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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Open Invitation

    Why am I not surprised .
  2. Open Invitation

    'We' are 'them' when we include ourselves.
  3. Epic Food Appreciation/Outdoor Cooking Masters

    Actually, all this talk of food and 'porn' , doesnt make much sense , what has food got to do with porn anyway ? Bugger this, I'm off to make some lunch ... I got some really nice fresh mussels , from the sea food shop this morning ; I think I will cook them in a nice garlic and wine sauce .
  4. Epic Food Appreciation/Outdoor Cooking Masters

    Ahh ... vegan food . The other day at the local super I picked up a litre of milk and a small tray of baklava .... " $14 .60 thankyou ." " Whaaaat ! How much is the baklava ? " " $12.40 . " " ... it was $4.80 last week ! " " No, this is vegan baklava . " I returned it and got the normal one at $4.80 . " What ingredient in this one is NOT vegan ? " " I dont know . " So I read the label ...... butter ..... Vegan baklava is more than double price because it uses ' I cant believe its not butter ." ???
  5. Epic Food Appreciation/Outdoor Cooking Masters

    I just found a lost ingredient at a new Filipino shop at the regional city . Its a type of paste that you mix with stock and then cook chicken bits in, and they go goey and get a coating, you then let them dry out a bit and deep fry so they have this crunchy spicy coating Filipino deep fried chicken , mmmm - MMM ! Kawaling Pinoy
  6. Epic Food Appreciation/Outdoor Cooking Masters

    It is better to use the ghee for hairstyle Shampoo and conditioner only Sexy ghee hairstyle look
  7. 434 - Human Origins - Opinions

    I include the 64 system ... as ONE OF the ways of classification, I thought it would be obvious it was there (on this forum) so I didnt include it or the other systems ( I have a Long post on these number classification systems elsewhere. There is also a 22 base and others . Yeah , so ? Thats what I was referring to . Do you have a problem seeing the brain working with electrical wiring and circuitry and all of that coming together to work like a computer - metaphorical ? It seems apt to me . Inspired, not 'based on' ; many influences came together to create the system , it certainly isnt a 'version of the chakra system' as yu stated . I can see some correlations, I can also see correlations elementally , but I dont wave it off as 'some version of the elements' . Nor do I wave off the chakra system as 'some version of the planetary system . They might correlate , but I dont see them as being 'versions ' . Still under development . It still is . RA Wilson added to it as well . That seems apt too . Yes, there could be some confusion there as psychoactives also trigger C 5-8 with no need for the zero G experience . people chase the 0 g experience in all sorts of ways ; sky diving , bungie , etc . There is also the effect that getting off planet has had on people that have done it . " Mitchell was arguably the Apollo astronaut with the most publicly unconventional views—he practiced ESP, credited a teenage dream healer from Vancouver with curing his kidney carcinoma, and repeatedly claimed that the government was covering up visits made by extraterrestrials—but he's by no means alone. A number of the 24 men who have to date left the Earth's orbit have had similarly existential moments that forever altered their trajectories once back on the planet. " It's important to note that the Apollo astronauts were selected for the 238,000-mile journey, in part, for their rock-solid stability, says Gloria Leon, a psychology professor at the University of Minnesota who's worked with NASA since the 1990s. These were the hard math and science guys, born in the early 1930s, who graduated from top universities and flew jets for the military. Since the early 1990s, research began on the salutogenic (or growth-enhancing) aspects of space travel. One study analyzed the published memoirs of 125 space travelers.[30] After returning from space, the subjects reported higher levels on categories of Universalism (i.e., greater appreciation for other people and nature), Spirituality, and Power "Strange things have happened to the human mind at those heights. A year after the commander reported his symptoms, a Navy medical officer and a psychologist published a study on a dissociative anomaly pilots experienced while flying at high altitudes. Brant Clark and Captain Ashton Graybiel interviewed 137 Navy and Marine pilots who had come up with a term for it themselves. The “break-off” phenomenon, they called it. “There had been a lot of concern early in the manned space program about the break-off phenomenon, the notion that you would feel disconnected from the earth when you were above it, particularly when you were in orbit,” remembers Dr. Larry Young, Apollo program professor of astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an advisor for NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. “The Soviet Union was very much concerned with it and people in their Russian Academy of Sciences discussed it at meetings,” he adds. " Whether it was the ergonomics of the planes, the isolation, an individual person’s psychology, or the perspective of being up so high, break-off sometimes seemed to produce emotional extremes in pilots and others being prepped for space exploration. Some not only felt separated from Earth. They also felt like they had detached from reality ." - That all seems to make sense - until : " Then, suddenly, break-off went away. The condition, which medical and aerospace journals had discussed up until the early ’70s, largely vanished from the literature. “Once we started flying cosmonauts and astronauts the problem disappeared,” Young says. No, it sounds that way to YOU because you have not really looked into the subject and are making a shallow judgment of it . Either that or your definition of New Age is very different to mine . I dont think you are qualified to make an assessment of it, for anyone but yourself. - Nungali
  8. After enlightenment ? Lay bricks . (Sufi saying ) We need enlightened bricklayers . Or ... if you are learning to be a doctor, mother or helicopter engineer and learning to be enlightened , then after enlightenment be an enlightened doctor, nurse or helicopter engineer... we need more enlightened doctors, nurses and helicopter engineers . We already got enough 'enlightened ponderers ' thanks .
  9. 434 - Human Origins - Opinions

    ? Did you actually look into what I posted , or did you just see the number 7 and make assumptions ? Its actually a system that uses 8 levels of classification. 4 for left side of brain and 4 for the right . In my learnings and observations, yes, systems of 7 are usually based on the planets . Systems of absolutes on 3, elements on 4 and 5, 12 on astrological houses , etc . But this is an 8 system , if anything it seems a type of elemental formula doubled ( 2 x 4 ) Psychedelics are a New Age phenomena ??? Ancient Use: What a long, strange trip it’s been… Although (to our knowledge) systematic scientific investigation of psychedelics didn’t begin until the late 1800s, their widespread human exploration can be traced back over 5,000 years! Mescaline-containing buttons of the peyote cactus collected by Native Americans have been carbon dated to between 3780-3660 BCE, and are still used ceremonially by the descendents of these natives to this day. No, I might not think that at all . There is a vaiid reason that there are 8 circuits, but one has to be familiar with the system of Exopsychology to see why . Why do you think that ? How did you come to that conclusion ? By number association ? It isnt related to 'chakras' at all, new age versions or other versions ( there are multiple systems of 'chakra' allocations and numbers anyway , it depends on what tradition you involved in. Its actually realted to a consideration and an insight the computer age and systems of computer programing; hardware and software concepts, the ideas of 'mini brains' coming together . Its nt fluff, it was backed up by clinical research and used for a while to treat 'incurable' incarcerated criminals . Its insight into levels of development , in the self and the brain, differnt types of drugs and their effects good and bad, why some people have a 'weakness' regarding some drugs, what certain 'drug problems ' indicate. how development in an area or curcuit, can create specific problems in later life and the remedies and deep reprogramming of the psyche can be achieved . What happened was, Leary's ideas and research where outlawed . The drugs used where outlawed, the people using them and the Exopsychology sysrem warned that if that happened they would go black market and people would use the drugs dangerously for whatever , with no controls or understandings of the strong effects on their psyche . ... and thats exactly what happened . But thats okay ... just palm it off and dont read any of it, due to assumptions that the subject is already known and is just ... this or that ... but apparently NOT the 'dipper starts' . WTF ? I disagree. I study ancient knowledge, hermetics and neo-hermetics. The field is full of crap and useless archaic stuff. Why should not these things be VALIDLY updated with relevant new discoveries and insights ? What ? You think the Sun still goes around the earth and we live inside a shell of crystal spheres ? I dont know why I bother at times
  10. Whose thoughts do I think? Whose food do I eat?

    Between the range of 'day dreaming' and unfocused, distracted, illogical 'jumping around thought ( which is apparently necessary - at the appropriate time ! *) and focused concentrated and directed thought , most of our 'consciousness ' lies somewhere between the two. But IMO many people have totally unfocused thought ... or mine is unusually focused . I notice it in conversation where they topic wanders and people cant even remember what it was originally about . Some have a 2 minute concentration limit . Some drift off mid sentence , usually when listening, but sometimes when it is THEM saying the sentence. Some , all of a sudden and out of conversational context, vocalise a though in their mind. Sometimes I have to remind people " I dont think the first part of that thought was vocalised , I cant read minds . " It intrigued and surprised me so much I thought I would test it ... in various ways . Yup, most peeps aint got the brain in gear properly. Here is two classic examples I am talking about something we are jointly working on, we are actively talking to and fro. He is expressing an opinion about how something should be done but I say something that he isnt really interested in , that is , my opinion and as I watch the eyes change, and start to move around, he looks at things around him ... so I ; " No, I dont want to do a huge excavation and a concrete slab, I just want four concrete pads and a suspended floor, that way .... when the 1/2 kilo of cocaine arrives . ..... " Instant attention ! - oh well ... he IS a 'Euro party dude ' . Another version is ; " No, I dont want to do a huge excavation ( the other ; " MMM Hmmm " ) and a concrete slab, I just want four concrete pads and a suspended floor, ( " Mmmm Hmmm , yep " ) that way ... when the UFO lands, the aliens will be able to come straight in the back door ( Mmmm Hmmm ) and then I can stand the walls up ... can you help with that ? ... MMM Hmmm . A have a female friend that is RIGHT OUT THERE , one of the most unfocused thinkers I have ever encountered. Her thoughts seem to fan out and evaporate like an alluvial fan in a desert . It impacts her in ways she doesnt realise (or will/can not admit) ; doesnt finish projects, courses, everything around her half unfinished and a lot of chaos . Ever ytime she comes up with a new direction, project, job , course, area of study interest ... it just fades off after the initial impetus ... and that could come from anywhere , she is also SOOO easily influenced. I guess most people just have never done any mind training ? I also suppose they get confused about that as most of them seem to think mind is boss and is running the show , mind is 'them' ... so if that is the case , what , who or what function would they think would be training the mind ? That would probably be confusing, or challenging . (Actually many people do not even like to talk about these things . I went with a friend and stayed at her brothers house ... WOW! They had the TV and music playing in the front room, the radio on the kitchen and having band practice out the back ! The incessant noise had been going for 2 days, and when the band practice started, I thought, well they cant be listening now, so I turned it all off. Practice finishes and the couple that live there come out the band room and ' What happened ? ! " And went around and turned it all back on again ! That night me and friend suggested we turn it all off and talk to each other , talk about getting a weird look ! My friend became insistant with her brother and his GF, They agreed to turn all the sound off but had to leave the TV on with no sound ... they could not deal with that being off. So we had a conversation with the soundless tv on . The conversation, at times , nearly waded out of the kiddy end of the pool towards some sort of meaningful subject. Later they said it was a 'freaky night '. Next night tv was and all the sound on again . So we left the next morning . I dont get it . Some peeps seem 'hollow' , he ( the brother ) was a really nice guy, I have met hi a few times , but ... something missing , actually, he recently committed suicide . I feel very blessed that I find life so absolutely interesting wonderful and intriguing ... and that I feel pretty good and happy about it all ( regardless of the physical pain ) . Once again - The Book of the Balance : 16. To obtain Magical Power, learn to control thought; admit only those ideas that are in harmony with the end desired, and not every stray and contradictory Idea that presents itself. 17. Fixed thought is a means to an end. Therefore pay attention to the power of silent thought and meditation. The material act is but the outward expression of thy thought, and therefore hath it been said that “the thought of foolishness is sin.” Thought is the commencement of action, and if a chance thought can produce much effect, what cannot fixed thought do? *
  11. 434 - Human Origins - Opinions

    More interesting info on drugs and cellular consciousness is in Exopsychology , in this case , the 7th - ' Neuro- genetic Circuit ' :[44][45]
  12. Whose thoughts do I think? Whose food do I eat?

    Either way , if created , or 'received and focused ' - here are some visuals of a brain thinking . How they gonna do that ? A group in Japan has genetically modified this fish to express fluorescent molecules only in its optic tectum, the visual integration center of the fish brain. When neurons in the tectum fire off signals by rapidly changing their voltage, the fluorescent molecules shoot off photons that can be imaged .
  13. The Magus of Seattle

    yeah ... thats basically a soft 'stiff arm tackle' most styles have some form of it . On Saturday at training , a guy got an injured throat from it .. from our way of doing it .. . and teacher wonders where all the students have gone ? I like to get my arm up in time, by delivering a punch in more of a boxers style ' guard up' my arm does fold and I still get a whallop in my head and I get thrown down . but my throat is protected. I remember my big brother doing it once ... and he was BIG ... we where at the beach and all lined up for some hot chips at the the little serving window at the beach pavilion ; stinkin hot day, a heap of people lined up in the sun along a concrete path. the Greek guys pouring out the chips must have been extra hot and busy working over the hot oil. Some idiot thugs kept running past and calling them wogs and throwing stuff, everyone getting annoyed as its also holding up everyone. Then one threw some water in ... with giant vats of hot oil in there ! The this guy comes running along with a cup of water for another go. My brother ( who was a ruby player ) 'tackled him' - he goes 'whump!' with a 'stiff arm' right under the chin, the guys head stopped dead but his body continued going and his legs until he was hovering horizontal at head height in the air and then 'fell down on to his back and back of head on the concrete . I dont think he had a clue who or what hit him. It took him some time to get up ... peeps in the line just stepped over him as they moved forward ... there is also 'stiff arm defence ' against an attempted stiff arm 'tackle' ( in this case an attempted flying stiff arm tackle ) this guy should take up ju jitsu ! see 0:09 how the guy lands .... thats how I landed when I broke my shoulder (ripped the back of my collarbone out from my shoulder blade ) - not footy , a 'throw' ... and a throw designed so you cant roll out and break fall . ... another injury from my 'instructor ' !
  14. On Drugs

    I got a surprise once ... I was spending the day at a Buddhist house , as a friend was a temporary resident there . We did some ceremony and chanting, a bit of garden work then stopped for morning tea ... no milk ! One of the monks offered to go get some and asked me 'Do you want to come with me on a drive to the shop ?' Okay . He was Nepalese, I think and dressed as a monk, shaved head, mala, and acting all calm and with decorum ... all very traditional, but when we go out to the car , its all hotted up ... he does a giant wheelie when he takes off, going sideways around corners .... I'M hanging on going ' Sheeeeeit ! " I suggest you install some type of miniature zen garden in the car , then, during times of stress, a quick rake will calm you down
  15. Deleted

    I just went through all the index pages pages in esoteric forum and couldnt see anything that might contain it . I did find an old post about Ida Craddock ... another 'light in those times' ; regarding western tantra, this guy is a key player " Paschal Beverly Randolph (October 8, 1825 – July 29, 1875) was an African American medical doctor, occultist, spiritualist, trance medium, and writer. He is notable as perhaps the first person to introduce the principles of erotic alchemy to North America, and, according to A. E. Waite, establishing the earliest known Rosicrucian order in the United States " The newtopia article on HBL' and other interesting stuff, including Max Theon " Perhaps one of the strangest things about the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor is its lack of Egyptian content. As Geoffrey McVey wrote in his essay Thebes, Luxor, and Loudsville, Georgia: The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor and the landscapes of 19th-century Occultisms, “It is significant that, beyond the attachment to Luxor and the occasional reference to Isis, there is nothing especially Egyptian about the teachings and practices of the H.B. of L.; its primary sources include [author of The Magus Francis] Barrett, the French occultist Eliphas Levi, Bulwer-Lytton’s Zanoni, Rosicrucianism, and the work of Paschal Beverly Randolph. There are no “Egyptian rites,” no emphasis on hieroglyphics, and, in fact, very little mention of Egypt at all.” ( Randolph seems to have been a main 'tantric input' here, except for the vague reference to Rosicrucianism - of a specific type) and ; " Burgoyne and Davidson certainly took some of the content of the H.B. of L. from Randolph’s works, especially the materials on sex magic, though they took pains to distance themselves from him, alleging that he had fallen into black magic by using sex magic for material ends, but that was a gross oversimplification of the very complicated life of a man who publicly and enthusiastically endorsed sex, drugs and the occult before Aleister Crowley was born. " " Randolph agreed with the H.B. of L. that sex magic should only be practiced by married couples, and he had just as many warnings about the dire consequences of abusing it, but for Randolph sex magic had many more uses than procreation. " " ... Fifty years old, married to a girl not yet twenty, father of a newly born son he named Osiris Buddha (who would grow up to become a respected physician) this champion of women’s rights and spiritual love ... He had been desperate to raise money, offering to sell the rights to all his books, offering to sell his medical practice, deeply bitter that those who had borrowed freely from his work seemed to be flourishing while he was becoming ever more obscure and poor. " . ... anyway, I did all this some time back, and the info is posted in various places here . - I really should not be spending time on this I am SUPPOSED to be slogging my way through ' The Origins of the Bronze Age Oasis Civilisations of South Central Asia ' .
  16. Deleted

    It was strange times , even those trying to put forward basic eduction and consideration around the subject where persecuted - especially the women ; I linked to a good site on it ... its in that thread here ... somewhere . I will have a look later , but I dont get on with the search engine here yes, as I said " they either 'specialised or .... " one group that rejected the merger and decided to go it alone was Fraternis Saturni . Damn ! I was gonna delete it today and disappear
  17. Deleted

    Hope you dont me using you as a 'springbard' ? ( Read quick folks, its all about to be deleted and I disappear ! ) Did you mean The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor is where this idea comes from in history ? The HBL transmitted forms of this idea but it varied it somewhat. Other groups and teachings had it in various forms, HBL came out of them. Early form of HBL included Blavatski before her 'Indian days' , as the others referred to it. There where forms of it but the one in HBL is probably the most historically accessible . If trace the groups back , it seems to come out of esoteric Jewish Kabbalah , which is another strange story based on spies, secret agents , covert occult groups , originally trying to influence the 'new world order' after the dissolution of the Ottomon Empire and in this case in Egypt , via the groups behind the HBL, to influence other places by supporting and encouraging the 'Young Turk' movement ( which would eventually morph and continue into groups which helped form Al-Queda , and their spin off groups - a 'back fire' which they keep supporting and making it stronger ) ... but anyway, another story, here I want to talk about the development of western tantra , Aside from historical tracking, before that its origins where probably in ancient practice of Judaism and teachings going back to the Alexandrian Synthesis ( ancient Egypt mixed with Greece, Chalndean and Syriac, etc ) , and later India . The HBL and other groups either specialised and faded out or incorporated together, to 'create an ark' for preservation and continuation of these 'mysteries' which eventually became the O.T.O. . Along the way the tradition got 'topped up' along the way , one 'Master' ( most where 'magical' or obscure Masonic Lodge members - officially known as 'irregular or clandestine' Lodges - naughty ! ) went to travelling and picked up 3 tantra teachers , 2 in an Indian tradition and one in a Sufi tradition. Most 'Victorian ones' got it by their visits to India, where they received teachings that they used to de code obscure masonic symbolism into tantric symbolism. Yarker and Crowley both did that and made developments , according to that, to the way it was expressed in the OTO. But there are other groups ; Going back a bit we can track people like Max Theon and coming forward we event encounter ' western tantric' ie ' by now 'sex magic' Neo-platonist cowboys' of the USA .... mid 1800s You guys think I be making all this up dont ya ? Actually I have posted snippets of this all over the place, on TDBs WITH links to references and texts Here is this one again Sorry, a bit confused here ; Is Naronia part of the HBL book ? ( cant check, mine is in storage) . We can see by the dates that it is ('89' ) a later development than that of the mid 1800s . It seems to have some problems, but it is a good outline to an extent . It targets several things about astonological cycles but misses others. Thats why I asked the first questions I did in this thread , it all seemed vague general and inaccurate, the method being used . But that how things are nowadays If I might fiddle with this bit in green The esoteric aspect of the Naros is known to the occult Initiates as the Mystery of Naronia, and refers to the expansion and contraction of the human constitution. aside from names , yes , and that is what happens in general terms As a sort of illustration let us take the motion of the tides, the ebb and flow. When the Sun and the Moon occupy the same plane in reference to the Earth, we have the high spring tides, etc. It is the same upon the mental plane, with the human brain. The brain of man, magnetically, we have to remember that, back then, the term magnetism was used generally, many forces where not understood properly expands and becomes illuminated by the Luni-Solar influx, from the new to the full Moon, at which time this magnetic force is at its maximum. Note the term 'Luni- Solar ... usually, now . Soluna or Sol Luna influx IS about the phases of the Moon TO AN EXTENT but more about if the Moon is in the 1/4 of ITS ORBIT ie, the Luna equivalent of Sunrise, noon, Sunset and midnight , that is, the Moon rising on the local horizon, the Moon directly overhead (MC ) the Moon setting or the Moon 'underfoot' (IC) AND its relationship in those positions to th the SUN in those positions AND that related to the relationship that was present at time of birth . We can see this is more complex than just the Moon being in some tropical astrological house , as was suggested in this thread (now deleted ) . I should add that all this, i the context of learning about it in a group, society or initiatory group, Lodge etc, has always been held highly secretive - perhaps a hint as to why the actions that eventuated her did ? It is high tide, so to say, and those who have the care and experience of lunatics will verify the fact, that they become perfect astronomical calendars of the Moon's increase and decrease of light. Exaggeration, I have much experience , working in a hospital and in psyche ward . It isnt as clear cut as suggested , Full Moon is part of it. But some full Moons - nothing , other times its 'going off' but not full Moon You can track it with a simpler way ; solunar fishing calendar see solunar in index on the left, various charts and info available eg MAJOR PERIODS HIGH ACTIVITY from 5:58 am to 7:58 am Lunar transit (moon up) This period also coincides with sunrise; therefore the sun will exercise more influence, possibly obtaining greater activity than expected. Let us take a step further, and we then come to the real dominions of Naronia. SHE is the CYCLE of the SOUL and enacts upon the spiritual plane of human existence, a similar series of events to those of the Naros upon the mundane sphere of life. Hence, we can trace a perfect analogy between the motions of the luminaries in space and the revolution of purely psychic entities within the odylic sphere of man. Again, the outdated terminology 'odic force' , actually its better to just consider those good old 'biorythms' - remember them, other is an equivalent to a 28 day female lunar cycle and a 33 day male solar cycle in both males and females . So, we dont really need to calculate these setting off forces at conception astrologically, we can mark any point of the cycle now, as long as we know what part of the cycles we are IN personally now, and make a calender . Now match that with the Solunar calendar to make a 'good transit' and you have a good time for 'the working' . But a whole lot of this has been lost, and a main point has been lost (more on that below, but to continue ) Each year of life, the Earth, in her orbit, transits the point in space which she occupied at a person's birth, or in other words, the Sun returns to the same sign and degree of the Zodiac that he occupied in the horoscope. Okay, nw e are talking about something else , it isnt what 'sign' the Moon is in, it is the position the Moon Sun and Earth are in all in relation to each other for your best time , but the ZODIAC is, or used to be about the best time for the RESULT of the working. here is what happened ; good Victorian magical couples (that practised western sex magic) practised it with their wives with the result of trying to reproduce the best possible offspring so to improve the family and society generally, and to try and get a 'roll' going of higher incarnated being . Modern sex magic morphed from that into using the sex magic for ANY MAGICAL OPERATION DESIRED, to help get a result from ANY working, including the evocation of a demon ! So, we can see how it got the 'left hand path' tag. The reason you consider the greater picture of a ZODIACAL timing ; CONSTELLATONS (not signs ) and planets, as you are trying to get a child born with a specific astrological make-up and traits . This is an old practice , royalty and class distinction where often based on that, in this case it used magically, and the parents should have been conceived that way as well, and their children's children , to incarnate more advanced beings . If unfamiliar with the idea, try this ; In this transit, the Solar force renews the life energies of the Soul and regalvanizes them with additional force (we are speaking spiritually, understand). These germs of new forces are Virtues, Powers, Potencies and Deific attributes of the great Solar Orb. They are spiritual ovums, or seeds of human possibilities, and if consciously nourished and cherished will evolve powers and states within the Human Soul, which correspond in their action to our hidden spiritual attributes. If unnoticed, uncared for, they remain until other forces polarize them, and then pass onward down their cycle. This is basic hermetic theory, it would go like this ; The Magicians , themselves having been conceived in magical ritual at the right time for their magician parents and the right time astrologically for their birth, will calculate the best time for them to conceive and the child to be born and also during this process of conception towards birth, the soul will enter the Solar system, first through the Sphere of Saturn and pick up both sides of the Saturn energy, then the rest of the planets , in the hermetic order, ending with the Moon and incarnate. Then their own path is to progress backupwards, overcoming the specific trials of the Moon using their specific 'Moon qualities' (they got from their incarnation / astrologically natal process - hence one will have different Luna trials than the other ... or maybe even no Lunar trials at all ) to get through their Moon 'problems ' (if they have any) then 'up' through the rest of the planetary spheres, back to Saturn. Then their magical development is complete (for this life) and they can operate as a 'high initiate' 'master' Hierophant or whatever term it is each group uses. When the Moon, in the course of her motion, arrives at the same place during each month, she impregnates these seeds and endows them with magnetic life; therefore, in an occult sense, she confers upon humanity the powers and possibilities of magical forces. It is this Luni-Solar influx of Naronia within the human constitution, then, that controls the real foundation and basis of spiritual development and occult power. More like; it is best to deal with specific benefits or trials of a planetary nature when we have the appropriate 'soluna flux' happening Most of her writings where post ' Indian Days' . But I have posted a fair bit of it and given links to places where a lot of this info can be tracked down, it used to be in my head, but gone now, I'd have to look it all up . Actually there is another group that one would need to look into that runs alongside the HBL ... but buggered if I can remember their name at the moment , And there is one or two good sites that stick it all together ( I also posted links to them when talking about this before ) but cant remember their names now . Sterney might know where it is, I was talking to him about it all in a thread about the origins of the Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn .... ummmm and the 'German Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross ' .... was it ? and if my memory serves me correctly, they where the ones behind HBL ? As far as I can tell , esoteric Judaism with a smatterin of neo EgyptoSyriacChadeanNeoPlatonism and some later Indian and Sufi inputs and influence - western tantra / 'sex magic ' .... to incarnate 'The Priestess of the Sun ' shhhh , dont tell no one though .
  18. When Bored It's Time To Argue About Climate Change

    Well, you will not get an argument from me about that . I'm not bored enough .
  19. Deleted

    Its like heroin I wont have anything to do with it. It wrecks relationships, I have seen it do in some friends - they are not here anymore - yeah, some can handle it and have fun, but it creates a seedy and murky social environment - yuk . generates bad energy . Should never have been allowed to snowball like this .
  20. Thinking of doing a DNA Kit analysis

    .. Well ! That has nothing to do whatsoever with my reluctance to get tested ! ........
  21. Can't Get Enough Of What You Don't Need

    anyway, if you run out of spending ideas - they even have a word for it now ChindoguĹŤgu
  22. Can't Get Enough Of What You Don't Need

    Yeah . I am actually glad that I had a long time with hardly any money . It made me realise there are a whole range of stuff out there I have no need of. Now I have a lot of $$$$$ , and aside from initial purchases and needs ; like a new vehicle, a shed and some new furniture, spending has slowed down . Now, I got the money, but I dont need any of that stuff . I was thinking of big spending ; teeth implants, OS trip, silly expensive car, bu nah . Thing is, I dont really need all that, and I am very happy as is , VERY happy . I have what I need . I dont think going and spending a lot of money is going to improve that ... actually, it might detract from it .