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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. So ..... finders keepers is it ? Or - stealers that get away with it for long enough - keepers .... until someone steals it off them ... then they all be Whhaaa whhaa whaaa ... that was mine and he took it ! so .... stop being so immature Lois ! ... Now ... outa my way ! I gotta go to work ! Beep ! Beep !
  2. ? See below I hope you are not daring to suggest , Apech-sama , that my sepuku should be done NOT with my great great grandfathers family sword ! How dare you ! I suggest you yourself commit sepuku ... and to add to your punishment for your immoral suggestion, I suggest you use this
  3. OMG! They added a disabled ramp up the front stairs since I been there ! Way to ruin architectural symmetry ! What a mess ! Atrocious ! They should have taken a hint in design from the ancient Egyptians .... now , they knew how to artistically incorporate a disabled access ! ;
  4. The Sydney Bahai Temple got me like that ... its in a remote area, on a high hill, visible from some distance ... I was "What the heck is that in the Australian bush ! ? ! .... a Synagogue astronomical observatory ? So I had to go look .
  5. Then you need to study the influences around him . One could start with the current hermetics of the time (even though its come a long way since then ), and some related systems . Eg . If I had not this understanding ( the hermetics of that time, the western mystery schools of that time, some Christian esotericism , the western initiation system, etc . I am sure books of his like 'The Theosopohy of the Rosicrucian' would seem so specific and so obscure (that only a 'high level Anthroposophist could glean any meaning from them) to me, I would not have had a clue. But reading in context of what I learnt in those other fields, it seemed rather 'insightful' . Same happened with Blavatski and Theosophy .
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

    Stylized romantic painting or accurate depiction ? Was the first 'landscape' Europeans found in Australia so 'park like' , or was that just the way they painted it ? Written reports describe such 'park like' areas over huge tracts of land ( eg, fields of cut grain extending to the horizon , conical 'haystacks' stacked up across it. ) Even so, it was considered as the result of 'nature' ... not 'man' by many . One early reporter considered the above grain fields might be work of some type of unknown bird . ....
  7. I can not do it any more either , that is why I quit my job at hospital .... I mean ... they were the worst type ! ..... Ohhhhhhh ! ..... Sovient patents .... < ooops >
  8. have you ever checked it out ? There is a 'first' and 'second' one 1 2
  9. Urrrghhh ..... got me with a crypto ! (serves me right for not checking date stamp)
  10. Indeed ! Its subtle and creeps in where normally reasonable people (like 'Steiner School teachers ) often have no idea that they have been influenced. One story, on the news here, some time back, a man was concerned that his little daughter painted a pretty picture that they both were proud of, but the teacher said it wasnt good as she used brown , a bad or dirty colour. The concerned father went to talk to the teacher, only to get the same lecture about how the brown colour was so bad in so many ways . The father then said , in his interview for the story, later ; " Good heavens ! Didnt she realise she was saying all this to a Pakistani ! " I have also heard them say the same thing about Sicilians ... one can tell by looking at 'the type' ... no wonder the Mafia started there ! (This was presented as 'evidence' of Steiners theories about people that lived near vulcanism ..... its ' Ahrimanic' ..... so are bats ... better get rid of them on the farm .... and so on . ) However , I do like the idea of an Ahrimananum ... some of the ideas are excellent ... in the right context ! Goetheanum Ahrimananum - probably best to separate them.
  11. Really . I have worked with Steiner's system, both in BD ag and some child education . he certainly used the power of his imagination ! His expereince , some of them, came directly from his imagination ; eg, trace elements in soil try this (one should not underestimate the power of imagination )
  12. I think I stepped in it
  13. I had lunch date on friday, took a woman cruisin in my new swish car, then to a restaurant over the water ... we had crab . She wasnt crabby ... she was great fun actually . We laughed a lot . She even got dressed up in her 'particular way' that I like ( I say that as its unusual and i dont know how to describe it .... 'cute girly punk, excessively tattooed, heavy metal, sorta ' ? ) The we had a cocktail party .... from about 4 onwards , the neighbour couple and a new neighbour girl and her fellah joined in . No one was crabby then either . Laughed a LOT more until about midnight ... thats a LOT of cocktails ! But then I remembered .. friday ! Training at 8 am in town the next morning .... oh well, I will miss that . But next morning I woke, not crabby at all ! So, up early and went anyway . Urrrrrk ...... Aha! Thats how they do it ... they use a pole ! I think being crabby shortens your life .... well, it did for those crabs we had for lunch .
  14. For f***s sake ! Dont start that up on me ! .... calms down ..... down boy, down ! back in your cave ! ... Okay .... calmer now ... I have 'unloaded' (in the nicer way ) Whats this about ?
  15. No no no ... thats all wrong . Christianity is the better path, that is the path of really truly true intelligence, anything else aimed at affairs not assuring your place in heaven is NOT intelligent and is the opposite of intelligence .
  16. My emotions are intelligent . They are very intelligent and focused, which is a great things because ... Ohhh ..... hi . I was just about to ... ummm ... say that .... errrmmm .... something about , ahhh ..... ... thats a nice dog, what type of dog is he ?
  17. ... or ... he could just wait until he gets older .............
  18. hhh , that reminds me of a story ; Old farmer Dad is sitting in the corner at night puffing on his pipe and after some time of silent meditation he announces to his two sons " I think we will plow and sow the bottom paddock tomorrow. " The sons nod but later they say to each other ' What is that about ? We dont do that until next moth , what is he thinking ?" But they do, and when finished , two days later the rains come early , the sons are amazed, how did the old man know. So they ask him and "Ohhh, just a hunch ." That is the conscious mind ... getting the 'hunch' or 'having the intuition' ' . But really for weeks on end Dad has been sublty observing everything in nature, even though he may not have been aware of it ; the animals and insect behaviour, signs in vegetation, moon cycles , etc . Just 'hanging out ' in nature and having a 'certain mindset' , ones intelligence increases - it comes from observation and incorporation. I had not even realised I myself was doing this until some Aboriginal friends pointed it out to me . "You learn as you go along, that's good." But others seem blinded by their prejudice and mindset, not being open to learning new things , eg. there is a report from an explorer who describes the ' lazy Aboriginal fisherman ', he observes the following and comes to the conclusion that it supports the stories that Aboriginal people are very lazy and unmotivated. He cam upon an Aboriginal man fishing, he had constructed a type of wicker dam across the narrow part of a stream, (this allowed the smaller juvenile fish to swim through and migrate out ) with a race and small opening for the large fish to swim through. In the opening was stuck an upright pole that tapered to a slender tip, it had twine and a loop attached to it. under the water was another smaller stake. The man would bend the thin pole over and secure it down with the twine tied to the stake in a release knot, and arrange the loop inside the race. A fish would come along, go down the race, find its head in the noose and flip around a bit underwater and then get snagged by the gills, as it flipped more that would pull the release knot and the pole would whip back upright pulling the fish out of the water and flipping it over the man's head up on to the bank and the fish would drop out. Then the man would 'lazily' set the loop underwater again with a release knot on the stake and lie back waiting ... and so on. The Aborignal man was able to construct his fishing machine from observations made in the environment (or by being taught by someone else that figured it out) ..... the observer of the 'lazy aboriginal' , it appears , learnt nothing from his experience .
  19. he has a secretary . I have one too . She follows me around, down the river, through the forest, with an ipad and reads me posts and I respond to her and she enters it here for me ? Thats what keeps me so smart ! Soooooooo much more smrt than youse guys !
  20. I think you need to understand what a 'demon' actually is, before one contemplates 'calling them up' .
  21. Did you know one 'sitting on a crab' too ?
  22. Let's Scry!

    It sounds like something is trying to contact you ?
  23. Let's Scry!

    .... actually that wasnt about riding the bull ; the idea seems to be in the 'harness' .. harnessing the bull ... and the 'whip' . Which reminds me of 'lamed' (Hebrew letter) - an 'ox goad' which relates to Libra , whose sign is the scales, but also the ox yoke - which includes the important element of 'balance' . Maybe its better to harness and goad the bull by balance ( eg, driving it forward but allowing periods of rest ) than by 'riding; it ? .... or , maybe start on something easier ?
  24. Let's Scry!

    At first I thought you meant that the ball is like riding a wild bull, but since that didnt make much sense I have decided you mean that trying to control the mind, while doing this type of scrying - the mind is the wild bull . . In any case it lead me to remember some things about taming the wild bull of the mind ... to the task at hand ( especially a task where the 'mind' may be at odds with the will ) . " Behold the Yoke upon the neck of the Oxen! Is it not thereby that the Field shall be ploughed? The Yoke is heavy, but joineth together them that are separate ... Three are the Beasts wherewith thou must plough the Field; the Unicorn, the Horse, and the Ox. And these shalt thou yoke in a triple yoke that is governed by One Whip ... Now these Beasts run wildly upon the earths and are not easily obedient to the will of Man ... The Unicorn is speech. Man, rule thy Speech ... The Horse is Action. Man, rule thine Action ... .The Ox is Thought. Man, rule thy Thought ... Thus bind thyself, and thou shalt be for ever free ...