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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    By the Lord of the Flame and the Lightning, the King of the Spirits of Fire By the Lord of the Waves and the Waters, the King of the Hosts of the Sea, The fairest of all of whose daughters was mother to me; By the Lord of the Winds and the Breezes, the King of the Spirits of Air, In whose bosom the infinite ease is that cradled me there; By the Lord of the Fields and the Mountains, the King of the Spirits of Earth That nurtured my life at his fountains from the hour of my birth; By the Wand and the Cup I conjure; By the Dagger and Disk I constrain; I am he that is sworn to endure; Make thy music again~!
  2. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    In case some dont know to what we refer ( Cant copy and post here - protected ) , great pic gallery here ; .
  3. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    Indeed ! In a way it could be the word that sums up our 'mission' . Not ech individual mission, but the overall plan . As we hurtle towards Earth for incarnation and our spark passes through the spheres of planetary relationships , each planet or field giving us a certain energy , its our task to integrate all that into a 'self expression' by 'ironing the bumps out' . And even in a group process the same can be reflected , the individual process forming a model for the social (in a magical fraternity or 'order' for example ) and that in turn forming a model for the individual . " .... thus we gather up all the threads of human passion and interest, and weave them into an harmonious tapestry, subtly and diligently with great art, that our Order may seem an ornament even to the Stars that are in the Heavens at Night. In our rainbow-coloured texture we set forth the glory of the whole Universe— See thou to it, brother Magician, that thine own thread be strong, and pure, and of a colour brilliant in itself, yet ready to mingle in all beauty with those of thy brethren! " "
  4. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    Well, not to argue against Manly ( even though he was often wrong, out of date, romanticized .... but the pictures ! ) . The concept above is a bit ..... 'Theosophical' . And since Manly did use the analogy (or the only example of ? ) Masonry , I might get away with presenting another aspect of this 'threshold guardian ' which is maybe the opposite of that above , that is not internal but external ... in this case it would the 'Tiler' . In all ritual he should be there . Certainly in initiation rituals . .... someone's gotta keep the Cowans out . And you might be tested as to your level before he lets you in . We got two of them up in the sky (at least ) .... look at Scorpius ..... you might see a scorpion with its claws cut off and given to Libra , but down here, some see two guardians ( at the rear , in the 'tail' ) mid way are the club and boomerang they have thrown and in the head are the two law breakers they are pursuing . The broken law was exactly that , a 'penetration' into an area that should not have been made ( a woman into a boys initiation circle ) . And they are all over country ; sacred sites and each threshold of them has a guardian ; if you go there, you better call out . let them know you want to come in, who you are and by what authority you announce yourself .
  5. Where are all the martial artists at?

    Okay, lets look at some techniques ; certainly kicking relies on 'the one legged stance' and depending on the kick, depends on what type of one legged stance .... unless its a flying kick, then we have 'no legged stance ' . But that is obvious , so how is one legged stance important in other techniques ? Let's go back to the beginning ; who has trained for 40 years ... or, who trained 40 years ago ... or any time 'modern' , 'correct' , Japanese , ' JKA (Japan karate Association ) approved ' , 'Shotokan' karate ... that is, the main stream of teaching that came out of Japan back then ? Bill , you did . Okay, show us how you would have been taught basic blocks back then .... how a beginner would have been shown . Thank you Bill , that is exactly what I meant , and it is how I was taught as well . Of course, over time a lot of that has changed , and because its changed and the more its changed the further removed from any original understanding we can get . Note the hand and arm movements ; the arm NOT blocking, usually open palm is extended first and then pulled back before the other arm blocks . In right upper block the left palm is first put into an upper position , in my training the arm would have been extended more straight and up . The same with middle blocks , the other hand is extended first and then drawn back . Now with 'Bill's' lower block, its a bit more 'unpresent ' but when I was taught , for example, right lower block, the first thing was to extend left arm down, palm open and to my center line , then draw that back as the block came down , like a hammer fist , knuckles to the front . This a remnant of the technique before modernization, before karate turned into something to teach children at school ... fore arm blocking is much safer and causes less injury . It used to be that first hand that was 'blocking' ... or actually , as teacher ( both Hohan Soken and MR N. ) said .... " NO block ... why you 'block' ? " I'll borrow Bill again and ask him to attack with upper punch . He punches and I do the upper block drill; I extend the none blocking hand forward and up, I step back, either straight back , or preferably back and to left or right , better to the outside and block the punch , even though by now I am probably out of range , so I have to step forward and counterpunch , or kick as a counter . Standard . Now Bill will show us how to practice upper block ... there he goes up and down the hall, stepping forward and blocking, turn, come back. Its the same for all the blocks . Did you notice he was moving forward in practice ... and the same in kata , yet in all the drill, we move backwards ? Now Bill will attack me again, same punch . As he does , do exactly what I used to be taught , but I move forwards . Off line , ie. with my crescent half moon step we where all taught ( the back leg comes forward to the other , next to it then curves out and forward, each step is a half circle . We have to shift weight to the foot that is stationary, which also makes our center line move as well . Going up and down the hall, stepping and blocking our center line makes a wave form left to right to left . My left ( first) hand flinging out is like shuto, it strikes his right forearm and deflects the punch and as well, I have stepped off line and his fist has gone past me , now two options , I do the right 'upper block' and in this position, I can strike the side of his head with forearm or elbow into face OR I can pull down my left arm trapping his right arm and as I pull it down I can strike up under the arm pit with my 'block' ( this is then good for leading into a grapple ) . I am also close enough so as I step in I can control his stance with mine and my foot placement . Let's try it .... WACK ! Owwwww ... shit man are you okay, what happened ? ( This actually happened in demo with training mate ) ( holding his mouth ) ... errr. I was trying to sneak a left in as well, I thought you would be unguarded on your right side . " Well, dont do that , my elbow strike was timed to stop just in front of your mouth , by throwing that right , when I didnt expect it , your had moved over and turned about an inch ... here give us a look ( looks in mouth and at teeth ), nah, you okay, still a pretty boy, no teeth gone . Now, do chudan ... mid level punch . I will do outside block ; he punches with right , I step back and a bit to my left , putting my left hand forward and then retracting it as my right comes around to block with the forearm , again I am probably out of range for punch so have to step back in and punch .... and he could step back and do the same and come forward for counter and I could step back .... and thats how we have that 'ping pong ' type of drill forming . Now again , he punches , I move off line to my right , my left palm coming across to deflect or check (making sure punch doesnt follow my movement ) and move my right in nearly exactly the same motion but this time I drive my back fist into his right exposed outside elbow bone / joint .... Lateral epycondyle of the humerus ; Bill hops a round a bit and rubs the spot . OR an inside block ..... go for a head or middle punch bill , he does, I evade as before but to the other side my right , my left hand comes across just like an inner block and this time I lead with a 'spear fist ' my ring finger second knuckle extended and stike it into his wrist L11 ... or any of the 4 will do it Now Bill is hopping around looking a little sick and seems to have lost the control of that arm, its gone into spasm .. a bit of massage and rubbing and ki flow projestion " Dont worry it will return to normal soon ... but dont do that a lot, it could result in some permannet damage ... another thing NOT to teach school kids ! Takle a rest Bill , another partner please ? Awwww come one ... someone . If you are going to do these things to others , you need to know what it feels like having it done to you . Good on you Charlie ... attack with R front kick ... I step back, my left hand comes forward and gets pulled back, my right comes down and I block with forearm , same as before . Kick again . I come forward off line , check / slap kick away and do my down block as a sweeping strike, knuckles OUT and do a back fist across the edge of his kneecap . Which I wont do now as its .... nasty ! Another point which we will get to later is this hand positioning and how mistaken and wrong that is . Again, another punch to my head ; Charlie delivers, doing a classic oi tsuki and retracting the other hand to his hip . I sloppily step aside slap it away with one hand and slap him upside the head with the other . He doesnt like that .. well ... tough . it was stupid punch ... we will deal with 'hitake ' later . Now Charlie show me Seisan kata .. first few punches ; Now come forward and punch me like that , keeping the other hand up, he does , I step to the side go to slap him upside the head but he easily blocks it as he has a guard up . Punching without keeping guard up is one of the most dangerous and reckless things you can do ... against a fighter . We will return to that . But what has all this got to do with one legged stance ? if you noticed , nearly all my techniques I did where either done in or initiated from that moment I stepped one leg into the other , any steeping out to do a strike was a stepping out to DRIVE and add momentum to it , to overpower or crash against the other and to control footwork . It was all initiated and control taken from that moment I had virtually all of my weight on one leg . Now, of course you dont HAVE to do that and many do not . Most of us where taught to shift weight to one leg when stepping ... either wise, lift one foot up and you tilt to that side, or fall over , but if you step straight through then you are committed and you might run into something . lets divert to one of our films of Mr . Nishihira (unfortunately NOT on line , private collection ) . he doesnt just step in and then out , see the hips ; he virtually snaps his hip forward a little and the rest of his body follows it , with the leg and foot coming into center line THEN whatever 'comes out of that ' does, either a kick, step forward or back with a technique , or a technique from there or even a 'leap' .... the 'step out ' , and that too is done via the hip being moved first with the limb sort of being whipped out by the movement . Look at his demonstration of the 'inside reverse roundhouse kick ' he is the only person I have ever seen do this ... its typical of the Okinawan crane form though. he evades or steps so his feet are close together, he flicks his hip (rotating ) out and back , the leg follows and the hip is being already retracted before the kick hits, giving it a whipping whip cracking effect , driving the extended big toe into the liver area . But thats for another lesson , the point is the power is derived from when in virtually a one legged stance . Of course we need other stances to begin or finish things , but most things , in this style seem initiated from the one leg stance . It was very important in their style , as was footwork and balance related to footwork . Hohan Soken used to talk about Nabe ( his teacher and the inheritor of Bushi Matasmura Soken style- Seito ... family tradition and members ) making him train on a log floating in a pond ... sometimes when he was doing this Uncle Nabe would jump on the log as well, challenging Hohan to a spa on the log .... Now further to this hand position and I will explain why in later lesson , the classic, one hand out the other on the hip is a another major misunderstanding . Old school karate in Okinawa , they used to have the other (back ) hand extended half way out, also in a fist with palm up ... pretty much in the classical stance of the Victorian boxer . And you will notice in a competition .. when people want to win ... that other hand will come up . Its common sense . As I said, we will look at it later , why such 'unsensable' techniques became to be practiced . And prior to that , It was open hand , not nearly all fists . This all has to do with karate being originally 'Chinese Hand ' ; ' cara - ti ' . Our hand position is often one leading , both palms open the rear one p[positioned so its fingertips about 1/3 up the forearm of the other arm and nearly touching it . As previously explained MR N fav kata was Niharchin shodan, he said nearly all our techniques and secrets are contained within it , and we notice his way of doing it and his bunkai seem vary different to eh mainstream ... until; recently . Anyway, that concludes todays lesson , go home and train and explore with your training partners, work on 'Rohai' ( heron form ) which has a lot of obvious one legged stance in it , and of course 'Hakatsuru' (crane form ) and in consideration of what I just said , regarding Chinese origins , body movement, hips and twisting , using fore arms striking and Niharchin ... study this video ; You might see the similarities of what MR N was trying to show people .
  6. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Then what's left about him, the Bible stories , or 'modern interpretations ' ; play soundtrack while contemplating image ....
  7. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    I totally anthropomorphize everything .... even a chainsaw , and after doing that I got it to work when no one else could (no, I didnt pull it apart or put fuel into it ) .... I talked nicely and reasonable to it and asked it to start for me . What about my animal friends that are vegos and dont eat meat , they aint gonna eat me . and what about ... this that and the other thing ?
  8. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Is that your 'evidence' ? Maybe read that again and then re read what you wrote , they are very different .
  9. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Why would I be pissed off ? After all I am a young shapely woman born again Christian now . How's that for the transformative 'power of Christ ' !
  10. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    years are longer in the southern hemisphere .
  11. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Not at all . How did you come to that conclusion ?
  12. Where are all the martial artists at?

    I guess no one wants to ask about then ? or no one turned up for 'class' ?
  13. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Nah, thats just a cover so pervy old guys dont flirt with me here .
  14. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    I got it the first time I opened a body bag and ......
  15. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    because I have long hair and shapely legs ? Sexist !
  16. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    And the only other thing I will say on the subject is .... considering my experience and observations during 10 years working in a public hospital, including the mortuary .... that if you have cats .... make sure you have a cat door , because if you dont and you die inside with them, after a few days .......
  17. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Its supposed to be 'supremely unpopular opinions' not supremely unpopular videos ' .
  18. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    I much prefer these guys , more friendly and no sting . I was diving with them off Ningaloo Reef Western Oz ;
  19. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Steve Erwin's best friend was a stingray ? And it did that 'accidentally' ? or the stingray is my best friend ? Are you having an obscure day today Cobie ? Delete ?
  20. Or Man was created to maintain a very careful balance of certain atmospheric gasses via flatulence .
  21. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    - thats , my 'unpopular outrage for the day ' .