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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Yup !
  2. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Exactly marbles ! I believe it is describing a process .... wait ... the process - of how all things came into being / came to be .
  3. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    the 4th is , ' the myriad things' ; The 'Universe' of manifestation , or 'nature ' its all part of the 3 / 4 law the 3rd thing is yin or yang The 3 are the ideal supernal 'incomprehensible' principles ; from 0 comes THE Way 1 . Dao ) from that comes the yin and yang ( which all creatures must bear on the fronts and backs as we live in that manifest world ) - 2 . that is the 'Supernal triad', the 'ideal principle' that forms everything else. Dao , Yin and Yang the third thing automatically gerates form the 2nd thing, but they are dual so they make the 2nd and 3rd 'thing' Dao , yin yang - three things (or concepts ) ... out of these then comes the 4th thing - the myriad worlds , the '10,000 things' , the 'Universe' . In Kabbalah , it is Supernal triad ; below that is the 'abyss' ( the realm above the abyss is 'ideal' or 'incomprehensible' or 'veiled' ) ( a horizontal line through Daath ) and below that , the 4th principle, is everything else - 'manifestation' fully condensed in the lowest sphere of the physical Universe , 'The Kingdom' .
  4. Oz got new PM

    actually , they found when counting the ballots one of the party members, in the party room did a 'donkey vote ' .... it's getting that bad ! Actually, it wasnt even a donkey vote , it was a totally blank voting form , someone didnt even bother to fill out, just put in the box . I know we have had some slackers before but .....
  5. Can you add NO to my name

    'Fight' .... 'opponents' ? Mre like he went abso agro nuts and everyone was trying to stop him . he did okay (for a crazy ) until that guy did the mad sacrificial dive at him sword first and cut his thigh , that slowed him down . But he was a coward at heart ... when he met Lord Shimada - a real master .
  6. Can you add NO to my name

    Cant wait till NOONE does the kabbalah on this one
  7. Thought of the Day

  8. Oz got new PM

    now a youtube vid won;t show here ???? ......... fixed that .
  9. Oz got new PM

    .... see below
  10. Oz got new PM

    We are working on developing an 'Arnie' , that will do fine thanks
  11. Thought of the Day

    She doesnt . She used to ... when she was called Chris .
  12. Can you add NO to my name

    I'll have you all know, by the way, that I have a very 'broad' sense of humour, even if ' fun is made ' of me . As long as you can handle me having some 'fun' back ?
  13. Can you add NO to my name

    I went to Lismore , up the coast to get my new car . The first one; Rover 75 was snatched from under my nose the day before I went to pick it up .... I wasn't having that ! So I looked on line and found one posted the day before ; better colour, condition, less KM and new belts and pumps, logs and receipts back to original purchase and cheaper . A 'Roving saloon ' with 'club interior ' (as is little handbook says )
  14. Can you add NO to my name

    I logged in on my sock puppet account . You know ..... xxxxxxxx ..... I mean , that guy that always agrees with me and says how smart and great I am .
  15. Can you add NO to my name

    Last laugh ? No dude . I went online and checked my email, saw your concerned message about what you did and how you changed it back , before I went to TDBs , then emailed you " Help ! I am locked out ." Then came here and it was already back to Nungali .... Me : You guys : { Its like they uo a bucket of water on the top of the door for me , thought better of it and took it down again ... now they are rejoicing because they 'got me ' . Ho hum ! }
  16. Thought of the Day

    Q. What do crystal balls, Tarot cards and martial arts have in common ?
  17. ☺

    Today we present the number 8
  18. The Cool Picture Thread

    Heads up Morning Glories are gorgeous. But boy, are they pesky and weedy! 3 years ago, I planted two varieties along a fence and to cover a trellis. They were simply stunning that year. They grew fast and covered the fence and trellis and caused much comment. But in the final analysis, it wasn't worth it and it's not even a close call. For the past two years, I have battled morning glories all over my yard. I didn't know that the seeds spread like crazy and they are persistent. The vines are tough and stringy and hard to pull. I have hoed morning glory seedlings all summer this year and still they are coming up. Everywhere. And driving me crazy. So unless you can deal with morning glories everywhere for years afterward, don't plant them! I wish someone had told me before I made all this work for myself. --------------- We made the mistake of planting the "seedless" morning glory from some branches I got from a neighbor. As you can see, morning glories can be extremely invasive. There is a mobile home under the second mound of greenery. .
  19. The Cool Picture Thread

    Morning glory is a HUGE problem here ! We have lost a whole section of rainforest creek to it and its spreading ! Help! Morning Glory is overtaking my Garden!