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Everything posted by Nungali
I liked the old software when one could 'like' their own posts Some trippers here were actually doing that < writes post .... clicks 'like' ..... " Oh yeah ! " >
Eh ? I thought it was you that suggested it was fake ? Anyway , that ciggy case was a fake , its just chocolate with gold foil . Wait! Maybe you cant read this ? ... I know ! I will ' write it in Panasonic ' ;
Broom is good weapon ! I teach it in my 'protect your legal rights' component of 'self defence' . Here, if someone breaks into your house and you club em with your staff, thats assault . So I teach people to have a story handy ; dont say "Well, he broke into my home and tried to attack me so I clubbed him with my bo (or jo) ... no no no . You have to say; I feared, I went into a panic, I thought he was going to kill me, I backed away and was up against the wall, my hands felt behind me and I grabbed a broom to defend my life with ... during his attack, the brush part fell off the broom handle . " However . some 'household objects' (or gardening objects ) need no modification . 'kuwa' (hoe) : I suggest when training against the kuwa , to be wearing steel capped shoes ! (its a fav attack - across the toes of your lead foot ... oooch! )
Even if one cant get outa bed ... there are 'the memories' ... ......
But dont worry too much about that ...... here ya go ;
I see ..... another fake news story posted by you ? (and peeps wonder why I am oftenn sarcastic in a Lois thread ) I think you may be ..... whats that word now ....... < thinks > ..... Aha! .... legkovernyy (легковерный ) ! Thats the one !
Mmmmm ... I dont see it all as duality but a type of triplicity ; It isnt 'hot' / 'cold' , what we are talking about here is temperature, and that is a 'range' from hot to cold - and that depends on you - are you a shrimp on a deep ocean laval thermal fount, or a microbe under the Antarctic ice ? Up down are the 'two choices' of 'height' - and here we need to further define things as what does that mean without breadth ( left right ) or length (and even motion) back forwards . So those directions are another 3 - the' 3 dimensions '. Hmmm ... you hopscotch was going okay until now, now you seem to be hopping all over the place. How did we get from immortal being > boredom > nothingness ? I think such above scenarios are best described by ' number theory ' . There, the stumulus isnt boredom, but , first, contemplation . That is, if existence is primarily awareness, first, of the self (which it must be if we are speculating about a temporally manifesting / 'creating all' 'God' ) then that awareness would and could only be in contemplation of itself, first, as nothing exists before that . And that is the beginning of 'number theory' ; the 'one' can only contemplate itself - givng birth to 2 ; the original one and then the 'contemplator of that one' or the one and its now new idea of itself due to contemplating the self ... which gives rise to an understanding - a third principle ... and so on. Thats the 'fun' of experience and existence Thats becaue, as I said above, its all based on 3s ..... when we get to 'foursies' very interesting stuff starts to happen ! We go from an ideal concept, into a more real world , we 'cross the abyss' as they say. But yes, the 3 3s is significant, as if everything is based on a triad, then the first triad must give birth to a 2nd and 3rd one , in some systems that is all outlined before we get to the '4th principle' of the material world ; the Kabbalistic Tree of LIfe does exactly this ; first triad is 'god like' / ideal / above the abyss, that creates a 2nd and 3rd triad and they all create a 4th principle ( 10th Sphere ) - Malkuth - the kingdom and material world of the elements Not being present Cool ? Birth ...... life ...... death Creation ...... preservation ...... destruction . Its not just my wacky three fold theory - gunas ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guṇa I would not call it a 'balancing factor' its the 'field' - hot and cold is in the field of temperature , and so on. The field of immortal immortal seems to be 'existence' ? The soul IMO is something entirely different (I just wrote about that elsewhere on DBs ). Mind body soul are the 3 continuants of the human psyche , but we need to add spirit, - to make a functioning 4 fold system (as 3 fold systems are only 'ideal' we need to add a 4th principle to make them 'real' ; Spirit - fire , Soul - water, Mind - air , body -earth ... and in body we have ; nervous system and consciousness - fire, blood and circulatory system - water , respirator system - air and muscles tendons skeleton, etc as earth (and each of them can further be divided - its a 'fractal' pattern .
Thats the way !
I enjoy hearing the neighbours children play . The other day, the little girl next door went for a very short walk into the paddock that separates our two places ; mum and dad had a little panic as they didnt know where she went . They saw here just off in the long grass, standing there transfixed. When mum went over to her, we saw why ... about 30 crimson rosellas, feeding on the grass seed around her, flew up in a cloud around her . She was delighted , like one is when immersed in the wonder of nature .
As far as investigating what I am ..... I have always studied Anthropology . IMO - there is your answer. As far as investigating who I am ..... I have always studied 'spirituality' , but in a different way now, as I have come to understand 'who' I am relates to my 'spirit' , that is , my real individual identity , and that seems to be a 'continuation' of genetics (or 'rebirth' if one likes that concept ) - spirit, IMO is one's individual identity and purpose in being here , one's ' khvarenah ' . That may become clearer as it is built upon , developed and evolved, over lifetimes .... the information is 'passed on' - to those that can perceive such things. How I do and achieve all this, within my specific original expression, is and expression of 'soul ' - or perhaps better , that expression is the expression of 'soul' ; a person has a need to express their ' soul ' - their specific way of finding expressions of their 'spirit' . Or they become 'spiritually atrophied' and may ' loose their soul ' . Man - know thyself !
'Fancier' 'Proto-agriculture sounds good ... but perhaps we got too fancy ? http://discovermagazine.com/1987/may/02-the-worst-mistake-in-the-history-of-the-human-race
Okay, here is the thing. I thought the same. Also people back in England just assumed the artist had painted it that way . I now how unreal some of those artists were as I looked at some of the period paintings, drawing and etching of things they did, like temples and architecture in Egypt , nothing like the later photos ... all very 'westernised' or done in more of a western classical Greek style. But I have been reading up a lot on this lately ; old historical accounts and first hand witnesses . Some say they are accurate descriptions as they saw it with their own eyes. One went to a spot where a landscape was painted and identified the individual rocks and plants there and was able to locate the painters point of view. Many declare the strange and park-like nature all around . The landscape was divided up into grasslands, park like areas (grass land with scattered trees and shrubs), and forest, in a mosaic pattern. Also trees that had been changed and coaxed into unusual growth patterns or plaited together (when young ) . But some people just didnt get it . One explorer came upon fields of cut grain with the grain piled up in little 'haystacks' and assumed some unknown type of birds had done it . I will post some references and descriptions later (my power cord just blew out and battery is running out ) - its fascinating - I been reading about, fields of grain, storage silos, houses, villages, fish and eel faring, clam gardens, automatic fish catching rods, dams that let the breeding fry through and catch the big ones . Some say it all worked interlocked together . This book (nearly finished ) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21401526-dark-emu My next book on the subject to tackle https://www.allenandunwin.com/browse/books/general-books/history/The-Biggest-Estate-on-Earth-Bill-Gammage-9781743311325 " "Explodes the myth that pre-settlement Australia was an untamed wilderness revealing the complex, country-wide systems of land management used by Aboriginal people. Across Australia, early Europeans commented again and again that the land looked like a park. With extensive grassy patches and pathways, open woodlands and abundant wildlife, it evoked a country estate in England. Bill Gammage has discovered this was because Aboriginal people managed the land in a far more systematic and scientific fashion than we have ever realised. ... With details of land-management strategies from around Australia, The Biggest Estate on Earth rewrites the history of this continent, with huge implications for us today. Once Aboriginal people were no longer able to tend their country, it became overgrown and vulnerable to the hugely damaging bushfires we now experience. And what we think of as virgin bush in a national park is nothing of the kind. " I think something like this happened in USA ? Some assumed the natives were just living in nature - now it appears they may have constructed these landscapes and environments .
'Perfect' ? Now I am confused . I would have thought nature was more 'perfect' Do you mean, the landscape looks too manicured and not 'wild' enough ... type of 'perfect' ?
" Did you know , little Billy, that in decadent west they put the Coca-cola in the Black Russian ? "
Dont take it too badly ... here, have a decadent Russian FABERGE Samorodok gold nugget cigarette case ( with thumb piece set with cabochon sapphire) ...... ahhh ... the good old days !
Okay .... I doubt we could ever rip this 'first' off them though ...
Why so sure ?
Its in the article, around this bit ; Это был лишь один из отчётов об успешно проведённой диверсии. А в архиве Panasonic их хранятся тысячи, и ведь это не единственная компания, сотрудничавшая тогда с лицами в СССР. Страшно представить, какому разрушительному влиянию мы подвергли советскую промышленность и общество в целом. Здесь трагедия — не в сломанном телевизоре, не в плохо работающем приёмнике. А в том, что стараясь устранить конкурента на экспортных рынках, мы заставили русских в их собственной стране думать, будто они действительно не умеют делать хорошую технику. Пока наши агенты влияния перекидывали украденный рубероид за заводскую стену и нарочно плохо точили детали, русские сами решили, что они воры и бездари, а их инженеры и рабочие не годятся для сложных задач, что всё у них из рук валится. А мы в это время подло пожинали плоды», — добавил он.
? That means you also do not know anything about the proposed article Myself however , easily understood it ! Especially this bit ; Всё, чего мы достигли, мы достигли, благодаря советским инженерам. Весь современный так называемый хайтек основан на их патентах, некоторые из которых датируются ещё 1960-ми годами, когда мы и мечтать не могли о чём-то высокотехнологичном. Потом мы воровали эти патенты, я видел шпионские микроплёнки, переданные подкупленными предателями из СССР. Мы скупали их патенты за бесценок, когда их страна рухнула и им нечем было прокормиться. Нас считают в мире великими изобретателями, однако на самом деле великий изобретатель — советский инженер. Тот самый, которого лишили всего. Я не могу больше работать в индустрии, которая появилась путём обмана и зиждется на несправедливости. Моя жизнь была посвящена этому обману. Я покрыл позором своё имя», — написал он.
No , not really .... I could just stand up and walk to work bent over while still inserted in the car
Who is Thoth and how much of what we attribute to him is actually his?
Nungali replied to Theseekeroftruth1313's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
Probably best to see him as an 'archetype' . Even better, as a 'Neter' https://www.servantsofthelight.org/knowledge/the-egyptian-neters-part-1/ -
He died ... but since then he has .... arisen ! Now he is an immortal that teaches special people special powers (but not you ! ) in the deep Indonesian jungle . I have been secretly observing him from a hidden location for some time now ... ... but dont tell anyone .
.... help .... I think I'm stuck !