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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Testament of Solomon

    Wait up .... didnt someone else start all this ?
  2. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    You dont seem to know much about it or its history . Then demean it from your modern egotistical know all cultural viewpoint . All that is apparent is that YOU failed , and no wonder, with that viewpoint . It was probably a failure based on wrong expectations . There is a LOT to know in those worlds ... what 'philosophy is fantasy ' ? I think this is why no one has been interested in engaging with you . Perhaps you are very young ? And who says 'this stuff' is being 'worshiped ' . Did you come here to vent because of your own failures ?
  3. DDJ Chapter 48

    Now that that is finally out of the way ( ? ) ..... To learn, One accumulates day by day. To study Tao, One reduces day by day. Through reduction and further reduction One reaches non-action, And everything is acted upon. Therefore, one often wins over the world Through non-action. Through action, one may not win over the world My lame 'everyday interpretation ' of it is To learn things ; information, detail, forces, interconnections , are 'accumulations' or 'data ' . Like 'knowledge ' , by itself is just 'stuff' . It can be accumulated in your memory or in an outside medium . But Tao is method. To have a good method, you do not act on all the information available , only what is relevant . Dao is 'inaction' or 'least action ' by using the most focused and essential methods, that require the least input by you , using the most relevant information available . yes, you could use knowledge of mechanics and woodwork and cut down trees and build a ramp and some rollers to get your boat over the sand and into the water ....... but the tide will float out this afternoon, if you care to wait , and not have 'rash action ' . And as time goes on and you learn more about 'the forces' one needs to 'act' less and less .... just 'place yourself in the right position' and you get what you want ( everything is acted upon ) .... 'you're a winner' ! But if you run around doing all sorts of shit ... you might not be .
  4. ok, the age of Aquarius, but...

    Gen. Fuller is an interesting chap . I would never have guessed it from his 'cover' . (As in 'judging a book by its cover .)
  5. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Now ... you are the 7th one I have started keeping score .
  6. The Testament of Solomon

    Well, they would be aliens that want a blood meat and kidney fat sacrifice then . Scary ! Oooops ! Wrong religion ... thats a 'false religion ' that one . Hang on a minute .....
  7. DDJ Chapter 48

    I think you are about the 5th person here to experience ........ this . It seems habitual . ( Not with you, I mean ) .
  8. DDJ Chapter 48

    'Friends' apparently are seen as those I happen to agree with . The reason that is so funny is ...... well, ask my friends .
  9. DDJ Chapter 48

    Confounding isn't it .
  10. DDJ Chapter 48

    Nah. YOU love it when you juggle things around out of context in an ATTEMPT to 'demonstrate ' that you think that you have shown that someone supports that you where right all along .
  11. ok, the age of Aquarius, but...

    Being a full time 'bum' leaves lots of time for 'fun' Its part of a 'Stella Yoga' practice we did in our group . You find 'your star ' on a real sidereal chart ( you cant actually work with 'star magic' using tropical astrology , they are not in it at all - except for the Sun ) - we considered it 'that most significant star combust with the natal Sun . Then you become familiar with that star , both from records (often Arabic ) and consider it's placement . Mine, ( a solsticial birth ) is near the intersection of three great circles and in the near midst of 4 cusping constellations . You cant get that in tropic astrology ! Eventually after some ritual and practice you 'travel to ' the star . It took a few months to do with 2 night sections a week . A bit hard core , only about 4 people in the group did it . We used on on-line NASA location program . " Let the student recite this book, particularly the 169 adorations, unto his Star as it ariseth. Let him seek out diligently in the sky his Star; let him travel thereunto in his Shell; let him adore it unceasingly from its rising even unto its setting by the right adorations, with chants that shall be harmonious therewith. ... and other stuff . Curiously ;
  12. DDJ Chapter 48

    They got into Confusion instead of Confucius . Not that I am one to judge a book by its cover ... well, actually, stuff that , I am ! Look at them ? The weird f***ed up aura even comes through a picture on the internet ......... URGHHHH
  13. Stranger things

    More big rocks : Ggantija Comlpex , Gozo Island , Malta Megalithic , pre Stonehenge and Pyramids ; 5,500ya.
  14. DDJ Chapter 48

    Well, back on page 3 .....
  15. Stranger things

    here is a sorta strange thing ; Stonehenge altar stone .... now thought to have been bought from north Scotland .... 6 tons .
  16. Stranger things

    I had similar experience ... similar in that it wasnt my nose .... I went for a piss . here is another one , now I ALWAYS de-seed . Once I got a hell toothache, really bad, " is this an abscess ?" Oh shit ! dentist, $$$$$ extraction ? But 'something' made me sense something wrong 'in there' - for some reason I started fishing around down between my gum and tooth , down the bottom,inside, with a toothpick . seemed crazy but I kept going , The I could feel a movement or a flappy thing which I thought was part of the tooth flaking off . Instead of going to dentist , I levered it 'off' and out . It was flat chili seed that had it worked its way down there inside my gum next to my tooth .
  17. The Good in Men

    ... at least you got to read it before it was deleted
  18. The Good in Men

    I dont think you have . Here is a good male quality ; Continuing to do what YOU think is right , amidst opposing 'advice' . Steering the course , holding firm to the rudder . Not throwing the towel in .
  19. The Good in Men

    I disagree ... unless you mean 'hipsters' . Explore the territory without a map ? ' Grow up ' without an elder to admire / emulate ? If the model is good , I suppose the 'model' alone with no 'abiding spirit' is what causes the 'dysfunction ' .
  20. The Good in Men

    I always loved the polarity of the tradition in these two movies ; Nasty samurai - 'Sword of Doom ' Nice samurai - ' The Twilight Samurai '. The Good in men The bad in men
  21. The Good in Men

    Kachoufugetsu , ikebana and otemae , liminal_luke Sama . all samurai arts (as well as blade , archery and unarmed combat ) Would you like a date with my GF ? That's just what she is looking for ! .
  22. The Good in Men

    Good on ya Luke for broaching this subject . personally I find many are not up for the discussion. However many have felt , especially since sexual equality gets nearer ... they have lost something and do not know what to replace it with . Some went 'snaggy ' but found that was 'too soft for them ' . There are new modes one is popular and to do with 4 acrchetypes ; the 'Robert Johnson ' Magician warrior ... etc etc ( I have forgotten but its commonly out there . ) There is one I sorta adopt and modify ; 'Samurai ' , not only be a 'warrior ' but paint , appreciate nature, arrange flowers, make a good cup of tea , write good poetry ... and neatly . I think we discussed this before re 'manliness' ? My personal one is a 7 fold system of qualities to develop , based on Crowley's '7 heads of the Beast ' new aeonic masculine consciousness (bound to cause some protest I suppose ) ; An angel, a poet, a stayr, a free woman, a valiant man, a saint and a ' lion - serpent ' . So, 7 consciousnesses to 'cultivate' . or to work it simpler ; the 7 planets .