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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Until recently I was focusing on teaching that - not with wing chun , but in the system I practice ( 'Okinawan Crane' ) . I would take a sequence from a pattern or kata, and disassemble it, look at basic principles and movement and then try it out ( with whatever adaptions needed) with the various weapons we practice with . This also helps develop an understanding of those movements, gives you a range of distance variation and other things. For example ... a typical move (inside) ; 1 - attacks with a R fist strike 2 - 'slips' (evades ) to inside , right hand deflects 1's strike ( as it moves across to deflect the left hand comes up as well , to make 'folded {or crossed} bird's wings' . Wings open , uncross arms / hands , left hand moves to control 1's right and 2's right hand strikes. With a knife, the first part -the right hand 'deflection' - would be done with the knife blade against 2's wrist , and the 'open wings' part is a slash across the wrist as the knife moves back to strike 1 (or goes down, up, down, as it travels up his arm ) . With a stick, you just smash their wrist. This is very similar to many kali , arnis, escrima , ,etc . moves . A similar move with a boken is to cut down on the back of the others blade as they strike ( ... oh yeah .. and while you evade ) , and whip your blade back into their face . Both versions of the above can be done with a kama . It gets a little trickier with sai . But the advantage of training with these weapons is the grip changing ; the grip that Michael mentioned above ( 'handy' - see below ) and others . This can be used with other grips and can be swapped and changed as needed - I have found it adapts well for machete . Also with the reverse grip, as well as a concealment , with a longer blade it can be used as a forearm guard . Just dont try to swap grips, look fancy, show off, etc during a clash As Michael said , just keep practising, examine you moves and reapply,. It helps to have a training partner . . . and one that will take advantage of your mistakes , so you learn quicker The Dan Inasanto book (old one ) Philippine Martial Arts has a lot of this in it - he explains how techniques translate to each weapon and gives some examples. he also notes that the was a large knife section in that book but 'authorities' asked him to take it out , so he did . But he notes that, with a little insight and training one can work out all the knife stuff from the empty hand stuff and other weapons practice .
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    A Chinese Doctor puts a sign outside his clinic 'GET TREATMENT FOR $20 - IF NOT CURED GET BACK $100 A man passing by thinks its a great opportunity to make some money so he goes in. Man : "I have lost my sense of taste" Doctor : "Nurse, bring medicine from box no. 22 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth" ..... Man : "Ugh..this is kerosene" Doctor : "Congratulations. Your sense of taste is restored. $20 please. " The annoyed man goes back after a few days to recover his money... Man : "I have lost my memory. I cannot remember anything" Doctor : "Nurse, bring medicine from box no. 22 and put 3 drops in his mouth" Man : "Im not taking kerosene again. You gave that to me last time for restoring my taste" Doctor : " Congratulations. You got your memory back. $20 please " The man pays him, and then comes back a week later determined to get back $100. Man : "My eyesight has become very weak. I can't see at all " Doctor : "Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so take this $100" Man - looks at the note : "But this is a $20, not a $100" Doctor : "Congratulations. Your eyesight is restored. $20 please . "
  3. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    ? They have cuddly pussies ?

    see above post

    Hang on .... this ^ is outa balance . here, the further south one goes the colder it gets . Can you see the fault of your perspective ? And how there is balance ? And how a 'desire' to find balance within the 'earth situation' , whether it be the heat of equatorial region opposed to the cool of the poles, or the massive heat beneath the thin eggshell we live on and the thin atmosphere, where above it is freezing vacuum, creates the very 'chaos' of life itself .

    It is indeed a mystery . Temperature . We have 3 principles ; Light ; bright or dark : Temperature ; hot or cold Moisture ; wet or dry . That seems to regulate life on earth . Temperature changes things radically , in its deep internal structure . As the hermeticists were fond of saying " "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra " - all of nature is renewed by fire . The US Pres, being a 'fire type ' ... it could just be the fire of internal chemical combustion ... I mean , what US Pres was NOT riddled with massive amounts of behaviour modifying drugs ? Lets hope he isnt the other sort of 'fire type'
  7. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    yeah ... right ! Of course you do ! I know what you guys are up to ...... pretending to be all cute and cuddly ; " Oh look at the cat ... look what he is doing .... how cute ." Cute ? Yeah .... right ! .....
  8. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Which move ? The first one at very beginning - the extended version of the wing tsun 'step out '
  9. 'side chakras' now ? Really ? Or just the two brain hemispheres . What other chakras we got that we dont know about ?
  10. Why do people go bald?

    really ? I thought men went bald and got fatter as it is an appealing sexy look that young women like ? Its become very popular look and cool and in fashion . Really .. it has .
  11. unbelievable , Hitler was a vegetarian

    He killed Hitler .
  12. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    The complexity of the present time seems to demand a maturing of our essences if we are going to survive. This quest never ends. It is in blossoming that we are awakened. It is time to take balance to the next level. Reality has always been beaming with seekers whose hopes are enveloped in passion. We are at a crossroads of sharing and suffering. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the multiverse via psionic wave oscillations. Delusion is born in the gap where power has been excluded. We can no longer afford to live with desire. Where there is pain, learning cannot thrive. Eons from now, we dreamers will grow like never before as we are aligned by the solar system. You may be ruled by discontinuity without realizing it. Do not let it confront the deeper meaning of your story. You must take a stand against pain. Suffering is the antithesis of grace.
  13. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Doh ! ya beat me to it .
  14. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Have you been using this ? :
  15. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Sorry, I dont understand that ... could you please explain it further ... via a Youtube .
  16. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Amazing ! How did you ever get by before Youtube ?
  17. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Unravel ? Nah .... they are meant to find a different 'loosening' ... and its a sure way to eliminate an ego
  18. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Hey ! Leave his house outa this !
  19. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

    Aha ! So, finally we get to the crux of this Fake "Bob Dobbs " issue
  20. Fake "Bob Dobbs"

  21. unbelievable , Hitler was a vegetarian

    Well, you know what they say ..... at least he did one good thing !
  22. The Cool Picture Thread

    Sea Monsters Chlamydoselachus anguineus Regalecus glesne
  23. Silly hats of religion

    Lets go the whole outfits !
  24. Silly hats of religion

  25. Silly hats of religion