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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. ...... it just won't go flat properly ! .
  2. Perspective shifting

    YES !
  3. Is the earth hollow?

    Let me try that (moves pointer to here ) ... I wonder if it will really make a difference , I guess i will just have to keep typing until something happens - and i guess you mean move it each line .... not each letter THAT would take some time to do . Anyway it looks like it isnt going to jump today , bastard ! But I will keep that in mind and try setting it below the line, each line and see what happens . DB if you have fixed my problem that has been cursing me for ages .... you will get an award ! I have been thinking of getting a new lappy lately ..... I got this one as the cheapest available. "I'm not here to answer your questions ."
  4. Is the earth hollow?

    Ah ! Cover it with tin foil ! Cheers Bro !
  5. Road Trip

    That was some freaky road driving to the top of that cliff ! Then I cruised around southern highland and came back down to the coast via Macquarie Pass, and even freakier road , but I used to that one from my old biker days ; Some 15 kph corners with a solid rock cliff face made for motor cycles ! ... but buses and trucks ? Urrrgh ! Whoopsa ! Anyways ... more zooming and eventually I came to a great little valley, nice rainforest, best accommodation yet in a nice little wood and stone cabin with lots of windows ... and the best food and the best bed and pillows yet ! Ahhhhh .... home ! MIn a few weeks - mid winter I am going north ........ and jumping in
  6. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    Indeed ! Here is an insight into that outlook that started to become established with many Indian 'gurus' at that time ; The story begins in the late '60s, when hundreds of thousands of Westerners descended upon India, disciples of a cultural revolution that proclaimed that the magic and mystery missing from their lives was to be found in the East. An Indian writer who has also lived in England and the United States, Gita Mehta was ideally placed to observe the spectacle of European and American "pilgrims" interacting with their hosts. When she finally recorded her razor sharp observations in Karma Cola, the book became an instant classic for describing, in merciless detail, what happens when the traditions of an ancient and long-lived society are turned into commodities and sold to those who don't understand them I dont see it like that at all . The psychological mind set of those involved where mostly 'baby boomers' and not actually psychologically influenced directly by WW2 - it was mostly a three fold influence of 1). Imminent potential world wide nuclear war and planetary destruction (" several times over" ), 2). concern about failing ecosystems, natural planetary support networks (water and food resources ) and pollution and 3). crisis in expanding world populations . And this came about due to a desire to get away from the crazy shit that caused the insanities that occurred during WW2s - we needed to get back to 'common sense and science' ... oh dear ! So when those 3 influences kicked in , people sought other things, hence a revival in the occult, mystical, foreign fantastical and all things funked out and groovy .... love man . THEN people started flocking to India Indian gurus. They became groovy and funky and then westerners wanted some of it, but via the usual quick shallow western way .... and the Indian enlightenment merchants where there to offer a speedy way to the dudes with money. - ie. they prostituted their traditions and spirituality. I have a mate - he is hopeless. he has a picture of a Sadhu; dreads, ash, face paint, smoking a chillum sitting on the street in India- on his wall. he tells me that is all he ever wanted to become. On further questioning he admits he likes the idea of non responsability, not paying rent , not having to look after his appearance, smoking hash all day and doing nothing and people handing him out food. The spiritual component of his fantasy is very vague and uncomplexed . I actually think he s old school and still 'suffering' from his constant trips to India, as a youth. I think there might be more people nowadays that follow some traditions more seriously than there where back then .
  7. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    ? Are you now saying you think he didnt degenerate teachings - that in this case , it is an exception to " 'the degeneration of every tradition " ? - I thought 'Osho' would have been a prime candidate for this spiritual bitchin' session ?
  8. Is the earth hollow?

    mine dues cursor jump ... man I hate that ! How do you fix it ? { In case you dont know what it is ; I will just start typing and show you what happens when you dont correct it . of course because this is a demo it probably will not happen. A friend told me it is due to an oversensitive 'finger mouse pad' that picks up the movements of your hands near the pad as you type, but I am not sure as I am waving me hands all over the place now ... damn it ! I will have to try and replicate it manually on purpose I am typing away and if one does not notice the cursor jumps to another part of the text and then you are typing there and it comes out gobbledegook : I am typing away and ifer part of the te and then you are typing there and it comes out as gobbledegook.t one does not notice the cursor jumps to anoth If I plug in a mouse, will that disable the built in 'finger mouse pad ' ???
  9. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    See above ^ I just scanned again, cant find it. It is probably 'kept' by 'them' . When I saw it, it was at a private showing at 'orange HQ ' been done before anyways ; Besides ; I got plenty of dancing and sex without that . And from what I said above and what I experienced personally they where not that sexually liberated ... full of hang ups IMO . I found much more sexual liberation, balance, enjoyment and simple expression without hangups in the pagan movement . I remember two incidents ; one good orange friend that went to sexual liberation workshop with her orange bf. They where encouraged to swap partners and all do it in front of each other. She was : 'Oh Gawd ! Not THIS m, yet again ' . Went to the toilet, climbed out the window and ran away . Another ; an orange gf of mine that had had a long term BF who was a cult member as well . They seemed to be having a break and we got together for a while. Then they got back together and they both freaked out . One time I was down the river and I saw them skinny dipping and smooching in the water and I "Oh , they back together ." so I politely said hello and went to another swimming hole to give them privacy . Later she told me they both freaked out becasue they saw me , couldnt handle it and left the river ... even though I had already gone . And these where a couple who had been in it for years and put on , held an focused 'Osho meditations' . Later, she was still on about how great it all was. I asked her what good it was if she has done all that stuff for years and she has not changed - still full of hangups ! She was incredulous and acting like she didnt know what I meant . So I listed a series of events and reactions she had had . It was like she was not aware she had done all that , it seemed a shock to her to realise she still had the same hangups as when she started . But she still continued . Then there is the issue of where it all went - the people, the money, the practices ... now THAT is an interesting story - but a different one .
  10. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    I am sure he is ; I dont have a guru . In the above interview, where Bhagwan broke his silence, the interviewer said " You claim there are only 2 people enlightened in the world today; you and Khrisnamurti , why Krishnamurti ?" "Because he got up on stage as the worlds new guru and then admitted he wasnt, he said 'there is no guru' you have to be your own guru. I try to say the same thing, but no one listens, so I became their guru ... to teach them a lesson . "
  11. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    What ? A member ? Did I have Osho as my guru ? Ummmmm .... no . Some of my friends got sucked in . I watched the degeneration . I had a couple of GFs that where into it . They prided themselves on being enlightened and liberal, especially about sexuality ... but they where full of hangups and jealousies ; with one, that was okay, as she admitted it ... none of us are perfect , but the other one didnt seem aware that all her practices and meditations ( which she did a LOT of ) where not ehlping her to get over anything ! I went with them to watch the video I described above . It was Bhagwan's first talk when he broke his vow of silence . They where delighted and excited to know he was going to speak to them again . They held a big meeting, at orange HQ in Sydney to watch the film rushed from the USA they asked me to come along so I went with them to the event to watch . It was sad to see, those who had become good friends act like mindless idiots at the bequest of the guru in order to demonstrate how stupid they where . He said himself he acted like that, and did other actions, to show them that a guru was worthless and they had to navigate through life themselves, learning from other masters . he said it vary clearly, but the followers scoffed and laughed at it . Fortunately I had come to that conclusions years before , so I had no need of 'the lesson ' Well, then there where some in the cult that where not THAT stupid, and some of them rose through the ranks . When it got to this stage , after the above declarations and insults, they probably realised things had changed radically and the previous focus was out the window ... but by then the organisation had amassed an incredible fortune ( and I watched my friends give up what they had and work hard for next to nothing to contribute to that ) and it was 'up for grabs' . then the REALLY weird shit started happening . One friend, in particular got tied up in all that , as he went to live at the big commune in USA with them . he was there through the poisoning scare and the poisoning of the neighbour's farms , and other weird shit that happened . B ut he still retained his membership and beliefs .
  12. Is the earth hollow?

    ... and, of course, the field flows as a toroidal force So, its either the deep cyclonic mantle core interface cyclones that could break our 'ring of protection ' ... or giant space dolphins SHOOO ... go away ! .... get outa here !
  13. Is the earth hollow?

    - Dont be such a hard arse Solid and 'rock hard ' ...... is a guy thing Nah ... its mostly ' liquid' Flowey liquid undulations be all girly like . I dont think anyone has mentioned the earth's magnetic field yet ? This seems generated by huge cyclones of vortexing 'magma' that twist and intertwine coming out of the lower mantle core interface . I do have an interest in geology, but mostly superficial , localised and relating to how it forms local features and soils but , in an attempt to understand geomagnetic force, while talking to a geologist, he gave me a copy of a journal devoted to the subject. If one has good abilities of comprehension and visualisation and can only partially imagine what is going on down there - its rather scary ! Incredibly powerful forces and torsions interact . These type of dynamics might be responsible for changes and reversals in the Earth's magnetic field and indications show it is starting to reverse again . It doesnt happen all at once and areas of anticylonic interference at the core mantle interface can effect 'localised' geomagnetic effects on the surface ... in the current case , a spreading area of weak magnetic force ; South Atlantic Anomaly: Study reveals magnetic pole 'wobble' has been growing for 1000 years Gradually ... or suddenly a reversal of magnetic polarity will happen (its happened numerous times in the past ) But the core mantle interface can give rise to 'burps' or 'jerks' as well . Visualization of the interior of the Earth's core, as represented by a computer simulation model (view of the equatorial plane and a spherical surface near the inner core, seen from the North Pole). Magnetic field lines (in orange) are stretched by turbulent convection (in blue and red). Hydromagnetic waves are emitted from the inner core, and spread along the magnetic field lines up to the core's boundary, where they are focused and give rise to geomagnetic jerks. ( Credit: © Aubert et al./IPGP/CNRS Photo library ) Initially described in 1978, geomagnetic jerks are unpredictable events that abruptly accelerate the evolution of the Earth's magnetic field, and skew predictions of its behaviour on a multi-year scale. Our magnetic field affects numerous human activities, ranging from establishing the direction in smartphones to the flight of low-altitude satellites. It is therefore essential to accurately predict its evolution. Still, geomagnetic jerks have presented a problem for geophysicists for over forty years. With a whole reversal, it isnt too serious, but the above effects will be multiplied. The issue is that thee might be a short period of no magnetic field before it switches, and that lets through massive amounts of solar and cosmic energy / radiation .... that will fry the satellite system and the internet . Thats okay though .... it will only effect that part of our civilisation that is dependant on those things .....
  14. What Knowledge is Actually Sound ?

    I received sound knowledge that was not spoken . But it was sound ... a weird sound. many years later I heard that sound again, it was when I inserted an old style audio cassette computer programme into an audio cassette player by mistake . Thats the only 2 times I have heard a sound like that ... that contained knowledge .
  15. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    Hard not to 'love Osho' ???? is it ? I must be a 'non love Master' ! I have seen him deliberately control and mock his monkey followers in front of the media and not only that, he pre announced it ; " Watch them do this " as a public demonstration of how stupid they where . And then he said he was going to do do that, in front of them, they all laughed. Then he said they didnt even know why they where laughing - they laugh when he is serious and become serious when they should be laughing ... then they laughed again and 'Osho' goes 'See ! " and then they laughed again and then , "Now watch." And he got them to behave as stupid convulsive idiots, at the wave of his hand ... then with another wave , stopped them dead ... then waved again - convulsions ... waved again .. stopped them dead . And then called them mindless followers .... and then they all laughed again . And I , being amazed as i watched, looked around at the 'sanyassins' (orange people) watching , and they too where in delight ! I seemed to be the only one ( aside from Bhagwan and the media person interviewing him, to which he was demonstrating his followers mindlessness) that realised what the F was going on !
  16. Who is Loneman Pai?

    I was thinking ... this guy doesnt read like its his 6th post ..... actually, he reads rather ..... 'familiar'
  17. Is the earth hollow?

    Ohhh ... low on battery .... but a brief bit I have to ask .... myself , about this and everything If the earth is hollow or not .... how does that effect or even matter to me ?
  18. Is the earth hollow?

    Yeah . No way do we want to 'shut you down ' But as Sensai used to say " You can learn a lot from just watching too ! "
  19. Is the earth hollow?

    Well of course ! How do you think it got here in the first place . Surely you have read ; ...
  20. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    I've said this here before - I used to have a book stall at the local markets ; mystical esoteric etc I had a lot of originals and some copies ; eg A collection of Rumi , Rajneesh commentaries on Rumi . Someone would pick up the second, show interest and then I would say ' I actually have the original works BY Rumi himself here ' ... but no, they would nearly all want the 'copy' . Why ? Probably didnt even know who Rumi was anyway ! ... But Bhagwan is cool . Fu*7x% #w*x9!!!
  21. Is the earth hollow?

    What ? You actually sent him a PM ... then deleted it ? Ummmm ... is that even possible ? If you actually sent it .... its sent . I agree with what Joeblast wrote < eagerly awaiting a rabid ranting PM > I am Yeah, I read your post above and then I went back and re read Joeblasts posts . Its a mystery to me ; your over reaction , how such comments could be considered to 'shutting you'( or anyone or the thread or the idea ) down ' . Now now .... I was going to blast you for barfing up Ramtha stuff ... but I didnt I dont personally feel barfed on at all by Joeblast's post . You are totally over reacting and exaggerating here and trying to include everyone else as being abused, the same way you are feeling about it . There is soooo much you dont understand what is going on here , on many levels . One of the simpler , not psychological ones is about 'what we where taught without even questioning it ' . Well excuse me, but how the hell do know that ? I and perhaps joeblast continually questioned what we where taught, even to the point of getting into trouble. My views, and I dare say joeblast's where not formed in the crass way you imagine. As well as questioning, there are a whole range of knowledge and subjects and fields and when information is confirmed 'across the board' in different areas it can support theories and knowledge in other areas. For example, it is a common question by some ; " How can they know that ?" ( the constitutional elements of a star billions of light years away, where a person lived and roamed from their ancient fossil remains etc . ) As an anthropologist I encounter it all the time . But without knowing any of that or being educated in any of the fields and sprouting, frankly nonsense, and then accusing those that HAVE learnt as blindly following things is actually a reflection of what you are doing with this string of new age stuff you have been touting here and getting upset and emotionally unstable. You are believing it as it gives (one part of ) you hope against ( another part of you that thinks ) the 'cruel hard world' . ...... Oh , I can help you with that one ! see the * below Right , now let's bring Hitler and thr Nazis into it You know, some of those soldiers didnt join up by choice ! Do what you are told or be sent to prison camp, or the Russian front , what would be your choice ? And why would they shut them down before the first concentration camp was built ? Do you know WHY thse places where first built ? And what they first used them for ? Oh yes, I can see how far under your skin he got ! In a roundabout way, you compared him to Hitler and soldiers and the establishment of concentration camps, cops killing innocent civilians and then a lovely escalation of rant up to directly saying he is brainless stupid and unintelligent . Gosh ! Oh yes, it certainly did . Nah . I was talking about YOU not handling opposing viewpoints, not some silly concept. There ARE opposing viewpoints in science you know. Even about the interior of the earth - but hollow earth isnt one. There is even opposing view points about the earth in woo woo land ; what about flat earth ? How that gonna be hollow ? Are you going to rat at flat earthers for claiming something different ? The ones around my way would try to ram it down your throat and become rather nasty if you refuted their sacred belief . I think THESE silly beliefs are the ones blindly adopted and swallowed without questioning . They are obviously emotively embedded and psychologically attached . Hey .... I am feeling you are trying to 'shut it down ' ! Why did it take you so long to invoke ' THEM ' ? I would have thought 'they' would have been at the top of your list . Am I one of them ? I used to be a teacher for a while, so probably . ( next it will be {or I will be } the fault of the ..... wait for it . Illuminati Yes, I saw the 'spirit ' of it with the Nazi , barfing on, police murdering , brainless , stupid and unintelligent comments Here is that asterisk I refereed to above * There you go ! You wanted to know above in your post how anyone could do this . At least soldiers have the excuse that it was drilled into them . Not reacting with violence and want to kill or be killed because some silly sacred cow of yours had the paper mache puled of it . " Thats called 'temper' ... loosing your temper . You naughty boy ! Now , go stand in the corner . Whats the place you where at when you posted that rant above ? ... and ... where is the place you are at now . ...... Dude ... you hit a bargain today ... free psychiatric help and smarmy judgemental spiritual advice a la Bhagwan Rajneesh all for free !
  22. Who are your favorite Comedians of all times?

    Heath Franklin He used to do a great Chopper Read impersonation .... I suppose it isnt funny if you are not familiar with 'Chopper'"Chopper"_Read Heath ; (language warning )

    ... oh, stop complaining ! I can very clearly see it is 10 past 50 . That is a stick on photo of the insides of a good watch ! I think the idea is ... you look cool when others look at it . Hmmmmm .... I have never worn a watch , once for a few days in my youth . Cumbersome annoying things they are .