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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    " Wot ? me eat old Nungers ? You got to be kidding , yuk ! ( besides, he gives me honey ! "
  2. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Whaaat !? The birds and possums ? ..... well, maybe the birds , after I die . But who cares ? I'll be dead then .... good luck to 'em !
  3. Life script

    I supopose it a matter of if we develop our script as we go along , or if it has already been developed for us .
  4. Life script

    I suppose I could say there was one main event that turned me on to all that ... we might call it 'individuation' . A sort of disconnect from what sourced / 'fed you' (usually seen as parents , this can be spiritual too , parents can seem 'God like' to the young ) and a connection to the ability to that yourself . I was young , about 9 or 10 , I saw a mermaid under the water , looked up into the sky, there was a 'lady' up there and she beamed light on me , and everything whited out for a while . There was a lot more to it than that of course . Over time I have had opportunity for analysis and cross reference to this throughout my life , many different indications and reasons all point the same way to this being a very significant and developmental point in my life .
  5. Life script

    I see it the other way around . For example .... I didnt see a red fire engine racing past and got so excited I thought I wanted to be one of the men on on it . I ALWAYS * wanted to be a fireman and when I first saw the truck , something clicked in me and I recognized my calling . * just an example, I am not a fireman , although my father and his father had been Now some might say I was confused and could not tell one from the other ( between the 'stimulus' and the ' calling ' ), but of course such things can work themselves out , a stimulus can be seen as just that to the to aware mind ; " I like the idea of firemen , or I might be a volunteer firefighter as I was impressed by them as a kid . " Whereas 'one's calling ' * there is a lot more than one 'stimulus' if one is aware of it , one can get indications, pushes , help, coincidence , etc that constantly reaffirm 'this is what you should be doing ' . One postulates pure behavioral conditioning , the other is more magical / spiritual . *
  6. Not just that . Its the basic premise of the 'White School' of Magick .
  7. Weeeel... maybe he changed his mind . We could have a go at eclectically collecting a philosophical system together .... I mean, we all get on so well and never argue or have philosophical disagreements . So our ideas should fit in nicely together to make this new system . I will add some . First we had "Desire is suffering " to that I will add "existence is pure joy " ( Hmmmm ... starting to look as clear as the TTC here )
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    ( see previous post ) Think yourself lucky ! It could have been Tim Hartridge ! In the old 'Pagan is pop' days ( some local inner city hotels in Sydney even had 'Pagans at the Pub ' nights ! Cheap sleazy mags published psuedo stories of 'nekkid witches ' . Trucker mags claimed wild women living out on the Nullabour Plain in the middle of Oz that would jump out semi naked on the road and do .... well ... whatever a speed crazed truckies mind might imagine . Into this world, enter good old Tim, whose hobby seemed to be 'networking' such events for those 'interested' . The word would go out ... a meeting of ( which ever group name they worked under or made up at the time ) at ( a cemetery, a park, somewhere 'concealed' but public . Some would be ready for action but there was usually a contingent of suckers there who follishly came along with others or got attracted by curiosity . Then the 'paganism' would begin , with scantily clad girls , much drinking and carrying on with the newcomers and observers somewhat bewildered . Then the reporters and 'journalists' (of those seedy magazines mentioned above ) would jump out the bushes - as Tim had informed them of the event as well . People would scatter, Tim would pose in cape and fangs and pictures would be snapped . next issue , girlie trucker magazine has front page sensation ! A bunch of idiots, Tim , maybe a picture of some innocent person looking bewildered and trying to escape or shield from having their image snapped and of course the silly tag headline . My favorite one was ; ' Tits out witches bonk naked on gravestones ! ' I have to say, in my time I have become familiar with traditional witches, Gardenerian witches , even Alexandrian witches ..... but not the 'Tits- out witches ' I am assuming they come from the old province of Titsout in Saxony ? .
  9. Well, this is gonna be a great system ! : " Posted August 14 all we really do is sleep, work and eat. Posted August 14 You guys know this is all just made up bullshit, right? Posted August 19 In fact, nearly all mysticism, magic, occultism, and Philosophy is either opinion or fantasy. I've traveled these worlds and it all fails. There's actually very little that is necessary to know and follow. I can't believe people worship this stuff! Posted August 19 When it comes to wisdom, all a person really needs to know is that harming someone is bad, and will be punished by law or retaliation. Posted August 21 I stand by my statements. Obviously not every crime gets noticed or punished, and I said philosophy is either opinion or fantasy, mostly they are just opinions. Posted August 21 philosophy is either opinion or fantasy, mostly they are just opinions. " - Cadcam .
  10. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    So without this it is illusion ? If I read you right - I like it . As I have said a few times ; Fire is inspiration . Water is the reception of that inspiration and how we 'feel' about it , "sleep on it ' (run it through our unconscious ), etc . then air is next, how will we think about it , is it even possible, the intellect works out a way to make it possible . It can inspire action ..... but things can stop there . Ya gotta do it ! The process must be earthed . Thats where I think your 'Create' comes into it . Thats 'earth', manifestation, to actually ground it in physical action and create 'something new' . Otherwise, all that I said ( and that process we go through from fire to air ) has all just been a pipe dream, an 'illusion ' wafting away on the opium smoke of deluded dreams ... while nothing happens on the physical .
  11. Where are all the martial artists at?

    Perhaps a lot of people think I mean something else when I refer to Martial Arts & Magick . Going from years on here at DBs and in my personal experiences most think ' super powers' or ' siddhi ' . For me, the best value of magick I encountered was a type of learning common sense philosophy / psychology and how to access and develop knowledge , so it can be applied practically to good ends. . In martial arts its more visible and practical and immediate , but it can be very 'on the surface' and it may not have instruction for these things just mentioned . Where as magick is more subtle, indirect , works through ones 'unconscious' ( symbolism { ritual and all its aspects - if worked out properly } is 'the language of the unconscious ) , utilises more 'unseen forces' and works more on our internal aspects ( and should have a good 'developmental code' - responsibility, ethics, etc . ) So it has been more like ; Take the four elemental weapons of magick , look at their symbolism, and what aspects they relate to in you . Then match them with four martial weapons and look at the cross over of what is 'behind' the magical weapon , and how it relates to the martial one , or you when you are using it . And so on . I remember many many years back reading a passage in Crowley's 'The Book of the Law ' ; 'The work of the wand and the work of the sword, these he shall learn and teach .' Back then I was heavily into aikido and training regularly with the staff (wand ) and the the sword . Of course the magical reference would be to evocation and invocation . Could that relate to aspects of how you use the martial weapons ? And vice versa . I guess that is where I started with it . Aikido also uses the tanto , a dagger ( thats about it for them with those three weapons , in Aki-kai, at least , IME ) . So thats a main magical weapon as well and relates to 'air' and things related to mind, intellect , etc . What about the magical cup, the 'weapon' related to water , and in us 'feelings' , the emotive consciousness . I could not think of a weapon like it , its receiving , open , a receptacle awaiting to be filled . Then I realised, in a way that is the whole principle of aikido , you are standing there empty, you receive or even draw the attack into you , and so on . So that was how it started, very long ago . I probably only ever met two people interested who did a bit of that with me . Time went on, I did all sorts of MA and weaponry and continued with my magical studies and initiations ( by then there are 33 'magical weapons' to focus on , learning their significance and relationship to the other aspects and tools of magick - like colours, geometric forms , related Gods, incenses, gems, medicinal drugs, plants, states of consciousness, etc . ) Who would be into that ? They would have to be deep long term into both fields to even approach it . Anyway .... there is the outline , so its now on record - We could also do martial arts lesson here as well , without the magick . But the same , my lessons would make no sense unless someone had a long background already . I could teach beginners , but I am a bit past it . I cant do a lot of it any more .... but I can show the competent HOW THEY could do it . We could even have a class now ! Okay everyone , line up . Now, first up , what is the main and most importance stance in karate ? It is the 'one -legged stance ' . ......
  12. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Do you see other functions or purposes for knowledge and understanding other than 'creating a web of illusion ' ?
  13. Teleportation

    I loved the way the guy put the book back on the stack at the end
  14. 'Dead Internet' Theory and Shrimp Jesus

    I got a phone call once ; woman with thick Chinese accent saying she was from Chinese Embassy , then she started shouting, reverted to Chinese ..... sounded excited / abusing .... I hang up . Then I was telling someone at local shop about it and shop girl : " I got one of those too ! " Then there was the weird 'unknown seeds' thing , did you guys get that ? Packets of unlabeled mixed seeds from China sent to random (?) addresses . " Dont plant them ! " we where advised . Its a strange world out there ..... " Ninjas stole my power tools ! " Today's therapy .... I'm re potting my Bangalow palms. I have them at all stages ; eventually ..... flowers forming
  15. Go on .... look them up ; Has AI already taken over the Internet ? Could the Internet be already filled with more AI-generated content than material actually written by humans ? If you search "shrimp Jesus" on Facebook, you might encounter dozens of images of artificial intelligence (AI) generated crustaceans meshed in various forms with a stereotypical image of Jesus Christ. Some of these hyper-realistic images have garnered more than 20,000 likes and comments. So what exactly is going on here? The "dead internet theory" has an explanation: AI and bot-generated content has surpassed the human-generated internet. But where did this idea come from, and does it have any basis in reality? What is the dead internet theory? The dead internet theory essentially claims that activity and content on the internet, including social media accounts, are predominantly being created and automated by artificial intelligence agents. These agents can rapidly create posts alongside AI-generated images designed to farm engagement (clicks, likes, comments) on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. As for shrimp Jesus, it appears AI has learned it's the current, latest mix of absurdity and religious iconography to go viral. But the dead internet theory goes even further. Many of the accounts that engage with such content also appear to be managed by artificial intelligence agents. This creates a vicious cycle of artificial engagement, one that has no clear agenda and no longer involves humans at all. Harmless engagement-farming or sophisticated propaganda? At first glance, the motivation for these accounts to generate interest may appear obvious - social media engagement leads to advertising revenue. If a person sets up an account that receives inflated engagement, they may earn a share of advertising revenue from social media organisations such as Meta. So, does the dead internet theory stop at harmless engagement farming? Or perhaps beneath the surface lies a sophisticated, well-funded attempt to support autocratic regimes, attack opponents and spread propaganda? While the shrimp Jesus phenomenon may seem harmless (albeit bizarre), there is potentially a longer-term ploy at hand. As these AI-driven accounts grow in followers (many fake, some real), the high follower count legitimises the account to real users. This means that out there, an army of accounts is being created. Accounts with high follower counts which could be deployed by those with the highest bid. This is critically important, as social media is now the primary news source for many users around the world. In Australia, 46% of 18 to 24-year-olds nominated social media as their main source of news last year. This is up from 28% in 2022, taking over from traditional outlets such as radio and TV. Bot-fuelled disinformation Already, there is strong evidence social media is being manipulated by these inflated bots to sway public opinion with disinformation - and it's been happening for years. In 2018, a study analysed 14 million tweets over a ten-month period in 2016 and 2017. It found bots on social media were significantly involved in disseminating articles from unreliable sources. Accounts with high numbers of followers were legitimising misinformation and disinformation, leading real users to believe, engage and reshare bot-posted content. This approach to social media manipulation has been found to occur after mass shooting events in the United States. In 2019, a study found bot-generated posts on X (formerly Twitter) heavily contribute to the public discussion, serving to amplify or distort potential narratives associated with extreme events. More recently, several large-scale, pro-Russian disinformation campaigns have aimed to undermine support for Ukraine and promote pro-Russian sentiment. Uncovered by activists and journalists, the coordinated efforts used bots and AI to create and spread fake information, reaching millions of social media users. On X alone, the campaign used more than 10,000 bot accounts to rapidly post tens of thousands of messages of pro-Kremlin content attributed to US and European celebrities seemingly supporting the ongoing war against Ukraine. This scale of influence is significant. Some reports have even found that nearly half of all internet traffic in 2022 was made by bots. With recent advancements in generative AI - such as OpenAI's ChatGPT models and Google's Gemini - the quality of fake content will only be improving. Social media organisations are seeking to address the misuse of their platforms. Notably, Elon Musk has explored requiring X users to pay for membership to stop bot farms. Social media giants are capable of removing large amounts of detected bot activity, if they so chose. (Bad news for our friendly shrimp Jesus.) Keep the dead internet in mind The dead internet theory is not really claiming that most of your personal interactions on the internet are fake. It is, however, an interesting lens through which to view the internet. That it is no longer for humans, by humans - this is the sense in which the internet we knew and loved is "dead". The freedom to create and share our thoughts on the internet and social media is what made it so powerful. Naturally, it is this power that bad actors are seeking to control. The dead internet theory is a reminder to be sceptical and navigate social media and other website with a critical mind. Any interaction, trend, and especially "overall sentiment" could very well be synthetic. Designed to slightly change the way in which you perceive the world. [ from The Conversation ] One wonders what AI was asked to do to make this ; Its too late folks ! Its already in your brain ! Okay .... time to GET OFF the internet and
  16. 'Dead Internet' Theory and Shrimp Jesus

    Is Lois a real person though ? Are you ? Am I ?
  17. Where are all the martial artists at?

    There is a joke told by an Aboriginal comedian here . More like your second picture , but an Australian landscape . The caption is ' Son ..... one day , all of this will NOT be yours .' - a bit of 'black humor' , as they call it down here .
  18. Stranger things

    The last few nights , I can lie in bed, look out the window and out to glowing orange spots on the escarpment . Weird, there has been a fire going there for three or four days now . A LOT of smoke , the first day, and obvious, but not yesterday and no discernible fire , yet as soon as it gets dark , the orange lights appear . Its not just a sky glow , bright fire . It doesn't go out and it doesn't spread ? Its too far away to be glowing coals or smouldering logs . Curious . As I noted to some ; " They are burning the cycad forest again ." Years ago I found an old fire trail and walked it , it goes along the base of the escarpment and is primeval and lush in there , its a natural extension of the nearby national park , a 'Gondwana environment ' : I came around a spur onto a south face and I was in an amazing cycad forest . I went back a few times . Once after the escarpment had some fires ( when sections of it where going off like giant Roman Candle fireworks , I walked in there to see what caused that ) but the fire didnt get into the cycads . Its a beautiful and magical place . I took a friend for a walk there last year and it was burnt out . I had noticed the smoke from around there a few months previous . How sad , those beautiful ancient plants that must have taken a long time to grow all burnt and damaged and looking sick . There was no evidence pervious to a fire being in there any time recently . However , the track is a fire fighting trail and I guess they decided to 'clear' around that . I thought eventually it might recover , but now this, again . And its just this one spot they burn , where the cycads are . no other fires have been lit, or no burn offs anywhere else that I can see . 'My ' cycad forest ! yeah, they are a 'fire regeneration' plant , but not if they get burnt EVERY year .
  19. Stranger things

    I need to see what is on the other side of that door !
  20. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Only that I remember your demo with sabre from ages ago when you posted it , and the converse that ensued back then . Seems you are still getting the same criticisms ? My criticism on it is .... you should have shut the windows .... or at least turned the stereo down ( that music was terrible )
  21. That was a tricky question - unless Snowy meant the specific ones that your group did . As Wicca can range from common modern Wicca , which is a recent development , to (as he said ) very old and sometimes very different traditions , sometimes held in family lineages . The first very exoteric, while the second esoteric and some virtually unknown .
  22. Okay, clear. The cave reminded me of friends that came back from the UK and had done some stuff with the 'Fellowship of Isis'. They said that ( whoever runs it ) had a castle and in the basement was a huge room dirt floor and had a stone circle in it that they did ceremony and initiations in . Me : ......... .... they built a castle around a stone circle ? Them ; No, apparently a few generations back someone pulled apart a stone circle and moved it into their basement . " We where fortunate in having a lot of land for such activities ; a huge riverside festival site with state forest on the other side . We made a large (can take 300 people ) ritual circle in the middle section years back , I made the 4 elemental altars for it . Up the other end , one year we had a huge Maypole and ritual there . The east end has a riverside 'meditation sanctuary ' hexagonal building with three sides of it open to the river . A festival is coming up this spring I been down there a lot on the tractor, ride on mower . whipper snipper , trying to get some nice grass happening for it ;
  23. Where are all the martial artists at?

    I've looked more into this . Very interesting history, style and philosophy . There seem a lot of similarities with what I was doing and developing ( 'developing ' , that is , as some of the instructors here did not seem to 'get it ' , so I would have to travel around, pick their brains, train with them, watch old films , and' put 2 and 2 together ' , etc ) - Motobu-ryu already had it , it seems - meaning , they seem more 'open' about who they teach it to ( if you know what you are doing , you got nothing to hide ) . It looks like Motobu also 'distanced' himself from Funokoshi and Itosu . He 'beat' Funokoshi to Japan, and stunned them ( the famous bout against the boxer ... but Funokshi ended up with the credit . He also trained under Sokon Matsamura and it seems he shared the same view about the import of Niharchin kata as Kosea Nishihira did . .