalt become sold to a zoo
  18. An end to the intellect?

    Copy and paste ^ , one can tell by the fonts and size . Thats fine ... but it all depends from what source one copied and pasted from . After the the 'adversary ' discussion God removes Job's protection, and gives permission to the angel to fuck him over . ש ט ן - 'adversary' .... yet God made the devil and is responsible for evil (thats why he condones all that evil shit in the old testament; killing rape murder slaughter of innocent and children , etc ) origin ? and then morphing into ' Note ; " of the "destructive spirit/mentality" and the main adversary in Zoroastrianism " Originally , its a state of mind , generated by certain behaviours ( forbidden or discouraged by Zoroastrian law ) that then generates OTHER certain 'evil' behaviours . Eg (not a Zoroastrian one , but general ) 'Man' never used to enslave other men . Then we developed 'animal husbandry' . by the goad and the whip we learned to make animals do our work ... then some bright spark thought ..... Hmmmm ... if we can do that with animals ....... - there was no slavery in traditional Australian Aboriginal cultures ..... and no animal husbandry . Some did keep pelicans , but only as pets , much as we would have a dog as a pet , not as a working animal .
  19. Road Trip 2

    I read this before, some Shark Bay history - first contact . Every contact with Euros landing they where met with hostility , spears brandished and signalled to go away - get out of here ,take that big boat and go ! Every time ... it was getting dangerous . Some ships officers decided to go ashore together , I suppose they thought their rank and /or fancy uniforms would impress them , no, it was worse . But then , some bright spark officer, made a suggestion and all the officers formed a circle and started dancing . The 'natives' loved it and started laughing and then joined in the dance with them copying the officers . After that they where accepted . It seems the significance of this , why the early hostility and then acceptance after this , is totally lost to historians , even today ! What they didnt realise, is, if you come to someone's 'country' (land area ) , you should bring them something . Something of value to them, that is , not silly trinkets or things they dont need . But a new dance , (or a song ) that no other (indigenous group of ) people in the area know and no one has ever seen before .... well, thats something , and a great gift !
  20. Road Trip 2

    Yep, just like that , Mum and 'calf' together . they make a very snorty sound when surfacing as they use nostrils, unlike cetaceans that make a phooooosh noise through a blow hole ... their breath stinks too , you can smell it ... well, I could, from a distance . But no where near as bad as Sea lion breath ... thats BAD ! Been diving at Ningaloo today - marine sanctuary , fish everywhere, not worried about humans at all . So I ate one for dinner At the Holiday Park Cafe that is - crispy skin red emperor - delicious ( the food in that cafe is GREAT and cheap ... and I am super critical and used to work in the high end of the food biz, so thats saying something ! ) You can dive in off the beach at low tide into deep crystal clear water with HUGE fish in it , even at high tide the reef is just off the beach This ancient coral chunk is called Ayers Rock , no one knows why it got so big, they usually fall apart way before this size The land here looks dead and desolate ... but the water is teeming with life ! Tomorrow is manta day Tonight's entertainment in the camper van - since I am staying in a holiday park , I'm gonna watch this
  21. Other aspects and more detail of Australian Totemism are, of course, on the internet . (Some I neglected to mention, like tribal divisions into two main ones ... who can marry who, etc . )
  22. Afternoon quite time Okay. There is a fairly recent concept in Australian Anthropology called ( and again 3 levels ) ; The Real , The Really Real and The Really Really Real ( serious ) ; Uncle Lewi is really a possum but really really. he is, of course . not 'a possum', he is a man , but beyond that, really really, he IS really a possum ( ie. possum man ) . Now, there are all sorts of totems for different reasons , it is very specific in Aboriginal culture and complex, relating to family extensions ( moiety ) , time place of birth and a whole lot of things. So really anyone removed from that cannot have 'that type' of totem. Yet, they will even , freely 'give' white people totems, or accept that they have them . EG . I was in a tricky situation, the boys went hunting, I was doing something else and returned and as an honour to me, they had saved me the best part of the hunt - a fat storage gland behind the back leg of a goanna . On the first bite, it had a texture like a prawn, a thick oil filled my mouth and ran down my throuat that REALLY disgusted me ( dont throw up dont throw up .... that would be soooo bad ! ) I tried, but nope, I had to admit, sorry fellahs, I cant eat this .... ummm, s doing something really strange to me .... I noticed the llok of surprise and disappointment and even insult in some .... think quick .... ermmm maybe its my totem . This guy goes 'Shit ! ' and snatches it away and they " Ohhh maybe it is ! " and apologised to me ! (But after other stuff I realise they ARE one of my totems , they live under my house, made a burrow under my front porch ( and the cement has split and is collapsing due to it . Mated on my front porch step . GF had dream about me ubder the house in an underground cave with goannas, and me covering some up with a blanket and uncovering others - I turned saw her and " GET OUT ! " ... it really freaked her . I have 'Stumpy' a 3 legged feral pet one that lives in a hide I made for him, and at hard times I give him food and water - as he cant climb trees with a front leg missing . The totem Uncle Lewi gives me is 'Webra Jali' The 'flame tree' I also have 'Yumbar' , the carpet snake or rainbow python ( Rainbow Serpent ). 'Astrologically' (earth) I have the crab ( a blue swimmer crab ) . I spent the first part of my life as a 'salt water man' , hanging around the shore and estuaries (but not at out sea ) . As a little un , having a father that was a Surf Life Saver, most weekends where spent at the beach , I was given a snorkel and face mask and chucked in a rock pool as my babysitter " Stay there till lunch " ... usually I would have to be coaxed out to take a short lunch break ( and in that I have blue ringed octopus - another story ) But ''cosmically, I am the Twins ... heaps in there , but another story . So I can agree and read with interest everything you wrote above One more story .... I am at the Camp and I KNOW Uncle Lewi has been there all day. A woman comes in from town a little distressed . "OH my GOD! I nearly ran over a family of possums crossing the road in broad daylight " ( and that is unusual) Lewi ; " I know ! You driving too fast ! Slow down ." Woman : " Well, not really I .... " Lewi : " And you were not paying attention . You nearly didnt see that first possum, run out to the side of the road stand up and wave his arms around ? He was trying to warn you , you slowed down just in time ." Woman ; " Yes, I saw that, what unusual behaviour, it made me slow down just in time ... but how do you know about that . Lewi : " Well, because, that possum was me . " Everyone listening ... - I 've done this before a few times , so ignore me if you already have .... but we prob have new readers by now - would you like to meet my teacher and long time friend , Uncle Lewi ? See below
  23. Well, I have been BOTH applauded and mocked for comparing my modern observations of aspects in ancient Australian cultures with earlier (but later ) Euro cultures ( Plaeo and Neo lithic ) , tha is , some think it is a valid comparison and others dont . Anyway, I think a large part is animal totems . In the dreamtime all the animals act like humans . Also, my teacher is a 'Guran' a ring tailed possom . of course he is a man , but he is really a possum . Its a longer explanation, I can explain more ... if you want , later ... gotta split soon, sun is up.
  24. An end to the intellect?

    Well the old devil has become a hotchpotch, all different things mixed up together . Is Satan a Jewish word ? Does Judaism have Satan in it ? Thats for you to further research, if you choose. Thelema doesnt have a Satan ... it uses (like all things ) the Law of 3 ; its principle ideas use the analogy of 'Gods' loosely based on the Ancient Egyptian; Nuit , Hadit, and Ra Hoor Khuit. (Some equate , in the Egyptian Neters, Set, as such ). Then there is Pan ... who looks goaty, that the Christians made a Devil of . Such religions like Christianity usually make devils and demons of the diety of the religion they are trying to suppress. ' Eliphas Levi ' , described the 'God of the Occult' or 'The Lord of Initiation' in a way that didnt help either , linking self knowldege and processes of awareness with the form of Satan you mention above (that I highlighted) Levi's diagram I read a book once titled something like ' The origins of the Devil / Satan ' - very interesting . For some it seems to have started , yes with desire ... often for wealth or riches . Back then you couldnt buy a lotto ticket, so hope was often to find treasure, buried or valuable minerals or gems in the ground ( hence the underground link ) . This all came to be 'selling your soul to the devil for earthly riches' . (see clip below ) Offerings are still made to 'the Devil' in underground mines in South America , to protect the workers . Its a large subject , but important in studying and understanding human psychology . and if you thought Satan was dangerous ... wait till you meet 'Mrs Satan' !
  25. An end to the intellect?

    Floating .... I'm booking my dive with the manta rays this morning . Flight or fight . Thats a good way of putting it . Where does it arise .... in the very basic primeval human programming, in the first circuit - )The vegetative-invertebrate circuit (Wilson)The oral bio-survival circuit[14][15][16] oral bio-suvival ; baby suckles or cries .. Where consciousness is 'centred' in the brainstem'. It is also one of the three very basic drives in psychology. In a model using a tripartite principle ( on which all 'ideal' forces interplay before breaking into a 4th level of manifestation) it basically represents Mars (fight) / Venus ( flight ) dynamic . We can also relate this to sexuality or gender (of course realising every thing isnt so black and white , I'm generalising here ) . Its the basic 'conflict' between man and woman. The regulator, redeemer, adjudicator, between and above them is Mercury. This is how the 3 inner planets and personal planets play out their energies in the psyche . Antone stuck in conflicts between these two energies ( mars venus on the baseline of the triangle - externally or internally, will NOT find lasting resolution unless Mercury is 'invoked' - or the perspective is shifted to mercury ... which is, of course why 'The Magican' is ruled by or related to Mercury. So basically, its embedded deep in the original human psyche. Also similar conflictual expereinces in life and upbrining where the solution has not been used will shore up this two fold reaction of fight or fight . Thats why I used to love teaching Aikido for sport to my class at school - a solution that is neither fight or flight .. kids loved it (it works on 'Mercurial' principles .