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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Wait .... you are saying there are secret cities in the core of the earth ? Okey dokey . . . . I think you better go back to my above post and re read my first 2 comments Ohhhh , I get it now . Another movie inspired 'reality take' . < sigh > I dont think one has to accept the label of sceptic when evaluating that our fellow pedestrians might not be an immortal dragon elven goddess in disguise who have shape-shifted into an old human woman just to test you in various ways And ... ummmmmm .... even if she was , what makes you think she would be interested in testing YOU ? Some friendly advice ... dont see this as an attack ..... these type of thoughts are bordering upon 'mental issues.' Its fine to postulate such stuff, but please beware if such thoughts or actions based on them start to effect your life or others adversely .
  2. Then I suggest you do what he said . I percieve YOU need to open your mind more and educate yourself more about this It also does not mean just adopting a belief in something because it appeals to you . First, examine WHY it appeals to you . Either of those paths needs to be practised on both sides of the issue ; explore both views with an open mind or explore both views with scepticism. Now you seem to be suggesting that so much information supporting metaphysics somehow trumps so much information not supporting it . This is one viewpoint. It generally comes under hierarchy of beings theory Thats a rather assertive statement of 'facts' . No, it isnt 'common sense' at all. I agree with a lot of this part ^ . We need to learn how to live with and work with the other things that share life and the environment .
  3. The Cool Picture Thread

    Donald Trump asleep inside a dog's ear
  4. The Hannah Cabinet

    Or the Lismore Museum ... then us ordinaries can enjoy it .
  5. The Hannah Cabinet

    Guy up the coast has made this
  6. I love Tacos

    Oh tamale .... I have not made you for so long. I miss you !
  7. Picked up a hitch hiker

    Actually, she picked me up . I am about to get in the car at shopping mall and " Hey, can you give me a ride home ?" I looked over and it was a youngish rather nice looking Aboriginal woman with some shopping . " Where to ? " " Just across the road . " "Okay then . " - but my car usually doesnt have others in it, it a mess , she had to brush the seat off ... no, actually lift the seat cover and shake the crap out . Oooops . And she goes " Where you been ? Out bush ? " " I live out bush ." " Oh, lucky you, I am stuck here , wish I could go. " "Right ! Let's go then ! " she laughs then pulls out an opened large bottle of bourbon . I cant drink that ! I'm driving . " So we take off and in the space of less than 10 mins driving there she ; " I dont really drink much .... well, I do, but its better than drugs . I used to take a lot a lot of drugs but I dont any more, I drink instead . ... okay I do take drugs .... meth, amps .... ice ... okay, I been shooting up ice . Its fucked me up, my husband committed suicide last year ... and I lost both my kids now .... " But she seems chatty and laughs occasionally, and is 'philosophically optimistic ' ; " I'm only 27 and I;m still learning. ... I suppose you think its because I am an Aboriginal? " I said" Nah , and dont start that shit up on me either . " We pulled up on the lawn of the house and some tragic looking damaged guy comes out confused . She asks me for some tobacco and cause I have a new packet I gave her my old one. She asked if I wanted to come in - no thanks. Did I want her number ? Not really. She looked at me and said , you dont want anything and you give me a ride and tobacco ??? " Then she looked into my eyes and said thankyou and leant over and kissed my cheek . Then left the car and went into the dingy house with the drug riddled BF ...... sad . But there are a HEAP of them out there ... and more and more, all over the place - black white yellow, culture dont matter .... .... sometimes it seems society is all going to shit . ( I mean I know that , but when you get close and personal up against it ! )
  8. I love Tacos

    had soft tacos for dinner last night, so I must have known somehow tuned in to the cosmic taco soft taco , smoked chicken, lettuce, red onion, sour cream and smoked chipotle sauce ..... Mmmmmmm .....
  9. Modern 'Education'

    Ha! Its getting worse. Guy had all these weird ideas about us and our group we had years back ... been sitting on a sore boil all that time and finally erupted.. friend let him get it all out and at the end ; "What makes you think things like that ? Why on earth would you seriously think we do or believe stuff like that ?" Answer ; " I saw a Youtube on it ." She tried to explain to him about 'learning' things from Youtube and he couldnt get it - didnt understand what she meant and left confused. And some people believe anyone who claims knowledge or authority has it ... take this brilliant piece of work for example ; "Some of the theories of the New Age teachers present a curious picture of the world, especially when they begin to talk about extraterrestrials. Benjamin Creme, for example, tells us that Shambhala, the city suspended in the sky above the Gobi desert, is a space port with a heavy traffic of UFO's from the etheric civilization on Venus. .... the virginal conception of Jesus. A star ship landed on the outskirts of Nazareth. It was probably a ship from the Pleiades, for the Pleiadeans are a type that is supposed to resemble the most attractive Scandinavian men and women. Mary was taken aboard the ship and artificially inseminated. She could not recall this incident because the Pleiadeans erased her memories. It is because of this unusual "virgin" conception that Jesus was called both the son of man and the Son of God. "The New Age teachers such as Barbara Marciniak, the author of "Bringers of the Dawn", tell us that the Pleiadeans resemble human beings in every way except that they are a very old race, and are in fact the progenitors of humanity. "The New Age teachers tell us that Jesus, here called Sananda, is the captain of a UFO that orbits the earth, and that together with Commander Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Planets he will come with a fleet of star ships to rescue the 144,000 at the end of the age. " .........
  10. Saturn got engaged and then married to Venus - that was two of them. Then there was the divorce, had to hock all the other rings (and sell all his lead ) . Moral of the story .....
  11. " The work of the Wand and the work of the Sword,; these he shall learn and teach. "
  12. A New sense ?

    Yes, I woke up ( out on the front lawn ) and I am still alive ! - great day . 'Intuition' seems a good term for it. If one realises what intuition actually is. The most successfully intuitive people are those who are very familiar in the field in which their intuition operates. Eg, Nurses with long term experience may have good intuition regarding medical issues. This tells us a LOT ! Basically, intuition is a process where we have taken in information ( and perhaps we are not aware / conscious of this process), processed it internally or via the unconscious, and then the results and conclusions pass into the conscious awareness ... sometimes 'like a flash' ... seemingly unconnected to any deduction process. I liken it to a computer ; so much calculation,and analysis is going on inside it, yet I just read the screen for the results . When developed ad managed properly - it is an invaluable tool . Some people do not have it at all - they cant 'see things coming' that to others are obvious ... sometimes painfully obvious ! Even to this extent ... this guy visits me, others are here, he sits on the floor by the wood burning heater ... he touches the metal lightly, then less lightly, then ... "OWW! Thats hot ! " Then he goes : "Can I use your sissors ? " A miute later " Have you got a bandaid ? " The he starts poking at the kettle on the wood stove ... Me : "Dont do that, you will tip hot water on yourself. " I was giving away a car, he wanted it, I said "No, not for you, you will smash it within a month." So he got one somewhere else ... smashed it within a month. - and people think I am 'psychic' ! Perhaps not, as I think it realtes to the unconscious aspects of the mind, that are either developing more, or the link between it and your conscious mind ( recieving the 'results' ) is developing more. Well, I didnt find it hard to cope with . It was a little confusing and frustrating coping with others though ; I was confused about why others couldnt see the train about to hit them or the $100 bill underfoot. I am coping with ot better after realising soe people have a type of reverse Dunning–Kruger effect - that is, they have specific skill sets that they assume other people have ... they dont see themselves as especially smart or intelligent and have difficulty comprehending some actions and lacks of realisations and consequences of actions that some others show.
  13. CLUB 27 ??????

    Yes, a 'rough patch' ....... just wait for your 2nd Saturn return ! ... mine was 'fun' .......... somehow, I am still alive . Venus returns are better
  14. CLUB 27 ??????

    The answers to your questions are in the above link I posted. He is also a she . depends whether you are ' going down or coming up ' - depends on whether forming or dissolving - she is life and death . The Great Sea - from which life is born and to which all rivers return. Resistance is futile - yet resistance to inevitable change is also futile ... thats the negative aspect - in the mytho male .... so much so, he ate his children, so no heir would overtake him ...... nice ! Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya From too much love of living, From hope and fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives for ever; That dead men rise up never; That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea.
  15. Since the Lord of Death has informed a venerable DBs member of our impending doom by giving all non Asian Daobums a good arse kicking, I am offering these steel underpants, for one week only, at a special rate. Made from good quality Port Kembla Aussie steel, with reinforcing around the arse area. Dont be caught out ! Order one today !
  16. CLUB 27 ??????

    The effects of the return itself can typically be felt the entire time Saturn is in the same sign it was when you were born, usually a period of about two and a half years that will fall sometime between ages 27 and 30. " The Skinny on Saturn Returns: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger " ;
  17. Anti Lord of Death steel underpants sale !

    Yes, if no one else wants it. Come around for a fitting
  18. Anti Lord of Death steel underpants sale !

    Yes . . Come around. for a personal fitting . Probably not. This particular Lord of Death seems an unowned projection from the consciousness of a non non-Asian with a rather embarrassing agenda Actually I have a naked blade ready to go, haven't done anything with it for years so may as well throw it in with your two pair of underpants. It was made from the main circular saw from Boggy Creek Sawmill. Its won many a battle with Aussie hardwoods, they dont make steel like that no more. It has a trace of dusty minor surface rust. Needs a grip and pommel .
  19. Lord of Death

    Did Lord of Death have an Asian appearance ? Tell him to bring it on ! ( I am wearing my steel underpants today so ......
  20. Lord of Death

    An Asian fact eh ? Hmmmm . I am am in Australia , is that part of Asia or not ? Please answer quickly so I know whether to run or not . Also, if it is Australia IS part of Asia .... can I hop instead of run ? [ Note 'mystical Lord of Death ' sound track ]
  21. Lord of Death

    Perhaps, if you explained what you mean LESS cryptically ? All students die too ... and followers die as well as leaders . Not sure what your point is
  22. Lord of Death

    That looks like Master Ueshiba and his students
  23. Lord of Death

    NO time for happy ...... just RUN !