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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. 00000000 CODE

    But he looking at them like they don't belong to him
  2. Any tractor or deisel mechanics here ?

    A beautiful old tractor, but impractical . Going old style , one cant seem to go better than the 'old grey' MF . so far I have done 1/3 of the front field and all of the east field mid winter cut with a dodgy old ... stupid little thing - it heats up my left foot and has a hole in base plate that peppers you thigh underside with chopped up twigs !
  3. Any tractor or deisel mechanics here ?

    yes, I heard about that one .... then I heard this one .... if rings damaged kero might get into lower engine and then a fire starts

    Not many women can scratch you back with their feet !
  5. Psychic Attack

    How cool is this for a demo of that principle ;
  6. Psychic Attack

    Nooo ... he is an 'islander' me .... I'm a 'cheeky fellah' cute isnt he ...

    Tell it to Wellsie .
  8. Psychic Attack

    He was in the car ..... guess where he is now ?
  9. Psychic Attack

    You mean you send the energy down an optic fibre cable ? (I am a lo-tech )
  10. Psychic Attack

    Funny, because I am a stickler for correcting 'projective language ' Shall we go again : I was having a nice lunch with XGF cause she wanted to shout me a meal for my birthday. .......
  11. Psychic Attack

    Like the internet ?
  12. Psychic Attack

    Yes - and ( since your curiosity abounds ) for other such rules laws and guidelines ( if you do not have a background in evocative magic ) see
  13. Psychic Attack

    and what ? .... you just leave it at that ???? wtf ? Sorry but .... "Owww my eye ! " " Oh yea, there is a shadowy figure behind you . " " Is there ? Damn ! " ... and then ????
  14. Psychic Attack

    You are having a nice lunch with XGF cause she wanted to shout you a meal for your birthday. The food is fine but for some strange reason it seems to be suddenly upsetting your stomach and you feel horribly nauseous. You get a weird feeling from across the road and look up and over there in a car is her new boyfriend looking daggers at you ... and then he suddenly looks down, pretending to be there 'coincidentally' and not stalking anyone at all .
  15. Psychic Attack

    A mirror .... things get reflected back to their origin . A bit like your 'surround myself with golden light ' , mine is bluish and reflective. Then, there are 'guardians and servitors' . Handy, as they can 'go on duty' without 'you' even knowing about it ( hence good for times of sleep and slack attention ). I still find a good LBRP effective as well . A track record helps ; I have had some admit it , and say they are going to stop it, as it keeps coming back on them. And such 'rumours' spread . Once bitten twice shy . People that have tried it are now sorry . I have warned some ; on the physical, mental emotional spiritual and magical levels, I am quite competent at defending myself . They are wary . Here is a good one (physical level ) ; a wild youth turned up here some time back, standing at the door giving me lip, saying "You getting a bit old now, what if a bunch of us came around and did a home invasion ? " - cheeky buggar ! But still, one must 'keep their hand in' . I was sitting back in a lounge chair, my hands behind my head, and against the wall. Stuck in the wall between boards and support pole was one of my throwing knives. I dont think he even saw my hand subtly take it up. I bought my arms down and let the knife fly. It stuck in the door jamb next to his head . yeah - dangerous, but I not having these punks think they can monster me . He totally freaked out ; " Whoa man ! Easy, settle down, I was joking ! " Me; " Of , so was I . That wasnt serious ... if I had been serious it would have gone through your Adam's apple . " ... and I am sure he told all his mates about it Young punks .... agro dogs .... 'demons' .... psychic attacks ..... similar stuff .
  16. Ausar a Fraud?

  17. Ausar a Fraud?

  18. You can do the scary version in the mirror or with a friend, close up. My Indo school friend showed me the trick in his darkened garage, many years ago .... eventually their face 'changes'. His 'exotic looks' made me think his turned into some type of 'cat demon' ..... But we know already what type of ' visions of regression ' you would probably have ....
  19. who is who in the mirror ? reminds me of the 'who is who' with my midnight meditation / hand written note 'episodes' . (Except Apec claimed it was him snaeking into my house and leaving them notes .... )
  20. NSA "mind"reading ability.

    I dont even have a smart phone , so ....
  21. 00000000 CODE

    Please do not post nuclear missile launch codes on a public internet forum . They could get into the wrong hands ..

    Well, look at the size and length of it . I can see the association here ...... maybe you cant relate to that ? here ya go, one designed for you ;
  23. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Because we were all young once . people can change and develop, their attitude and goals ..... with a little help .....
  24. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I thought you were the one that left Limi ?