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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Thats it ! You got it . That ^ was clearly a threat . A warning will be forthcoming
  2. No, thats a challenge, not a threat . lets see .... Warning ; If you call people bitch, they could get upset. Threat ; Call me a bitch and I will punish you for it . Challenge ; Call me a bitch and see what happens . Now, down to business ..... since you 'bitched' me and called me out I get to choose the weapons we will use for the rumble . Now lest see ..... Hmmm ... nah, I am too good with it, wouldnt be fair . ... Tempting ... I did this yesterday and the instructor tried to move in inside my range and close me down, so I kicked the oar so the flat end smacked his nuts Mmmm ... too much blood Nah ... even more blood ! Hmmm .... got it ! I challenge you to a bout of Mexican Wrestling !
  3. Going Dark 4 A bit/byte

    You 'almost' took a break from TB as well - didnt go, but came back with a vengeance !
  4. What's in this picture?

    No wait ! I get it ... Its Trump getting in between the new peaceful relations of Nth and South Korea !
  5. What's in this picture?

    Lois ! Please zip your pants up ! I think you would be better off looking at this sexy picture ;
  6. Origin of the Chinese Zodiac

    Why 12 animals , 12 houses , 12 hours ? because 3 4s make 12 and 12 is an 'easy' number to work with .
  7. Origin of the Chinese Zodiac

    What is the theory ? Did I miss it ? Is it that Chinese astrology came from Babylon ?
  8. Are modern people really so stupid now that they look at an image like this ^ and think it makes some point or means something. perhaps to an extreme dullard it does ... is it supposed to be some bait to make you watch the vid ? Its actually a warning (dont watch this, more new age crap coming ! ) Especially where the image of the galaxy is off set off its centre and half is cropped out to make it fit the spiral , that is just sooo pathetic. Do people seriously believe this stuff ? Have we got that stupid !
  9. Dont get the breast implants !
  10. Yeah ... I explained this and posted it, I'm pretty sure, earlier . Maybe it got dropped off during the move ? A hitch hiker post , that ended up at .....
  11. What the Nazi hate the most

    Here is another thing Nazis hate ; them pants is just asking for it !
  12. What the Nazi hate the most

    I left out the punctuation I am also pretty ....... good at Spanish as well
  13. The Cool Picture Thread

    Ha har ! yes, I had 'one of those' , stunning (at first) but I eventually got used to her over a few years and then we started a relationship. Chaos ! people would get transfixed, melt , go gooey, even come up to touch us in the street, just a light touch on the arm or shoulder , one woman was particularly honest when she did it ; "I just want some of that ' . ( the energy ? ) . I have had people offer he stuff right under my nose and be blind to me, me; "Yes, I would like some of that / one of those too. " "Ohhh! I'm terribly sorry ? " .... ... heaps of crazy stories about what happened .... people seemed to act nuts around her ! She radiated vixen like sexuality , she could transfix a basilisk from 50 meters with a glance. Pussies ! I survived and it was marvellous fun ( at the same time , having this all her life, it sorta messed her up a lot, due to the effect she had on 'normal men and women and the way they treated her and the expectations she developed. ) She was a 'kavorka'
  14. Myths , stolen or not , are there basically 7 themes, as in stories ? Overcoming the Monster. Rags to Riches. The Quest. Voyage and Return. Comedy. Tragedy. Rebirth
  15. A warning is an indication that something might happen to you. A threat is an indication that I might happen to you .
  16. What the Nazi hate the most

    Your German could use some upgrading. Although I sympathize with all non-German speakers regarding their trouble with this language's subtleties. - I am also pretty good at Spanish as well ; 'I am eating the lawn of the hospital of your father '
  17. What the Nazi hate the most

    English translation; You left a word tag off when you welding a messerschmitt which caused the pilot to 'fly by his sternum ' ( I think you meant 'am Sitz seiner Hose' ? ) ... and in a 'damn weird manner ' he was unable to fulfil his destiny ? yes, that would be something the Nazis would have hated !
  18. MOHAMED Defeated Rome

    Say Jehovah and get stoned ..... okay then " Jehovah ! " ....
  19. The HOW and WHY of it all

    Its a concept that we get our notions of law and order ; not from ourselves but some type of 'cosmic constant ' ... sort of , in line with the musings in the opening post. Also as far as a 'cosmic workshop' concept goes ; they have one of those too ; Khnum forming man out of clay on the potters wheel. As far as the 'sound workshop' goes - in this context - the word HU - made by Atum as the first sound during orgasm , during his mastabatory creation of the Ennead . So to answer your question about who invented sound .... ' Atum' . This is 'the workshop outside of mind and time and space ' .... if you believe in that scenario .
  20. Questions about Visualization.

    Start simply and build your way up ... and practice often . Eg; V Dharana - Control of Thought Constrain the mind to concentrate itself upon a single simple object imagined. The five tatwas are useful for this purpose; they are: a black oval; a blue disk; a silver crescent; a yellow square; a red triangle. Proceed to combinations of simple objects; e.g. a black oval within a yellow square, and so on. Proceed to simple moving objects, such as a pendulum swinging, a wheel revolving, etc. Avoid living objects. Proceed to combinations of moving objects, e.g. a piston rising and falling while a pendulum is swinging. The relation between the two movements should be varied in different experiments. Or even a system of flywheels, eccentrics, and governor. During these practices the mind must be absolutely confined to the object determined upon; no other thought must be allowed to intrude upon the consciousness. The moving systems must be regular and harmonious. Note carefully the duration of the experiments, the number and nature of the intruding thoughts, the tendency of the object itself to depart from the course laid out for it, and any other phenomena which may present themselves. Avoid overstrain; this is very important. Proceed to imagine living objects; as a man, preferably some man known to, and respected by, yourself. In the intervals of these experiments you may try to imagine the objects of the other senses, and to concentrate upon them. For example, try to imagine the taste of chocolate, the smell of roses, the feeling of velvet, the sound of a waterfall or the ticking of a watch. Endeavour finally to shut out all objects of any of the senses, and prevent all thoughts arising in your mind. When you feel you have attained some success in these practices, apply for examination, and should you pass, more complex and difficult practices will be prescribed for you. - LIber E .
  21. What the Nazi hate the most

    Danke mein Reichhistorian!
  22. What the Nazi hate the most

    No ... not really . You should have bought me a new car . Think how much karma you would have got Me ; only getting a car ; But you ! getting fantastic good karma !