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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Are enlightened people impotent?

    Hmmmm ..... impressed with Everything's knowledge but then quotes what I said . ..... just as well he is only ' passing by ' . regarding the last comment , magically (or 'tantrically', if one prefers ) one can feel the touching when there is no touching . (I'll let you try to work that one out yourself )
  2. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    Actually , we have already filmed the 'next' Moon landing .
  3. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    I have read it to, from several sources. There is a variety of reasons why. Some reasons that are not technical ( that is, not relating to the science or technology ) are often more compelling than those that are . Again - the example of The Great Pyramid . Could we do that again - probably ... will we do that again - probably not .
  4. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    Not necessarily, we were not in on it down here, they used trickery ... they used our 'dish' to relay the film, after beaming it up to a satellite, then we picked up the signal and thought it was from the Moon and relayed it to NASA. They used the Aussie space tracking centre for a reason , ya know ( that is, no one else backward or stupid enough to fall for it ).
  5. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

  6. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    Well .... well,.... but .... <bluster> .... LOOK ! I just want to NOT believe in the Moon landing ok ! .... and you go and spoil it all ! Regarding all your sciencey talk above , and asking me why ..... ....... .....
  7. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    and also of course there is the Cambodian effort ;
  8. Did the U.S. really go to the moon in 1969?

    Its boring . No beaches or cute animals or local indigenous servant /slaves to bring you poolside cocktails. And VERY expensive .... we need to save that money to make weapons to sell to poor people so they can blow the shit out of each other . It seems you just do not understand modern economics ! Look at the Great Pyramid at GIza .... Look at skyscrapers and modern apartment complexes now. It should be significantly easier to build an even bigger pyramid nowadays . Wot ??? Not really. Remember that story about telling the indigenous man about the moon landing ? They made a big deal about telling him, to impress him. he said "So what ! My Grandfather, he flew up to the to the Moon too himself , many years before you people did ." and, of course ; البُراق
  9. Are enlightened people impotent?

    Yes, they dont NEED to ... they are not 'driven to' or by or must have ..... they are not lead by desire to .... but they can . And, when that state is achieved, and the body feels that way, THEN a higher function of sex CAN be experienced. Do people suppose sexual tantra is actually practised by those that are not in this state ? Naaah ! That isnt tantra ... thats people trying to practice tantra while they are all still conditioned and wired to ..... who the hell knows what ?
  10. Are enlightened people impotent?

    Maybe its like in the hare Krishna movement ...... they beam about and even seem , somehow, proud of , the story about Krishna dorking a hundred milkmaids ...... but not THEM , they are not supposed to have sex , just admire their supposed emulant for having sex. Anywayz ..... someone up there ^ got close to a very interesting observation .... just didnt take the next logical step to where their thought could lead ......
  11. Are enlightened people impotent?

    .... and having four elbows .... pssst ... got any pics of women with LOOOOOONG beautiful legs (and four knees )
  12. Are enlightened people impotent?

    Just go to the doctor for a check up .
  13. Are enlightened people impotent?

    ...... by the way , its not just the Buddhist 'perfect man' , the Greeks thought similar. Have you ever wondered why See ; “Penile representations in ancient Greek art” . conducted in 2013 by the University of Athens and published in the US National Library of Medicine. - “The examination of a great number of penile representations from the ancient Greek pottery and sculpture and the review of the ancient theater plays (satiric dramas and comedies)” (Rempelakos, Tsiamis, and Poulakou-Rebelakou, 2013). The ancient Greek ideal man was not a lustful lover but a wise public servant. “Greeks associated small and non-erect penises with moderation, which was one of the key virtues that formed their view of ideal masculinity,” explains classics professor Andrew Lear, who has taught at Harvard, Columbia, and NYU. “There is the contrast between the small, non-erect penises of ideal men (heroes, gods, nude athletes etc.) and the over-size, erect penises of Satyrs (mythic half-goat-men, who are drunkards and wildly lustful) and various non-ideal men. Decrepit, elderly men, for instance, often have large penises.” (Goldhill, 2016) - (even though modern studies identify onr of the causes of 'shrinkage' as 'old age') Indeed, there are many sculptures from this time that show large penises, but they are not of Zeus. For example, one god who is always depicted as ‘well-endowed’ by modern standards is Priapus, god of fertility, protector of livestock and gardens. Priapus is the son of Aphrodite (goddess of beauty) and Dionysus (god of wine). While still in the womb, Priapus was cursed by Hera (wife of Zeus) to be forever impotent, foul-minded, and ugly (she cursed him because Paris choose Aphrodite, see The Iliad ). He was so grotesque that the other gods refused to allow him to live with them. So he was raised by lustful satyrs. Forever filled with lust, there are several myths in which Priapus tries to rape sleeping goddesses, nymphs, and maidens. But each time he loses his erection before he can. He is a ridiculous figure and always portrayed with an enormous penis. In addition to mythical creatures, ancient Greeks saw other negative examples of large penises: the barbarians. In addition to being foolish, a large penis indicated a person was uncivilized. Remember, at this point in history Greece was something of an island of civilization amid more primitive hunter-gather tribes who frequently tried to raid Greek towns. For better or worse, a barbarian stereotype of crazed men ruled by their lustful urges emerged. “Many barbarians surrounding Greece whom had raided and warred with Greece had demonstrated their penis worship and such practices were therefore a sign of barbarism and cultural vacuum in the eyes of the Greeks” (Admin, 2016). Whether a fool or a barbarian, large penises were considered signs of a man ruled by desire (not rationality) and were associated with uncivilized, animal-like behaviors. ....... hmmmm ..... wonder what this says about our current cultural paradigm in this area ?
  14. Are enlightened people impotent?

    The 32 Signs of a Great Man[edit] Seated Buddha, Gandhara, 1st-2nd century CE. Tokyo National Museum The Buddha is traditionally regarded as having the Thirty-two Characteristics of a Great Man (Skt. mahāpuruṣa lakṣaṇa).[7] These thirty-two characteristics are also regarded as being present in cakravartin kings as well.[7] The Digha Nikaya, in the "Discourse of the Marks" (Pali: Lakkhaṇa Sutta) (DN 30) enumerates and explains the 32 characteristics.[2]These are also enumerated in the Brahmāyu Sutta of the Majjhima Nikāya (MN 91). The 32 major characteristics are:[8] Level feet Thousand-spoked wheel sign on feet Long, slender fingers Pliant hands and feet Toes and fingers finely webbed Full-sized heels Arched insteps Thighs like a royal stag Hands reaching below the knees Well-retracted male organ Height and stretch of arms equal Every hair-root dark colored Body hair graceful and curly Golden-hued body Ten-foot aura around him Soft, smooth skin Soles, palms, shoulders, and crown of head well-rounded Area below armpits well-filled Lion-shaped body Body erect and upright Full, round shoulders Forty teeth Teeth white, even, and close Four canine teeth pure white Jaw like a lion Saliva that improves the taste of all food Tongue long and broad Voice deep and resonant Eyes deep blue[9] Eyelashes like a royal bull White ūrṇā curl that emits light between eyebrows Fleshy protuberance on the crown of the head Well now ! I was thinking, If I had written here such a list about the perfect woman ......... But after deeper meditation , perhaps this list was written by a woman ...... (sign 10 and 27 be a dead giveaway ) . ..... on 2nd thought, no I cant resist , I am gonna have to comment on this list further .....
  15. Chuffed with my new flooded gum decking out from the front doors ...... crisp ! Especially after forking out a few dollars more for a countersink attachment .... very neat appearance Next job , build a 'bathroom' . Got the 4 holes dug to subsoil for concrete pillars, got the HD stirrups, and two V large floor bearers. Next, put the joists on, some cement sheet bathroom flooring, covered in slate tile . Walled in on bad weather side, open to the bamboo and garden on the other side. It will mostly be a shower and laundry room, I want to keep the outside garden bath with fire where it is and revamp that. Its a luxury ! 'Bathroom' is so I can wash during the cold or bad weather ... no more outside cold water hose showers, thanks. For privacy I think I go for a 'spiral' shower stall/ screen . I can whip one up out of sheets of plastic roofing sheets ( they bend in one direction easily and fairly rigid in other direction . You can use opaque , or two sheets together of clear, with layers of dried plant leaves and things in between . The plumbing out? A simple drain and pipe leading to a small swale with red and blue ginger and monsterio plants - they seem to love 'grey water' ( I use bio- degradable products) ,
  16. Are enlightened people impotent?

    To create a vehicle for the incarnation of a bodhisattva
  17. Are enlightened people impotent?

    He's in there somewhere
  18. Are enlightened people impotent?

    To either 'be attracted by' or 'have to avoid' (two ways of dealing with a 'mental cling' ) is not 'enlightenment' . e I once heard an elderly Lama speak about his girlfriend back home. A woman listening questioned him; "But you are a monk ! " "Yes." he smiled . Woman ; " But you are not supposed to have sex ! " "Well, " Lama replied " I am 79 years old " (it seemed 'desire' was not necessary to have a 'girl friend' )
  19. Are enlightened people impotent?

    ... and this , is how the 'desire less Universe ' created itself !
  20. Are enlightened people impotent?

    One can still experience * without desire though . It is desire that drives one to repeat certain experiences In that case , we are 'trapped in' or 'hooked on' specific aspects of the experience. We can be driven by more than 'desire' . - although some Buddhists might disagree . * its the whole point of being here in the first place , isnt it ? (unless one has some gnostical ' fall of man' type concept )
  21. Are enlightened people impotent?

    Onl Only in extreme circumstances ( like extreme cold )
  22. Are enlightened people impotent?

    An enlightened person is able to gave sex ....... unless they are impotent . Being able to have sex is not a barrier to enlightenment ...... although it can be a hindrance or distraction (or obsession for some), in that case, the obsession must be overcome to move toward enlightenment . Obsession is one of the six major 'distractions' : Around the central unified light of enlightenment are the sectors or pathways to enlightenment, ( moving to wards a central light ) via ; 1) Knowledge - 2) Will - 3) Love - 4) Courage - 5) Speech - 6) Work . (and all should be united, ultimately, in silence ) . In Yoga ( the art of uniting or union with the central idea ) these are ; 1) Gnana _ 20 Raja - 3) Bhakti - 4) Courage - 5) Mantra - 6 ) Karma In Magick (the art of uniting or union with the central idea) these are : 1) Kabbalah - 2) Sacred magick - 3 ) Worship - 4) Ordeals - 5 ) incantations - 6) service . (and should be united, ultimately, in silence ) . Failures (or hindrances, blocks, etc ) in each area in turn results in ; 1) unclarity to insanity - 2) distraction to obsession - 3) fascination to fanaticism - 4) fear to paralysis - 5) chatter and gossip - 6) laziness to atrophy (dispersing outwards into darkness )