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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Practical alchemy apology

    That makes sense - thanks .... I have some works by Fr. A. so I now see his validity . What is your view, Donald, on the posters question ; " Why does Rubaphilos first affirm the validity of a physical process of alchemy, and then say that the alchemists' belief in or rejection of transmutation depends on his own personal motives in making such a claim? " ( Which i thought was the actual issue here , and which I was trying to answer )
  2. Practical alchemy apology

    But he didnt 'think' they were known to him either . I dont know what you are on about and you are responding to yourself up there ^ Its fine if you do not want a conversation, nor answer any questions about this I put to you . I will just vacate . Bye.
  3. 5GON

    The Chinese one also has 6 in the middle
  4. 5GON

    The 5 original paths were the work of the architect ... so not based on real function or sensible usage The added sixth one leads out from the main entrance. It doesnt make sense (feng shuicially ) to walk in the main entrance , proceed through to the courtyard and then have to walk to a corner to find the path to the centre . Now all you need to figure out is what is in the centre ! ?
  5. Watching The Birds

    pigeons, we dont have them, but have the rainforest relation 'Wompoo pigeon' or 'dove' ... Makes a great call .... but I cant find one on internet ???
  6. Practical alchemy apology

    Wot ? What made you think he said to me they were unknown to him ???? And how and why would someone that was unconscious and unaware of something say that they were unconscious and unaware of something that they were unconscious and unaware of ? I dont think he became aware of them at all , and my observations of his process were not communicated to him. Why did you assume they were ? Then after these strange postulations you state "I dont think so ' . - Well, neither do I think so, because that stuff never happened . As far as not being aware of something some teacher point out becasue they were there all along .... I havent a clue what you are talking about. You must have read a lot of stuff into my response that was never there in the first place .
  7. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Rubbish ! What if i send some seeker to go read and meditate on diamond sutra ? Or go and see a certain yoga teacher . That is more than general encouragement support witness. One can be very specific . It is neither foolish nor dangerous. So many people here have issues about this I am beginning to wonder what they are 'clutching' . Its like trying to stop Iran from developing nuclear energy !
  8. Will anyone share the LMP secrets with me?

    Hmmmm .... I had a bunch of various manuals, books, charts, etc etc - 'magically ' and martially, eclectic. And no basic background, so yes, it was as you said ^ . And a whole lot of varied stuff in my head . I continued on like most people 'afflicted' like this. But I persevered. Eventually, as I studied more, did more practice, and trained and experienced with others ( ie. I 'grew' ) so much of all that stuff started to slot together and became understood on a deeper level . This can happen in latter life, or in a 'developmental progression' at the 'Third Degree' stage . After mine, it was an amazing experience, it was like looking at a jumble of clock parts on the table for years, not really knowing what they were, and then 'all of a sudden' you can see how the fit, and their purpose and function. I guess, sorta like they say, when 'your life flashes before your eyes' at death or near death experience. Everything falls into context . A wonderful; experience ! I wonder if it would have happened without the previous 'mish-mash' ? Also I realised that many things i had done in the past, things I learnt or followed that I thought were disconnected, were not. They all fitted together and happened for a reason I can now comprehend . 'Fatima the Rope Maker' is a Sufi story about that . A very good teaching story ! Its all tied in with our 'true will' our 'innate spiritual purpose' .... our own personal ' Khvarenah ' -
  9. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    getting back to topic subject / question , Lightseeker, you could try this - preliminary examination exercises ;
  10. Practical alchemy apology

    Because that applies to numerous subjects and things people get involved with . UFOs. a specific scripture, a magical process - we all have beliefs and rejections that are based on our own personal motives . But sometimes the motives are unknown and unconscious and we are not aware of it . When I worked in agricultural alchemy, I had no investment, I got paid each week regardless, people would ask me if I believed if it worked or not and I would say - maybe , some of our customers seem to think so. Try it and come to your own conclusions. The CEO of the company however was still paying off a mortgage, wanted to keep the company car, had an ego investment and was part of, if not the head of, an associated 'spiritual group' . He insisted it worked to a ridiculous level, even against our own directions of preparation ! He had big motivations to push it .
  11. Kids :)

    My neighbours little girl. I wrote about her before. usually we have a gang or two of kids here, and some babies. Not for the last few years . Now we only got one, so she is like a 'Chinese Grandchild' - only kid, 2 parents and 4 grannies to herself and here about 10 'aunties and uncles' . Anyway, she just started pre school. Another movement here is with 'the lads' in their late 20s and 30s. They are finally starting to grow up a bit, getting bored, set up a camp and sorta hang out there, clear the land, do bush regeneration, bbq , drink and carry on. I went to hang with them yesterday, I kinda like that, dirty feral, a bit rough . So I was hanging with the 'youngus' having a smoke and a beer and my neighbour drives up with the little girl. They come over and she gives me a kids painting. She doesnt talk much just says my name and gives it to me . "What's this?" " She painted for you at pre-school. " "How do you know that ?" " The teacher said she was saying your name when she painted it. Then when mum bought her home she showed it to me and said your name . Then when drove out before she took it and tried to go after you down the road, I tried to stop her but she insisted. " Well, okay then, thank you . Ummm . she didnt do one for you or mum ? "No, just you. " And she hung out for a while with the boys watching them drink and make weed and nettle stew for dinner Parents are rather curious about her fascination with me , I told them most kids are like that . I also attract and get on well with animals, dogs or wild animals . (caught another 'ground runner' thrush yesterday, on my bed this time . He didnt move, I sat outside with him on my lap and he just sat there . ) I am often mystified by the way people treat animals and kids , even their parents. Some dont seem to know whats going on with their own kids ? Often I think I do and when I interact with them, on that level, they seem to think I can understand them, and they like that. same with my autistic niece, she usually won't let anyone touch her, yet she climbs up next to me on a chair and leans on me . Her parents dont seem to have a clue, they fuss over her and exclaim when she does it ' Look at that , she is touching Uncle Nungali ( ) " and everyone looks at her and makes a fuss .... and then she starts the screaming again . Maybe it is because I look and see and interact with them on different levels ? I have no idea why parents can't do that ! Too emotionally attached ? I mean , it isnt that hard to figure is it ? An ex had a kid after we split up, I had a great relationship with him, he loved soccer, so I made a bamboo and bird netting goal in the field near his house. We had fun with that. he would be goalie and i would score a few and give him some easy ones to save . Then we would swap, I would save a few then dive another;s and deliberately miss them so he could get some goals . Then mum comes out and 'plays' she scores a goal with every kick and cheers herself and stops ll his kicks when she is goalie . And he is What is wrong with some people !
  12. Zatoichi : Sen... sei !!!!

    Nah. I reckon the funniest , and corniest scene is ; Z walks in to a room of strangers, and they mock him, including the Lord who asks "What are you going to do for us, a naked dance ? " So Z performs some impressive sword trick and they all get scared, respectful, pay him the money he wanted, make friends . etc . Then happily say goodbye. The Lord stands up to politely say goodbye and he has four armed bodyguards around him. Z stops and "Oh ! I forgot the naked sword dance . " .... draws and swish shish slash flash, sheaths. And all look in horror , as they dont know what happened .... then all the bodyguards clothes fall off and they dance around naked covering themselves . Now that is corny ..... but funny ... sorta like the Thee Samurai Stooges ----------------------
  13. 5GON

    If you work in there you will feel ..... pent -up .
  14. Kids :)

    R U ok ONE ? * It seems to be .... ummmm .... 'increasing ' . *
  15. Will anyone share the LMP secrets with me?

    I hope you realise you already have been given, for free, enough to keep you going for a pretty long time ? That is if you can realise all that and not just gloss over it as it didnt offer immediate simple quick results about what you thought (or still think ? ) you want .
  16. Wolf Messing - a Jedi by all standards.

    I have read reference to it, I tried googling but look what happened ^ You will have to hunt that one yourself . Also, it might only be in Russian . maybe ask the Dao Bum 'Lois' he might know about it ?
  17. Wolf Messing - a Jedi by all standards.

    Why not just watch the Russian video of the ' Wolf Messing technique' ? ......
  18. Wolf Messing - a Jedi by all standards.

    Well it isnt that hard ..... hard ..... hard .... You just need to go to the bank .... bank ...... bank .... And take out out Ten thousand dollars ...... ollers ... ollers ... And send it to Nungali .... ali .... ali .... Paypal number 5472 ..... ooo ... 874.
  19. Practical alchemy apology

    I don' t have time to watch a video that shows one phrase of a few fords - every 8 seconds . You should also write text about the vid or the subject to focus your intent or subject .
  20. No I just wanted clarity - the question still stands. I asked what you meant by it, and if there is a source or another reference to ; ' In hermetics there is this sort of trick where you make a "seed of desire and put it on another person head to grow into a thought" When you say 'in hermetics' one assumes it is from a text, or at least an oral tradition, in some branch of hermetics - I am asking what it is .
  21. Is it ? Dude ! I guess you haven't read much of what I write . You wrote ; "On hermetics there is this .... ", is not sensible grammar . Did you mean 'in hermetics' ? I am not asking what hermetics is . Can you comprehend my question ? "On hermetics there is this sort of trick where you make a "seed of desire and put it on another person head to grow into a thought" I am asking about the validity of the source - in other words ; have you got a reference for this claim ?
  22. I was also twiddling my ear rings when I wrote it
  23. Its very basic sigil and talisman production
  24. Sorry guys , for not beating on Lightseeker like most of you did .... I just assumed he wanted to ' hear about it ' .