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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Huh ? You asked how people can accept Trump bashing and I responded " Mhe .... its the way of things ... people accept much worse shit than that ! " Then gave examples of the sort of shit people ignore everyday ... that is a zillion times worse than a casual Trumpbash . If that is spewing vitriol ...... ..... ? But it might not be a bad idea - for an alchemist Vitriol is handy , in more ways than one 1. A Universal solvent . 2 . Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificandoque, Invenies Occultum Lapidem ( and in this case , specifically rectificandoque ! )
  2. No more right-wing bullshit.

    No more right wing bullshit arrow ;
  3. No more right-wing bullshit.

    The Watermelon King . A man had entered a small kingdom on his travels, he had not been there before and was curious about the way they did things . So he went to the market place . As he walked in through the entrance he noticed he was walking on an old worm out red carpet that went under a ceremonial arch and up to a throne. On the throne cushion was placed a watermelon. And on the watermelon was crown. A man was carefully polishing the throne, so the traveller went up to him . " What' s this about ?" "This is our new king . " " What ? The watermelon ? " " Well, it wasn't always that way, we used to have a normal new king. He was a bit crazy and full of himself. When he was made King he demanded this carpet laid, this arch constructed and the throne built so he could sit here on market day and have the 15% tax he now demanded on all goods traded left at his feet . " So it was built and on the opening day, he arrived riding his horse and tried to ride through the arch, but it was too low and his crown was knocked off . Enraged at the insult he demanded the carpenter be bought forward and his neck laid across the chopping block. The man cried out ; " But your majesty, I was just following the instructions of the builder ! " The king responded " The perpetrators of this insult to the royal crown and those responsible MUST NOT go unpunished . Off with his head ! Chop ! " Now, go and get the builder . " The man was bought forward and his neck was laid across the chopping block . The man cried out ; " But your majesty, I was just following the instructions of the palace architect ! " The king responded " The perpetrators of this insult to the royal crown and those responsible MUST NOT go unpunished . Off with his head ! " Chop ! Now, go and get the architect . The man was bought forward and his neck was laid across the chopping block . The man cried out ; " But your majesty, I was just following your own instructions and very specific measurements ! " The king responded " The perpetrators of this insult to the royal crown and those responsible MUST NOT go unpunished . Off with his head ! " Chop ! The the King said again " " The perpetrators of this insult to the royal crown and those responsible MUST NOT go unpunished . Off with my head ! " and laid his own neck across the chopping block . Chop ! " Well, what where we to do ? We had no king . Someone in the crowd offered ' If the King was supposed to ride under the arch and sit upon the throne, let's just make the next person that passes under the arch be the King . So we agreed . And waited .... and waited ... "Then a passing cart full of produce lost its wheel and tipped over , the fruit and vegetables poured out and this lone watermelon rolled across the ground, along the carpet, under the arch and bumped up against the foot of the throne . So we picked it up and placed it here . Now its our king . " The traveller was incredulous, in all his travels he had never encountered such a stupid and ridiculous people, he had to ask ; " But ... but how on earth can you seriously justify having a watermelon as a king ?" " Well, said the other man , since he has been king, no one has had their head chopped off , nor had to pay him 15 % tax . '
  4. Oh boy ! Have I had some small scale grass roots experience in that ! It works .... initially .... then 'human nature' steps in . Like many issues, eople just ASSUME they can implement an idea , without any training or changing of their conditioning . " Let's share everything ! " ...... excuse me , have you EVER done that before , do you have any idea what that implies ? For Aussies, they can learn a bit of that by going and living with an extended family Aboriginal group ( if they can get accepted) . I have seen visitors get extremely confronted by it . On the commune it exists in an insidious undercurrent , where its all peace love and sharing on the outside ( which is becoming shabbier and decayed and bits falling off . You either go with human nature or train and practice to effect change . Dreams are good - gotta ground them at some stage though ... or loose it . Whether it was the local communal tofu and tempeh plant , putting on festivals or the whole concept . It is also a trend that changed Kibbutz concept . ( And apparently some communist economies ? )
  5. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Got a full quiver handy ?
  6. No more right-wing bullshit.

    No it didnt . It gave me the choice of electing from a range of local individuals and THEY got together and voted in our PM . Mhe .... its the way of things ... people accept much worse shit than that ! Like war, and high altitude carpet bombing and locking up sick children behind razor wire . Tell ya what , you work in refugee relocation and with torture victims and Amnesty International for a bit and then get back to me after that - about what people 'accept' . Its been explained more than once in various ways .
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    And if you dont want the job ; Q. Do you have a problem drinking alcohol ? Nope, I can drink about 8 pints before I vomit and pass out !
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Conversely, if you actually want the job ( well, I hear some people actually DO .... but , whatever ) they are bound to also ask you . And what are your weaknesses or things you have difficulty with . Answer ; " Chocolate ' .
  9. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I saw a guy do that with a bong once . he got offered one and didnt know how to do it . The guy lighting it for him was instructing him to do it properly and hassling him to 'pull it ' in one breath .... guy coughed , hot bowl full of burning mull hits the lighter in the forehead and explodes followed by gush of bong water in his face .
  10. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Wait ,,, what ! Are you saying the modern world is out of harmony with dao and the natural way ! Good heavens ! Oh no ya dont ! ya aint gonna blame Trump on nature now ! No form of any spirit of Mercury . . Not eve the lowest . He is a qlipothic (reversal) of Mercurius ( which is intelligence, medicine , reason, science, ) A mercurial demon (much lower than the lowest of spirits in the hierarchy ) Medieval version ; Modern version
  11. The Cool Picture Thread

    Mars :
  12. The Cool Picture Thread

    ( see below)
  13. Define ignorance

    I also see another difficulty ; what are we actually talking about here ? 'Enlightenment' . - its an English word . Lets go ety on it ; enlightened Have you ever thought long and hard about a problem and then, suddenly, experienced an "ah-ha!" moment? If your answer is yes, then congratulations! You were enlightened or in possession of a clear understanding of what was otherwise mysterious. The word enlightened comes from the Latin prefix en meaning "in, into" and the word lux meaning "light." Combine these meanings — "into the light" — and you're describing what it is that characterizes an enlightened person: a sense of clarity and understanding. People often seek to be enlightened spiritually, by taking pilgrimages, meditating, or looking to spiritual gurus like the Dalai Lama. ( The Blue highlighted bit seems close to what is often implied by the word in a 'spiritual ' sense . But the definition here is lacking - it seems vague . ) adj having knowledge and spiritual insight Synonyms: educated possessing an education (especially having more than average knowledge) edified instructed and encouraged in moral, intellectual, and spiritual improvement informed having much knowledge or education Antonyms: unenlightened not enlightened; ignorant Wiki has ; enlightenment (usually uncountable, plural enlightenments) An act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed. A concept in spirituality, philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge. and here in 2. directly above it defines even spiritual enlightenment as a clarity of perceptions and mentations . So to find a more specific term to what people really mean we need to go into those traditions where we get the idea about enlightenment from - often they are describing very specific states and using specific terminology in their language . So if we are referring to that, we should use those terms and language - even if one doesnt know the language one can look up a word that is more specific than 'enlightenment - states of nirvana, satori, sammadhi etc . A closer word to some of these states, in the hermetic tradition seems to be ' illumined' or ' illuminated ' . Buddhism and Vedanta have many terms for different states of mind or being . In hermetics, there are many too - 'Illumined' is also general , its just in hermetics and the western tradition 'specific types of illumination ' where expressed in visual symbols So, in the English sense enlightenment is basically being informed / instructed in knowledge understanding and reason . Where illumination is more a state . But if we are referring to eastern traditions its best to use specific terms . But then again, being very Mercurial , I might be b a bit too specific about communications
  14. Define ignorance

    Only becasue men imagine them with them
  15. Define ignorance

    That just confuses things as people ARE going to assume it is , as it is described . Eg. In ritual magick, some use reverse pentagram to effect a 'higher spiritual level' of elemental magic . Some others call it 'The Satanic Star' . Would you use the second term of someone else to describe the first explained usage ? If so people are bound to see it as 'satanic' or 'Faery ' or whatever tag you put on it . And it is only named that iway n one tradition 'popularly' . Maybe read something a little deeper than a Faery tradition about it . Thats because you used it to (or it just happened ) to trigger an internal and subjective experience ( thats why I dont have a desire to go through your door - its YOUR door, your psyche ). So it is bound to have a different effect . But your observation is correct in that most people that write about all aspects of Magick, even books , seem to have little real and practical first hand experience with it . Unless it is VERY simple forms . But even those with that experience are not going to have 'first hand experience ' of what it did to you . This is a huge misunderstanding in magick ; like the Luellen books on pathworking , or those that take writings like The Vision and the Voice ( which are personal experiences inside others psyche's ) as some type of map for the experiences everyone else should be having . There IS an overall map, and keys and triggers, but the details of it all in experience are wholly yours . Yep. In a certain 'field' ... there are 'accepted correspondences' , generally , otherwise delusion sets in . Systems * using 7 nearly always refer to planetary energies and their interplay , even when masked ( eg, the first 7 lines or Chapters in Koran , the first 7 words in the Bible ) . * See my post on DBs ' Maps and Systems of Numbers ' , describing some major ones ; monism, duality, triplicity, 4 or 5 - the elements, 7- the planets , 12 - astrological , 22 / 32 Kabbalah , 64 I ching etc . and as you get higher , more is incorporated eg . astology has 12 signs 7 planets in 3 and 4 modes , Kabbalah has 12, 7 and 3 - signs planets and 'elements') . Well, think it through a bit . I have used it extensively , as I said it is tattooed over my heart chakra (and that was a follow on from a rather huge , life changing initiation), yet I found it neither hellish nor psychic hell . And apparently others have not either . So I cant attribute your experience to just " When something like this is used ' . But mixing it up with faery tradition and whatever 'fly by the seat of your pants' method and practice you came up with might 'get you into trouble' . I am assuming your initiation was a 'self initiation' ? Thats one way , but fraught with certain difficulties. I find it helpful to have at least some direction and bona fide training in these matters . " Im curious to hear your explanations, and would ask to point me to some resources about it, as I said I have little real writing on the subject. " If you are interested in exploring its usage and other traditions, and also, as a related but different subject , my particular uses of it , within THAT framework, start a new thread on it . One thing I will say is here though is , that in such matters, it is fairly advanced symbol and one should work with the pentagrams first - whose very usage is to sort out the 'hellish stuff' first and form a base whereby how to deal with it if it arises later . And even before that certain realisations are needed I'd recommend starting with Liber O , and note this bit especially ; 1. This book is very easy to misunderstand; readers are asked to use the most minute critical care in the study of it, even as we have done in its preparation. 2. In this book it is spoken of the Sephiroth and the Paths; of Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes, and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them. 3. The advantages to be gained from them are chiefly these: (a) A widening of the horizon of the mind. (b) An improvement of the control of the mind. 4. The student, if he attains any success in the following practices, will find himself confronted by things (ideas or beings) too glorious or too dreadful to be described. It is essential that he remain the master of all that he beholds, hears or conceives; otherwise he will be the slave of illusion, and the prey of madness.
  16. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Here ya go ! < throws a bucket if iced tea on him >
  17. No more right-wing bullshit.

    You are gonna hit him with a bucket of iced tea ?
  18. No more right-wing bullshit. .
  19. No more right-wing bullshit.

    No, its simple physics. Apparently you did not notice the huge accretion on the other side that got hacked off . and I was describing a 'special magical Daoist scales' not some modern new agey , we need to incorporate everything under the sun and have it balanced scales .... on a Daoist website . I have no idea how a serious fan or believer in Trump and similar policies could be a Daoist .
  20. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Nope . Wanna list ? Oh .... <sigh > .
  21. No more right-wing bullshit.

    ' No More False Daosim Bullshit ! '
  22. No more right-wing bullshit.

    ? No Mullah Nasruddin ?