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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Ohhh .... you two ! ;
  2. Quote from article : " If the entire story seems fanciful, that is because it is. " I also liked the way the article had 'references' .... that really gave it some validity ! 1) Wikileaks (2) TSW: Wikileaks Julian Assange: Hero or Zero? (3) Stratfor (4) Pravda (5) Rus Navy (6) XX Committee (7) YouTube Screenshot (8) Image of Plane Vortex especially number 7 . Right ... now that this ^ steaming load of internet garbage is out the way, lets look at some real magnetic anomalies out in the ocean ;
  3. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Thats right , you are Shinto ..... yes ? Lots of Greeks stuff in Judaism . Although parts of the Torah were written already in the pre-Babylonian period, before 700BC, the Hebrew Bible was assembled during the 4th century, so exactly at the same time as Plato and Aristotle were working . Which part ? A lot of it is not as old as it is made out to be . They probably also picked up some Zoroastrian ideas in captivity . "

    I fasted for around 5 days (but drank water ) ..... then I ate an orange ... it was like rocket fuel ! ... that lasted about 10 mins .... then ....

    Ummmmm three days without water will NOT detox . " Your body starts to become dehydrated. Your urine become less frequent and also becomes very dark. This is due to your body being unable to flush out toxins from your system. " - thats just the first day ! " 3 Days Without Water At this stage your body is already suffering dramatically. Your body will have stopped dispelling waste and toxins, leading to severe constipation. Your body鈥檚 essential minerals, vitamins and electrolytes will be out of balance, leaving you feeling worn down, exhausted and lethargic. You will become nauseated and will suffer from muscle spasms. Your heart rate will speed up as your blood concentration level rises. "

    Ahhhh .... but would you eat a rabbit egg ? Music composed and performed by Voidisyinyang

    My nitrate is about 3 a night . " The original study that connected nitrates with cancer risk has since been discredited after being subjected to a peer review. In addition there have been several major scientific reviews that found no link between nitrates or nitrites and human cancers, or even evidence to suggest that they may be carcinogenic. Last, but certainly not least, there is actually plenty of research showing that nitrates and nitrites may not only be harmless, they may be beneficial, especially for immunity and heart health. "

    Of course halal salami has no pork in it ! It does have some ham and bacon though .... but no pork .
  9. Yes. Personally I prefer the 'framework' of 'Hadit ' which is just a term to describe this concept : Hadit is the point in the centre of the circle, the axle of the wheel, the cube in the circle, "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star," and the worshipper's own inner self. Hadit has been interpreted as the inner spirit of man, the Holy Ghost , the sperm and egg in which the DNA of man is carried, the Elixir Vitae. The centre of every star and atom. The 'centre that is everywhere'. If the centre of a circle is everywhere then the circumference of the circle is infinity, The above concept needs its polarity, and this is the other 'awareness of God' (if one likes that metaphor) , in this system termed Nuit. Its about the awareness of infinite expansion, or if you like the 'limitless' 'God' as opposed to the 'centre within' For people that don't need the God metaphor Hadit can be seen as 'point events' which occur within the 'field' of Nuit - the space / time continuum .
  10. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Now you have introduced 'elemental directions' . In the western system they are most commonly ; W - water, S - fire, E - air , N - earth . This is an hermetic arrangement inherited from Judaism and comes from the concept of the qualities of the 4 winds . It comes from location; Israel having water to the west, heat, the path of the Sun and aridity to the south .... and so on . I dont know why the Chinese arranged their system that way. Here it is water to east (Pacific Ocean ) , Earth to the west (Australian Continent ) , fire to north ( path of sun and higher temperatures) and air to south ( strong southerly winds ) . The seasonal cycles follow a progression too fire water earth air ( summer followed by wet season, followed by a dry winter followed by strong windy season that begins spring) ......
  11. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Yes, it was a good try, just needed some rearranging ..... to make it usable and contain knowledge .... instead of just randomly playing with it . Or was that an arrangement of the elements of the zodiac signs ? That is sometimes a system used
  12. Do these practices lead to Demonic Possession?

    Classical example : ' Zarathushtra used these two concepts to propound a belief described as Mazdayasno Zarathushtrish Vidaevo Ahura-Tkaesho, that is, Zarathushtrian Mazda-Worship opposed to the daeva through the laws of the Lord (Ahura).'

    ISALAMI ..... Halal salami
  14. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    But what you seem to be suggesting is an elemental arrangement after creation. that is, the normal elemental arrangement of when the 4 are stabilised . and how the 4 elements make up the material world ( really a further subdivision of 'earth' , being ; FIRE WATER AIR EARTH looking at elemental attributions we get Yod He Vau He (final) The 'father' impregnates the 'mother ' to give first (hopefully) a Son and after a daughter. A typical patriarchal cultural arrangement and not really based on nature . also you need to take into account higher and lower air ... lower as in air elemental , higher as in 'breath of God' , 'spirit' , 'pneuma ' , etc , actually 'first air' or 'spirit' , so we have ; AIR FIRE WATER (primal or ideal triangle) EARTH made up of FIRE WATER AIR EARTH ..... you know, how "malkuth' / 'earth' is often depicted ;
  15. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Sorry, I be quiet insistent in this and have many posts here on the theory ; First MUST come AIR the 'polarised' force (/s) it regulates are the obvious 'opposition' of FIRE and WATER and this relationship of all three 'gives' EARTH I got a zillion example / demonstrations of it , mostly in nature ( but maybe not in archaic Jewish scripture ) here is one ... start with the obvious polarity ; WEAK FORCE STRONG FORCE 'regulated/ mediated' by ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE (or 'charge' if you like) gives GRAVITY ; EMF SF WF G

    Good Idea ! Run it by these guys ;
  17. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Alright .... I wasnt going to do this but you forced my hand ;
  18. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    cause I luv that song
  19. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    I particularly like the Qlippothic Tau attribution of the turtle getting electroshock treatment
  20. 讬转 讗砖 讘专 , 讘专讗砖讬转

    Lois meets Lucia Phier ;
  21. Telekinesis

    Best done with traditional Japanese house
  22. Telekinesis

    Oi ! because dude ....... that is a friggen movie !
  23. Telekinesis

    Yeah .... even if she did get locked up in psyche for a year ..... or stabbed a policeman . WTF !
  24. Telekinesis

    Old Chinese proverb; If clothes are getting stuck to body .... time to do laundry !
  25. In black magic

    I remember that book from a loooong time ago . 'Lovely' chap Although the allegations of him about being a serial rapist may be slander, he himself admitted in his autobiography, The Invisible Writing, to having denounced Nadezhda Smirnova, with whom he was having a relationship, to the Soviet secret police. Thats a considerate lover for ya ! Jewish by birth, but not by practice . he didnt seem to want Jews or Jewish culture to be anywhere but in Israel ; In an interview published in the (London) Jewish Chronicle in 1950 he argued that Jews should either emigrate to Israel or assimilate completely into the majority cultures they lived in .