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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Jokes

    - Aussie joke Ivan Millat (infamous back packer murderer that buried people in state forests ) is walking through the forest with his GF late at night ; GF ; " Oh Ivan ... I'm so scared ." Ivan : " Why ? " GF ; 'Well, out here, in the middle of nowhere, at night . " Ivan ; " You're scared ! ... I'm the one that has to walk all the way back to the car by myself ! "
  2. Ah... the infamous Handbags of the Gods theme
  3. ... finally .... we're OFF !
  4. An end to the intellect?

    What you just wrote ; a post is what you just did in that box up there ^ . You made a post. We cant tell if it is getting funnier as we cannot see the changes you made to it in editing that made it funnier . .... to you . But good for you , amusing yourself like that . But who knows , maybe you meant something entirely different and you are yet again confused about 'what is what ' ? A post is , as described above . A thread is a series of posts , supposedly staying on the one subject ...(this one ' an end to the intellect ' ... yes you certainly HAVE continually stayed on that subject and continued to the point where it looks like you have got no intellect left whatsoever ) . A collection of threads on a similar subjects and by category is called a forum and a collection of forums is called an internet discussion site .
  5. An end to the intellect?

    See below regarding the bolded bit . And again , I never said you never had an initiation experience , your problem is actually how you borrow into systems you know little about ( even though you think you do ) to try and navigate though your experience . It has not worked and thats obvious by what YOU wrote about it . You are such a fuckin tripper dude ! Where did I say you do not know your True Will ? More stawman 'defence' . They dont .... that is also a 'great miss' . One can help another find it , if they know how, but that is only suggestion and assistance . " We neither know nor care what your Will is . " The correrct process is to show the techniques and things which might help reveal it to you . No one can tell you what it is, as they have no right to, that is an infraction of the Law .... and I point out that I never suggested to you at all what your true Will, is, should be or might be . More strawman defence ! OI ! Now YOU are telling me ! Can you see what you are doing here? It need not be as you are describing . Its like you tried to swim in the ocean and never learnt ... you fell in and nearly drowned ... are still drowning .. and battling and feeling devoured and tortured and need to fight your way to sure . You are saying swimming is terrible , it drags you down, water gets up your nose, you splutter you cant breath .... But whats the point , at least 2 other posters here have tried other analogies ... and you are still insisting .... Well, you can think whatever you like . But really , I hope your suffering does end and you eventually do find that 'solace' ...By the Sign of Light ☩ appear Thou glorious upon the throne of the Sun. Make open the path of creation and of intelligence between us and our minds. Enlighten our understanding. Encourage our hearts. Let thy light crystallize itself in our blood, fulfilling us of Resurrection. . ☩ The LORD enlighten your minds and comfort your hearts and sustain your bodies. ☩ The LORD bring you to the accomplishment of your true Wills, the Great Work, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.
  6. Jokes

    How far can you walk into a forest ? ( think about it before opening )
  7. Road Trip 2

    Its friggin raining at Shark Bay ! Only rains a few times a year . Spent today at Monkey Mia .... awesome . Then took a huge cat cruise ( skipper looked about 20 and her deckkie the same ) went out to the offshore sea grass banks and watched the dugongs . Tomorrow night I am meeting up with some local indigenous for a beach fire, coal cooked fish, and a rave - super cool ! I havent met any of them yet . I spotted one , he is of the super tall , long thin leg type - I call them 'desert runners' can track animals at a jog all day, if they want. Its the original human advantage , most animals speed off, no chance ... but eventually they get tired, and cant keep up the pace . Then after that I have a mammoth journey to Coral Bay - Manta country . Only prob is I gotta navigate through places like this for 100s of Km .....,113.8144537,7000m/data=!3m1!1e3
  8. An end to the intellect?

    He was against 'spiritual pride' and the 'sanctimonious smirk' and said the best weapon we have against these is a sense of humour, especially about the self . Ah, the old Mongoose story ( and the magic tiger repelling rock .... they work GREAT in Australia . ) My fav story is about the guy that stole his stuff. He trusted him but in the morning - ripped off ! He said he could understand someone stealing the valuables, the rituals and the operational charter being stolen , but , by God man ! What sort of chap steals your best silk underpants ! Just for fun I typed in ' Aleister Crowley and the case of the stolen underpants ' in the google search box and got ; ' Ahhh ... the internet , where anything you can think of already exists - By the way, I dont usually rave about AC nowadays .... it was just all that Love is the Law .... of Satan . .. and the rest , that set me off. And now ... some ducks .
  9. An end to the intellect?

    Bullshit ! Count 'em how many times you used it ; That wasnt it at all - strawman ! I specifically said what it was . We ALL go thru our initiations one way or another and real initiation is not achieved by title certificate or ceremony, its experimental, either after the ceremony or before it - the ceremony and instruction gives context to life experiences either before or after them . It is not your experience we are saying is not true, it is your interpretation of systems that is at fault , By making this claim, that you are being picked on because of that is a strawman , its also its typical and telling in the 'field' .
  10. An end to the intellect?

    Well, you see, I just listed my other qualifications and when I posted them ..... blink ! a 'v ' Not to be revealed I guess . Here and there I have written about it . The observant could put it together . In brief ; over 40 years studying cultural anthropology ( starting at Sydney Uni ) in chair and field ( that is text book and real experience , specialising in initiation traditions and teachings across all cultures and times . Not only have I achieved levels of western initiation, in several systems, I also developed a local body, was a chartered initiator ( and that took years of study and examinations, some requiring a perfect score) , secretary for Australia, worked for the inspector (to make sure all rights and equipment where being used and done properly ) and was assistant to International HG Initiation Secretary for OTO . Was a Spiritual Assembly Chairperson for the Bahai's of Australia . Have Shamanic teachers in the oldest extant culture in the world . Blah blah blah ... and I will leave out the rest ... other wise ... < blink > .... ' v ' ( damn cursor jump ! ) ... but thanks for your support Oh! and of course I studied Exo-psychology and am a RAW buff You would not believe how many self- navigators I have seen on the rocks ! Its a new age thing . " No one is gonna tell me what to do ! I am gonna do it myself . Okay then ... < rips up the map > off you go out to the burning sands . NOT that people WITH the map dont get lost .... all srts of things can happen . Very Good ! Here is where a LOT fail .... ; 'the first paradox of philosophy ' ; in order to gain the freedom to do your will you must submit voluntarily to discipline and organisation. I taught this to year 10 at the Steiner School .... they rebelled Then I explained it ; well you want to be a great soccer player or gymnast, what do you do ? Then they instantly got it . Organisation ? Discipline ? Thats heavy man Excellent . You kew I was a C & H fan didnt you ! Now lets translate that to magical groups and secret societies It was more his bastardisation of the Law of Thelema , his misrepresentation and confusion and throw ng the Satan tag around ; ' Love is the Law of Satan ' I learnt a LOT from gettin my own arse kicked ! and I'm not JUST talking martial arts here . Thing is , most are floundering when it comes to Crowley ... unless you know the real instructional material and have experienced it . But like martial arts technique the best way to learn is 3 fold ; ' having it done to you ' , 'doing it to someone else' and watching someone do it to someone else ( but ... not all can be a 'Sensai' or initiator . ) ..... oh yeah , and .....
  11. An end to the intellect?

    Oh ... poor bubba . ! Nungali this ... Nungali that . You might be right , maybe I should have expressed it different ? Like this ; " You have failed to cross the Abyss and is now dealing with a fractured ego. ....You haven't found your own Will, and have been letting the Will of others possess you. That's being a slave under the kingship of others. ....That's why it is said that, once you fall into the Abyss and becomes an Abyss Baby you've lost your chance in this life. ....... and would, indeed, turn you insane.... you'll become passive and inactive. A pawn made of flesh, bones and empty space on your head. Devoid of Soul, Will, Spirit. " Thats a lot nicer eh ?
  12. An end to the intellect?

    I am reminded of the 'infamous Marcello Motta , a strong self (a)vowed Thelemite. Some people went to visit him in his swish house in .... ( somewhere in Sth America ) and where shocked to see a Thelemite had 2 servants . They thought this went against the concept of Thelema and they asked him how he could have them . Motta explained that yes he had two servants,, he needed help and they needed work, so he took them on , housed them and prayed them a small wage . He also offered them a chance to 'better themselves socially', one accepted and was then currently enrolled in a collage to study and get qualifications for a job he really wanted to do, with much better pay and a prosperous future. Motta helped by paying for the tuition and arranging his 'shifts' so he could attend the courses. He said he made the same offer to the other servant , but he politely refused and said he was much happier without responsibilities , doing simple work and having his accommodation and food supplied. He was very happy with that so that was the arrangement they kept . of course, substituting 'servant' with 'slave' and vica versa might trigger some people, its a very loaded term . We had a rare document written by him on the subject, hard to find . I liked the way he went for parents in it . I am often abhorred due to my observations on how man yparents treat children , they dont even seem to understand them. I see it casually in public and have witnessed it in relationship with single mothers or friends that are parents. He advocated the parent be constantly vigilant in detecting interests the child had and allowed to explore and develop them . He also noted how people and children are of different types , regarding children ; " Build not a pen for a shark or a pool for a goat . ( Hmmm , I am year of the goat ... and pretty goaty - just ask Mskied ... and every time I got enthused about something , parents .... " No no no, that won;t work / you cant do that / thats silly / life isnt like that . Pfft ! Well, I showed 'em )
  13. Road Trip 2

    Drove all day through uninteresting agricultural land - boring ! Went to one nice town with some old colonial buildings and history and then got to kalbarri , looks good but FULL of tourists , and caravan parks booked out and signs everywhere about geting fined for 'illegal camping' .... so I'm illegally camped ... fine is less than a motel room Kalbarri ; Just behind the cliffs are masses of wildflowers ... saw a whole valley of white ones in full bloom ... 'snow' in the desert !. Then drove for ages past this weird pink lake Tomorrow I cur across inland up the Murchinson River Then on to Shark Bay;
  14. An end to the intellect?

    Part of the Rainbow Serpents dream.
  15. An end to the intellect?

    I hope YOU know .... he is suggesting, through the stuff he wrote it is a 'grade' (of initiation) 'Kabbalistic / GD 'Adept' \... not being 'adept' at something adept adjective adjective: adept /əˈdɛpt,ˈadɛpt/ . very skilled or proficient at something. "she is adept at cutting through red tape" . a person who is skilled or proficient at something. "he is an adept at imitation" In the initiatory system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an adept is one who has taken the oath of the 5=6 grade and has been granted the title Adeptus Minor.[6] Symbolically this degree represents a spiritual aspirant who, having mastered the union of the four elements under an upright and balanced spirit,[7] is allowed passage from the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti into the tomb of Christian Rosenkreutz in the center of the Rosicrucian Mountain of Initiation, Abiegnus, at the center of the universe.[8] The grade of Adeptus Minor and subsequent grades, Adeptus Major, and Adeptus Exemptus form the Second Order of the Golden Dawn, also called the Rosæ Rubeæ et Aureæ Crucis (The Ruby Rose and Golden Cross). These grades correspond to the kabbalistic sephirah of Tiphereth, Geburah, and Chesed respectively.[9] The oath of the Adeptus Minor includes a provision to "unite myself with my higher and Divine Genius",[10] a process which is more commonly referred to (by way of Aleister Crowley) as Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. To undertake this process the Adeptus Minor must reconfirm the work of earlier grades (Zelator through Philosophus) with their newfound knowledge before passing to the Adeptus Major degree, as a full-fledged adept. - Wiki. See M's raves about his 'experience' with sepiroth pertaining to his 'adeptship'
  16. ... if my comparison seems stretched here are more I will add that where a reality back then I was constant strapped for ; not having top button on shirt done up and tie up around my throat. not wearing my hat before and after school ( and back then there was no such thing as 'sun protection' ) Boys strapped and girls caned for crossing the DMZ at the bus stop , really, they painted a white line down the footpath, girls waiting for bus on one side, boys on the other. Random patrols would find line crossers . Fuckin STUPID as then we all got on the same bus together ! ( Comment to parents ' Punishing him just seems to make him worse ! " Well ......
  17. With the Catholics here ... back then ... leather strap for the boys, cane for the girls . Apparently strapping girls was not on !
  18. Things hadn't changed much up to recently .... sounds like when I was at Catholic school, except they beat you with a leather strap . I was extra naughty so got expelled * - hooray ! Escape ! ( I got expelled for , according to letter ; 'Insinuating a riot ' ? I pointed it out 'I think you meant instigating a riot ' in red pen and marked it 4 /10 and handed it back Headmaster ; " This is exactly the sort of thing that you ...... " Then I got sent to the State school ... Oh bliss ! )
  19. An end to the intellect?

    Great summary ^ M. thinks he is an ' Adept ' .
  20. An end to the intellect?

    Those quotes from that book are entirely relevant to ones real level of initiation and are notorious for their often weird, obscure and even dangerous and violent interpretation.. You chose a REALLY bad source to cite. I am citing AC's instructional material, not his 'channelling' . His instructional material is rational , his 'channelling' is a hotchpotch of assorted jumbling , 'cosmic' contacts and assorted uprisings from his own unconscious .... replete with post-Victorian imagery. I recall reading you touting Christianity, 'talking' to 'Jews' who asked you if you wanted to ' join ' " Im not saying Crowley and Thelema worship a God named Satan, but from the vantage of a Judeo based religion, they probably would, and so I use that name, because it fits. " You said his law ( do what thou wilt ... which you seem to think implies interference with YOUR will ) was Satanic ... and that love was the law of Satan . So although, now, not claiming to be Christian, you happily borrow their outlook and tout it here. And after the denial, you admit ; " I also use Satan because I have my own definition of the God, and it fits my definition, " ? and you have posted so much over so short a period of time, I am not surprised you cant remember what you wrote . - and thats only the random snippets I read ! Heaven knows what is in the rest of it ! You are also claiming to be 'an Adept' which is a very high level of initiation and awareness. R i i i i i g h t !
  21. Jesus from Siberia

    The idea there is, if son is a carpenter ... imagine the savings ! he can craft his own cross . Oi ! get off that ! Thats mine !
  22. Jesus from Siberia

    Indeed - the most obscure 'theology' I have never figured out . According to Christians , there is the Old Testament and the New Testament and both are the word of God.The OT it is very old school and based on sacrifice and redemption and punishment . But Jeevers is sent to change everything with a message from a loving father that now its all peace and love .... or not .... as he 'brings a sword '. Anyway God inaugurated this new era and ended sacrifice by not 'forgiving ' our 'sins' ( just like that 'snap' ) but required his son to be tortured and killed in sacrifice and THEN 'snap' he was able to forgive us ... even though we killed him. Apparently the best way to understand this is to see God as a loving father . Like your own loving father that wanted to have you killed by an insane mob so he could forgive them for stuff they did before they killed you ... that sort of loving father . 'The Lord works in mysterious ways ' (.... either that or he is gobshite crazy Okey dokey then
  23. Jesus from Siberia

    Cant be that tough a job .... Dad owns the company .
  24. Just reading the word 'intervention' urks me - but that isnt your fault ; " Ten years on, it’s time we learned the lessons from the failed Northern Territory Intervention With no warning, and no consultation, the federal government moved swiftly to seize control of many aspects of the daily lives of residents in 73 targeted remote communities. It implemented coercive measures that would have been unthinkable in non-Indigenous communities." " ... An analysis into the speeches and arguments made by the then Prime Minister and Minister for Indigenous Affairs found that the rhetoric used justified the government's extensive and contentious intervention into the remote Indigenous communities. The speech acts implied that the Ministers were the heroes of the situation. However, it has since been documented by several sources that some of the verifying sources that instigated the events of the intervention were fabricated by then-minister Mal Brough and coercive in nature... " ------ Some communities are getting better and recovering their culture, spirit and self worth and making great contributions to Australian culture, both in the area of arts and 'science' ( that is working with government using their knowledge to improve environment , species protection, bush fire management , National parks officers , etc ) ... still a long way to go regarding agriculture, but the beginnings of this are observable