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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    yes, I did it as a kid . Indeed ! My first point. There is an advert on tv here at the moment .. asking people how much money they would exchange their eyes for ..... think about it peeps What would you do with millions of dollars and no sight ?
  2. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    .. and those without it are
  3. Let's Scry!

    No, I think you are right .... in my experience anyway. In scrying, but more so in evocation . Nothing ! Zilch ! Triangle empty ! I had 'Solomon's Ring ' ( that supposedly assists one to see spirits ) ...nope. But as I looked further into the design of said ring, something hit me ; maybe I am not supposed to be wearing it but looking through it ? I tried that, nope. Then I tried closing my eyes and holding the ring up to my third eye and 'looking' through it ... Bingo ! There you are , you little fucker ! Got three heads and everything . The most visuals I ever got from scrying was using Enochian tablets, doing the ritual and the chants in Enocian, 'opening' the tablets, travelling into their dimension and entering the pyramids that are like gateways to other worlds . Rather 'fantastical' 'in ' there . Enochian water tablet Pyramids that make up the tablets. one of the 'keys' in 'Angelic language' ; Ol sonuf vaoresaji, gohu IAD Balata, elanusaha caelazod: sobrazod-ol Roray i ta nazodapesad, Giraa ta maelpereji, das hoel-qo qaa notahoa zodimezod, od comemahe ta nobeloha zodien; soba tahil ginonupe pereje aladi, das vaurebes obolehe giresam. Causarem ohorela caba Pire: das zodonurenusagi cab: erem Iadanahe. Pilahe farezodem zodenurezoda adana gono Iadapiel das home-tohe: soba ipame lu ipamis: das sobolo vepe zodomeda poamal, od bogira aai ta piape Piamoel od Vaoan! Zodacare, eca, od zodameranu! odo cicale Qaa; zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, Hoathahe I A I D A! So, with all the gear required, the set up, the ritual, the meditation, the strange 'barbarous ' chanting , puts ones mind in another zone. I am not surprised that just staring into a crystal ball gives poor results. Its a bit like buying a magic wand and expecting 'powers' from waving it around, however, if you want to practice ritual magic, you will need a wand . ... I am sure people here can work out what is going on with that .
  4. What made so many modern people retards ?

    My postulations where actually about stages in history where it is evident we all got on a lot better than we did at other times. And they all seem to be in the past, or in 'less developed' cultures. We seem to have gone from (the rather modern concept ) that all is fair in love and war ... and business and just about anything else nowadays . It used to be that NOT all is fair in love and war ... there were codes of behaviour eg, here, old tribal warfare was two lines of men facing each other, one on one - you fought the man opposite and that was it, at the end, the tribe with the most men standing was the winner. You didnt defeat your opponent and then go on to help the person next to you kill theirs - 2 on 1 ... and then kill all the women and children ! Old European cultures where egalitarian, pre - 'Indo-European' settlements didnt have defences, people didnt seem to raid and oppose each other, there doesnt seem to be invasions and massacres. All that appears later, after some cultures used the horse , or others that raided in ships . Hence my idea that the 'quick getaway' led to bad behaviour. 'We can go all the way 'over there' , where we dont really know those people, and have no relatives or people we need to trade or rely on later, just take what we want, and get away before they can catch us . That behaviour seems to have snowballed into general arseholism . " Why was this culture so relatively unexplored, particularly when compared to our knowledge of Sumerian, Egyptian and Prehistoric Greek cultures? Part of Gimbutas’ explanation for this was encapsulated in her strong statements about who these people were. She promulgated a view that the culture of Old Europe was matristric (woman-centered), a term she invented, and that its stories were lost when androcratic (male-centered) cultures invaded the region. Her theories were controversial when she first made her case, and the controversy continues even now, 15 years after her death. Its like we dont want to know about an earlier better culture ... sort of eliminated from the mainstream .... I mean, this is European culture, but its not studied very much. It reminds me of parts of captain Cook's diaries when he wrote about the Aboriginals having a great healthy life and wanting for nothing, they even left the offered trade goods on the ground as they had no need for them. Cook writes about the carefree life, the fairness and equality of their society, how well they treated him and each other . Now - try and find THAT account in the records ... its rather difficult - it went against the whole concepts of the system that put him there in the first place. - anyway, I been looking into this for a while, and it seems, once people got the idea they could make a quick getaway , they started being shitfull to each other. And it spread ... sometimes with alarming rapidity ! Then, after a while it wasnt a matter of 'running away' it was a matter of 'continually sweeping forward, before what you raided recovered - a path of devastation. "The oldest archaeologically recorded looting took place in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and the Danube, and it has been radiocarbon dated between 4300 ... ( " As we have seen so far, once there were a culture and societies of which the history books don´t talk about. This culture came to an end leaving practically no trace. Only in this last century, mainly due to archaeology, we are beginning to glimpse what was hidden from us. But, what happened in Europe, and in the world, that drove the different social, artistic and cultural expressions of the so called Cultures of the Celebration of Life to their gradual disappearance? " )ª-el-neolítico/iv-the-origins-of-war-and-patriarchy/indo-european-invasions/ " Old Europe is a term coined by archaeologist Marija Gimbutas to describe what she perceived as a relatively homogeneous pre-Indo-European Neolithic culture in southeastern Europe located in the Danube River valley "
  5. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    Okay then .... Mr 127 posts .


    Hmmm ... better add a warning up there ^

    Oh God Marbles ! Your not supposed to WATCH THE WHOLE THING ! How much did you watch ? I didnt last more than 30 secs . Oh no, this woman was never an alcoholic .... ..... she had some time as a heroin addict before hand , if that counts ?
  9. "Removed"

    Because Elvis owes me $75 !
  10. Slang terms we can and can't use!


    Ummmm ... not sure abut that . My GF of that time did it ( Wicca, up to 2nd degree) too. And she would go off and do stuff with her Witchy - poo mate who had her own ( a different ) coven. She was rad, promiscuous , did this and that, including ritual magic, herbalism etc . Now ? She is a born again Christian devoted to Jesus But me .... I'm still 'Daork - sided' - Do not watch more than 30 seconds of the following vid - it could damage your 'receptacles' Well, she is a born again Christian .
  12. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    "Posted it in the hole" ? No , that is not a slang phrase I am familiar with

    I am ! Well, I suppose I still am ... I did my 2nd degree Wicca initiation in Coven Kannassi many years back , I guess that still is current ?
  14. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    And I said no thanks . Jeeze ! Was my last post that hard to understand ? ; " Also I asked to talk ( that is here, on this forum) with anyone that had personal experience . "
  15. "Removed"

    Yes, he is living at 3745 Sunset Avenue Portland ..... with Elvis .

    Well, I got a dirty floor and a broom - come on around !
  17. What are you listening to?

    Some 'Hippie Era' Aussie classic - last half of last century
  18. Nope ......... he didnt make it past the weighing of the heart ;
  19. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    Ohhhh ... come on now ! Because, if you actually read what I wrote, I want to SPEAK TO people about their actual experience, not be referenced to somewhere where I can READ ABOUT it . As if I " limit my knowledge base to only this forum. " How do you think I learnt and did the Solar meditations I spoke of previously ? Dude? The reason I want to talk to people here about this, is because when I am on here talking to people, I am on here talking to people and not somewhere else . Also I asked to talk ( that is here, on this forum) with anyone that had personal experience . I see that some posted about their personal working experience ... others seem to want to talk about 'stories they heard', or 'send people to' others. Whatever, have fun with that approach amongst yourselves . I was asking about direct working actual experience. That is the point .
  20. 11.11 2018 , just on time (911)

    Skull-shaped 'death comet' asteroid will fly by Earth after Halloween ( Nah .... thats not a news beat up at all . ) ... and leave a trail of disease and pestilence in its wake ! Nah ... it will miss us by 25 million miles .
  21. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Milkweed Wild weed Greek pies Weed cake
  22. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    I love that ! In winter . In summer, its much too intense ..... like a solar x-ray machine ..... so I keep out of it as much as possible.
  23. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    That 'God-damned weed' that kept growing by my front door path turned out to be a remedy that stopped me going to hospital with kidney stone pain one night . All I could do was crawl , I made it out the front door and up the path, then I remembered about the qualities of that 'weed'. I chewed some up .... I was pain free, back in bed and asleep in 1/2 an hour . I love that weed !
  24. Ahhhhhh .... a sensible person ! A person who has balanced emotions ... particularly when 'sexual function' is added to the mix - is fairly accomplished and rare IMO . For some, the scales need to be balanced and this can create a 'tip and sway' before stability is found . ;
  25. Why Levitation is Real!

    See below . Oh come one now ! You could have levitated up up and away from your marriage imprisonment