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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Let's Scry!

    (and now I may reveal a 'secret ' .... remember when all our little ID pics used to be square ? Then 'someone' turned them all into 'crystal balls' ..... hmmmmmm ?
  2. Let's Scry!

    Dude ! ..... you 'hung up' on me !
  3. The identity-less and purposeless thread

    Its 6.56 am ... ha har ! ... I can sneak around and do stuff , while all the other daobums in the rest of the world are asleep in their beds .
  4. The identity-less and purposeless thread

    I am warning you , please stay on the topic of people being off topic, thats the topic here ! So stop trying to take it off topic ! Oh wait ..... Did I just offtopically respond to an off topic comment ? What is the topic anyway ? ( I am actually just randomly posting stuff , as blathering my opinions somehow makes me feel more important and valid )
  5. I love American 'philosophy'
  6. Michael Winn on sungazing.

    hang on .... people are now advocating staring into the sun as a 'spiritual practice' ? and " If your body shifts vibration and has no resistance, the eyes can handle the longer periods safely. " WTF ? ... and if you try it and the body does not " shift its vibration " or has some 'resistance' ? Well , this is just what we need ! We have people popping in asking for help about the effects of this or that practice, having 'spinal fusion through ' chi electrocution' suffering depression or feeling useless and purposeless, etc etc and we call that 'spiritual ' and maybe 'being in the moment ' will help them ? Maybe its just me, or the weather today , but all of a sudden (and more and more lately) I am feeling ..... what the fuck ! I am outa here ! I'm gonna go and live in a hollow tree ... bye bye
  7. No, not 'it just is ' , nor 'ok'. IMO . But thanks for the pearls of wisdom though ; ( cheer up , it just is ... - or as they say in USA 'it is what it is ' ... )
  8. How is it a 'development in spirituality' ? ( If we are still talking about the OP , that is . ) Looking at the feelings and results you described it was no 'development' of any type : " ... I have dis-identified myself with my inner self,... now i m stuck with deriving a sense of self and identity from other people, .... i need a kind of purpose or a reason to move and live life ...... i started being sad, and feeling purposeless. Less motivate to live and no passion to life. I have nothing to live for or something to exist for which makes me feel useless and why i exist? " I am surprised no one else sees the potential seriousness of this state ; it is state that, I have seen leads to depression, self - harm ( including indirect self harm, eating disorders * etc . and even suicide ) I cant say I would recommend the 'remedy' of being "more in the now and practice(ing) mindfulness " .

    Perhaps we should treat everything as a 'fu' ? I just finished my morning coffee .... and did it 'masterfully' . and later , around lunch time ;
  10. ... and finding out what your REAL individual spirit , purpose ... even ' mission in life' , or reason for incarnating is. Appreciating one's own unique individual spirit , and what it can potentially offer is essential for ... 'enlightened existence' ( for the self and collective : ones field of operation with certain others ) . It is a key principle part of the essential human nature . The Zoroastrians saw it as ; Khvarenah The khvarenah is the archetype of the person one can grow to if allowed to grow to the limit of her or his capacity in grace, that is, in keeping with the fravashi and thereby in keeping with Divine purpose. The khvarenah is also a person's higher calling - their meaning in life, own-work or own-purpose Every human being is endowed with natural talents that can be harnessed and developed to achieve one's highest potential or one's higher calling [sometimes thought of as one's latent destiny in life]. The khvarenah is specific to a person and is different for each person. When all human beings realize their calling or full potential in grace, the world will attain vahishtem anghuim & frasho-kereti - the ultimate and ideal future existence, a heaven on earth. Human beings often limit or loose themselves. In either case, they do not achieve their full potential or capacity. While to some extent, a person's lot in life is determined by birth and circumstance, a person can find her or his latent khvarenah or calling by envisioning the person one aspires to become in grace, and then taking steps to realize the khvarenah despite daunting obstacles and adversity. To loose oneself is to loose one's khvarenah.
  11. Yes! I mean, even if one got to the level of a Bodhisattva one 'comes back to help others' , that is a reason and purpose , and further - one would need to define and work in a specific field , a refined and particular purpose to make that help tangible - which should be suited to your unique and individual 'spirit' ( 'nature' ) .
  12. nvm

    OR ' sneakin' '
  13. nvm

    Mr Nishihira advocated that in some kata , mostly when cross-stepping ; eg; moving sideways in horse stance. he was always ; " feel, grip, with toes, strong on the ground " . This comes from training in a real envrionment , and not on a polished wooden gym floor , sliding the feet around on or above the floor was 'not on' . I see people that train like that often trip up or stumble when 'outside' on rough or uneven ground. Mr Nishihira learnt that from his uncle Hohan Soken , who had the fav trick of getting students to do their kata on a log floating on his pond, sometimes he would jump on the log with them and fight them. tricky footwork that ! Now, try that ^ while kicking, punching and blocking
  14. Sounds like you have been doing a bad and unhealthy practice then. Systems of development and initiation, all over the world and through the past and present are designed specifically for people to understand their identity and purpose. When these systems break down, the culture or society starts to break down . In clear identifiable steps and indicators. That is why you are being 'pulled' by the basic human dynamic : " he need to have an identity is itching and needed from outside Because i need a kind of purpose or a reason to move and live life. " You are in danger , like our whole society is . There is however a remedy for the individual and society . Your dilemma is what many disposed indigenous feel ; " sad, and feeling purposeless. Less motivate to live and no passion to life. I have nothing to live for or something to exist for which makes me feel useless and why i exist? " Thats why, in the 'end symptoms ' of a collapsing society there is so much individual lack of self worth, which eventually becomes self harm and self destruction. Be careful ! You need to implement the remedies ... and stop such silly and destructive practices , such as what ever did this to you in the first place .

  16. Watching The Birds

    Spring is here , fireflies are out . And 'Whippie' is back . he seems to think this is his summer home, running all around and under the cabin, through the garden outside and endless chattering away ... then he goes over to the bamboo grove and whips a bit, and his mate responds. the back into scuffling through the garden .

    That can be dangerous !
  18. Ignorelist and quoting

    The talker needs the contraceptive ? Would it not be the listener that needs the contraceptive ? So as not to be 'impregnated' with the others ideas ? I have a fiend who insists pregnancy is a venereal disease ... if a condom is used , it cant be spread . Also she knows its useless to depend on the man taking responsibility , I agree with her ... gotta look after number 1 , regardless of any 'promises' made . So I cant trust the speaker to be responsible for his 'talking contraceptives' .... .. so I am going for the 'audio diaphragm ' ...
  19. Sucked in ! Now the soviets have all your files, and are going to steal all your ideas and patent them . Now THATS funny ! (What will not be funny however, is when your computer starts mucking up and going haywire. You can thank you-know-who for putting up such silly and potentially dangerous sites for people to click on ... when they themseves do not even understand the CONTEXT of the site . ) Naughty Lois ! And I think I know the reason ... its a question of the difference in childhood discipline between the Soviets and the Americans American Soviet; .... you need to do it outside , while sitting on the car bumper bar .
  20. Just as well I was making fun of it then .
  21. Why Levitation is Real!

  22. Ignorelist and quoting

    I do . I remember everything ..... .... everything ! ......