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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Can you add NO to my name

    I logged in on my sock puppet account . You know ..... xxxxxxxx ..... I mean , that guy that always agrees with me and says how smart and great I am .
  2. Can you add NO to my name

    Last laugh ? No dude . I went online and checked my email, saw your concerned message about what you did and how you changed it back , before I went to TDBs , then emailed you " Help ! I am locked out ." Then came here and it was already back to Nungali .... Me : You guys : { Its like they uo a bucket of water on the top of the door for me , thought better of it and took it down again ... now they are rejoicing because they 'got me ' . Ho hum ! }
  3. Thought of the Day

    Q. What do crystal balls, Tarot cards and martial arts have in common ?
  4. Today we present the number 8
  5. The Cool Picture Thread

    Heads up Morning Glories are gorgeous. But boy, are they pesky and weedy! 3 years ago, I planted two varieties along a fence and to cover a trellis. They were simply stunning that year. They grew fast and covered the fence and trellis and caused much comment. But in the final analysis, it wasn't worth it and it's not even a close call. For the past two years, I have battled morning glories all over my yard. I didn't know that the seeds spread like crazy and they are persistent. The vines are tough and stringy and hard to pull. I have hoed morning glory seedlings all summer this year and still they are coming up. Everywhere. And driving me crazy. So unless you can deal with morning glories everywhere for years afterward, don't plant them! I wish someone had told me before I made all this work for myself. --------------- We made the mistake of planting the "seedless" morning glory from some branches I got from a neighbor. As you can see, morning glories can be extremely invasive. There is a mobile home under the second mound of greenery. .
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

    Morning glory is a HUGE problem here ! We have lost a whole section of rainforest creek to it and its spreading ! Help! Morning Glory is overtaking my Garden!
  7. Can you add NO to my name

    If I were the type I would dare him ! (You know that type a gentle warning from the mods and they erupt "Oh yeah ... go on do it .... do it then ! " " I will even take this punk on .... I'll take you on hand to hand ... I dare you bear .... make a move and your mine ! "
  8. MI 359 remove the 39 and we have MI5 We have 39 Pommie spies on DB's !
  9. american chakra

    one could always go to the various source material that he harvested his stuff off , unless one feels he had a specific original valid insight , then he might have a use . But not for me .
  10. Let's Scry!

    Keep a record !
  11. Can you add NO to my name

    Oh wow ! Thats even better ... can you change it to that ? Oh .. what the heck .. just make it SHINTONONEONENOONEDAWEITOOTHREEDOTBIGSMILIEFACE
  12. Can you add NO to my name

    I was pretending to be ONE ... I mean NONE ... or was it NOONE or (being such a tripper ) 'HIGH NOON' or SHINTO or what was he before that ? Come on, lets post a name change list for ... whatshisname . Oh wow ! Dawei can you change my name to whatisname ? Actually ... Dawei has a nice ring to it ... can you change it to Dawei 2 ... wait Dawei too is better . thats it Dawei too or Daweittoo actually, DAWEITOO thanks
  13. Hitler Hit

    Guy is walking home from tennis practice carrying racquet and ball. He stops to pick up a neighbours kitten on the road , but having no pockets he stuffs the balls down his pants so he can hold kitty . AS he is walking down the path looking for the owner he passes another neighbour, she lloks down at his crutch and goes "Ohhh my goodness! " And he says ; " Nah ..... tennis ball . " And she says : " Oh dear , my husband plays tennis too and he gets tennis elbow, and that is painfull ! "
  14. I hope 'Q day ' stands for quit it day .
  15. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Alcohol is a 'wonder full thing ' It has two opposite effects ; first on circuit 4 and then 3 , first the socio sexual circuit is activated , " Hey buddy , you my good buddy <back slap > cjeck out that piece of tail over there Oh yeah ! " 3 - anal territorial circuit ; " Yeah ... well, I saw her first you kin just back off .... and while I am at it ... here is really what I think about you .... " trick is to only have a few drinks like, no more than three 'stubbies '
  16. american chakra

    Thats the 4th here is the 5th
  17. american chakra

    "I did but see her passing by, yet I'll lover her 'til I die. thats what our old school 1950s PM said God ! I WANT TO hear what Phil said about that ! ( It might have even been better than what he said to PM of Nigeria ; "Are you ready for bed already ! "
  18. american chakra

    They used to wash themselves and their undies at the same time . I can vouch for the methods efficiency In Indonesia its called , having a 'mandy' You pour water on yourself, and 'undies' , soap up and scrub both and then pour more water on to rinse . Ie. ( as my Aboriginal friend says about swimming in the camp waterhole , and everywhere else actually , decorum must persist ) ; " No nakedybum ! " The clean civilised English way is to have a bath once a week
  19. My attempt at sharing

    Urrrgh ... bad English . I believe the correct term is sooked Oh ... I mean sought . ......... or meant sought ? Maybe I meant I am a mean sort ?
  20. Yes, I know about it and have read it . For the third time .... I suggest you read Harpur ..... it describes the 'map' later you can read Levi's much more narrow and less less educated (as so much research has been done since him ) view .
  21. Can you add NO to my name

    hey yeah DAWEI ! can you change my name to ...