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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. unbelievable , Hitler was a vegetarian

    Hitler driving his beloved VW camper van around Berchtesgaden circa 1943
  2. unbelievable , Hitler was a vegetarian

    Well, Yoga, vegetarianism, love of animals ( like the cow ) and Hinduism seem to point in a particular direction . Add some drugs and paranoia and ..... Maybe he was the first bat shit crazy New Ager ?
  3. suggestion

    Apparently it is the interstellar peacemaker as well
  4. Cognitive Roots Event

    Well, as usual, its been an adventure. I think, by now the 'young' guy organising the event now agrees with me ; " You need 6 months at least, a good large crew and be prepared for anything to happen . " HA! Aside from all the 'usual' insanities that happen he had the lease illegally withdrawn (it got reinstated but not without serious consequences to the person that tried to do that ) the tractor , broke down - we got use of another. A branch landed on his car and smashed the back rear door and window , now it lets exhaust smoke and rain in , the council claimed part of the site was was a commonwealth road ( they never said that for the 5 festivals I helped organise there ! ) and he had to get approval of the Australian government to use 'our' land .... etc etc . I got bursitis and sciatica from bamboo cutting and tying ( eventually help turned up ) , had to leave and go to family funeral ... and other stuff ... etc etc . People started turning up ... then the rain . yesterday the whole area was totally fogged out in daytime, very cold and rain ... massive piles of firewood gathered ... that is getting wet . .... But we got to the 'snowball' point where even if we pulled out the moment was going to make it happen anyway , so we are underway ! heaps of people / helpers have turned up, camps set up in the orchards ( and citrus is nearly ripe .bye-bye fruit ! ) . I can hear duff duff duff , from my place now, sound checks .... go down there soon BUT TOMORROW .... BLAST OFF ( its so great to see our riverside festival site finally being used again , with the flags, streamers, camps, travellers etc being set up , it been dormant for years . ) Here is the site That white square in lower centre is the stage , cleared area on left is camping, light green vegetation along river is bamboo groves. More on facebook apparently , but I have nothing to do with facebook
  5. Cognitive Roots Event

    Its been about 10 years since we used our riverside, sub tropical rain forest festival site . Good to see it used again . Any one in Oz ? or 'come on down ' Still got a bit of work to do .... ( and tractor still unrepaired ! ) toilets and showers being revamped and upgraded , I put myself in for finishing off the outsides in bamboo work..... which I have to go and do more of , right now .
  6. WARNING !!!!

    Perhaps for a non business call , but with gas, electricity , communication or government services / company ... nope "On three consecutive days in April 2017, I waited over an hour on the Centrelink 'bereavement' line to advise the death of a relative. My calls were never answered. Thoroughly disgusted." "I have been kept on hold for over 90 minutes multiple times. In one instance, I blew through all the credit on my prepaid phone before I could get through. In another, the battery died on my home phone!" "I haven't even been able to get far enough to be put on hold. Whenever I call it tells me the user is busy and the call fails."
  7. Loism

    You have a book ? Really ! ? Well ..... I have a whole library .
  8. Loism

    I made myself an idol , carved it outa sandstone , but I finished with it now You can have her if you want Lois ... I send it over to Russia for you ;
  9. WARNING !!!!

    No ... that isnt how a phone number works at all ... that ^ is how a phone works ( you scrapin' the barrel for a hit there bro )
  10. PK abilities - real or imaginary?

    Good idea, but they will refuse to do it and carry on here like this thread was originally theirs. They even started up another thread on it but moved back here. Thats the sort of things these types do . Yes, very 'advanced' .
  11. WARNING !!!!

  12. WARNING !!!!

    Not always ... not in one of my 'kiddies stories' ... the boy buys a pet monster ( from the secret downstairs part of the pet shop ) to train it to 'get ' his parents ... and anyone else that 'messed' with him .... but things dont go as he planned
  13. Of course . For a start there is the supreme science ( research, study, etc. ) of anthropology. A 'good kabbalist' can .... somehow .... relate everything to the Tree of Life
  14. The Mystery of King Solomon

    ..... so , you do this in secret ?
  15. WARNING !!!!

    Indeed , and that is the implication about the twins ...... the 'internal twins'
  16. WARNING !!!!

    non harmonious ? Why, my dear chap, God and the Devil are twin brothers ! ARIES. Whence come ye, brethren? SATAN-TYPHON. From the dwelling place of the sun. ARIES. Who are ye, brethren? SATAN-TYPHON. I am the twin brother of the sun. SATAN-TYPHON. I would have speech with my brother the Sun. ARIES. It is well. LEO. It is not well. There is danger herein to my Lord. [He bars the way. ARIES. Speech cannot harm our Lord. LEO. Brother, if thou be indeed our brother, what wilt thou say? SATAN-TYPHON. O Sun, my brother, is it thy will that I have speech with thee? For I have lain with thee nine moons in the womb of our mother; for we have loved as none have loved; for I am closer knit with thee than light and darkness, or that life and death!
  17. WARNING !!!!

    quote stuffed up
  18. WARNING !!!!

  19. WARNING !!!!

    I have never rented a flat that came with a phone number . How does that work ?
  20. Third eye sound tone

    here, tones to stimulate centres are done by ;
  21. Third eye sound tone

    First one , nah, its land form and acoustics , we have 'spirits' but not 'spooks' here 2nd part .... yep ...
  22. Third eye sound tone

    So do I ! I would set it up on my hill and echo it off the escarpment across the river I imagine it would sound good echoing across your landscape too ! The thunder here at times makes a weird similar sound, some freak in the echoes in the landform. First time I heard it "What the hell is that! ? " Crazy guy here said it was the big metal chute from the UFO that sucks up water from the waterfall opposite, it bangs on the rock face - when the clouds go below the escarpment, they take advantage, use them as cover swoop down and steal our water . next time it happened I listened closely ..... God dammit , it sounded exactly like a huge metal tube banging and scraping on the rocks up there in the clouds !
  23. The Mystery of King Solomon

    These baby moccasins are made from ultra-soft, 100% vegan suede leather. There is an embroidered Star of David on the toe, available in silver or gold. Or you could choose these ones : ... and in case Marblehead is reading here is a pair of blue suede shoes
  24. Dream thread?

    ... DOH ! That should have been 'swerve around them ! (I got it bad today ! )
  25. Dream thread?

    On a totally different note here is one that amused me, from some years ago , I will leave any Freudian analysis up to you I am riding down a road on my old Triumph Bonneville that I used to own . The road is one I had to slog along in my youth from the school to the train station, it was near the train station, and groups of flats / apartments are there. I come around the corner but deck chairs are set up on the road and sunbathing on them are many of the nurses I used work with, all in bikinis. I have to swerve in and out of them and loose control of the motor cycle and go down. I am not hurt but the bike splits in half, longways, all of it, I can see the inserts and lugs where it fits together, like one of those airfiix plane models I used to make as a kid. My mother comes out of one of the flats and yells at me for being careless .