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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Stranger things

    ..... at the bottom ; " easypark "
  2. Stranger things

    It looks like although I can park my motorcycle there ... Superman is not allowed to land there .
  3. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    Its sickening .... I have had to deal with 'one of these ' . The worst part is the support they get from others .... for a variety of lame, stupid, base or conditioned 'reasoning' ( feelings ? ) ... even when exposed ! Some even buy his excuses ! he tried them on me ... trying to excuse his behavior or shift blame . I could not believe it as everything he said , and people thought that was valid , is in all the current adverts about domestic violence as ; " NO EXCUSE ! " .... listening to him was like listening to this list of 'not an excuse ! " He would try it on me as well, if he didnt think I would take him out in a flash if he tried it on ... its all they understand . I have had to go on 'watch' twice with him (meaning I was on alert to immediately respond to any attempt of his to harass or threaten a certain woman . And of course, he still remains some type of cool 'go to' hero guy - sickening . And me ? Well, I dont 'fit in' do I because of my potentially violent nature ! Well, thats what I settled down to , and I dont care ... its what works ! And I think if more people stood up in their face and do what I do (even though I suffer socially from it ) we would not have as much domestic violence and abuse of children and elderly . So I blame the pathetic flaccid immoral nature of society as well . [ My mates friend was upset as his daughter being beaten by ice junkie BF . He said '' I know its her fault as she should leave him , but thats my daughter with bruises and black eyes ! " So the two of them went around to visit him when she wasnt there - kicked the door in , he squealed for the police of course , but they pointed out he still had ice pipe and stuff about ; go on then .... then explained for every mark they see on her, he gets two of the same . They gave him a sample to think about . - some think that was shocking ..... but daughter got no more black eyes and bruises . Who lives by the sword (or fear . violence and stand over tactics ) dies by it ....
  4. Well, then at least you can then get incubus (+) ... then when you get to your destination you can get outubus (-). .
  5. Stranger things

    We have a corner , two bridges down from my place ; a small crest , a sharp turn onto an old wooden bridge , but the turn is banked the wrong way and off the edge is a nice little concrete 'ramp' ( erosion control ) into a deep pool in the river . Many a car I have seen in there over the years , Especially after one of our festivals or a Saturday night 'Castle Party ' ( someone had built a 'castle' further up the valley that had a rather notorious oparty reputation ) . One time, after a festival , I was driving along , early , and here was a band's sound truck, fully laden all their instruments and sound gear , half submerged ! Ouch ! Why doesn't someone put up a sign ? Because we dont have signs on our road . Worse, at the beginning of the road is this sign ; and nearly everyone thinks it means there is no speed limit .... that must mean I can go as fast as I want ! Ummm no ... it means there are no posted speed limits , advisory corner speeds or any road signs ahead .... not even ' warning sharp corner ' or 'Dangerous bridge ! ' signs .
  6. Stranger things

    They should ....
  7. There you go making ' inverted affirmations' again . Oh look ; Congratulations + / Supremely Bonkers - ( The best part of this thread ; succubus - and succubi + ; a single one is a negative but many of them are a positive -- and if you dont understand Yang the polarity of a succubus is an incubus . )
  8. After this ^ 'masterpiece' of a post I dont think I have to respond anymore ... you yourself are pointing out how ridiculous and unbalanced your 'system' is .. . all by yourself . Carry on .
  9. Grounded = More Qi?

    The first part of what you said is entirely valid and relates to grounding physically and regarding 'motor skills' . I have even posted here that is how 'chi' works ( gravity base , and 'alignment ' ) .... its a 'belief system' that allows us to 'get all that in order ' ; that is if I try to align and do everything correctly , its too much and does not work .... BUT if I imagine I am using the four principles (and one is 'extend ki' ) ... it works . but that met with a LOT of disfavor here . Wasting money ? Books ? try it yourself ... thats the way through . You might have noticed I do not reject science ... I am a 'neo-hermeticist ' which means I embrace both worlds ... and they are just two of the ways to view and understand it . Here is something to chew on ; science accepts placebos can work ..... interesting A GROUP of people see something science cannot explain ? 'Group hallucination ' .... really ? Something that can influence something else apart from it by no influential connection ? Nah ! That used to be poo-pooed as 'magic' ... now we call it 'quantum entanglement '
  10. Grounded = More Qi?

    I have several practices ; trying to image the relative sizes of myself sitting on the earth and its size . The same with 'VITRIOL' practice ... which is more than a practice ... its a 'premise' : Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem which translates into “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone (philosopher’s stone)”. I have another one where I visualize according to other learning ( 'scientific' ) eg; Scientists may have finally found the cause of a mysterious, crystal-forming layer that surrounds Earth's core — "leaking water" that trickles down from Earth's surface and reacts with our planet's metallic heart. A good 'firm' magical principle : O. Learn first --- Oh thou who aspirest unto our ancient Order! --- that Equilibrium is the basis of the Work. If thou thyself hast not a sure foundation, whereon wilt thou stand to direct the forces of Nature?
  11. Christianity

    or the other way around ? Dao - 0 gave birth to 1 - 'God' (or 'Monism ' ) and 'gave forth' 2 - duality ( yin and yang, or if into deitic manifestations of energies - God and Goddess (or 'pairs ' - eg in some Egyptian philosophies ; two frogs ) then came the 'triangle' - 'surface' out of the 'line' , that came out of the point . All these are 'ideal ' energy (non material ) but their interaction gives rise to the 10,000 ( 000,000 000,000,000, etc , ) 'things' of material existence . ( Ch 42 )
  12. Christianity

    I have read some papers on why this might be so (from an historical sociological perspective ) , there are a lot of dynamics at work . here is an example of what I mean with using the bible; Kurt Vonnegut (once 'America's greatest living writer ' ) wrote about story plots . He plotted graphs and lines ; x axis time, y axis good or bad fortune . Now this green line : 'Cinderella ' is supposedly the most popular plot line , we all relate to it and hope thats the way things are / will work out . A series of steps and hard work and we climb up , all of our efforts lead to boon and reward , but then disaster ! We fall, pick ourselves up and then whoosh , something happens beyond our dreams and makes everything better than before ! Hooray ! Point being , the Bible and Jesus story are an exact fit in that plot . The end though ? Well, story still going .... that end bit is Christ's return (or the "new Jerusalem " or the original Zoroastrian concept of Frashokereti - 'final renovation' of the world ) - with Christianity , we have to see what was going at the times of its expanse , what forces where at work in the world during those times to fully understand why it took off as it did . However most of that exists under the cover of the religious satisfaction it gives many , they have their own 'personal reasons' ... not the reasons that historians and social anthropologists see in mass movements of people towards things . .
  13. Wow this guy knows more about existence than anyone on earth HEY DAOBUMS gather around ... the wisest guy on earth has decided to grace Daobums with his presence ! Daobums : " Not another one ! "
  14. bad choice .... this vid shows people climbing up a tunnel out of a solid earth , not people living below a surface in an open space . Also, shame on you using such a tradition that teachers this story as a way of creating respect for the earth in us (my indigenous tradition does the same ) and trying to use it to your own ends to build up some fantasy and outdated beliefs you hold . That's disrespect to the Earth and the indigenous ! And this is exactly why they only give out 'kindergarten teaching' until you can prove yourself .
  15. Grounded = More Qi?

    You go down to the core of the Earth ? Interesting , I have similar meditiations , we could have an interesting conversation about that . Do you do the opposite .... ie 'out' ( into the cosmos ) ? Yep . This probably looks messy , half the replies inserted and bolded and others like this one , separate <shrug> I can only do what computer / site allows me to .
  16. To Chi Or Not To Chi??

    I thought he ..... went to 'the great forum in the sky' ..... the ' Happy (student ) Hunting Ground ' .
  17. Grounded = More Qi?

  18. Grounded = More Qi?

    ( I do want to be shown the world on a magic carpet ..... I just wondered if my response would would make you crash )
  19. Welcome to the 1700 s ; The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. Notably suggested by Edmond Halley in the late 17th century, the notion was disproven, first tentatively by Pierre Bouguer in 1740, then definitively by Charles Hutton in his Schiehallion experiment around 1774. I luv it when the religious ' trump me ' and 'win' by observing I shall go to hell after I die ( Hey .... nowadays being 'trumped' by someone has an extra new meaning ! ) So thats my tail ! Women dont get tails ? maybe they do ; ' I got me a nice piece of tail last night ' ' k . Are you saying a morning boner is because that organ is the Sun and the Sun 'rises' each morning ? ... and that then transfers to my morning boner ? 'Interesting' theory you got there . No ..... In all my years I have never encountered sex , nor have I ever seen it performed by humans or any other species . Jackflappery . I have never used that word before ( I been saving it up for something special ) .
  20. Grounded = More Qi?

    Years back , on a ;training road trip' visiting instructors around the country , in one place a group of us went out and I noticed one guy had 'moccasins' on - not traditional ones, those old fashioned lame 'fashion moccasins ' of the 70s Me ; " Moccasins ! Where did they come from ?" Him ; " They are steel capped inside " steel capped moccasins .... comfortable and deadly (our style uses big toe kick a lot ) T. M. , you want some comfy natural shoes , come to my local town and see Bruce ; Viking, Saxon, even Macedonian legging boots