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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Chang is soon to approach the level of ' The Lobsang Rampa of Dao CHI ism '
  2. What ? You experienced some of the things I mentioned ? Like the chemicals and the cheap restaurant table and fooling the experts ? Dude ! I been a practising ritual magician for over 30 years - its not that I haven't experienced some far out shit either . But practising ritual magic didnt turn me into an idiot that gets fooled by the simple parlour tricks that Chang demonstrated . Nope - its clear that they can be faked - heaps of people can do them , and mostly all badly . It doesnt take much to fool your average 'seeker' . Different kettle of fish , and ' authentic' ? - by what standard , the AAA ( Authentic Alchemists of America ) ? I practised alchemy too for a while - agricultural alchemy - professionally ... ( meaning , it was a job and I got paid for it ) , Chang never did any alchemy .
  3. How to become less blind

    ... Ahhhhh ... that's better
  4. How to become less blind

    I just clicked on what was at the bottom the last post of yours before I made that post, a few hours ago. But now all your posts show this at the bottom Steve Gray which isnt 'clickable' . All these new fangled buttons is confusing me
  5. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    McMurdo Valley
  6. Archery meditation

  7. John Chang levels of cultivation ? John Chang's level of cultivation ? Anywayz ... it should not take long, just keep practising ; ' Set paper on fire " ; see magicians handbook for chemicals required. "Generating electricity" - this is normally done with the use of a small high-frequency, high-voltage, low-amperage device taped to the performer's body. . Catching a "rifle bullet" - what is shown is the firing of a very low-speed pellet that can pierce the wall of an empty soda can. Then, Chang puts his hand in front of the gun. He is in no danger, and there does not appear to be anything extraordinary about what he is doing. 'Moving a knife' - Chang carefully balances a knife on its sheath. It is shown moving slightly in one direction, twice. With such a precariously-balanced object, the slightest breeze will move it readily. All Chang has to do is wait a bit. In the first movement, he has his mouth close to the knife, "talking" to it. In the second, he has leaned back, so either he's caught a breeze, or he started the knife in a position that would naturally swing away, or else he's using his knee (either one would work, but it's hard to tell from that angle which, if either, is in position), to slightly lift the glass tabletop. "Fooling the experts" - they have a CEO, a doctor, and a physicist. They really needed an electrical engineer. They try to use an ordinary volt meter. If he's using the high-frequency device, of course they will not get readings from this! Some experts they are! Maybe they actually do use the metal detector on his back and feet to check for the device, but this is not shown. Chang seems to be flexing his back to produce his electricity. I would check between his shoulder blades. I mean, they strip him almost naked, but they let him leave his shirt on?!? . "Chopstick through the table" - has anything ever looked more like a set-up magic trick? First, he takes them to his local restaurant. Then he can't make the "chi" work on Formica, so he needs to use the bottom of the table. This trick requires nothing more than a cheap table with a seam in the wood. There ya go ! Internet search not even needed . TDBs supplies all !
  8. How to become less blind

    Yeah .... if thats your site ... your farm / property is looking a little different than the last picture you posted ! ;
  9. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    Dont you dare freeze the planet Manitou !
  10. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    Noooooooo ! Ice 9 ! "Suppose," chortled Dr. Breed, "there were many possible ways water could freeze. Suppose the ice we skate upon -- what we might call ice-one -- is only one type of ice. Suppose water always froze as ice-one because it had never had a seed to teach it how to form ice-two, ice-three, ice-four? Suppose there were one form, which we will call ice-nine -- with a melting point of 130 degrees. " ' ' Breed asked me to think of Marines in a swamp. ' "Their trucks are sinking in ooze." ' He winked. "But suppose one Marine had a capsule containing a seed of ice-nine, a new way for the atoms of water to stack and lock, to freeze. If that Marine threw that seed into the nearest puddle . . . ?" ' "The puddle would freeze?" I guessed. ' "And all the puddles . . .?" ' "They would freeze?" ' "You bet they would!" he cried. "And the Marines would rise from the swamp and march on!" ' But ...... "I keep thinking about that swamp" I said. "If the streams flowing through the swamp froze as ice-nine, what about the rivers and lakes the streams fed?" ' "They'd freeze." ' "And the oceans . . . ?" ' "They'd freeze, of course," Dr. Breed snapped. ' "And the springs . . . ?" ' "They'd freeze, damn it!" he cried. ' "And the rain?" ' "When it fell, it would freeze into hard little hobnails of ice-nine ..... " ... in the story , of course, some stupid accident causes some to be dropped in the ocean .... ka-whoom !'s_Cradle#Major_themes
  11. Do you want to end the cycle of reincarnation, gain spiritual immortality or gain the powers John Chang claimed to have ? Also, I am curious as to why someone would want to end their cycles of reincarnation ? I can understand someone wanting to end Samsara - "cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence". IMO better to end the 'aimless drifting ' , the 'wandering' and the 'mundane existence' . There are very clear staged practices in some western traditions that lead one through ( incarnation ), birth, life, death ( the'3 degrees' ) , the world beyond death, the 'astral world' / realms of illusion , annihilation ( 2nd death or 'astral death' ) and a 'rebirth' into an 'immortal consciousness. But this path isnt achieved via the internet . It is actually a long time effort that requires study, practice assistance and you need to offer assistance yourself , and make the achievements yourself . Which is why it is so unpopular nowadays . But since you have been sucked up into the world of John Chang's , et al , I doubt this would interest you.
  12. ? I thought one could remain 'spiritually immortal ', even with endless cycles of reincarnation - if they go forever, go for cycles and stop or have one life and not reincarnate again but continue 'spiritually' - that is all 'immortality' ( if one believes in that sort of thing ). Anyway .... according to ALL the sources BEFORE the internet , its a matter of practice and what you live ... not reading . Even the ' Gnana' path to enlightenment. ( through knowledge ) isnt just about information.
  13. How to become less blind

    Nope . A cave isn't necessary. Nor do you have to 'flee' . Dont you get holidays in your country, or time off ? Anyway, I have found that cities have a lot less wildlife as well . Some cities have 'green belt' or big parks . I'm sure there are lots of different kinds of energies in cities, but most of them seem to be generated by the people that live there. Regarding 'elementals' - one can start with experiencing the elemental energies physically ; dive in the ocean , or 'play' with any water ... go stand in the wind or up on a high place, make a campfire, or observe a conflagration ( ummm .... try not to make one ) , etc . observe (or meditate on, if you prefer) their qualities, their strengths, weaknesses and interplay . Yeah . When things really started moving I had to go to the city to find good 'teachers' , as far as 'spiritual stuff' goes. But then, after a life time of doing martial arts, mostly in cities I find the teacher that I always needed, that was perfect for me ( then) in my own little local country town . There is also the 'pathway' thing ... 'energies' travel along them, also they can intersect , they are 'busier' places. Sometimes they cross cities. Its not a good idea to interfere with them though . The Ófeigskirkja – a ‘hidden people church’ – at Gálgahraun, which held up construction of a new road to the town of Álftanes, Iceland .
  14. How to become less blind

    Hey .... I'm walking in air ! and I live in mountains ... 2/3 of the way to a saint !
  15. Western Parenting vs Eastern Parenting

    Some people do not seem to have a clue about parenting. I broke my own rule the other day, rule was to just ignore the weird dynamic (but a VERY common one in my observations ) between my neighbours and their little girl . Mom doesnt seem to have clue how to handle kids. The other day she had this horrible, worn, pleading look - like she was at the end of her tether. Its her own fault and I have tried to help with some advice . But people will do it their own way I suppose. Little girl is ; "I want chocolate drink .... I want chocolate drink ... waaaah ... waaah arrrrgggh ! .... I want chocolate drink ... " - mother is trying to hold her and she is wiggling , convulsing yelling , pulling at her .... fitting, nearly . Yeah, that look of total despair got me . Father's contribution was, " I get home from working all day , and this is what I have to deal with ! " Great ! That helped a lot. So I offered; " Some guys have to get home from working all day, deal with this and then go off to 3nd job ! " _ I dont think he 'appreciated' that. Anyway, I offered to take her through it step by step. " If you dont want her wiggling and screaming on you dont allow it ... dont go all softy mummy and put up with things you do not want to . You threatened before to put her in her room, well do it . " " But she will just come out again. " " Dont talk about the process in front of her ... step by step . " - she puts kid in room - 'But she will just come out again ' " Yes, but you said you would put her in her room , not make her stay there . You cant lock them in the room. They will just start smashing stuff or kicking the door. " - Kid comes out '''' Waaah ! " straight back on mum, pulling and wailing for an efin chocolate drink. And she sits there putting up with it ! Oi ! Again - 'If you do not want to put up with it tell her to stop, or you will put her in her room." She does so, hesitantly Same process, Mum says "See she did it again " ... well of course she did , its gonna take a bit to unlearn all the other stuff she did learn about this . Then the kid comes out again , distraught ... "I want a hug ... I want a hug " Now mum doesnt know what to do. " Do YOU want to give her a hug ... not a crying pulling wrestle, but a hug ? " "Yeah, thats okay . " So she starts having a hug and little girl slips in, in the sweetest way possible in her cutest voice " Mummy ...... I want chocolate drink. " And mum actually looks at me questioningly ! I shake head NO. ( as I previously discussed with mum and mum declared she was not having another one today .) "No." ( I add, to mum ... 'But you can have a hug' ) , Mum repeats it and it is .. " Waaah ! I want ..... " - right ! back in the room . This time she stays in the room and cries ... her tactics have broken down . Then it goes silent . After a bit I say to Mum ; " See " ... and she " What ?" 'Its stopped. " " Oh yeah ! " Eventually she comes out with a fairy dress on. Me " Thats a nice dress ! Is it new ... you look like a fairy ! etc " ( for f sake , none of you retard parents mention chocolate ! ) She plays a bit , everything is cool ... mum starts to relax. The horrible look on her face starts to melt . I explain a few things to both parents " Consistency !; Reliability ! Honesty! Self respect and respect to her ! Your life and relationship with your kid will be so much better." Mom is happy .... little girl is happy ... but after a bit she goes up to Mum " I want chocolate drink . " and she calmly says , " No, you had enough today. " The she goes to Dad " I want chocolate drink " " Sure darling" and goes off to the kitchen and gets her one . " Me ; " Well, I better be going ... gotta make dinner . " WTF ! Why do I bother ! Serves me right for breaking my non-interference rule ! ( I should add that I have a great relationship with this little girl, and I treat her like that all the time - no BS! And she likes it ! It drives the dad a bit nuts - she draws these abstracts at pre-school and brings them home and tells them they are pictures of me .... Dad : " Why dont I get pictures of me ? ! " Why ? Because you be the chocolate sugar daddy, she got around her finger ! Is that the eastern way, or the western way ? I know some MID eastern kids seem to have no disciple up to a certain stage - well, the boys, that is . Then it comes down like a steel gate at a certain age . I saw it at the beach once ; little boy has a foam surfboard, faher is sitting talking to someone . Boy is donking him repeatedly on head with board ... donk ...... donk ..... donk .... eventually father " Stop it ! Thats enough ! " Kid " Waaaah .... WAAAAH ! AHHHHHH ... one more time .... one more time " Father ; " Oh, all right then ... one more . " You could see the kid winding up for one last super big shot and WHAM ! Father explodes in Lebanese expletives screaming at the kid and is holding his head with both hands Oh yeah .... and I am one of the forumers that DO NOT want to have the D L or some 'enlightened' master as parent .
  16. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    They are more of a distraction from development , than anything else.
  17. Deleted

    I like helping the disabled cross the road .... ... when they dont want to . They put up a struggle and that makes them look even MORE disabled ... then peeps watching be thinking I doing a good job and being REALLY patient and helpful !
  18. How to become less blind

    Well ... I better keep this super brief ! To become more sensitive to ; Elementals - spend more time alone in nature, meditate , observe and 'make offerings' to them. 'Spirits' - use peripheral vision. 'Astral travel ' - imagine your body being elsewhere, transfer your consciousness to it and then practice something familiar in that imagined body. Talk to guides - first learn how to discern between 'guides' and 'others ' - most important . Visit other realms - The best and most effective method I found was via Enochian ritual - Enochian calls combined with travelling in and through the 'squares' and entering the individual Enochian 'pyramids' .
  19. yeah .... I got a syndrome .... its sorta like a reverse DKE ; ... a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their others cognitive ability as greater than it is .
  20. To be clearer' from my point of view and from my experience ... Some are 'out there ' , yes I have experienced them, I have a thread here about it and how I made a 'spirit house' for them. This is a good thing to do and many cultures make them. There are elementals 'out there' but anything we create ourselves and then project that out there. or , it becomes alienated from us, usually comes from some part of us that we can describe under the elemental hierarchy ; fire spirit, water emotions, air mind, earth body. , so they can have an elemental association, even though they are 'averse'. see the links I posted . Which are not my personal experience but someone elses, and certainly NOT a theory. BUT my person experience seems to back up what they say . see answers above , again formulated from my personal experience and others which seems similar. The two main ones that come to mins are when I lived up on the mountain and made the spirit house, and my long running evocation ritual. I have posts and photos here about it . It was hard to see anything in the ritual, until I came upon a novel way of using the 'Ring of Solomon' , which is supposed to help one see spirits. It didnt work, then, I thought to use it a different way, and it did . I won't write more about this now as I am due for chiropractic appointment ., I have already written a lot about it on TBs and what I have written here so far seems ... unreceptive . Also one cannot ignore the qualifiers I put in earlier about ;reality . That is all part of it and should be address as well . OR if you want quick uncomplicated answers, ask direct questions.
  21. I guess you missed this bit : " Its a huge subject and I have a lot of experience , sometimes, daily, so what do I write about ? probably better if you ask specific questions about what you want to know . "
  22. Meh .... just invoke an Undine . Its the sylphs that are harder to deal with as the element air has no opposite
  23. I usually only just put up the link, I am sure very few have read it , so I thought to post a part of the relevant section I was referring to ; just in case some people can deal with reading more than a few lines. I bet you do when you read a book ? But internet forums seem to have 'educated ' us away from longer responses. If its from a known dork ... I tend not to read half page posts from 'certain people' .... wait ! am I 'certain people' now ? Murderous intent? Little old me ... murderous intent ...... nah !
  24. Archery meditation

    I was wondering when you show up here .... cause of your avvie pic . Ooooo ...